No one is going to take your guns

And the Founding Fathers said we can have MILITIAS. The correct answer is "Militias"...

I live in the 21st century...
Yet no one taught you how to read yet.

Original text:
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added; And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three-fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.

ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.

Article the first. .... After the first enumeration required by the first article of the Constitution, there shall be one Representative for every 30,000 until the number shall amount to 100, after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall be not less than 100 Representatives, nor less than one Representative for every 40,000 persons, until the number of Representatives shall amount to 200; after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall not be less than 200 Representatives, nor more than one Representative for every 50,000 persons.

Article the second ... No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

Article the third ...... Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Article the fourth..... A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed...

Note the operative clause is the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Why? Because a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state. The militia clause is a prefatory clause that provides a reasonable reason for the operative clause.

Good Christ, we're back to "prefatory" again... :rolleyes:

It's either prefatory or it's dependent. What you just described is the latter.

again the militia is self regulated by the citizens. explicitly not the government. a militia regulated by the citizens by leaders of their choosing. Madisons own words. given he wrote the 2nd amendment I'm sure he has a pretty good perspective on how it was to be managed
Black Conservative Leaders = Chickens for Colonel Sanders
Well, ain't you just a racist son of a bitch.

Yes indeed he is.

His #1 reason for hysterical support of abortion at any time, for any keeps the porn and human sex trafficking industries going.

His #2 kills off black kids and destroys black women.

True story. I've been exposed to this ghoul for years, and that's the long and short of it.
I don't doubt it. He's a twisted bastard, all right.
Today.............Step mom's house broke into by thugs....................

Kicked in the back door.............No BS here. She yelled and screamed called 9/11...........

Luckily they fled as they thought no one was home..................

Door temp fixed................I thought she had a weapon.........She's 83 now..................

This could have been very bad, and I'll put in a door Friday. Temp will hold. She's with us now and NOW OWNS A GUN...........OF HER CHOICE............BOUGHT TODAY.

If they come back they will take a dirt nap. Of course the libs on her don't give a shit that I could have lost her today. She's with us now................

Wow. That was awfully topical.

Nice of her to have a life experience that supports your talking points.
Black Conservative Leaders = Chickens for Colonel Sanders
Well, ain't you just a racist son of a bitch.

Yes indeed he is.

His #1 reason for hysterical support of abortion at any time, for any keeps the porn and human sex trafficking industries going.

His #2 kills off black kids and destroys black women.

True story. I've been exposed to this ghoul for years, and that's the long and short of it.

True story, you are a batshit crazy woman who is trying to put what a man talked you into off on everyone else.
Black Conservative Leaders = Chickens for Colonel Sanders

Why dont you just go and call them House *******? Its what you are implying you racist asshole.

I think that would be an insult to House Negros...
Remember all those times you called me racist?

And remember all those times I called you racist?

Only one of us is right. And it's not you.

Too many rep points. Kiss some goodbye, racist sack of shit.
Today.............Step mom's house broke into by thugs....................

Kicked in the back door.............No BS here. She yelled and screamed called 9/11...........

Luckily they fled as they thought no one was home..................

Door temp fixed................I thought she had a weapon.........She's 83 now..................

This could have been very bad, and I'll put in a door Friday. Temp will hold. She's with us now and NOW OWNS A GUN...........OF HER CHOICE............BOUGHT TODAY.

If they come back they will take a dirt nap. Of course the libs on her don't give a shit that I could have lost her today. She's with us now................

Wow. That was awfully topical.

Nice of her to have a life experience that supports your talking points.
He didn't know you had exclusive rights to that franchise, Mr. My Sob Story Keeps Changing With Current Events.
Today.............Step mom's house broke into by thugs....................

Kicked in the back door.............No BS here. She yelled and screamed called 9/11...........

Luckily they fled as they thought no one was home..................

Door temp fixed................I thought she had a weapon.........She's 83 now..................

This could have been very bad, and I'll put in a door Friday. Temp will hold. She's with us now and NOW OWNS A GUN...........OF HER CHOICE............BOUGHT TODAY.

