No one is going to take your guns

As long as they didnt climb up on the chairs with the guns, I dont see the issue.

Sure why not, what could possibly go wrong with teaching kids to pose with guns while standing on chairs. :eusa_hand:

Shhhh. stop being logical, I'm trying to bait JoeBlow, Dot-crud and the other gun grabber idiots.

your "ruuuining" it...

Gee, Marty, you are the guy with a history of losing it on these threads.... I think you misunderstand the meaning of "baiting" as much as you do "Well-regulated Militia".
Wildman said:
can't handle the truth about that fucking ****** commie, can you motherfucker,


Well, consider the source, indeed.

Of course this is not representative of all conservatives, but that this poster identifies as conservative is both troubling and telling.

Also troubling and telling is he identifies as a gun rights ‘advocate,’ when in fact as a consequence of his stupidity, ignorance, and hate he places the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment in greater jeopardy than any ‘gun grabber.’
Wildman said:
can't handle the truth about that fucking ****** commie, can you motherfucker,


Well, consider the source, indeed.

Of course this is not representative of all conservatives, but that this poster identifies as conservative is both troubling and telling.

Also troubling and telling is he identifies as a gun rights ‘advocate,’ when in fact as a consequence of his stupidity, ignorance, and hate he places the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment in greater jeopardy than any ‘gun grabber.’

Screw you commie.
That won't matter. We need to arm up more law abiding citizens like our teachers so we can start blowing the thugs foreheads off.

More of us, less of them


Yeah, because clearly, having a gun in the classroom is going to make it much safer.

Hey, let's not stop there, let's start arming the kiddies!


I got no problem with that picture or arming our teachers


Note: those girls show better gun safety practices than Diane Feinstein!
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Sure why not, what could possibly go wrong with teaching kids to pose with guns while standing on chairs. :eusa_hand:

Shhhh. stop being logical, I'm trying to bait JoeBlow, Dot-crud and the other gun grabber idiots.

your "ruuuining" it...

Gee, Marty, you are the guy with a history of losing it on these threads.... I think you misunderstand the meaning of "baiting" as much as you do "Well-regulated Militia".

Yawn... are you another one of those ignorant rubes that doesn't know the difference between a prefatory clause and an operative clause?
Because a gun owner is responsible in teaching his kids about firearms does not make them a 'gun nut', someone who teaches them at a young age the proper use of firearms
Indeed -- failing to teach your child age-appropriate safe gun handling is child abuse; if your thusly-ignorant child ever accidently kills someone, you should be charged with negligence.

If your father didn't do this with you, you were abused.

11 years as a latrine attendant ! and never fired a rifle.., nothing strange about that :up:
us dedicated gun owners and reloaders probably shoot 25,000 rnds. in 2 - 4 years, personally i shoot 12,000 - 15,000 round in ONE (1) year

if anyone is masturbating it is you libercunts when you are informed of another anti gun law or when some gang banging kid gets his fucking head blown off so you can run amok demanding another law that protects this kind of scum. :up: ... :lmao:

Unlike you, I served. (PS< never heard of a MOS for "Latrine Orderly").

I should point out that most gun massacres are not gang-bangers. They are usually white males under 30 with serious social interaction problems.

Of course Joe, you have to recognize what he means by "this kind of scum". Here's what he told me about Nelson Mandela:

Wildman said:
can't handle the truth about that fucking ****** commie, can you motherfucker,

So as usual, consider the source.

Yet the guy claimed to be in the Navy for 25 years and no one realized he was this much of a racist jerkwad....
No need to own a gun to start with, for that matter.

Then don't own one.

Isn't that what you always scream about abortion, that if we don't want one, don't have one?

So don't own a gun, Comrade JoeB Stalin, and put a sign out in front of your mom's house that declares "No guns in this house, or in the basement residence of the 60 year old loser who never moved out."

You should list your assets on the sign, as well - you know, just to be neighborly.
As long as they didnt climb up on the chairs with the guns, I dont see the issue.

Sure why not, what could possibly go wrong with teaching kids to pose with guns while standing on chairs. :eusa_hand:
You're right.

Ban chairs.

I may be right, but don't think it's a good idea to ban much if anything this side of bio, chemical, and nuclear weapons of significant yield such that an accidental use would render anything larger than your home as a national disaster area.
Because a gun owner is responsible in teaching his kids about firearms does not make them a 'gun nut', someone who teaches them at a young age the proper use of firearms
Indeed -- failing to teach your child age-appropriate safe gun handling is child abuse; if your thusly-ignorant child ever accidently kills someone, you should be charged with negligence.

If your father didn't do this with you, you were abused.

Nothing like describing anyone with a variant view or experience as a pedophile. And no way does it cheapen real pedophilia, nope.

Right up there with equating anyone with a variant view with "tards" and "scumbags", only sexier.

Dumb shit. :fu:
No need to own a gun to start with, for that matter.

Then don't own one.

Isn't that what you always scream about abortion, that if we don't want one, don't have one?

So don't own a gun, Comrade JoeB Stalin, and put a sign out in front of your mom's house that declares "No guns in this house, or in the basement residence of the 60 year old loser who never moved out."

You should list your assets on the sign, as well - you know, just to be neighborly.

Here's the problem. If you gun nuts were limited to just eliminating yourselves from the gene pool, you might have an argument.

But unfortunately, you take down far too many innocent bystanders.
Nothing like describing anyone with a variant view or experience as a pedophile. And no way does it cheapen real pedophilia, nope.

Right up there with equating anyone with a variant view with "tards" and "scumbags", only sexier.

Dumb shit. :fu:


You should set a reminder on your phone to take your pills, then acknowledge it. Then you will know if you did, or didn't take them.

Clearly today, you doubled up on your retard pills.

You can avoid that in the future! :thup:
Here's the problem. If you gun nuts were limited to just eliminating yourselves from the gene pool, you might have an argument.

But unfortunately, you take down far too many innocent bystanders.

And by "innocent bystanders," you mean rapists and home invasion robbers.

You should start a group; "career criminals against gun ownership!"

And by "innocent bystanders," you mean rapists and home invasion robbers.

You should start a group; "career criminals against gun ownership!"

No, guy, I mean little kids at Newtown elementary School.

I mean government workers at the Washington Navy Yard.

I mean folks who went to go see "The Dark Knight Rises" and got shot by some gun-owning freak who thought he was the Joker.

You know, those innocent bystanders.

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