No one is going to take your guns


A pension in the proper sense is paid for from the earnings on principal from whatever the pension is invested in. That most current public union pensions are dependent on general funds to make up the difference due to false return claims does not make a person who earned a pension the same as a person on welfare.

Social security on the other hand, DOES require current people to pay retired people due to the bullshit done in the past where surpluses went into the general fund and magical IOU's were created to make a imaginary reserve fund.

Then you are admitting what Dave and other military retirees are getting is NOT a pension. There was no investment. They are taking directly from taxpayers to pay him off, even though at the current time, he contributes nothing to national defense.

What they are getting is welfare.

And, in principle, I see nothing wrong with that. It's really not easy to adjust from military to private sector work, especially if you've known nothing else.

But just be honest enough to admit what it is, living off the government teet.

At least you don't hear the ObamaPhone lady being an ingrate.

Look asshole! You got back into the meth after 4 trips to rehab. What the hell do you expect a sane employer to do?

You are the one who seems to have the intimate knowledge of meth and otherwise come from the sleezy part of town...

My, I'm just some working schlub who busted up his knee on some ice.

Wait wut......Joe a 4 strike meth loser ?

Whodda thunk ?

Naw, Ernie's projecting his white trash lifestyle on everyone else.

Funny, the way I remember history is that FDR's policies prolonged the depression. It looks like the same thing is happening now because we still haven't got back to the employment levels that existed the day Obama took office.

Maybe you need to talk to people who lived through that time period, and then you'd know how retarded this right wing claim is.

Incidently, the depression lasted longer in the US because we DIDN'T to what Germany and Russia and Italy and Japan did- go to a command economy.

For the Western Democracies, the depression lasted about the same amount of time.
I support the anti-gun loons desire to take our guns. Maybe Obama can give them free stuff to join the confiscation brigade since they get so emotionally lathered up over the issue.

And I volunteer my address as their first stopping point

Let's cut to the chase... I'll leave the light on for ya and a copy of the Bill of Rights on my door

Please knock as the doorbell hasn't worked in years. Oh, and my dog doesn't bite.


Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to use the Koresh Manuever when we take your guns.

What we'll do is wait for you to go to work. Team A will detain you at work while team B will bust into your house, take your guns, melt them down, and then e-mail you a video of it happening.

It'll be hilarious to watch. Meh, heh, heh, heh.

You forget about team C (for Conservatives) on roof tops and tree stands. Team B is going to have an astounding attrition rate.

Yeah, I mean, Tim McVeigh was on "Team C", right?

That was an attrition rate! Of course, he parked the explosive van right under where the kiddies were...

Did you all forget the 1990's, when you all started talking smack about taking down the government after Waco and Ruby Ridge, and you got smaked down when you tried it? Even Republicans turned on you.
Maybe you need to talk to people who lived through that time period, and then you'd know how retarded this right wing claim is.

Incidently, the depression lasted longer in the US because we DIDN'T to what Germany and Russia and Italy and Japan did- go to a command economy.

For the Western Democracies, the depression lasted about the same amount of time.

The government here cannot launch a website after four years of preparation ... And Amazon has better security and protection features than the ACA exchange.
What makes you think the government could handle a command economy?

Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to use the Koresh Manuever when we take your guns.

What we'll do is wait for you to go to work. Team A will detain you at work while team B will bust into your house, take your guns, melt them down, and then e-mail you a video of it happening.

It'll be hilarious to watch. Meh, heh, heh, heh.

Wow ... That would be a tragedy ... Especially since being at work doesn't necessarily mean unarmed.

The government endangering civilian lives in attempts to enforce their tyranny by engaging in a gun battle at a public facility.
The video footage might actually serve as a decent warning and training video for newly recruited agents ... The ones replacing the dead.
Just be thankful you don't have the stones to be part of the "We" you keep talking about taking guns away ... You are so stupid you would probably shoot yourself.

I bet whose idea that ends up being ... Won't be in charge the following day ... Even if they live through it.

Maybe you need to talk to people who lived through that time period, and then you'd know how retarded this right wing claim is.

Incidently, the depression lasted longer in the US because we DIDN'T to what Germany and Russia and Italy and Japan did- go to a command economy.

For the Western Democracies, the depression lasted about the same amount of time.

The government here cannot launch a website after four years of preparation ... And Amazon has better security and protection features than the ACA exchange.
What makes you think the government could handle a command economy?


I think you are missing my point, but if I explain it to you, you still won't get it.

Okay, the conservative lunkhead argument is that FDR prolonged the depression by doing things like actually getting the government involved in the economy instead of letting it run amok like Cooldige did (which is what caused the Depression.)

But what they can't provide is ONE EXAMPLE of a country letting the markets do their thing and getting a nation out of the Depression faster than FDR did.

