No one is going to take your guns

I have always been a fan of debating at the level of the opposition. JoeBlow and Dot Crap are at the low end of the totem pole, so I have to slum in this thread to counter thier utter bullshit.

So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!


It is, because those ARE facts.

No, Kellerman was so true, the NRA has spend 30 years trying to bury it.

And the Founding Fathers said we can have MILITIAS. The correct answer is "Militias"...

Not that I would take the advice of a 200 year old slave rapist on how to manage a civil society any more than I would take their advice on how to treat strep throat. (Read up about how Geo. Washington died, and you'll get the idea.)

I live in the 21st century... and what you guys propose doesn't work.
I have always been a fan of debating at the level of the opposition. JoeBlow and Dot Crap are at the low end of the totem pole, so I have to slum in this thread to counter thier utter bullshit.

So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!


Coming from a guy who regularly reguritiates kellerman's crap, calls the founding fathers a bunch of slave-rapists, and has repeatedly said "fuck the consitution" any questioning of anyone else's debating tactics is comical at best.

Sorry, guy, Kellerman is true, and Tommy Jefferson really did rape the crap out of Sally Hemmings.
So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!


It is, because those ARE facts.

No, Kellerman was so true, the NRA has spend 30 years trying to bury it.

And the Founding Fathers said we can have MILITIAS. The correct answer is "Militias"...

Not that I would take the advice of a 200 year old slave rapist on how to manage a civil society any more than I would take their advice on how to treat strep throat. (Read up about how Geo. Washington died, and you'll get the idea.)

I live in the 21st century... and what you guys propose doesn't work.

Again, dippy, the STATES are allowed to call militas, and in those militas the PEOPLE bring thier weapons, weapons which they have a RIGHT to keep and bear, and that RIGHT shall not be infringed.

the PEOPLE is not the state or the government, it is the individual, and the individual mantains the RIGHT to be armed.
So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!


Coming from a guy who regularly reguritiates kellerman's crap, calls the founding fathers a bunch of slave-rapists, and has repeatedly said "fuck the consitution" any questioning of anyone else's debating tactics is comical at best.

Sorry, guy, Kellerman is true, and Tommy Jefferson really did rape the crap out of Sally Hemmings.

Kellerman is a study based on one county in one state decades ago. and you keep bringing it up like a lemming heading over a cliff.

You know what that gets you, jackwad.
So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!


Coming from a guy who regularly reguritiates kellerman's crap, calls the founding fathers a bunch of slave-rapists, and has repeatedly said "fuck the consitution" any questioning of anyone else's debating tactics is comical at best.

Sorry, guy, Kellerman is true, and Tommy Jefferson really did rape the crap out of Sally Hemmings.

Of course those who may be in the cross hairs some day want guns taken away today

Duh.. :lol:


Again, dippy, the STATES are allowed to call militas, and in those militas the PEOPLE bring thier weapons, weapons which they have a RIGHT to keep and bear, and that RIGHT shall not be infringed.

the PEOPLE is not the state or the government, it is the individual, and the individual mantains the RIGHT to be armed.

And you can hold onto that fantasy as long as Scalia isn't taking a dirt nap.

But the minute he does...

Ooops. The Second Amendment is about Militias again, and guess what, we can regulate guns.

Again, dippy, the STATES are allowed to call militas, and in those militas the PEOPLE bring thier weapons, weapons which they have a RIGHT to keep and bear, and that RIGHT shall not be infringed.

the PEOPLE is not the state or the government, it is the individual, and the individual mantains the RIGHT to be armed.

And you can hold onto that fantasy as long as Scalia isn't taking a dirt nap.

But the minute he does...

Ooops. The Second Amendment is about Militias again, and guess what, we can regulate guns.

Once again Joe relies on getting 5 of 9 unelected lawyers to do his dirty work, instead of following the document as intended, and repealing the amendment he hates so much.

JoeBlow loves the smell of fascism in the morning.

