No one is going to take your guns

Horseshit. The Second Amendment is about militias.

No it's not

District of Columbia v. Heller ? Case Brief Summary

District of Columbia v. Heller

What rights are protected by the Second Amendment?
Holding and Rule (Scalia)


You'd have an argument if the ruling was 9-0.

It was 5-4. Which means it's not settled law.

A 5-4 SCOTUS ruling is settled law, at least until DC passes another law and a conviction under that gets to SCOTUS for review. Getting a Circuit Court to contradict a SCOTUS ruling is practically unheard of, so good luck there, Joey.
liberals make no sense. They are very inconsistent in their, well for arguments sake, lets call it logic. A person kills someone with a car, they do not want to ban cars, they want to punish the individual for misuse of the car. someone is drunk and kills someone with a car, they don't want to ban alcohol and prohibit all individuals from drinking alcohol. they want to punish the individual who violate the law. and they don't go trying to pass laws restricting all other law abiding citizens from drinking alcohol. someone kills someone with a baseball bat, they don't pass laws outlawing bats, they want to punish the individual who committed the crime. but someone kills someone with a gun, they want to ban the gun. they want to pass laws preventing everyone from having a gun. their minds seem to melt down and all logic goes out the window. irrational people like this can not be allowed to make decisions. they can not be put in positions of power where their irrational ideas can become law. Nothing good ever comes from irrational decisions .

Cars aren't designed to kill people.

Guns are.

Guns are designed to give a man the ability to kill. Guns are no more dangerous than cars or hammers.
No it's not

District of Columbia v. Heller ? Case Brief Summary

District of Columbia v. Heller

What rights are protected by the Second Amendment?
Holding and Rule (Scalia)


You'd have an argument if the ruling was 9-0.

It was 5-4. Which means it's not settled law.

A 5-4 SCOTUS ruling is settled law, at least until DC passes another law and a conviction under that gets to SCOTUS for review. Getting a Circuit Court to contradict a SCOTUS ruling is practically unheard of, so good luck there, Joey.

yeah, so why have you wingnuts been trying for 40 years to get someone to overturn Roe v. Wade, then?

And that was a 7-2 decision.

Here's the thing, guy, a lot of the awful decisions- Heller, Citizens United, are all going to be buried right after we bury Scalia. The courts are just waiting for that old fool to die off.
Oh, grow the fuck up, you pansy-ass bastard.

No kidding. Joey doesn't care about his own liberty. THAT is evident.

Hey, Dumbass, if I have to worry about if I send my kid to the store, and he might get shot by a George Zimmerman, that's not "liberty" or anything like it.

If I have to worry about going to the theatre and someone bursting in and spraying down the place with a 100 round magazine... guess what, that isn't "Freedom", either.

You can live with your fear of scary black men, but frankly, I'm getting a little tired of living in a firing range because of your fears and sense of inadequacy.
Simple. MOVE. Choose your destination. We'll chip in and buy you a plane ticket.
Gun politics in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They used mass shootings to pass gun laws.
Passed laws that made it mandatory to register your guns.
In order to own a gun ordered mandatory training to receive a license. Just like the DMV.
Anyone that is found having a weapon not registered was subject to search and seizure. Fined and possibly imprisoned............

A lot of the people of Canada refused to comply. And only in raids or routine stops they would seize the gun owners and arrest them.

The first step, as shown in the FUCKING DAILY KOS instructions is to create a National Gun Database...............In that way they can proceed to go the path to CONFISCATION AT A LATER DATE.
Gun politics in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They used mass shootings to pass gun laws.
Passed laws that made it mandatory to register your guns.
In order to own a gun ordered mandatory training to receive a license. Just like the DMV.
Anyone that is found having a weapon not registered was subject to search and seizure. Fined and possibly imprisoned............

A lot of the people of Canada refused to comply. And only in raids or routine stops they would seize the gun owners and arrest them.

The first step, as shown in the FUCKING DAILY KOS instructions is to create a National Gun Database...............In that way they can proceed to go the path to CONFISCATION AT A LATER DATE.

So essentially, responsible, law abiding Canadians with a valid need for a gun can enjoy them, and other people can't.

Sounds like a pretty reasonable comprimise to me.

As opposed to just tolerating Zimmerman and Loughner and Holmes running around with guns because the Founding Slave Owners said so.
You'd have an argument if the ruling was 9-0.

It was 5-4. Which means it's not settled law.

A 5-4 SCOTUS ruling is settled law, at least until DC passes another law and a conviction under that gets to SCOTUS for review. Getting a Circuit Court to contradict a SCOTUS ruling is practically unheard of, so good luck there, Joey.

yeah, so why have you wingnuts been trying for 40 years to get someone to overturn Roe v. Wade, then?

And that was a 7-2 decision.

Here's the thing, guy, a lot of the awful decisions- Heller, Citizens United, are all going to be buried right after we bury Scalia. The courts are just waiting for that old fool to die off.

