No one is going to take your guns

Don't listen to the Gun-Grabbers. They live in a political fairy tale. Idiots like Pelosi and Piers Morgan are very wealthy and well-protected. They don't have to live in the harsh real world like most other Americans do. You could be brutally attacked at any moment. And your Mothers, Sisters, and daughters are targets. There are rabid wild animals out there stalking them. Don't be one of those who thinks it could never happen to them. Far too many make that tragic mistake. Arm and protect yourself and your family. Don't count on others to protect & save you when you need saving. Count on yourself.

The thing is, a gun in the household is more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

Of the 32,000 gun deaths we have every year, 19,500 are suicides and 800 are accidents.

Not a rabid animals, but people being killed by their own guns in accidents or acts of desperation.

Of the remaining third of gun deaths, 60% of those are cases where the victim knows their killer.

Your gun is a far greater danger to your family than a criminal is.
You have no right to make that decsion, and neither does anyone in the government except a judge and/or a jury of our peers.

Or we PASS LAWS to ban gun ownership... which is what a sensible country would do.

Or we can pass laws to ban abortions, or ban gay marriage, or prevent free speech, or remove the right to a jury, or allow the police to search without a warrant. Lets just pass laws we think are good and ignore the founding document of the country when it suits the needs of statist assholes such as yourself.

Bascially what you are saying, is that you think the government can ignore the consitution when it sees fit. It was makes you the gutless prick of a fascist we all know and despise.

I think the government should apply common sense and interpret the constitution with a lick of common sense.

Which is why we have courts and legislatures.... we just don't keep doing whatever the Founding Slave Rapists thought when confronted with technologies and problems they hadn't thought of.
Yes... Indeed.. 'Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed'


Again, if that was the case, why is it that America has a higher murder rate than Japan?

In Japan, the Japanese Criminals know EVERYONE is disarmed.

So why is it Japan only has a few hundred murders every year and we have tens of thousands.

Oh my! This shows the far left wants a police state and the government to control the numbers of what is really going on.

Next you will be telling us that there is "livable" radiation around the Fukushima plant.
Don't listen to the Gun-Grabbers. They live in a political fairy tale. Idiots like Pelosi and Piers Morgan are very wealthy and well-protected. They don't have to live in the harsh real world like most other Americans do. You could be brutally attacked at any moment. And your Mothers, Sisters, and daughters are targets. There are rabid wild animals out there stalking them. Don't be one of those who thinks it could never happen to them. Far too many make that tragic mistake. Arm and protect yourself and your family. Don't count on others to protect & save you when you need saving. Count on yourself.

The thing is, a gun in the household is more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

Of the 32,000 gun deaths we have every year, 19,500 are suicides and 800 are accidents.

Not a rabid animals, but people being killed by their own guns in accidents or acts of desperation.

Of the remaining third of gun deaths, 60% of those are cases where the victim knows their killer.

Your gun is a far greater danger to your family than a criminal is.

Yes you want the gun owners to be the government and the criminals with an open border.

More proof the far left is insane.
Yes... Indeed.. 'Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed'


Again, if that was the case, why is it that America has a higher murder rate than Japan?

In Japan, the Japanese Criminals know EVERYONE is disarmed.

So why is it Japan only has a few hundred murders every year and we have tens of thousands.

Oh my! This shows the far left wants a police state and the government to control the numbers of what is really going on.

Next you will be telling us that there is "livable" radiation around the Fukushima plant.

The Japanese are just as free as we are, guy.

And Japanese women can walk down city streets at night safely.
Again, if that was the case, why is it that America has a higher murder rate than Japan?

In Japan, the Japanese Criminals know EVERYONE is disarmed.

So why is it Japan only has a few hundred murders every year and we have tens of thousands.

Oh my! This shows the far left wants a police state and the government to control the numbers of what is really going on.

Next you will be telling us that there is "livable" radiation around the Fukushima plant.

The Japanese are just as free as we are, guy.

And Japanese women can walk down city streets at night safely.

They just can't take the train without being groped unless they are in a special car.
Or we PASS LAWS to ban gun ownership... which is what a sensible country would do.

Or we can pass laws to ban abortions, or ban gay marriage, or prevent free speech, or remove the right to a jury, or allow the police to search without a warrant. Lets just pass laws we think are good and ignore the founding document of the country when it suits the needs of statist assholes such as yourself.

Bascially what you are saying, is that you think the government can ignore the consitution when it sees fit. It was makes you the gutless prick of a fascist we all know and despise.

I think the government should apply common sense and interpret the constitution with a lick of common sense.

Which is why we have courts and legislatures.... we just don't keep doing whatever the Founding Slave Rapists thought when confronted with technologies and problems they hadn't thought of.

There is a process for that. amendments can be added or repealed. That is where the bar is set. You want to go under the bar "because, you know, feelings."

Courts are supposed to interpret law, not create it. legislatures can create law, but not ones that violate the consitution.

"Common Sense" is a weasel word meaning " "I" think it is a good idea, damned the process"
Oh my! This shows the far left wants a police state and the government to control the numbers of what is really going on.

Next you will be telling us that there is "livable" radiation around the Fukushima plant.

The Japanese are just as free as we are, guy.

And Japanese women can walk down city streets at night safely.

