No one is going to take your guns

No, guy, I mean little kids at Newtown elementary School.

Disarming the law abiding would have stopped a maniac from stealing guns?

I always have to wonder about those who think that a person who would violate the most stringent laws against murder, would obey laws to surrender their already illegal, stolen guns?

Oh and the school was a "gun free zone," why didn't that stop him?

I mean government workers at the Washington Navy Yard.

Who were disarmed by Obama, thus easy prey for a maniac who TOOK A GUN FROM A GUARD.

I mean folks who went to go see "The Dark Knight Rises" and got shot by some gun-owning freak who thought he was the Joker.

Who had an apartment full of Ricin and was prepared to have slaughtered 30 times as many.

You know, those innocent bystanders.

And you are stupid enough to believe that revoking civil rights from the law abiding, would have any effect?

Nah, you just want to disarm the populace to reduce the chance of insurrection.
No, guy, I mean little kids at Newtown elementary School.

Disarming the law abiding would have stopped a maniac from stealing guns?

I always have to wonder about those who think that a person who would violate the most stringent laws against murder, would obey laws to surrender their already illegal, stolen guns?

Oh and the school was a "gun free zone," why didn't that stop him?

If his crazy mother hadn't gotten guns, he wouldn't have had access to them. It wasn't like he accosted someone on the street to get guns.

He took them from his mom, who taught him HOW TO USE THEM.

And you are stupid enough to believe that revoking civil rights from the law abiding, would have any effect?

Nah, you just want to disarm the populace to reduce the chance of insurrection.

Yeah, guy, I think that EVERY OTHER industrialized country either bans guns or limits who can have them.

They only have a fraction of our murder rate..

And their governments step down when people stop voting for them.
If his crazy mother hadn't gotten guns, he wouldn't have had access to them. It wasn't like he accosted someone on the street to get guns.

He took them from his mom, who taught him HOW TO USE THEM.

Why wouldn't he have just bought them from Eric Holder and his henchmen?

Yeah, guy, I think that EVERY OTHER industrialized country either bans guns or limits who can have them.

They only have a fraction of our murder rate..

And their governments step down when people stop voting for them.

Our murder rates are on a steady decline, for the last hundred years. Your attacks on civil liberty have nothing to do with a concern for murder. Gun ownership goes up, and murder goes down, every single year. Except in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles, where anti-liberty laws are in place.

Why wouldn't he have just bought them from Eric Holder and his henchmen?

Because he didn't have the resources to drive down to Arizona where state officials weren't enforcing the law or helping the ATF in their investigation.

But nice attempt to change the subject, though.

Yeah, guy, I think that EVERY OTHER industrialized country either bans guns or limits who can have them.

They only have a fraction of our murder rate..

And their governments step down when people stop voting for them.

Our murder rates are on a steady decline, for the last hundred years. Your attacks on civil liberty have nothing to do with a concern for murder. Gun ownership goes up, and murder goes down, every single year. Except in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles, where anti-liberty laws are in place.

Actually, the murder rate is down in those places, too. the country is getting older, which is why crime is declining.

And gun ownership is not going up, it's going down. In 2000, 42% of homes had a gun in them. In 2012, it was down to 37%.
No need to own a gun to start with, for that matter.

Then don't own one.

Isn't that what you always scream about abortion, that if we don't want one, don't have one?

So don't own a gun, Comrade JoeB Stalin, and put a sign out in front of your mom's house that declares "No guns in this house, or in the basement residence of the 60 year old loser who never moved out."

You should list your assets on the sign, as well - you know, just to be neighborly.

Here's the problem. If you gun nuts were limited to just eliminating yourselves from the gene pool, you might have an argument.

But unfortunately, you take down far too many innocent bystanders.

Are you finally talking about disarming cops?
That won't matter. We need to arm up more law abiding citizens like our teachers so we can start blowing the thugs foreheads off.

