No one is going to take your guns

Name: 87-Year-Old Woman Fatally Shoots Man in Her Home

State: IL

East St. Louis, Illinois: On February 7, 2006, Jacksie Mae King used a revolver to kill Larry Tillman after Tillman cut her phone lines and pried the iron bars off her windows to gain entry. The 87-year-old woman was given a .32 Colt revolver for self-defense by her daughter, a police officer, after she became the victim of a home invasion beating and robbery. Even though the woman didn't have proper Illinois credentials to own a gun, police declined to charge her with any crime.

Incident Categories:
Home Invasion

Date: Feb 7, 2006
Yawn............In Joe's little world, the rapist can come back and rape the 57 year old woman again and again and again..............

A shotgun made that not possible Joe..................That Sex Offender will never get to offend and rape again..............

I'm not teary eye'd about it Joe.......................

Nor am I.

But wouldn't it have been nice to have identified that person and treated him before he became a menace?

Oh, wait, that's too sappy and liberal. Better to live in a Darwinian jungle....

Gee, how is it all these other countries have less murders and rapes than we do?
Obviously the 87 year old couldn't afford to move. Had burglar bars on her house....................To try and keep the criminals out........................

The guy cut her phone lines, and used a dang pry bar to get into her house where she sent the criminal asshole to hell................

Hell of a story, but in Joe little world the 87 year old would just have to die or get maimed by the hoodlum................

Hay lady, Joe also tells you to just take the pain pill if you need major surgery................You aren't worth the money to get an Operation any more...........but of course that is another OP.
Because when the next crazy person shoots up a bunch of toddlers, and we find out he was able to get a gun despite being crazy, and someone asks, "Why didn't this come up in a background check?", guess who they are going to point to?

I could see Joe shooting up a bunch of toddlers as means to meet his political ends.

I couldn't see that. The toddlers would beat the shit out of the little nobody before he could get a shot off.
You mean Vicki Weaver the NAZI?

Can't get horribly upset when Nazis gets shot.

I see the leftist fanatics are resuming the technique of lying about people they don't like, to justify killing them in cold blood.

The Weavers were Nazis.

They lived up in a shack in Idaho because they didn't want to be around them colored people.

The investigation noted Weaver associated with Frank Kumnick, who was known to associate with members of the Aryan Nations. Weaver told the investigators that neither he nor Kumnick were members of the Aryan Nations, and described Kumnick as "associated with the Covenant, Sword and Arm of the Lord."[8]

you libs shot your load with sandy hook, and it got you nowhere. well it did get a few of your own recalled, galvanized the pro gun crown, increased NRA membership, sent gun purchases and requests for permits through the roof, got people hoarding tons of ammunition, alienated left wing gun owners against the party. Yea, your radical, reactionary actions were a real win for your agenda weren't they?

Here's the problem with that thinking.

You guys now OWN the next school massacre.

Because when the next crazy person shoots up a bunch of toddlers, and we find out he was able to get a gun despite being crazy, and someone asks, "Why didn't this come up in a background check?", guess who they are going to point to?

no you own it. because all you care about doing is addressing your own agenda and never focusing on the real issues at hand. your ridiculous gun legislations have done nothing but hampered law abiding citizens and violated their rights. they have done nothing and never will do nothing to stop or impede criminals. and as long as you continue on your single minded ban gun agenda instead of trying to partner with republicans and address the real social issues, you own the deaths.
yeah, right.

I think you miss my point. By going after the freaks first, we cement in the public mind, "These are the kinds of crazies still keeping their guns!" Then it really doesn't matter what you look like in the later stages, the image will already be set.

I suggest you start in the hood Joe...................Places the police don't even want to go.......................Perhaps the Drug Dealers, the last I heard they only are armed with Feather Pillows Joe..............................

You keep saying you got a set, so start there..........


Yup, only a matter of time before the nutters start talking about "Those people".

Are you afraid to go there and take the guns............Just a while ago you were fucking Rambo, so go in there and get them.................
Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to use the Koresh Manuever when we take your guns.

