No one is going to take your guns

A 5-4 SCOTUS ruling is settled law, at least until DC passes another law and a conviction under that gets to SCOTUS for review. Getting a Circuit Court to contradict a SCOTUS ruling is practically unheard of, so good luck there, Joey.

yeah, so why have you wingnuts been trying for 40 years to get someone to overturn Roe v. Wade, then?

And that was a 7-2 decision.

Here's the thing, guy, a lot of the awful decisions- Heller, Citizens United, are all going to be buried right after we bury Scalia. The courts are just waiting for that old fool to die off.
And the next President will replace, Scalia, not the present one. Right now I'd give you 3:1 that the next President will be 8 steps to the right of Ronald Reagan.

Next President will be a Democrat.

And the one after that.

And the one after that.

You guys can't win nominating the same kinds of whackjobs you always nominate.

Minorities and women make up 70% of the electorate. You simply can't win continuing to pander to angry white men clinging to their guns and bibles.

Guns are designed to give a man the ability to kill. Guns are no more dangerous than cars or hammers.

Yeah, somehow I don't think you are going to bring a hammer to a gunfight.

[ame=]Knife to a Gunfight - The Untouchables (7/10) Movie CLIP (1987) HD - YouTube[/ame]

Why would I bring a hammer? Guns are far more efficient. Call them the Prius of weapons.

Does that make guns "Green"? Libs should be ecstatic over that!
Getting A SCOTUS to contradict a previous ruling Is the next step. No Law is settled where a Court is concerned.

There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

Why? Gun makers have no control over what some gangbanger in Chicago does with a gun they've bought in an alley.
Getting A SCOTUS to contradict a previous ruling Is the next step. No Law is settled where a Court is concerned.

There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.
Do you realize what a Pandora's box that would open up? Which company would be next to seek it? YOU don't think, do you?
Getting A SCOTUS to contradict a previous ruling Is the next step. No Law is settled where a Court is concerned.
^Exactly. And that is the danger and the tyranny of a court.

Only prescription is for Congress to amend the Constitution...but wouldn't recommend that with the current crop in the House and the Senate...

Or you could sit down with the folks who think, "Hey, maybe Joker Holmes shouldn't have a gun" without screaming about "FReeeeeedom" and threatening to kill LEO doing their jobs.

That's what grownups do. They work out solutions.
Getting A SCOTUS to contradict a previous ruling Is the next step. No Law is settled where a Court is concerned.

There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

Why? Gun makers have no control over what some gangbanger in Chicago does with a gun they've bought in an alley.
He does seem to side with criminals...and would love nothing better than to make life difficult for law-abiding citizens.
Of course you are Joe.................You want to have Obama to put Liberal nut bags into SCOTUS............When you get SCOTUS, you'll push the issue on gun bans and get guns banned by a KANGAROO COURT Joe.............

Why Joe................Because you can't get even Dems in Congress to agree with you Joe...........

That's not true, Dems in the Congress voted for a sensible gun ban... they just couldn't overcome a GOP filibuster.

Because it's a FAR LEFT'S WACKO DREAM JOE..............It's your plan JOE........You can't push it through the Constitution JOE...........So you will try to enforce your beliefs through the back door JOE...........

You don't care about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE JOE...............

Guy, polls have show OVERWEALMING majorities support background checks, licensing and other limits on gun ownership to keep them out of the hands of crazy people.

Oh, for the record, from Miller vs. US to Heller, a period of 80 years, the Courts held that the 2nd Applied to MILITIAS, not individuals, and allowed gun laws.

And even Heller isn't absolute. Scalia had to do handstands to explain why Anthrax and Howitzers are banned four individuals.

You believe in TYRANNY JOE.............

We will not register our weapons Joe.........Even if you get this passed Joe............

You will cause blood shed Joe...............And you will not be the one trying to seize our weapons Joe...........

Because you are a COWARD JOE................

Yeah, I guess I do have a fear that a madman who was able to buy a gun despite EVERYONE in his life knowing he was crazy might shoot me or someone I care about.

I just don't see any benefit of letting you have a gun when I kind of susect you are one of the crazies....

Could you name the gun control bill that was filibustered?
There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.