They just can't take the train without being groped unless they are in a special car.
Asians in America have a lower rate of gun crime than African's in America, wonder why that is?
Oh my! This shows the far left wants a police state and the government to control the numbers of what is really going on.

Kosh, you do know that Republicans were very supportive of the indefinite detention clause that was tucked into the NDAA 2012 that passed a few years ago, right? That clause grants the executive branch the right to arrest you and hold you in a cell indefinitely - without trial - if you are deemed a "terrorist".

Why is that? Why would they support such a disgusting bill that does nothing to embolden the police state that seems to be creeping up all around us?

Democrats = Republicans
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They just can't take the train without being groped unless they are in a special car.
Asians in America have a lower rate of gun crime than African's in America, wonder why that is?


So the problem is poverty not guns... ok.

Maybe if we stop using government guns to redistribute money to from peter from paul, peter will stop using guns to force paul to hand over even more money.
Oh my! This shows the far left wants a police state and the government to control the numbers of what is really going on.

Kosh, you do know that Republicans were very supportive of the indefinite detention clause that was tucked into the NDAA 2012 that passed a few years ago, right? That clause grants the executive branch the right to arrest you and hold you in a cell indefinitely - without trial - if you are deemed a "terrorist".

Why is that? Why would they support such a disgusting bill that does nothing to embolden the police state that seems to be creeping up all around us?

Democrats = Republicans

There are authoritarians in both parties, duh.
Asians in America have a lower rate of gun crime than African's in America, wonder why that is?


So the problem is poverty not guns... ok.

Maybe if we stop using government guns to redistribute money to from peter from paul, peter will stop using guns to force paul to hand over even more money.

Yes, I think it's pretty obvious that the bulk of gun violence we experience here in the USA is directly related to poverty (I think maybe 80% of gun homicides are gang-related?).

When people have what they need, they don't shoot each other. No one hardly ever gets shot on Chicago's northside - for any reason - whereas it's a daily occurrence on the southside; it's all related to poverty.

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Oh my! This shows the far left wants a police state and the government to control the numbers of what is really going on.

Kosh, you do know that Republicans were very supportive of the indefinite detention clause that was tucked into the NDAA 2012 that passed a few years ago, right? That clause grants the executive branch the right to arrest you and hold you in a cell indefinitely - without trial - if you are deemed a "terrorist".

Why is that? Why would they support such a disgusting bill that does nothing to embolden the police state that seems to be creeping up all around us?

Democrats = Republicans

There are authoritarians in both parties, duh.

Well, the problem is that Authoritarians dominate both parties. And the other problem is that the GOP markets themselves as "small government" when in fact they support just the opposite when it comes time to vote or draft law. At least the Democrats are out in the open with their goal of growing the Federal monstrosity.

I think the lying can be especially dangerous.
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When people have what they need, they don't shoot each other.

Everyone in this country pretty much has what they need. The problem is more greed related, in that some people want what others have without having to work for it.

Try telling that to a 10 year old kid who has a dad in jail, a mom who works 2 jobs, a shitty school system that's crawling with gangs (who discourage kids from learning), and no money or support systems (that he knows of) to foster his learning and development. Does he have "everything he needs" to succeed?

Personally, I don't think so.
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When people have what they need, they don't shoot each other.

Everyone in this country pretty much has what they need. The problem is more greed related, in that some people want what others have without having to work for it.

Try telling that to a 10 year old kid who has a dad in jail, a mom who works 2 jobs, a shitty school system that's crawling with gangs (who discourage kids from learning), and no money or support systems (that he knows of) to foster his learning and development. Does he have "everything he needs" to succeed?

Personally, I don't think so.

Yes, he does have everything he needs to succeed. He has motivation, a dedicated mother, and the system that is keeping his father in jail where he deserves to be. As to his school sucking, that's the way the democrats want it.
Everyone in this country pretty much has what they need. The problem is more greed related, in that some people want what others have without having to work for it.

Try telling that to a 10 year old kid who has a dad in jail, a mom who works 2 jobs, a shitty school system that's crawling with gangs (who discourage kids from learning), and no money or support systems (that he knows of) to foster his learning and development. Does he have "everything he needs" to succeed?

Personally, I don't think so.

Yes, he does have everything he needs to succeed. He has motivation, a dedicated mother, and the system that is keeping his father in jail where he deserves to be. As to his school sucking, that's the way the democrats want it.

Well, the situation I laid out is often the "best case" for many of the kids living in poverty in Chicago. Many have no parents, or two parents that are addicted to crack or whatnot. When the kid grows up and has no idea what a normal adult life looks like I don't call him "lazy" I call him a victim of his environment. "Lazy" is knowing exactly how to do something but choosing not to because you don't want to exert yourself. Many of these kids have no idea how to do anything when they hit 18.

I'm just saying that you can't just explain the world away into two buckets - "lazy" and "non-lazy". It's not that simple.

Also, I don't see too many Republicans contributing good ideas on how to improve the education system so you can't solely blame the Democrats in that department.
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When people have what they need, they don't shoot each other.

Everyone in this country pretty much has what they need. The problem is more greed related, in that some people want what others have without having to work for it.

Yep- Saw this coming years ago in youth T-Ball and early little league. No more MVP trophies etc. Everyone gets a trophy instead. Same bleeding heart mom that also would not put a colored stocking on their newborn kids head. You know, pink for girl and blue for boy. They were having none of that chit. lol


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