11 years ? that proves you couldn't handle a "regulated" life style.., i could and did for 25 years in the U.S. Navy, now i am retired and you are paying my retirement, i think about your contribution towards my enriched life style every first of the month when that check is deposited in my bank acct., AND that SS check every third day of every month.., which i really don't need (i use it to buy GOLD and SILVER) but i take it because i love hearing liberfools like you whine when they have to contribute towards this ultra conservative patriotic citizens lifestyle. :up:

oooooooooh !! BTW, thank you for your financial contribution. :up: .... :lmao:

Well, gee guy, I'm always happy to help out welfare queens like yourself...

even the ones who can't admit it to themselves.

no welfare here you fat lipped ****, i EARNED it UNLIKE you and your liberfool boyfriends :lmao: ........ :lmao:

are you and pojo in a relationship ? not that there is anything wrong with that :lmao:
Coming from a guy who regularly reguritiates kellerman's crap, calls the founding fathers a bunch of slave-rapists, and has repeatedly said "fuck the consitution" any questioning of anyone else's debating tactics is comical at best.

Sorry, guy, Kellerman is true, and Tommy Jefferson really did rape the crap out of Sally Hemmings.

Kellerman is a study based on one county in one state decades ago. and you keep bringing it up like a lemming heading over a cliff.

You know what that gets you, jackwad.

It gets me the entertainment of watching you completely lose your shit.

Now, here's the thing. Three ways to approach Kellerman.

1) Wow- that's the truth. We should do something about that.

2) Wait, that's inaccuate, we need to do further studies to find out what the truth is.

3) Holy Shit, they caught us!!!! Quick, let's make damn sure no one ELSE studies this issue, ever. Get the CDC to cut funding to these kinds of studies, stat!

Guess which one you guys went with!

11 years ? that proves you couldn't handle a "regulated" life style.., i could and did for 25 years in the U.S. Navy, now i am retired and you are paying my retirement, i think about your contribution towards my enriched life style every first of the month when that check is deposited in my bank acct., AND that SS check every third day of every month.., which i really don't need (i use it to buy GOLD and SILVER) but i take it because i love hearing liberfools like you whine when they have to contribute towards this ultra conservative patriotic citizens lifestyle. :up:

oooooooooh !! BTW, thank you for your financial contribution. :up: .... :lmao:

Well, gee guy, I'm always happy to help out welfare queens like yourself...

even the ones who can't admit it to themselves.

no welfare here you fat lipped ****, i EARNED it UNLIKE you and your liberfool boyfriends :lmao: ........ :lmao:

are you and pojo in a relationship ? not that there is anything wrong with that :lmao:

Guy, you didn't create the wealth that you are being paid from.

You are being paid by the current taxpayers as a courtesy for the service you provided.

(Not that I think someone as openly racist as you are would last in the military more than a few years.)

Now, I don't really have a problem with this, but let's call it what it is... a politically popular welfare program.
Sorry, guy, Kellerman is true, and Tommy Jefferson really did rape the crap out of Sally Hemmings.

Kellerman is a study based on one county in one state decades ago. and you keep bringing it up like a lemming heading over a cliff.

You know what that gets you, jackwad.

It gets me the entertainment of watching you completely lose your shit.

Now, here's the thing. Three ways to approach Kellerman.

1) Wow- that's the truth. We should do something about that.

2) Wait, that's inaccuate, we need to do further studies to find out what the truth is.

3) Holy Shit, they caught us!!!! Quick, let's make damn sure no one ELSE studies this issue, ever. Get the CDC to cut funding to these kinds of studies, stat!

Guess which one you guys went with!

So the CDC is the only place funding can come from for this? Your rich progressive pennybags can fund whatever they want, because CDC still collects THE DATA.

I guess the government is the only place money for studies can come from, oh well.


Again, dippy, the STATES are allowed to call militas, and in those militas the PEOPLE bring thier weapons, weapons which they have a RIGHT to keep and bear, and that RIGHT shall not be infringed.

the PEOPLE is not the state or the government, it is the individual, and the individual mantains the RIGHT to be armed.

And you can hold onto that fantasy as long as Scalia isn't taking a dirt nap.

But the minute he does...

Ooops. The Second Amendment is about Militias again, and guess what, we can regulate guns.

Once again Joe relies on getting 5 of 9 unelected lawyers to do his dirty work, instead of following the document as intended, and repealing the amendment he hates so much.

JoeBlow loves the smell of fascism in the morning.

Let's get this straight, guy.

For most of our history, it was ASSUMED that states and the Feds had the right to regulate what weapons citizens can have.

And even Scalia had to do handstands to explain why handguns are useful to a militia, but that Howitzer Daveman has had his eye on isn't.