Why? Gun makers have no control over what some gangbanger in Chicago does with a gun they've bought in an alley.
He does seem to side with criminals...and would love nothing better than to make life difficult for law-abiding citizens.

Criminals aren't the problem.

Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic arguments and accidents.

But here's the thing. How did the gun get from the gun shop to the guy who sells it in the ally?

Well, that's the thing. In Chicago, they tracked the guns they were seizing from the gang bangers, and found most of them came from shops around Chicago..

Chicago gangs don?t have to go far to buy guns - Chicago Sun-Times

And the No. 1 supplier of those weapons is just a short drive from Chicago, Chuck’s Gun Store in south suburban Riverdale.

From 2008 to March 2012, the police successfully traced the ownership of 1,375 guns recovered in crimes in Chicago within a year of their purchase.

Of those guns, 268 were bought at Chuck’s — nearly one in five.

That statistic comes from a groundbreaking study by University of Chicago Crime Lab researchers, done at the request of the Chicago Police Department, which is grappling with an extra-violent 2012 that has seen a 28 percent spike in the city’s homicide total compared to this time last year.

Now, this is either an amazing co-incidence, or Chuck has a really open door policy with gangs.

I'm guessing the latter.

You've never answered your comments about the pit bulls Joe.........

After you passed the law to ban that breed of dog, what would you do with the 100's of thousands of pit bulls in this country..............


You've never answered your comments about the pit bulls Joe.........

After you passed the law to ban that breed of dog, what would you do with the 100's of thousands of pit bulls in this country..............


Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.

Doesn't matter. They only care about gun deaths.


Because you can't resist progressive tyranny with knives.

And that's what they're really concerned about -- a populace that can't put up a fight against their totalitarianism.

You've never answered your comments about the pit bulls Joe.........

After you passed the law to ban that breed of dog, what would you do with the 100's of thousands of pit bulls in this country..............


Euthanize their asses.

I don't play nice.

but that was probably because I knew a lady who got her face ripped off by one.

I already knew that Joe.............

You would kill those Pit bulls that have done nothing wrong..............

Which breed of dog would you choose next Joe...........

Oh, grow the fuck up, you pansy-ass bastard.

No kidding. Joey doesn't care about his own liberty. THAT is evident.

Hey, Dumbass, if I have to worry about if I send my kid to the store, and he might get shot by a George Zimmerman, that's not "liberty" or anything like it.

If I have to worry about going to the theatre and someone bursting in and spraying down the place with a 100 round magazine... guess what, that isn't "Freedom", either.

You can live with your fear of scary black men, but frankly, I'm getting a little tired of living in a firing range because of your fears and sense of inadequacy.
Chicago now murder capital of U.S., FBI says

Funny how you want to take away the guns from law-abiding people, but don't want criminals disarmed.

Are you now, or have you ever been, someone's prison bitch? Because you sure do seem to love criminals.
Perhaps the proper question for Joe..............

Which breed of dogs would you let live Joe.............

Doesn't matter. They only care about gun deaths.


Because you can't resist progressive tyranny with knives.

And that's what they're really concerned about -- a populace that can't put up a fight against their totalitarianism.

actually, it's a horseshit comparison.

The UK had only 600 murders last year, only 48 of them with guns.

We had 16,000 murders, 11,000 with guns.

And sorry, the British aren't a "totalitarian" state. I guess by your standards they are, because they don't let the poor die of treatable diseases or let them starve.
Getting A SCOTUS to contradict a previous ruling Is the next step. No Law is settled where a Court is concerned.

There are other ways to get around Heller.

The first one would be to overturn the absurd rule that immunizes gun makers from liability.
Then you need to work on the absurd rule that immunizes fork manufacturers from liability for making people fat.

Good Gaea, but you're retarded.

Funny how you want to take away the guns from law-abiding people, but don't want criminals disarmed.

Are you now, or have you ever been, someone's prison bitch? Because you sure do seem to love criminals.

klipping your horseshit link, because there are a lot of Red State cities that have higher murder rates than Chicago, here's the thing.

Criminals can get guns because they are generally accessable.

Japanese crooks don' thave guns. British Crooks don't have guns.

Our crooks have guns because everyone else does.

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