No one is going to take your guns

Well....not. Many of them from my 22 years in the military will still vote Democrap because "their family" votes that way. I've only seen a few wake up and realize the Democraps are their enemy.

They will only turn on Democraps when their jobs are affected by Democraps.

The majority of people in the military are WHITE and the majority of injured/dead from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.....are WHITE.

If blacks or Hispanics were the majority of those dying overseas, the media would be running the story 24/7.

Since the military is VOLUNTEER today and not a draft military, white people sign up for duty more than minorities. With Democraps increasing welfare handouts the gap between whites and minorities signing up will remain and probably grow since many people in the ghetto would prefer to smoke crack and live off the GOV than go "fight for whitey."

Well, that and most minority veterans leave the service with a great work ethic and many take advantage of the GI bill and leave the ghetto which is tantamount to leaving the Democrat Party. (plantation)
Just pointing out the FACT to the scumbag liberals that white Americans sacrifice more for this country than their pet voter groups they pander to 24/7.

Of course, since the military is viewed as evil and a "patriotic" organization, it is common sense middle America white people fill the ranks more than others.

Obama is gladly cutting the DoD budget because he knows it hurts white people more with a loss of jobs.....then his Homeland Security scum put out a BOLO for white Vets returning from war. :eusa_whistle:

The majority of people in the military are WHITE and the majority of injured/dead from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.....are WHITE.

If blacks or Hispanics were the majority of those dying overseas, the media would be running the story 24/7.

Since the military is VOLUNTEER today and not a draft military, white people sign up for duty more than minorities. With Democraps increasing welfare handouts the gap between whites and minorities signing up will remain and probably grow since many people in the ghetto would prefer to smoke crack and live off the GOV than go "fight for whitey."
Wanna know what else? I'll bet the Majority are human...and American...

Seriously folks? WE need to get off this race crap or WE as the HUMAN RACE will never get anywhere.

WHY must we bog down in such trivial crap as race? It's bad enough just surviving on this rock than to make things worse.
Fair enough. I wasn't picking on you or your post per se, just used it as a vehicle to illustrate a point of how we get bogged down in trivial quibbles that in the scheme of things don't really matter when there are larger problems afoot we need to deal with. The distraction of race is one of's just petty IMHO.
When I first heard Joe's tale of woe about being fired by his last employer for having too many medical claims, I must admit, I felt sorry for him.
I have since come to the realization that any employer would be within their rights to dismiss an employee after his 4th trip to drug rehab.
I dunno if it was rehab, but he was definitely fired for cause.

Probably kicked out of the Army, too.


  • $Washing 2nd Amendment.jpg
    $Washing 2nd Amendment.jpg
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There was nothing noble about our revolution. .

Why the fuck do you stay in a country you obviously don't understand and clearly disdain? Nobody's begging you to stay. In fact, my nation would be that much better, smarter, and morally upright without the likes of you. Fuck off and go bother the Canadians for a few decades.
Dear Democrats:

You own whatever comes out of this. If government officials are shot and/or killed in New York for taking firearms from law abiding citizens, the onus is on you. There are just some things you don't do: Don't hit on another man's woman, ride another man's Harley, and don't mess with his guns.

I'm sure the same goes for the ladies as well.

You should research first before exhibiting your ignorance.

There is no provision in New York’s ‘SAFE Act’ that authorizes the ‘confiscation’ of firearms.

Text of the Act:


Summary of the Act’s provisions.

The letter in the OP is either a fabrication or a mistake by the NYPD where those responsible for composing the letter don’t fully understand the law.

It is also possible the letter is a request for voluntary surrender of a firearm. A gun owner who willingly surrenders a firearm to local law enforcement is not ‘confiscated,’ such as the policy currently in effect in California where those not authorized to own firearms are requested by state officials to surrender their firearms absent a warrant or court order.

Again, in either case, to voluntarily surrender a firearm is not ‘confiscation.’