Of course you are Joe.................You want to have Obama to put Liberal nut bags into SCOTUS............When you get SCOTUS, you'll push the issue on gun bans and get guns banned by a KANGAROO COURT Joe.............

Why Joe................Because you can't get even Dems in Congress to agree with you Joe...........

Because it's a FAR LEFT'S WACKO DREAM JOE..............It's your plan JOE........You can't push it through the Constitution JOE...........So you will try to enforce your beliefs through the back door JOE...........

You don't care about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE JOE...............

You believe in TYRANNY JOE.............

We will not register our weapons Joe.........Even if you get this passed Joe............

You will cause blood shed Joe...............And you will not be the one trying to seize our weapons Joe...........

Because you are a COWARD JOE................
You'd have an argument if the ruling was 9-0.

It was 5-4. Which means it's not settled law.

A 5-4 SCOTUS ruling is settled law, at least until DC passes another law and a conviction under that gets to SCOTUS for review. Getting a Circuit Court to contradict a SCOTUS ruling is practically unheard of, so good luck there, Joey.

yeah, so why have you wingnuts been trying for 40 years to get someone to overturn Roe v. Wade, then?

And that was a 7-2 decision.

Here's the thing, guy, a lot of the awful decisions- Heller, Citizens United, are all going to be buried right after we bury Scalia. The courts are just waiting for that old fool to die off.
And the next President will replace, Scalia, not the present one. Right now I'd give you 3:1 that the next President will be 8 steps to the right of Ronald Reagan.
Gun politics in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They used mass shootings to pass gun laws.
Passed laws that made it mandatory to register your guns.
In order to own a gun ordered mandatory training to receive a license. Just like the DMV.
Anyone that is found having a weapon not registered was subject to search and seizure. Fined and possibly imprisoned............

A lot of the people of Canada refused to comply. And only in raids or routine stops they would seize the gun owners and arrest them.

The first step, as shown in the FUCKING DAILY KOS instructions is to create a National Gun Database...............In that way they can proceed to go the path to CONFISCATION AT A LATER DATE.

So essentially, responsible, law abiding Canadians with a valid need for a gun can enjoy them, and other people can't.

Sounds like a pretty reasonable comprimise to me.

As opposed to just tolerating Zimmerman and Loughner and Holmes running around with guns because the Founding Slave Owners said so.


I worked for a guy from Canada, Cutler hammer, and he told me how it went down...........

He refused to give up his guns............Commie pinko's like you turned him in because he refused to register...............

They kicked his front door down, put a gun to his head, and seized his guns..........Took him to jail and fined him...........................

Which is what you want Joe.................

It's not going to go down like that here Joe............
Of course you are Joe.................You want to have Obama to put Liberal nut bags into SCOTUS............When you get SCOTUS, you'll push the issue on gun bans and get guns banned by a KANGAROO COURT Joe.............

Why Joe................Because you can't get even Dems in Congress to agree with you Joe...........

That's not true, Dems in the Congress voted for a sensible gun ban... they just couldn't overcome a GOP filibuster.

Because it's a FAR LEFT'S WACKO DREAM JOE..............It's your plan JOE........You can't push it through the Constitution JOE...........So you will try to enforce your beliefs through the back door JOE...........

You don't care about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE JOE...............

Guy, polls have show OVERWEALMING majorities support background checks, licensing and other limits on gun ownership to keep them out of the hands of crazy people.

Oh, for the record, from Miller vs. US to Heller, a period of 80 years, the Courts held that the 2nd Applied to MILITIAS, not individuals, and allowed gun laws.

And even Heller isn't absolute. Scalia had to do handstands to explain why Anthrax and Howitzers are banned four individuals.

You believe in TYRANNY JOE.............

We will not register our weapons Joe.........Even if you get this passed Joe............

You will cause blood shed Joe...............And you will not be the one trying to seize our weapons Joe...........

Because you are a COWARD JOE................

Yeah, I guess I do have a fear that a madman who was able to buy a gun despite EVERYONE in his life knowing he was crazy might shoot me or someone I care about.

I just don't see any benefit of letting you have a gun when I kind of susect you are one of the crazies....

If you ever get your back door BS passed, and we refuse to OBEY..................

What will you do Joe................

Will we be the Pit Bulls Joe that you stated you would BAN..............Joe.............

How will you implement this Joe...........Would you gas the Pit bulls Joe, or place them in a GULAG Joe.....................

I only ask, because the Chows and poodles are concerned...........They are happy that it is not them Joe.............But worried that a Chow might bite some one, and you will ban them as well Joe......................

Will you EXTERMINATE THE CHOWS AS WELL Joe......................

Where have we seen your type of talk before Joe..........In history............

Has this type of Mentality existed before Joe..............

If ever someone like you takes total control Joe.........................................

No more words Joe................


I worked for a guy from Canada, Cutler hammer, and he told me how it went down...........

He refused to give up his guns............Commie pinko's like you turned him in because he refused to register...............

They kicked his front door down, put a gun to his head, and seized his guns..........Took him to jail and fined him...........................