More of us, less of them


Yeah, because clearly, having a gun in the classroom is going to make it much safer.

Hey, let's not stop there, let's start arming the kiddies!


I got no problem with that picture or arming our teachers


Retard American...I bet you are some puny whimp,:eek::cuckoo:
No need to own a gun to start with, for that matter.

Then don't own one.

Isn't that what you always scream about abortion, that if we don't want one, don't have one?

So don't own a gun, Comrade JoeB Stalin, and put a sign out in front of your mom's house that declares "No guns in this house, or in the basement residence of the 60 year old loser who never moved out."

You should list your assets on the sign, as well - you know, just to be neighborly.

Here's the problem. If you gun nuts were limited to just eliminating yourselves from the gene pool, you might have an argument.

But unfortunately, you take down far too many innocent bystanders.

You are correct, everyone who seeks gun control "in good faith" is a dupe.

In Australia we have NO GUNS policy and since the death of JFK we have had a coule of hundred GUN DEATHS......YOU the mighty less USA have had 1,375,000 now you Sir are the most Ignorant Dupe.

The Australian Military are nearly always in the same conflicts as America......with the previzo that we are near the combat area of the Americans,due to the possibility of "Friendly Fire"

The Australian gun buy back led to a statistically insignificant reduction in the gun homicide rate, and a statisitcally significant increase in violent assaults, including sexual assaults. Maybe if you guys didn't have all the blood rushing to your head from hanging around upside down all the time you would realize that the slight decrease in deaths is not an improvement if you can't walk around the neighborhood.

Sorry Wrong Again this was the line the NRA tried....AND THEY GOT DEPORTED.....You Americans allow such wretches to pedal this bollocks.....BULLSHIT

We on the other hand can spot BULLSHIT ARTISTS a mile away.......You fell into my trap(I knew some idiot would) of spewing the Gun Lobby of America.....discredited crap.

All wrong and a pack of lies......NRA..can never spread their CANCER HERE,they just get the two word response...FCUK OFF
You are correct, everyone who seeks gun control "in good faith" is a dupe.

In Australia we have NO GUNS policy and since the death of JFK we have had a coule of hundred GUN DEATHS......YOU the mighty less USA have had 1,375,000 now you Sir are the most Ignorant Dupe.

The Australian Military are nearly always in the same conflicts as America......with the previzo that we are near the combat area of the Americans,due to the possibility of "Friendly Fire"

The Australian gun buy back led to a statistically insignificant reduction in the gun homicide rate, and a statisitcally significant increase in violent assaults, including sexual assaults. Maybe if you guys didn't have all the blood rushing to your head from hanging around upside down all the time you would realize that the slight decrease in deaths is not an improvement if you can't walk around the neighborhood.

BULLSHIT 2:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
That won't matter. We need to arm up more law abiding citizens like our teachers so we can start blowing the thugs foreheads off.

More of us, less of them


Only until people get sick of watching kiddies being taken out of schools in body bags...

Yeah, because clearly, having a gun in the classroom is going to make it much safer.

Hey, let's not stop there, let's start arming the kiddies!

I get the feeling you don't mind these kiddies being armed:

Exactly the problem.

You gun nuts have no problem with that kind of a picture.

Because a gun owner is responsible in teaching his kids about firearms does not make them a 'gun nut', someone who teaches them at a young age the proper use of firearms


Really? That picture to you is "responsible gun education"...

Those children are being far more responsible than Dianne Feinstein -- bolt forward, finger on the trigger, barrel pointed into the crowd...

The Act requires you to register your weapon if it is classified as an assault weapon.

It will later require you to do a back ground check ap, for buying ammo. aka You will get screened just for buying 22 ammo.............

It is creating a Registry..............
It creates a Registry for buying ammo..............

If you have a simple 22 long barrel rifle, and have more than 7 rounds in it, you will be in violation of the law, subject to confiscation, fines, and etc...........