What we'll do is wait for you to go to work. Team A will detain you at work while team B will bust into your house, take your guns, melt them down, and then e-mail you a video of it happening.

It'll be hilarious to watch. Meh, heh, heh, heh.

"We"? Who the fuck do you think you're kidding? You know you'd never have the sack to do any of the 'dramatic' nonsense you post here, Mr. Nobody. What a joke.

As opposed to Mr. Tourettes syndrome ranting on the internets....

= you admitting you're full of shit, sackless
Because when the next crazy person shoots up a bunch of toddlers, and we find out he was able to get a gun despite being crazy, and someone asks, "Why didn't this come up in a background check?", guess who they are going to point to?

I could see Joe shooting up a bunch of toddlers as means to meet his political ends.

he'd abort them long before they got to the toddler stage

no you own it. because all you care about doing is addressing your own agenda and never focusing on the real issues at hand. your ridiculous gun legislations have done nothing but hampered law abiding citizens and violated their rights. they have done nothing and never will do nothing to stop or impede criminals. and as long as you continue on your single minded ban gun agenda instead of trying to partner with republicans and address the real social issues, you own the deaths.

GUn owners have never stopped a massacre in process, not once.

Shit, at the Tuscon Shooting, a guy who had disarmed the shooter almost got shot by some yahoo with a gun.

Holmes, Lanza, Cho, Loughner all came from good middle class families. There was no "Social Issue". The problem was, these people never should have had a gun, and they were able to get them.
I suggest you start in the hood Joe...................Places the police don't even want to go.......................Perhaps the Drug Dealers, the last I heard they only are armed with Feather Pillows Joe..............................

You keep saying you got a set, so start there..........


Yup, only a matter of time before the nutters start talking about "Those people".

Are you afraid to go there and take the guns............Just a while ago you were fucking Rambo, so go in there and get them.................

Guy, like I said, I'll leave that to the professionals.

I think that housefires are a bad thing, but I'll call the fire department on a three alarm blaze.

And since when do I care what a Liberal Lying Nut bag thinks...............The last I heard there was still some of the Republic left that turds like you haven't fucked over yet.........................

You believe that you have the right to tell others how to live, what they may possess, what they may buy, and if we OBEY YOU then you are fine with it...................

Then you state we don't know what Freedom and Liberty mean....................

Now carry your butt out and take out the Pit bulls Joe...........No guns allowed, and if the owners take your sorry butt out in the process in an Open carry state, then quite simply too bad.


Again, gun nutters just talking about they can't wait to kill people they disagree with,and wonder why the rest of us don't trust you with guns....

I didn't brag about being the vet and Rambo shit Joe............You did..................

And I only suggested you put your money where your mouth is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, go ahead and take action in someone's yard, a place where YOU DON'T BELONG, and shoot their dog because you don't believe they should be allowed to live anymore.............

And see what happens....................................

You see, I've never believed in EXTERMINATING an entire breed of animal............You have done so................I don't believe in punishing the innocent for the actions of the guilty...............

But you do Joe...................

I should start a poll in the flame zone...............does Joe seem more like Hitler or Stalin to you.................With other options like a troll, or an escaped mental patient.................

Name: Pistol-Packing Pizza Delivery Driver Fires on Attempted Robber

State: KS

Wichita, Kansas: Miguel Waide was all set to deliver a pizza around 10 p.m. on December 1, 2011. When no one answered the door, Waide suspected something so he retrieved his gun from the trunk of his car. A man then approached Waide and announced that he was going to rob him, but when he saw the gun, he turned and fled. Waide fired two shots both of which missed. No charges were brought against Waide, but he lost his job for breaking company policy. Police Lt. Doug Nolte said, 'He was being robbed. He protected himself and in the state of Kansas, that's not a crime.'

The Wichita Eagle, December 1, 2011

Incident Categories:
Pizza Delivery Driver
Street Robbery

Date: Dec 1, 2011
You've got a problem Joe.........With Kansas....................

It's not a crime there to protect yourself.......................

There's a lot of States like that as well.............

