No one is going to take your guns

Canadian Politician Introduces Bill to Scrap Long-Gun Registry « Daily Bulletin

$2 Billion Tab for Failed Gun Registry
The Registry was supposed to cost Canadian taxpayers approximately $119 million dollars. Instead, documents obtained by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation show the program has cost upward of $2 BILLION dollars. At the same time there is little evidence that the Registry has had any notable effect on crime.

Breitkreuz argues: “The Gun Registry has not saved one life in Canada, and it has been a financial sinkhole, estimated to have cost some $2 Billion. Imagine how many more police we could have on the streets if we had invested more wisely…. We need to dismantle the wasteful, futile registry and abandon the notion that this political pacifier is working.

Bill C-301 will scrap the long-gun Registry, improve efficiency and reduce costs without having any negative impact on public safety. The bill introduces a number of amendments to streamline the Firearms Act…. The Auditor-General has already blown the whistle on the gun registry. My bill proposes to ask for regular independent cost-benefit analyses on all aspects of the firearms program every five years.

Many Canadians have come to realize that the long-gun Registry is merely a bureaucratic exercise designed to lay a piece of paper beside every gun in the country. That piece of paper has no effect on the criminal and does nothing to prevent the misuse of a firearm.”

“[Canada's Gun Registry] was a ‘paper’ ideological exercise which has proven worse than useless.” — Robins

“The Firearms Act as it exists is an incredible drain on much needed financial resources while giving very little of value in return. Streamlining the redundant, byzantine and costly bureaucracy is a worthy goal”. — Chuckbuster

“The gun registry was SUPPOSED to ‘make our streets safer’. It is beyond me how a slip of paper sent to law abiding persons was ever going to accomplish this task. The registry was always about confiscation of firearms. Despite political promises at the time, that it was ONLY for safety, it has shown itself time and time again, to be a tool of confiscation of legally-owned property. Time for it to go.” — Anopheses - News Archive - Apr16-2013: CCF Takes Montague Case

Bruce Montague was a licensed gunsmith and firearms dealer who believed that Canada’s gun licensure laws were unconstitutional. He deliberately allowed his firearms licences to expire in 2003 so that he would be charged with an offence and could challenge the constitutionality of the law in court. However, the Ontario courts rejected his constitutional arguments, and the Supreme Court of Canada declined to hear his appeal.

As a result, Bruce was convicted of 25 paperwork crimes involving his firearms. He was sentenced to 18 months in jail plus probation, and is now permanently prohibited from possessing firearms. He therefore cannot resume his career as a gunsmith.

Donna Montague, Bruce’s wife, likewise let her firearms licence expire and was convicted of a single offence.

The federal government has applied under the Criminal Code to force the Montagues to forfeit ownership of all the firearms they own, including Bruce’s business inventory. The value of these assets exceeds $100,000.

The Ontario government has also brought a civil action claiming forfeiture of the same firearms plus the Montagues’ home, which contained Bruce’s shop. Ontario alleges the properties are either “proceeds of unlawful activity” or “instruments of unlawful activity” as defined by the Civil Remedies Act of 2001.

Refused to renew licenses.

To challenge the Gov't, saying their laws were a violation of the Canadian Constitution.

Now the Gov't attempts to seize ALL OF THEIR PROPERTY..........Their business. Their home. and put them in jail.........Because he dared to challenge them...............Wanted a Constitutional appeal. And their Supreme Court will not even let these people in the door.

Again. Look to the BS that has already happened in Canada. They will show you how this is done, and show you the very path we are on now. The Canadians are warning us to stop it now, or these LEFTIST LOONS will do it to us.
Let us see now Obama along with his far left buddies are on a campaign to repeal the second amendment, yet the far left claims that they for peoples "rights".

Not sure how they play that one out in their minds.
Those children are being far more responsible than Dianne Feinstein -- bolt forward, finger on the trigger, barrel pointed into the crowd...

Ma Barker? Is that you? :eusa_shhh::cool:

Ma Barker knew about guns. Feinstein is a stupid, dangerous cow.

The woman with the red scarf is thinking, "My God. We're all going to die."

Yep And this old skank is one day closer to a dirt nap which is a good day.

Funny how she used to have a CCW permit while denying Californians same. That's because she is more important than them obviously

That won't matter. We need to arm up more law abiding citizens like our teachers so we can start blowing the thugs foreheads off.

More of us, less of them


Yeah, because clearly, having a gun in the classroom is going to make it much safer.

Hey, let's not stop there, let's start arming the kiddies!

I get the feeling you don't mind these kiddies being armed:


Guy, why do you always try to change the subject when you are losing an argument.

Frankly, these Palestinian kids are living the NRA Dream, aren't they? Arming themselves against a tyrannical government. How's that working out for them?