I've seen how the anti-gun folks have implemented bans before. Canada being the prime example..............

Create a National Registry........Find out who owns guns................2nd step.........force all gun owners to have a license to own...............

Then finally, ban all guns and anyone in the registry would be subject to turn in the same..............

It is a step by step plan, being carried out just as it has in other countries............

The anti gun folks, KNOW THIS..............but their PRAVDA MACHINE demands they deny this..................Tell everyone to register............Say no one is going to take your guns..................Using Psycho BS to say, what are you afraid of...........Get LAW ABIDING CITIZENS TO THEN REGISTER...............

Then take weapons away through a later TYRANNY OF A TEMP MAJORITY...............Just as Obamacare..............

The left will never relent on this until they get their way...........Which is exactly why they must be fought at ever step................

And that is what this is really about.

The real TYRANNY is the NRA hold over all you gun Merchants...I wonder WHY.

To suck CASH out of YOU MUGS...........and they couldn't give a stuff....if you kill each other,cloaked in deceit of the 2nd Amendment......what you think is FREEDOM.....but the reality is the NRA know you are their PRISONERS.....Guys they've Fcuked you over....and YOUR MINDS AT THE SAME TIME.

"The NRA are in their counting house,counting out the money"
"1.375 Million Slaughtered,those the NRA Bunnies"

THEY JUST LOVE DEATH..........THEY JUST LOVE THE MONEY.........No woman no's only your babies that die.

I'm theliq.........
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Shhhh. stop being logical, I'm trying to bait JoeBlow, Dot-crud and the other gun grabber idiots.

your "ruuuining" it...

Gee, Marty, you are the guy with a history of losing it on these threads.... I think you misunderstand the meaning of "baiting" as much as you do "Well-regulated Militia".

Yawn... are you another one of those ignorant rubes that doesn't know the difference between a prefatory clause and an operative clause?
All PinkoJoe knows is he's terrified of guns, and guns get in the way of forcing the progressive agenda on the populace.
No, guy, I'm not one of these "I hate the government" types who think the cops are out to get them.

So your excuse is stupidity?

Tell me something, given the fact that NYPD is expertly trained, why is it just as likely that they will hit an innocent bystander as an actual criminal?
Unlike you, I served. (PS< never heard of a MOS for "Latrine Orderly").

I should point out that most gun massacres are not gang-bangers. They are usually white males under 30 with serious social interaction problems.

Of course Joe, you have to recognize what he means by "this kind of scum". Here's what he told me about Nelson Mandela:

Wildman said:
can't handle the truth about that fucking ****** commie, can you motherfucker,

So as usual, consider the source.

Yet the guy claimed to be in the Navy for 25 years and no one realized he was this much of a racist jerkwad....
There used to be a black liberal poster here, served in the Navy -- and was a racist jerkwad too.

I don't remember you ever condemning him for it, though.

No enemies on the left.
Because a gun owner is responsible in teaching his kids about firearms does not make them a 'gun nut', someone who teaches them at a young age the proper use of firearms
Indeed -- failing to teach your child age-appropriate safe gun handling is child abuse; if your thusly-ignorant child ever accidently kills someone, you should be charged with negligence.

If your father didn't do this with you, you were abused.

Nothing like describing anyone with a variant view or experience as a pedophile. And no way does it cheapen real pedophilia, nope.

Right up there with equating anyone with a variant view with "tards" and "scumbags", only sexier.

Dumb shit. :fu:
Ummm...throttle back, there, Skippy.

There are other kinds of child abuse than sexual.
Because a gun owner is responsible in teaching his kids about firearms does not make them a 'gun nut', someone who teaches them at a young age the proper use of firearms


Really? That picture to you is "responsible gun education"...

Those children are being far more responsible than Dianne Feinstein -- bolt forward, finger on the trigger, barrel pointed into the crowd...

Ma Barker? Is that you? :eusa_shhh::cool:

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