If they come back they will take a dirt nap. Of course the libs on her don't give a shit that I could have lost her today. She's with us now................

Wow. That was awfully topical.

Nice of her to have a life experience that supports your talking points.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on...............This isn't BS....................

This is real. Unlike you I don't have to LIE all the time. I believe in the truth...........

She is here at my home now...................If you don't believe me, I quite frankly don't give a shit.............She could have died today had they not run off....................

In your liberal utopia this shit doesn't happen. Problem is we live in the real Fucking world.............

Now go report me to the moderator or something, because I don't give a Fuck.

yes joe, self regulated militias. not regulated by the government. the point you liberal idiots keep missing.

the supreme court can rule whatever they want. the bottom line is any politician who votes in a gun ban will end his political career. democrats know if they do more than talk and actually try to enact something they are done. they tested the waters with Sandy Hook and found this out. even a tragedy where kids are killed they couldn't exploit. you claimed 80% of Americans wanted background checks. you lied. and politicians found out that that number wasn't even close ot being true. and one by one they backed away from it.

and what has happened since? well the gun lobby has grown stronger. gun owners, both conservative and liberal have galvanized to protect the 2nd amendment. 20,000,000 new people have applied for gun permits. this isn't more gun fanatics buying more guns. this is new, first time gun owners. mostly made up of women and new age eligible owners. the group democrats claim make up their staunch supporters. well they won't be supporting gun bans joe. your swing vote is swinging, and its swinging away from you. Democrats know pushing for restrictive gun laws is political suicide. thats why its all talk, no action. now obamacare is further undermining them. they have much bigger issues to worry about than guns.

Guy, the Republicans have put their heads into the noose with Sandy Hook.

The next school shooting, they TOTALLY OWN.

And, no, sorry, gun ownership is shrinking in this country. You are an increasingly angry, stupid minority.
Well, ain't you just a racist son of a bitch.

Yes indeed he is.

His #1 reason for hysterical support of abortion at any time, for any keeps the porn and human sex trafficking industries going.

His #2 kills off black kids and destroys black women.

True story. I've been exposed to this ghoul for years, and that's the long and short of it.

True story, you are a batshit crazy woman who is trying to put what a man talked you into off on everyone else.


What a loon you are.
Today.............Step mom's house broke into by thugs....................

Kicked in the back door.............No BS here. She yelled and screamed called 9/11...........

Luckily they fled as they thought no one was home..................

Door temp fixed................I thought she had a weapon.........She's 83 now..................

This could have been very bad, and I'll put in a door Friday. Temp will hold. She's with us now and NOW OWNS A GUN...........OF HER CHOICE............BOUGHT TODAY.

If they come back they will take a dirt nap. Of course the libs on her don't give a shit that I could have lost her today. She's with us now................

Wow. That was awfully topical.

Nice of her to have a life experience that supports your talking points.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on...............This isn't BS....................

This is real. Unlike you I don't have to LIE all the time. I believe in the truth...........

She is here at my home now...................If you don't believe me, I quite frankly don't give a shit.............She could have died today had they not run off....................

In your liberal utopia this shit doesn't happen. Problem is we live in the real Fucking world.............

Now go report me to the moderator or something, because I don't give a Fuck.

Okay, whatever you say, guy.

Frankly, I must be living a charmed life. I've lived in Chicago, which according to you gun nuts is the murder capital of creation, and frankly, I've never had a gun pointed at me in my life for real.
Wow. That was awfully topical.

Nice of her to have a life experience that supports your talking points.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on...............This isn't BS....................

This is real. Unlike you I don't have to LIE all the time. I believe in the truth...........

She is here at my home now...................If you don't believe me, I quite frankly don't give a shit.............She could have died today had they not run off....................

In your liberal utopia this shit doesn't happen. Problem is we live in the real Fucking world.............

Now go report me to the moderator or something, because I don't give a Fuck.

Okay, whatever you say, guy.

Frankly, I must be living a charmed life. I've lived in Chicago, which according to you gun nuts is the murder capital of creation, and frankly, I've never had a gun pointed at me in my life for real.