Oh, wait. It isn't. The Zionists are still there.

Refused to renew licenses.

To challenge the Gov't, saying their laws were a violation of the Canadian Constitution.

Now the Gov't attempts to seize ALL OF THEIR PROPERTY..........Their business. Their home. and put them in jail.........Because he dared to challenge them...............Wanted a Constitutional appeal. And their Supreme Court will not even let these people in the door.

Again. Look to the BS that has already happened in Canada. They will show you how this is done, and show you the very path we are on now. The Canadians are warning us to stop it now, or these LEFTIST LOONS will do it to us.

Okay, let's look at Canada, shall we.

Total Homicides in US - 15,968
Total Homicides in Canada - 529

Gun Homicides in US- 11,101
Gun Homicides in Canada - 173

Gun Suicides in the US - 19,766
Gun Suicides in Canada - 586

Accidental death from guns - US
Accidental death from guns Canada- 28

Guns in Canada: Firearms, armed violence and gun law

Guns in the United States: Firearms, armed violence and gun law

And here's the kicker. Canada did not completely outlaw guns. They just made getting them very difficult. There are about 9 million legal and illicit guns in Canada. Canada ranks #13 in gun ownership in the world.

But when you start at the premise that gun ownership is a privilage to be weilded responsibly, instead of a "right" given to you by a Magic Sky Pixie and a bunch of dead slave rapists, you get people who act a lot more responsibly.
Still dreaming huh Joe? Really wanting to live long enough to see guns banned in the U.S. Go ahead and hold onto that, 'I have a dream'... lol

Good luck with that.

and this thread simply shows how both sides are simply too stupid to discuss the issue with any truthfulness or insight

I have always been a fan of debating at the level of the opposition. JoeBlow and Dot Crap are at the low end of the totem pole, so I have to slum in this thread to counter thier utter bullshit.
and this thread simply shows how both sides are simply too stupid to discuss the issue with any truthfulness or insight

I have always been a fan of debating at the level of the opposition. JoeBlow and Dot Crap are at the low end of the totem pole, so I have to slum in this thread to counter thier utter bullshit.

So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!

Yeah, because clearly, having a gun in the classroom is going to make it much safer.

Hey, let's not stop there, let's start arming the kiddies!

I get the feeling you don't mind these kiddies being armed:


Guy, why do you always try to change the subject when you are losing an argument.
That can never happen when you're involved.
Frankly, these Palestinian kids are living the NRA Dream, aren't they? Arming themselves against a tyrannical government. How's that working out for them?

Oh, wait. It isn't. The Zionists are still there.
They're living the progressive dream of killing Jews...and of being martyrs, so you can stand on their bodies and preach.

It's a twofer for you.
I'm pretty much done debating and compromising. We gun owners have given enough into useless laws that do nothing but impact lawful gun owners, with zero impact on crime.

It is time to draw a line in the sand. Enough is enough

Not another inch

and this thread simply shows how both sides are simply too stupid to discuss the issue with any truthfulness or insight

I have always been a fan of debating at the level of the opposition. JoeBlow and Dot Crap are at the low end of the totem pole, so I have to slum in this thread to counter thier utter bullshit.

So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!


It is, because those ARE facts.
I have always been a fan of debating at the level of the opposition. JoeBlow and Dot Crap are at the low end of the totem pole, so I have to slum in this thread to counter thier utter bullshit.

So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!


It is, because those ARE facts.

Unfortunately, the leftist, communist anti-gun loons don't deal with facts, only emotion

Guy, why do you always try to change the subject when you are losing an argument.
That can never happen when you're involved.

Then why do you always go off squealing like little bitch?

Frankly, these Palestinian kids are living the NRA Dream, aren't they? Arming themselves against a tyrannical government. How's that working out for them?

Oh, wait. It isn't. The Zionists are still there.
They're living the progressive dream of killing Jews...and of being martyrs, so you can stand on their bodies and preach.

It's a twofer for you.

69% of American Jews voted for Obama. Explain that one. (Pssst... it's because they are about as embarrassed by Zionism as most white folks were embarrased about Apartheid in the 1980's)

Frankly, I think the whole situation there is tragic. We keep sticking our hands in the hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.
and this thread simply shows how both sides are simply too stupid to discuss the issue with any truthfulness or insight

I have always been a fan of debating at the level of the opposition. JoeBlow and Dot Crap are at the low end of the totem pole, so I have to slum in this thread to counter thier utter bullshit.

So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!


Coming from a guy who regularly reguritiates kellerman's crap, calls the founding fathers a bunch of slave-rapists, and has repeatedly said "fuck the consitution" any questioning of anyone else's debating tactics is comical at best.

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