In fact, the only countries that got out before we did were ones that nationalized their economies more than we did, mostly to either start or fight World War II.

Wow ... That would be a tragedy ... Especially since being at work doesn't necessarily mean unarmed.

The government endangering civilian lives in attempts to enforce their tyranny by engaging in a gun battle at a public facility.
The video footage might actually serve as a decent warning and training video for newly recruited agents ... The ones replacing the dead.
Just be thankful you don't have the stones to be part of the "We" you keep talking about taking guns away ... You are so stupid you would probably shoot yourself.

I bet whose idea that ends up being ... Won't be in charge the following day ... Even if they live through it.


I was in the military for 11 years... I know how to handle weapons.

But here's how I'd run the program. I wouldn't go after you loudmouths first. I'd go after the freakish cultists, the racist nutbags, and the tatooed freaks first. And I'd take extra careful steps to take them alive, just so I can perp walk them for Mr and Mrs. Middle class America to see.

Then we'd quietly go after the rest of you freaks... and if they hear, "Yeah, I hear old Sandy got busted by the ATF!" the images would already be juxtaposed.
I was in the military for 11 years... I know how to handle weapons.

But here's how I'd run the program. I wouldn't go after you loudmouths first. I'd go after the freakish cultists, the racist nutbags, and the tatooed freaks first. And I'd take extra careful steps to take them alive, just so I can perp walk them for Mr and Mrs. Middle class America to see.

Then we'd quietly go after the rest of you freaks... and if they hear, "Yeah, I hear old Sandy got busted by the ATF!" the images would already be juxtaposed.

Joe's Night of the Not-So-Sharp Knives
I was in the military for 11 years... I know how to handle weapons.

But here's how I'd run the program. I wouldn't go after you loudmouths first. I'd go after the freakish cultists, the racist nutbags, and the tatooed freaks first. And I'd take extra careful steps to take them alive, just so I can perp walk them for Mr and Mrs. Middle class America to see.

Then we'd quietly go after the rest of you freaks... and if they hear, "Yeah, I hear old Sandy got busted by the ATF!" the images would already be juxtaposed.

Joe's Night of the Not-So-Sharp Knives

Hey, trust me, propaganda works, baby. You make an example of the worst offenders, first.
I was in the military for 11 years... I know how to handle weapons.

But here's how I'd run the program. I wouldn't go after you loudmouths first. I'd go after the freakish cultists, the racist nutbags, and the tatooed freaks first. And I'd take extra careful steps to take them alive, just so I can perp walk them for Mr and Mrs. Middle class America to see.

Then we'd quietly go after the rest of you freaks... and if they hear, "Yeah, I hear old Sandy got busted by the ATF!" the images would already be juxtaposed.

Well from the description you gave of who you would go after ... All I can say is that I would be the last person on the ATF's list if it looked like yours.
Just be thankful that you are not in the military now ... Because I was too ... And your type wouldn't last a day in my unit.

I was in the military for 11 years... I know how to handle weapons.

But here's how I'd run the program. I wouldn't go after you loudmouths first. I'd go after the freakish cultists, the racist nutbags, and the tatooed freaks first. And I'd take extra careful steps to take them alive, just so I can perp walk them for Mr and Mrs. Middle class America to see.

Then we'd quietly go after the rest of you freaks... and if they hear, "Yeah, I hear old Sandy got busted by the ATF!" the images would already be juxtaposed.

Joe's Night of the Not-So-Sharp Knives

Hey, trust me, propaganda works, baby. You make an example of the worst offenders, first.

Yawn Joe..............

Aren't you supposed to be turning in people in NY right now..........Your fellow Lib Nuts need you to take charge up there and get all them thar evil guns....................

And while your at it, you should be killing all the pit bulls as well...........................

I know you are nothing but a Lying Sack Joe...........You don't care how much you have to Lie to promote your Liberal BS............There is only one point on you that I'd like to make on the other side of the coin..........While the others of the Liberal Brigade keep saying that they aren't going to take your guns, you at least (insanely) step forward and tell us your ultimate goal is to Ban all guns in this country.

Given that, I'd like to again tell you and the Liberal Brigade to Fuck Off again.
I was in the military for 11 years... I know how to handle weapons.

But here's how I'd run the program. I wouldn't go after you loudmouths first. I'd go after the freakish cultists, the racist nutbags, and the tatooed freaks first. And I'd take extra careful steps to take them alive, just so I can perp walk them for Mr and Mrs. Middle class America to see.

Then we'd quietly go after the rest of you freaks... and if they hear, "Yeah, I hear old Sandy got busted by the ATF!" the images would already be juxtaposed.

Joe's Night of the Not-So-Sharp Knives

Hey, trust me, propaganda works, baby. You make an example of the worst offenders, first.