And because it doesn't happen to you it doesn't exist.....................

No gun was pointed today. They left after kicking in the door. Which part of that didn't you understand......................

She now owns a weapon. How the hell do you expect an elderly lady to fend off fucking young men who just kicked her fucking back door....................................

In your world, she shouldn't have a weapon, and had they been the worst type of criminals instead of those that ran............How does she defend herself.............

With her IMAGINATION................Fairy tales are BS Joe.............This is the real world Joe.............Shit happens Joe............................

And you want no one to have a weapon, while wanting to EXTERMINATE an ENTIRE BREED OF DOG..................
Today.............Step mom's house broke into by thugs....................

Kicked in the back door.............No BS here. She yelled and screamed called 9/11...........

Luckily they fled as they thought no one was home..................

Door temp fixed................I thought she had a weapon.........She's 83 now..................

This could have been very bad, and I'll put in a door Friday. Temp will hold. She's with us now and NOW OWNS A GUN...........OF HER CHOICE............BOUGHT TODAY.

If they come back they will take a dirt nap. Of course the libs on her don't give a shit that I could have lost her today. She's with us now................

Wow. That was awfully topical.

Nice of her to have a life experience that supports your talking points.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on...............This isn't BS....................

This is real. Unlike you I don't have to LIE all the time. I believe in the truth...........

She is here at my home now...................If you don't believe me, I quite frankly don't give a shit.............She could have died today had they not run off....................

In your liberal utopia this shit doesn't happen. Problem is we live in the real Fucking world.............

Now go report me to the moderator or something, because I don't give a Fuck.

Umm... didn't you just recount how she turned them away without a firearm?
Wow. That was awfully topical.

Nice of her to have a life experience that supports your talking points.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on...............This isn't BS....................

This is real. Unlike you I don't have to LIE all the time. I believe in the truth...........

She is here at my home now...................If you don't believe me, I quite frankly don't give a shit.............She could have died today had they not run off....................

In your liberal utopia this shit doesn't happen. Problem is we live in the real Fucking world.............

Now go report me to the moderator or something, because I don't give a Fuck.

Umm... didn't you just recount how she turned them away without a firearm?

Yes..........And next time....................Will they leave next time....................What does your crystal ball say....................

What if they don't stop next time.......................if there is a next time and they don't leave as it went down today, what should she defend herself with Lib............

Maybe hold up a piece of paper and say, it's against the law to break in my house or something.................

You guys are LUNATICS.

And because it doesn't happen to you it doesn't exist.....................

No gun was pointed today. They left after kicking in the door. Which part of that didn't you understand......................

She now owns a weapon. How the hell do you expect an elderly lady to fend off fucking young men who just kicked her fucking back door....................................

In your world, she shouldn't have a weapon, and had they been the worst type of criminals instead of those that ran............How does she defend herself.............

With her IMAGINATION................Fairy tales are BS Joe.............This is the real world Joe.............Shit happens Joe............................

And you want no one to have a weapon, while wanting to EXTERMINATE an ENTIRE BREED OF DOG..................

I wouldn't have an 83 year old living on her own under any circumstances, but that's just me.

Point is, a gun in the home is a greater danger to people in the home than anything outside of it.

But you guys keep living your dream life that you'll get to pull a "Zimmerman" one day.

How's that working out for him?
Wow. That was awfully topical.

Nice of her to have a life experience that supports your talking points.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on...............This isn't BS....................

This is real. Unlike you I don't have to LIE all the time. I believe in the truth...........

She is here at my home now...................If you don't believe me, I quite frankly don't give a shit.............She could have died today had they not run off....................

In your liberal utopia this shit doesn't happen. Problem is we live in the real Fucking world.............

Now go report me to the moderator or something, because I don't give a Fuck.

Okay, whatever you say, guy.

Frankly, I must be living a charmed life. I've lived in Chicago, which according to you gun nuts is the murder capital of creation, and frankly, I've never had a gun pointed at me in my life for real.

Make up your mind libtard, we need gun control or it's not a problem at all.

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