Which is what you want Joe.................

It's not going to go down like that here Joe............

Good. He should have obeyed the law.

Lots of laws I think are fucking silly, but I still obey them.

And frankly, I have to wonder what kind of nutjob this guy was that his own neighbors narced him out. Probably one who threatened the kids with his gun when they ran across his lawn.
A 5-4 SCOTUS ruling is settled law, at least until DC passes another law and a conviction under that gets to SCOTUS for review. Getting a Circuit Court to contradict a SCOTUS ruling is practically unheard of, so good luck there, Joey.

yeah, so why have you wingnuts been trying for 40 years to get someone to overturn Roe v. Wade, then?

And that was a 7-2 decision.

Here's the thing, guy, a lot of the awful decisions- Heller, Citizens United, are all going to be buried right after we bury Scalia. The courts are just waiting for that old fool to die off.
And the next President will replace, Scalia, not the present one. Right now I'd give you 3:1 that the next President will be 8 steps to the right of Ronald Reagan.
Oh and Justice Ginsberg is 2 years older than Scalia.
No kidding. Joey doesn't care about his own liberty. THAT is evident.

Hey, Dumbass, if I have to worry about if I send my kid to the store, and he might get shot by a George Zimmerman, that's not "liberty" or anything like it.

If I have to worry about going to the theatre and someone bursting in and spraying down the place with a 100 round magazine... guess what, that isn't "Freedom", either.

You can live with your fear of scary black men, but frankly, I'm getting a little tired of living in a firing range because of your fears and sense of inadequacy.
Simple. MOVE. Choose your destination. We'll chip in and buy you a plane ticket.

If you ever get your back door BS passed, and we refuse to OBEY..................

What will you do Joe................

Will we be the Pit Bulls Joe that you stated you would BAN..............Joe.............

How will you implement this Joe...........Would you gas the Pit bulls Joe, or place them in a GULAG Joe.....................

I only ask, because the Chows and poodles are concerned...........They are happy that it is not them Joe.............But worried that a Chow might bite some one, and you will ban them as well Joe......................

Will you EXTERMINATE THE CHOWS AS WELL Joe......................

Where have we seen your type of talk before Joe..........In history............

Has this type of Mentality existed before Joe..............

If ever someone like you takes total control Joe.........................................

No more words Joe................

Guy, you know what, you are kind of proving my axiom.

The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.
Of course you are Joe.................You want to have Obama to put Liberal nut bags into SCOTUS............When you get SCOTUS, you'll push the issue on gun bans and get guns banned by a KANGAROO COURT Joe.............

Why Joe................Because you can't get even Dems in Congress to agree with you Joe...........

That's not true, Dems in the Congress voted for a sensible gun ban... they just couldn't overcome a GOP filibuster.

Because it's a FAR LEFT'S WACKO DREAM JOE..............It's your plan JOE........You can't push it through the Constitution JOE...........So you will try to enforce your beliefs through the back door JOE...........

You don't care about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE JOE...............

Guy, polls have show OVERWEALMING majorities support background checks, licensing and other limits on gun ownership to keep them out of the hands of crazy people.

Oh, for the record, from Miller vs. US to Heller, a period of 80 years, the Courts held that the 2nd Applied to MILITIAS, not individuals, and allowed gun laws.

And even Heller isn't absolute. Scalia had to do handstands to explain why Anthrax and Howitzers are banned four individuals.

You believe in TYRANNY JOE.............

We will not register our weapons Joe.........Even if you get this passed Joe............

You will cause blood shed Joe...............And you will not be the one trying to seize our weapons Joe...........

Because you are a COWARD JOE................

Yeah, I guess I do have a fear that a madman who was able to buy a gun despite EVERYONE in his life knowing he was crazy might shoot me or someone I care about.

I just don't see any benefit of letting you have a gun when I kind of susect you are one of the crazies....

Letting me have a gun..............


You now live in a Fairy Tale World Joe..........Your arrogance doesn't have squat to back it up Joe..............

You are a COWARD JOE.........................


If you ever get your back door BS passed, and we refuse to OBEY..................

What will you do Joe................

Will we be the Pit Bulls Joe that you stated you would BAN..............Joe.............

How will you implement this Joe...........Would you gas the Pit bulls Joe, or place them in a GULAG Joe.....................

I only ask, because the Chows and poodles are concerned...........They are happy that it is not them Joe.............But worried that a Chow might bite some one, and you will ban them as well Joe......................

Will you EXTERMINATE THE CHOWS AS WELL Joe......................

Where have we seen your type of talk before Joe..........In history............

Has this type of Mentality existed before Joe..............

If ever someone like you takes total control Joe.........................................

No more words Joe................

Guy, you know what, you are kind of proving my axiom.

The best argument for gun control is to let gun nuts talk.

I'm not the one who stated he would pass a law to not allow a certain breed of dog in this country Joe..........

You did that...................

That's the dumbest chit I've ever heard from you Joe...................

Are you off your Meds again Joe............

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