Snipe a few regional Mrs. Middle Class with babies in their arms Vicki Weaver-style for the news ?
Puzzling..............Joe earlier in the thread said he wouldn't go out to get the guns.............He sit back and let others go get the guns.......................

Then he changed to I'M FUCKING RAMBO JOE with 11 years MILITARY TRAINING SHIT.....................

I'd go out and LET YOU LIVE type chit, and then get you guys...................

I know you are Lying Troll Joe..............But do you know how utterly STUPID YOU SOUND.

BTW................You still have NO CLUE about FREEDOM................As it is with the rest of the Lunatic Fringe Liberals, the ONLY FREEDOM you will EVER ALLOW are to those THAT AGREE WITH YOU JOE..................

We do not agree, and if you ever pass the Law, we WILL NOT OBEY.............As will a LARGE PORTION OF THE U.S...........................Question is Joe.............How much bloodshed to enforce your BS LAWS ......................................
Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to use the Koresh Manuever when we take your guns.

What we'll do is wait for you to go to work. Team A will detain you at work while team B will bust into your house, take your guns, melt them down, and then e-mail you a video of it happening.

It'll be hilarious to watch. Meh, heh, heh, heh.

"We"? Who the fuck do you think you're kidding? You know you'd never have the sack to do any of the 'dramatic' nonsense you post here, Mr. Nobody. What a joke.
tyr·an·ny [tir-uh-nee] Show IPA
noun, plural tyr·an·nies.
arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority. Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, dictatorship.
the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.
a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.
oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.
undue severity or harshness.
I was in the military for 11 years... I know how to handle weapons.

But here's how I'd run the program. I wouldn't go after you loudmouths first. I'd go after the freakish cultists, the racist nutbags, and the tatooed freaks first. And I'd take extra careful steps to take them alive, just so I can perp walk them for Mr and Mrs. Middle class America to see.

Then we'd quietly go after the rest of you freaks... and if they hear, "Yeah, I hear old Sandy got busted by the ATF!" the images would already be juxtaposed.

Well from the description you gave of who you would go after ... All I can say is that I would be the last person on the ATF's list if it looked like yours.
Just be thankful that you are not in the military now ... Because I was too ... And your type wouldn't last a day in my unit.


yeah, right.

I think you miss my point. By going after the freaks first, we cement in the public mind, "These are the kinds of crazies still keeping their guns!" Then it really doesn't matter what you look like in the later stages, the image will already be set.
Guy, you work on the assumption that we are going to use the Koresh Manuever when we take your guns.

What we'll do is wait for you to go to work. Team A will detain you at work while team B will bust into your house, take your guns, melt them down, and then e-mail you a video of it happening.

It'll be hilarious to watch. Meh, heh, heh, heh.

"We"? Who the fuck do you think you're kidding? You know you'd never have the sack to do any of the 'dramatic' nonsense you post here, Mr. Nobody. What a joke.

As opposed to Mr. Tourettes syndrome ranting on the internets....
Puzzling..............Joe earlier in the thread said he wouldn't go out to get the guns.............He sit back and let others go get the guns.......................

Then he changed to I'M FUCKING RAMBO JOE with 11 years MILITARY TRAINING SHIT.....................

I'd go out and LET YOU LIVE type chit, and then get you guys...................

I know you are Lying Troll Joe..............But do you know how utterly STUPID YOU SOUND.

BTW................You still have NO CLUE about FREEDOM................As it is with the rest of the Lunatic Fringe Liberals, the ONLY FREEDOM you will EVER ALLOW are to those THAT AGREE WITH YOU JOE..................

We do not agree, and if you ever pass the Law, we WILL NOT OBEY.............As will a LARGE PORTION OF THE U.S...........................Question is Joe.............How much bloodshed to enforce your BS LAWS ......................................

You act like I care?

Guns have nothing to do with freedom.

Frankly, we aren't free if we can't send our kids to school or to the movies or to the store without having to worry that a Lanza or a Holmes or a Zimmerman might shoot them.

You can have all the "Freedom" you want. You can pray to your magic sky faries and say incredibly retarded shit like, "I'm happy working for a pittance so Mitt can have a dressage horsie"... It's free country, man.

What you can't have is a gun.

Because you don't need it and frankly, I don't trust you with one.
No, your pension is not free.

Someone else is working very hard to provide it to you.

Seriously, just because you had to wear a uniform to collect welfare doesn't make it any less welfare.
I didn't say it was free to me, you stupid bastard.

I said YOU want free money. You believe you're entitled to it.

Because you're a stupid bastard Communist.

You are the one collecting free money from your fellow taxpayers for no work done.
I already did the work, dumbass.
Kind of makes you the communist, doesn't it?
Only to astoundingly retarded dumbfucks.

Are you an astoundingly retarded dumbfuck?

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