But whatever the source of the letter or its intent, states and local jurisdictions may not ‘confiscate’ firearms absent due process and just compensation. Any jurisdiction which does execute a ‘confiscation’ is subject to a Federal civil suit challenging the constitutionally of that ‘confiscation,’ as such a ‘confiscation’ is likely un-Constitutional per McDonald, where the Second Amendment of the Federal Constitution was incorporated to the states and local jurisdictions through the 14th Amendment.

Moreover, a ‘forced confiscation,’ where law enforcement seeks to enter a private dwelling with the intent of seizing any private property determined to be contraband, may only do so pursuant to warrant issued by a magistrate. The letter in the OP does not constitute a ‘warrant,’ nor does it authorize law enforcement to enter a private dwelling to seize a firearm.

Until such time as the OP, or anyone who agrees with the OP, is able to provide a warrant, court order, or any other type of court document authorizing a firearm to be seized, or adjudicating a taking warranted and just compensation due, or where a gun owner has filed suit challenging the taking, no ‘gun confiscation’ is taking place in New York or anywhere else in the United States.
Well....not. Many of them from my 22 years in the military will still vote Democrap because "their family" votes that way. I've only seen a few wake up and realize the Democraps are their enemy.

They will only turn on Democraps when their jobs are affected by Democraps.

The majority of people in the military are WHITE and the majority of injured/dead from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.....are WHITE.

If blacks or Hispanics were the majority of those dying overseas, the media would be running the story 24/7.

Since the military is VOLUNTEER today and not a draft military, white people sign up for duty more than minorities. With Democraps increasing welfare handouts the gap between whites and minorities signing up will remain and probably grow since many people in the ghetto would prefer to smoke crack and live off the GOV than go "fight for whitey."

Well, that and most minority veterans leave the service with a great work ethic and many take advantage of the GI bill and leave the ghetto which is tantamount to leaving the Democrat Party. (plantation)
True, not all that many, but successful, college educated blacks in the private sector tend to be more Conservative and more likely to vote Republican than their less educated counterparts in the ghetto.
I don't think people like 1776 actually believe that anyone is going to take their guns away from them. I mean, anyone on the board is smart enough to read the facts on the internet. They just like to work up a lather. I used to have a step son like that. Although I have not seen him in years, I presume that he is still preparing for the revelution. I knew that the baggage had already left the station when he bought a sniper rifle that had a range so long that there was not a single private shooting range in Louisiana that was long enough to properly sight it in. As for anyone taking his woman away from him....well, let me tactfully say that his worries on that issue would have been exaggerated.
Uh coo-coo....what are you babbling about?:cuckoo:

I don't think people like 1776 actually believe that anyone is going to take their guns away from them. I mean, anyone on the board is smart enough to read the facts on the internet. They just like to work up a lather. I used to have a step son like that. Although I have not seen him in years, I presume that he is still preparing for the revelution. I knew that the baggage had already left the station when he bought a sniper rifle that had a range so long that there was not a single private shooting range in Louisiana that was long enough to properly sight it in. As for anyone taking his woman away from him....well, let me tactfully say that his worries on that issue would have been exaggerated.
You should research first before exhibiting your ignorance.

There is no provision in New York’s ‘SAFE Act’ that authorizes the ‘confiscation’ of firearms.

Text of the Act:


Summary of the Act’s provisions.

The letter in the OP is either a fabrication or a mistake by the NYPD where those responsible for composing the letter don’t fully understand the law.

It is also possible the letter is a request for voluntary surrender of a firearm. A gun owner who willingly surrenders a firearm to local law enforcement is not ‘confiscated,’ such as the policy currently in effect in California where those not authorized to own firearms are requested by state officials to surrender their firearms absent a warrant or court order.

Again, in either case, to voluntarily surrender a firearm is not ‘confiscation.’

