No one is going to take your guns

I would be inclined to say, "unless it was someone you cared about", but given your basic callous attitude, that might be a stretch.

A gun is not required for suicide. The nation with the most suicides (per capita) has almost no gun ownership.

I knew three people who committed suicide...none used a gun.

A gun makes it a lot easier to commit suicide. Get rid of a major method of suicide, suicides go down.

I don't think that's a sound argument in favor of new gun control laws.

When it comes down to it (and you take a look at the actual statistical trends) it appears gun homicides are waning and the only significant source of violence exists in the inner cities. Those gun deaths are usually by the hands of criminals who don't follow registration laws, etc. To fix that we need to address POVERTY and the fact entire generations of kids are growing up without fathers or good schools. That will be the only way to solve the violence.

As for the remaining 2,000 homicides that occur each year, tragic - yes - but still not grounds for additional gun controls.

Remember how you complained about gun stores circumventing the laws in Chicago to make it easier to get a gun? How do you explain this?

This thread is least from the perspective of the gun grabber k00ks.

3 out of every 4 Americans oppose a ban on guns >>>

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

fringe losing once again!!!:2up:

I love this thread see the gun grabber nuts come in here and post up about 60 posts a day and I come in for 1/2 a cup of coffee and they get a slammin' kick to the nut sack!! A hoot for sure...........:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
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Horseshit unsourced statistics?

If they are made up, feel free to provide data to debunk them, the way we debunked your absurd claim that you are 43 times more likely to die if you own a gun.

well, you never really did, but my guess is that since you didn't post a link for that chart, it probably came from some gun-nutter website.
Horseshit unsourced statistics?

If they are made up, feel free to provide data to debunk them, the way we debunked your absurd claim that you are 43 times more likely to die if you own a gun.

well, you never really did, but my guess is that since you didn't post a link for that chart, it probably came from some gun-nutter website.

Sorry, I thought everyone knew how to use the internet.

Looks like a pro gun site to me.

Chicago vs Houston in City Crime Statistics
Okay, on the link you just sent, Houston has more arson,

The murder numbers were 458 for Chicago vs. 287 for Houston (not that big of a gap, given their relative sizes.)

Do yo actually READ these things before you post them?
joeblow131, when did you become a gun hating idiot ? in the womb or when you attended a gun hating liberal skool ?

I think it was the the fourth of fifth time I watched little kids being wheeled out of a school or something because a crazy person was able to buy a gun.

But here's the thing. Mostly, I look at gun nuts the same way I look at religious nuts.

You guys helped the Plutocrats destroy the middle class because instead of making the country more equitable, they sought to play on your fears.

While the rest of the world made society more equitable an REALLY reduced crime, you made America LESS equitable, and then armed yourselves out of fear.

Which would be funny, if it weren't for the tragic consequences.

Case in point, Nancy Lanza was a "Prepper". She was prepping for that day all the scary minorities rioted and society fell apart.

And she ended up being killed by the zombie kid she kept out of the school system.

Now, that's tragic. But then he went on to kill 26 other people, including 20 kids... and that's REALLY tragic.
joeblow131, when did you become a gun hating idiot ? in the womb or when you attended a gun hating liberal skool ?

I think it was the the fourth of fifth time I watched little kids being wheeled out of a school or something because a crazy person was able to buy a gun.

But here's the thing. Mostly, I look at gun nuts the same way I look at religious nuts.

You guys helped the Plutocrats destroy the middle class because instead of making the country more equitable, they sought to play on your fears.

While the rest of the world made society more equitable an REALLY reduced crime, you made America LESS equitable, and then armed yourselves out of fear.

Which would be funny, if it weren't for the tragic consequences.

Case in point, Nancy Lanza was a "Prepper". She was prepping for that day all the scary minorities rioted and society fell apart.

And she ended up being killed by the zombie kid she kept out of the school system.

Now, that's tragic. But then he went on to kill 26 other people, including 20 kids... and that's REALLY tragic.

joeblow131, when did you become a gun hating idiot ? in the womb or when you attended a gun hating liberal skool ?

I think it was the the fourth of fifth time I watched little kids being wheeled out of a school or something because a crazy person was able to buy a gun.

But here's the thing. Mostly, I look at gun nuts the same way I look at religious nuts.

You guys helped the Plutocrats destroy the middle class because instead of making the country more equitable, they sought to play on your fears.

While the rest of the world made society more equitable an REALLY reduced crime, you made America LESS equitable, and then armed yourselves out of fear.

Which would be funny, if it weren't for the tragic consequences.

Case in point, Nancy Lanza was a "Prepper". She was prepping for that day all the scary minorities rioted and society fell apart.

And she ended up being killed by the zombie kid she kept out of the school system.

Now, that's tragic. But then he went on to kill 26 other people, including 20 kids... and that's REALLY tragic.


Just using dead children to force their agendas on others. Famous Big Brother last words, after taking more of your rights away..."It's for the Children." Same ole Bullshite. Now, more than ever, it would be wise to arm yourself. Things are only getting worse. Only you can truly protect yourself and your family. Conceal/Carry Permit applications are going through the roof. Americans are getting it.

Anti-2nd Amendment kooks like Pelosi, Obama, Piers Morgan, and JoeB131 will not be around to protect you and your family when the SHTF. Pelosi and her gang will be far too busy partying in their safe & secure Mansions, and private jets. All while being surrounded by paid armed security forces. But unfortunately, average Americans don't get to enjoy such luxuries. They have to live in the real world with the wild animals. They have to protect themselves. My advice to all Americans is, be your own security. Arm and protect yourself and your loved ones.
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While the rest of the world made society more equitable an REALLY reduced crime, you made America LESS equitable, and then armed yourselves out of fear.

Yes we just don't give criminals enough to make it fair.

It is the working, tax paying folks fault.
This thread is gay.

The gun grabber limpwristers are losing in decidedly epic fashion. They want to ban guns!! They really do think they speak with a majority!!

But ummmmm............. what does the latest Gallup Poll say??? >>>>

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Yep.....ahhhhhhh ( takes toke of ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion:lol:)

74% of Americans OPPOSE gun bans!!!!

Oh......and I love this part >>>>

While the rest of the world made society more equitable an REALLY reduced crime, you made America LESS equitable, and then armed yourselves out of fear.

Yes we just don't give criminals enough to make it fair.

It is the working, tax paying folks fault.

No, it's the rich's fault for hoarding all the wealth and getting the working folks to fight amongst themselves.

Divide and conquer, oldest trick in the book.
While the rest of the world made society more equitable an REALLY reduced crime, you made America LESS equitable, and then armed yourselves out of fear.

Yes we just don't give criminals enough to make it fair.

It is the working, tax paying folks fault.

No, it's the rich's fault for hoarding all the wealth and getting the working folks to fight amongst themselves.

Divide and conquer, oldest trick in the book.

Some....Poor Old Yanks could never understand that Joe......bit above their IQ level.....but some are a pack of SHEEP,without individual thought.

What happened to Americans

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