Here's another point. IN the 1960's, the Black Panthers started walking around with guns when the cops shot a few of them in cold blooded acts of murder.

Do you know who helped draft a law to put an end to that sort of shit? The NRA.

Do you know who signed it into law in California? Ronald Reagan.


So the CDC is the only place funding can come from for this? Your rich progressive pennybags can fund whatever they want, because CDC still collects THE DATA.

I guess the government is the only place money for studies can come from, oh well.


I suppose mayor bloomberg's group could fund such a study, but you wouldn't accept that, either.

But, hey, how about it. Let's let the CDC study the issue again on a national scale.

Look at all the 32,000 gun deaths for 2011.

Find out how many were suicides
How many were domestic argument homicides.
How many were accidents.
How many were a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy with a gun.

Considering that the FBI's own figures say that there were only 200 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns by civilians, I'm willing to bet that Kellerman's results will be reproduced pretty closely.
NRA supports the African American Community as well


If anyone else walked around like that outside, they'd be shot by cops.
speaking of cops, in the statistics of people being killed with guns at least HALF of those killed were by cops, some rightfully so, and some by trigger happy cops,

tucson former marine killed by cops
The Pima County Regional SWAT team fired 71 shots in seven seconds at least 60 of which struck Guerea a Tucson man they say pointed a gun at officers serving a search warrant at his home.

The Pima County Sheriff's Department initially claimed Guerena fired his weapon at the SWAT team. They now acknowledge that not only did he not fire, the safety on his gun was still activated when he was killed. Guerena had no prior criminal record, and the police found nothing illegal in his home. Police officers are acting like a badge is a license to kill. But the law for police officers is exactly the same as any other person: you can only shoot to kill to protect yourself or others from an imminent physical threat Period.

more here: » No charges against SWAT team who murdered Marine Vet in AZ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
So your goal is to debate facts and figures by screaming "Kellerman isn't true" (stomp, stomp, stomp) and "The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun" like a petulant child who has a toy taken away from him when he misbehaves!


It is, because those ARE facts.

No, Kellerman was so true, the NRA has spend 30 years trying to bury it.

And the Founding Fathers said we can have MILITIAS. The correct answer is "Militias"...

Not that I would take the advice of a 200 year old slave rapist on how to manage a civil society any more than I would take their advice on how to treat strep throat. (Read up about how Geo. Washington died, and you'll get the idea.)

I live in the 21st century... and what you guys propose doesn't work.

Retard, you still can't read a simple sentence with two clauses one prefatory the other operative?
I get the feeling you don't mind these kiddies being armed:


Guy, why do you always try to change the subject when you are losing an argument.
That can never happen when you're involved.
Frankly, these Palestinian kids are living the NRA Dream, aren't they? Arming themselves against a tyrannical government. How's that working out for them?

Oh, wait. It isn't. The Zionists are still there.
They're living the progressive dream of killing Jews...and of being martyrs, so you can stand on their bodies and preach.

It's a twofer for you.

Not allowing children to legally buy/possess guns is a violation of the 2nd Amendment's ban against 'infringement' isn't it? According to you so-called constitutionalists...

Where's the exception for children in the 2nd Amendment?
Because he didn't have the resources to drive down to Arizona where state officials weren't enforcing the law or helping the ATF in their investigation.

But nice attempt to change the subject, though.

I'm sure the most corrupt AG in history has an illegal gun running operation in every city. Buying an illegal gun is a simple matter.

Actually, the murder rate is down in those places, too. the country is getting older, which is why crime is declining.

Which places?

Australia and the UK have rising murder rates.

Murder rate rose 5% last year
But Home Office figures show overall crime remained stable or even fell despite the August riots

Murder rate rose 5% last year | UK news | The Guardian

And gun ownership is not going up, it's going down. In 2000, 42% of homes had a gun in them. In 2012, it was down to 37%.


Making shit up, huh?

{Will 2013 be a record year for U.S. gun sales? There's a lot of evidence suggesting as much.

Despite stepped-up campaigns by gun control advocates in the wake of mass shootings at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo. -- which took place one year ago July 20 -- and an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., the U.S. appears to be entering a new normal when it comes to gun purchases.}

Will 2013 mark record gun sales in US?- MSN Money

You anti-civil rights advocates sure lie a lot.

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