No one is going to take your guns

I'm just saying that you can't just explain the world away into two buckets - "lazy" and "non-lazy". It's not that simple.

Also, I don't see too many Republicans contributing good ideas on how to improve the education system so you can't solely blame the Democrats in that department.

Yes it is that simple, there are two types of people, those who choose to be lazy and those who choose to be productive. Your list is the list of excuses that lazy people use.

Improving eduction is easy. Whether you are the student, the parents, or the teachers, you simply have to have a desire to be less lazy.
I'm just saying that you can't just explain the world away into two buckets - "lazy" and "non-lazy". It's not that simple.

Also, I don't see too many Republicans contributing good ideas on how to improve the education system so you can't solely blame the Democrats in that department.

Yes it is that simple, there are two types of people, those who choose to be lazy and those who choose to be productive. Your list is the list of excuses that lazy people use.

Improving eduction is easy. Whether you are the student, the parents, or the teachers, you simply have to have a desire to be less lazy.

I'm not saying that "laziness" isn't a contributing factor, I'm just saying you can't always expect a child to become a productive adult when they grow up in shitty environment void of any resources. If that were the case we could do away with all schools, parents, etc because none of it would matter as the only factor contributing to one's success is how lazy or not lazy they are.

That's not the case.
I'm just saying that you can't just explain the world away into two buckets - "lazy" and "non-lazy". It's not that simple.

Also, I don't see too many Republicans contributing good ideas on how to improve the education system so you can't solely blame the Democrats in that department.

Yes it is that simple, there are two types of people, those who choose to be lazy and those who choose to be productive. Your list is the list of excuses that lazy people use.

Improving eduction is easy. Whether you are the student, the parents, or the teachers, you simply have to have a desire to be less lazy.

I'm not saying that "laziness" isn't a contributing factor, I'm just saying you can't always expect a child to become a productive adult when they grow up in shitty environment void of any resources. If that were the case we could do away with all schools, parents, etc because none of it would matter as the only factor contributing to one's success is how lazy or not lazy they are.

That's not the case.

Yes, it is the case. We can do away with all schools. Parents have always been an optional element in education. Shitty environment can be an incentive. Lack of resources is an excuse.
The public school system teaches kids how to access public funds instead of how to access opportunities a free market offers. It teaches them to resent successful people instead of learning from their success. They are more concerned with teaching political correctness than they are with teaching kids how to stand on their own two feet and be productive citizens. They're taught the liberal version of history, which is more fantasy than reality, and we wonder why they fall on their faces when they go out into the real world.
Yes it is that simple, there are two types of people, those who choose to be lazy and those who choose to be productive. Your list is the list of excuses that lazy people use.

Improving eduction is easy. Whether you are the student, the parents, or the teachers, you simply have to have a desire to be less lazy.

I'm not saying that "laziness" isn't a contributing factor, I'm just saying you can't always expect a child to become a productive adult when they grow up in shitty environment void of any resources. If that were the case we could do away with all schools, parents, etc because none of it would matter as the only factor contributing to one's success is how lazy or not lazy they are.

That's not the case.

Yes, it is the case. We can do away with all schools. Parents have always been an optional element in education. Shitty environment can be an incentive. Lack of resources is an excuse.

We can do away with schools and parents and not impede success in any way? Really?
I'm just saying that you can't just explain the world away into two buckets - "lazy" and "non-lazy". It's not that simple.

Also, I don't see too many Republicans contributing good ideas on how to improve the education system so you can't solely blame the Democrats in that department.

Yes it is that simple, there are two types of people, those who choose to be lazy and those who choose to be productive. Your list is the list of excuses that lazy people use.

Improving eduction is easy. Whether you are the student, the parents, or the teachers, you simply have to have a desire to be less lazy.

I hate work. Hate it.

But I like money.

And since no one has ever offered to give me enough to satisfy me and the way I want to live, I work. Or rather, I used to work.

Now I'm back to hating work and not actually working.

Work sucks. Money is good.

[ame=]"Money" - Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey - YouTube[/ame]
I'm just saying that you can't just explain the world away into two buckets - "lazy" and "non-lazy". It's not that simple.