You better get hopping Lib.............You've got your work cut out for you here................A lot of state's are telling you to Fuck Off Joe...............
Well from the description you gave of who you would go after ... All I can say is that I would be the last person on the ATF's list if it looked like yours.
Just be thankful that you are not in the military now ... Because I was too ... And your type wouldn't last a day in my unit.


yeah, right.

I think you miss my point. By going after the freaks first, we cement in the public mind, "These are the kinds of crazies still keeping their guns!" Then it really doesn't matter what you look like in the later stages, the image will already be set.

We are the public bean head ... And what the hell would the unarmed public do anyway other than cry for the dead?
I said myself I would be on the bottom of the ATF's list ... Which doesn't mean I wouldn't be on it at all ... They will be good and thinned out by the time they get to me.
The crazy people are the people who think they are going to take away Firearms from Americans without a fight ... And I feel sorry for them because too many will fall because of crazy people like you.

You can never understand that though ... You can never understand that what you want won't come without a price you are not willing to pay yourself ... And that is what makes you suck.

Yup, only a matter of time before the nutters start talking about "Those people".

Are you afraid to go there and take the guns............Just a while ago you were fucking Rambo, so go in there and get them.................

Guy, like I said, I'll leave that to the professionals.

I think that housefires are a bad thing, but I'll call the fire department on a three alarm blaze.

Oh, so now you aren't the bad ass 11 year vet that was going to take it to us and them a little while ago.....................

Damn man make up your mind...............

You kept saying we, we, we..............

Do you have a mouse in your pocket.
Name: Armed Neighbor Opens Fire on Four Burglars

State: TX

A neighbor saw four men carrying a TV, laptop, and other items from the house across the street. Worried about the two women who lived there, he grabbed his gun, confronted the burglars, and told them to get down on the ground. Houston Police Department Sergeant Kevin Martin said that one of them reached towards his waist like he was pulling a gun" so the neighbor "fired three shots." One bullet hit a burglar in the back, while the other three ran away. The woman whose home was burglarized said she thinks her neighbor is a hero and thanked him for watching out for her.


Date: Aug 15, 2012

Neighbor happy that he shot at them..............Called him a HERO.................

Damn Joe, the people in this country just don't agree with you do they Joe..................
You got that right no one is going to take away anyone's guns...
You guys are just paranoid....

No one is going to take away your health care plan.
No one is going to take away your doctors
No one is going to take away the hospitals that were in your network...
What's wrong with you people??? :confused:


Wait a second...

Never mind....

I need to rethink this...
Last edited:
Name: Female Resident Fends off Attempted Home Invasion

State: NH

Merrimack, New Hampshire: On December 12, 2011, an unidentified male broke into the home of a Merrimack woman. The woman immediately grabbed a handgun she kept for protection, pointed it at the would-be burglar and instructed him to leave immediately. The criminal quickly complied and ran away.

FOX 25 Boston, December 12, 2011

Incident Categories:
Residence Burglary
Home Invasion

Date: Dec 12, 2011

Never even fired a shot............Asshole Criminal leaves home as he has a gun pointed at him..................

Pop Quiz asshole, a woman has a loaded gun pointed at your head, what do you do, what do you dooooooooooooo..................

From the movie Speed, bad ass movie............

What would have happened to her had she not been armed Joe.................Raped, Murdered...................You don't give a rats ass about that do you Joe.
Name: Pistol-Packing Pizza Delivery Driver Fires on Attempted Robber

State: KS

Wichita, Kansas: Miguel Waide was all set to deliver a pizza around 10 p.m. on December 1, 2011. When no one answered the door, Waide suspected something so he retrieved his gun from the trunk of his car. A man then approached Waide and announced that he was going to rob him, but when he saw the gun, he turned and fled. Waide fired two shots both of which missed. No charges were brought against Waide, but he lost his job for breaking company policy. Police Lt. Doug Nolte said, 'He was being robbed. He protected himself and in the state of Kansas, that's not a crime.'

The Wichita Eagle, December 1, 2011

Incident Categories:
Pizza Delivery Driver
Street Robbery

Date: Dec 1, 2011

Let me guess -- you sincerely don't even see the abject fuckedupedness of the world you keep describing here?

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