But whatever the source of the letter or its intent, states and local jurisdictions may not ‘confiscate’ firearms absent due process and just compensation. Any jurisdiction which does execute a ‘confiscation’ is subject to a Federal civil suit challenging the constitutionally of that ‘confiscation,’ as such a ‘confiscation’ is likely un-Constitutional per McDonald, where the Second Amendment of the Federal Constitution was incorporated to the states and local jurisdictions through the 14th Amendment.

Moreover, a ‘forced confiscation,’ where law enforcement seeks to enter a private dwelling with the intent of seizing any private property determined to be contraband, may only do so pursuant to warrant issued by a magistrate. The letter in the OP does not constitute a ‘warrant,’ nor does it authorize law enforcement to enter a private dwelling to seize a firearm.

Until such time as the OP, or anyone who agrees with the OP, is able to provide a warrant, court order, or any other type of court document authorizing a firearm to be seized, or adjudicating a taking warranted and just compensation due, or where a gun owner has filed suit challenging the taking, no ‘gun confiscation’ is taking place in New York or anywhere else in the United States.

Blah-blah-blah ...

Again ... You are not a duck hunter.
If you were you would know how wrong you are about the ability of the government to confiscate your weapons and all of your possessions ... Without, or prior to any due process.
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Majority my ass ... They better come armed to the teeth.
The Congress you talk about passing laws ... Is the Congress that let the Assault Weapons Ban expire ... And because it was worthless and only accomplished increasing the price and supply of assault weapons.

What are you going to do about it?
Who gives a damn what you think or are tired of ... If you don't have the stones to back it up?


again, next school massacre, a lot of these Congressmen who voted against sensible gun control are going to have some explaining to do...and it won't be pretty.

Frankly, you gun nuts are the scariest thing in this country today, because you don't repect the rule of law.
The Founders were gun nuts too...they won Your freedom to act like a total buffoon on a message board and attack that which they won FOR you. But go on and attack your own liberty will you?
again, next school massacre, a lot of these Congressmen who voted against sensible gun control are going to have some explaining to do...and it won't be pretty.

Frankly, you gun nuts are the scariest thing in this country today, because you don't repect the rule of law.

Who you shoot is a simple matter of target acquisition and weapons proficiency.
Whoever I shoot will damn sure know why I am shooting them ... And an explanation won't be necessary.

You and the government better be damned scared if you honestly think we will surrender our firearms to your tyranny.
If you are not packing heavy when you come ... You will find yourself unprepared for what you will meet.

Step up open your mouth and get hit again.


If one has never truly feared for his/her life, or grown up in a family with a precarious position in the world, you will have a difficult time convincing them of firearm necessity. In an ideal world, no one would need or have weapons; but we don't live in an ideal world. It's curious to me, why NYPD would agree to enforce this...unless:

1. People in upper levels: (Chiefs, lieutenants, etc...) are benefitting.
2. The street cops are finding themselves frequently outgunned.
My guess is the latter.
Street cops in New York have always been outgunned by the general population. Until the conversion to high-capacity automatic pistols NYPD officers carried .38 revolvers. In my home, alone, there always were more than a dozen firearms, including two M-1 Garands (mine and my father's) and one M-I carbine, all of which hold more than five rounds, are semi-auto, and are far more lethal than any handgun.

And as has already been mentioned, confiscating registered firearms will disarm only the law-abiding, leaving un-registered guns in the hands of outlaws.
It is also possible the letter is a request for voluntary surrender of a firearm. A gun owner who willingly surrenders a firearm to local law enforcement is not ‘confiscated,’ such as the policy currently in effect in California where those not authorized to own firearms are requested by state officials to surrender their firearms absent a warrant or court order.

Again, in either case, to voluntarily surrender a firearm is not ‘confiscation.’

Word fuckery plain and simple.

Asking to surrender your firearm under threat of prosecution is confiscation.

No matter how you try and spin it.

This type of lie is why you are not trusted and compromise is impossible with you.

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