Also, I don't see too many Republicans contributing good ideas on how to improve the education system so you can't solely blame the Democrats in that department.

Yes it is that simple, there are two types of people, those who choose to be lazy and those who choose to be productive. Your list is the list of excuses that lazy people use.

Improving eduction is easy. Whether you are the student, the parents, or the teachers, you simply have to have a desire to be less lazy.

Good ol’ conservative black and white thinking – now who can argue with that…
Ah, here comes the "Let's pretend that other suicides excuse the 65% of suicides committed with guns."

I have a better idea. lets pretend taking away guns will eliminate suicides.
btw, this was a murder too. perhaps we should have background checks for going into buildings
Again, if that was the case, why is it that America has a higher murder rate than Japan?

In Japan, the Japanese Criminals know EVERYONE is disarmed.

So why is it Japan only has a few hundred murders every year and we have tens of thousands.

Oh my! This shows the far left wants a police state and the government to control the numbers of what is really going on.

Next you will be telling us that there is "livable" radiation around the Fukushima plant.

The Japanese are just as free as we are, guy.


And Japanese women can walk down city streets at night safely.

Until they get home & beaten to a pulp. (Note: wife-beating is common in Japan.)
Ah, here comes the "Let's pretend that other suicides excuse the 65% of suicides committed with guns."

I have a better idea. lets pretend taking away guns will eliminate suicides.
btw, this was a murder too. perhaps we should have background checks for going into buildings

Eliminate? No. Reduce? Absolutely.

Absolutely? well then perhaps you can show me a statistic where eliminating guns are has reduced suicides. or are you just talking out your ass again?
I'm not saying that "laziness" isn't a contributing factor, I'm just saying you can't always expect a child to become a productive adult when they grow up in shitty environment void of any resources. If that were the case we could do away with all schools, parents, etc because none of it would matter as the only factor contributing to one's success is how lazy or not lazy they are.

That's not the case.

Yes, it is the case. We can do away with all schools. Parents have always been an optional element in education. Shitty environment can be an incentive. Lack of resources is an excuse.

We can do away with schools and parents and not impede success in any way? Really?

Yes. Really.
Liberals don't like middle class "honkeys" owning guns since they can protect themselves and their property from minorities attacking them at any hour of the day (see the NJ carjacking last week).

Also, when the liberals make their move against the US Constitution and try to install their socialism...they don't want people with guns defending themselves from them.

The joke is the liberals haven't figured out the US military won't go along with their evil plans.
I'm just saying that you can't just explain the world away into two buckets - "lazy" and "non-lazy". It's not that simple.

Also, I don't see too many Republicans contributing good ideas on how to improve the education system so you can't solely blame the Democrats in that department.

Yes it is that simple, there are two types of people, those who choose to be lazy and those who choose to be productive. Your list is the list of excuses that lazy people use.

Improving eduction is easy. Whether you are the student, the parents, or the teachers, you simply have to have a desire to be less lazy.

Good ol’ conservative black and white thinking – now who can argue with that…
Let's put it this way... while there is some level of distance between black and white, aka. grey... the issue of whether you strive to be the laziest person on the planet or the most productive wrt your own education is entirely up to you. One's level of success of course will be completely random, but surely affected by your own effort. The fallacy proffered by the democants is this fantasy of theirs that we can spend someone into becoming smart, we can spend a family into becoming functional, we can solve all problems for every screwed up family if we give them hand-outs.
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Liberals don't like middle class "honkeys" owning guns since they can protect themselves and their property from minorities attacking them at any hour of the day (see the NJ carjacking last week).

Also, when the liberals make their move against the US Constitution and try to install their socialism...they don't want people with guns defending themselves from them.

The joke is the liberals haven't figured out the US military won't go along with their evil plans.

Why do you think Obama has been firing our military commanders?
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guy, you don't need a gun.

And frankly, when you guys go around talking about all the people you want to shoot, you kind of make my case for me.

You have no right to make that decsion, and neither does anyone in the government except a judge and/or a jury of our peers.

Or we PASS LAWS to ban gun ownership... which is what a sensible country would do.

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high
10/26/13 | by S.H. Blannelberry

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Like Ive be saying......the gun grabbers are beyond gone!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

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