No one is going to take your guns

Yes indeed he is.

His #1 reason for hysterical support of abortion at any time, for any keeps the porn and human sex trafficking industries going.

His #2 kills off black kids and destroys black women.

True story. I've been exposed to this ghoul for years, and that's the long and short of it.

True story, you are a batshit crazy woman who is trying to put what a man talked you into off on everyone else.


What a loon you are.

Not at all.

Whenever I see anyone get as nutty as you do on abortion, it's usually because they've had one.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on...............This isn't BS....................

This is real. Unlike you I don't have to LIE all the time. I believe in the truth...........

She is here at my home now...................If you don't believe me, I quite frankly don't give a shit.............She could have died today had they not run off....................

In your liberal utopia this shit doesn't happen. Problem is we live in the real Fucking world.............

Now go report me to the moderator or something, because I don't give a Fuck.

Umm... didn't you just recount how she turned them away without a firearm?

Yes..........And next time....................Will they leave next time....................What does your crystal ball say....................

What if they don't stop next time.......................if there is a next time and they don't leave as it went down today, what should she defend herself with Lib............

Maybe hold up a piece of paper and say, it's against the law to break in my house or something.................

You guys are LUNATICS.

What's "lunatic" about recounting what you just said?
Break-in attempted, break-in thwarted, no firearm was needed. You may not be making the point you think you are.

Btw... try to calm the fuck down. Sheesh.

And because it doesn't happen to you it doesn't exist.....................

No gun was pointed today. They left after kicking in the door. Which part of that didn't you understand......................

She now owns a weapon. How the hell do you expect an elderly lady to fend off fucking young men who just kicked her fucking back door....................................

In your world, she shouldn't have a weapon, and had they been the worst type of criminals instead of those that ran............How does she defend herself.............

With her IMAGINATION................Fairy tales are BS Joe.............This is the real world Joe.............Shit happens Joe............................

And you want no one to have a weapon, while wanting to EXTERMINATE an ENTIRE BREED OF DOG..................

I wouldn't have an 83 year old living on her own under any circumstances, but that's just me.

Point is, a gun in the home is a greater danger to people in the home than anything outside of it.

But you guys keep living your dream life that you'll get to pull a "Zimmerman" one day.

How's that working out for him?

She doesn't live alone..................Her son is living there with her..............He's a Vet.................Army................He went to get his car worked on and was only gone a few hours...........

They didn't know she was home.............
Umm... didn't you just recount how she turned them away without a firearm?

Yes..........And next time....................Will they leave next time....................What does your crystal ball say....................

What if they don't stop next time.......................if there is a next time and they don't leave as it went down today, what should she defend herself with Lib............

Maybe hold up a piece of paper and say, it's against the law to break in my house or something.................

You guys are LUNATICS.

What's "lunatic" about recounting what you just said?
Break-in attempted, break-in thwarted, no firearm was needed. You may not be making the point you think you are.

Btw... try to calm the fuck down. Sheesh.

Calm the Fuck down............Why should I.............They kicked her Fucking door in...........................

She doesn't live alone..................Her son is living there with her..............He's a Vet.................Army................He went to get his car worked on and was only gone a few hours...........

They didn't know she was home.............

But that's the point.

Most home break ins happen when people aren't home. (Usually meaning that gun ends up on the black market when it is stolen).

And most of the time when they miscalculate and someone IS home, they immediately retreat before they get into real trouble.

But you nutters live for the day when you can pull a "Zimmerman" and shoot some kid you thought looked suspicious.

And you really don't care about all the people who get killed in the crossfire, or in accidents when guns are left lying about the house.

yes joe, self regulated militias. not regulated by the government. the point you liberal idiots keep missing.

the supreme court can rule whatever they want. the bottom line is any politician who votes in a gun ban will end his political career. democrats know if they do more than talk and actually try to enact something they are done. they tested the waters with Sandy Hook and found this out. even a tragedy where kids are killed they couldn't exploit. you claimed 80% of Americans wanted background checks. you lied. and politicians found out that that number wasn't even close ot being true. and one by one they backed away from it.

and what has happened since? well the gun lobby has grown stronger. gun owners, both conservative and liberal have galvanized to protect the 2nd amendment. 20,000,000 new people have applied for gun permits. this isn't more gun fanatics buying more guns. this is new, first time gun owners. mostly made up of women and new age eligible owners. the group democrats claim make up their staunch supporters. well they won't be supporting gun bans joe. your swing vote is swinging, and its swinging away from you. Democrats know pushing for restrictive gun laws is political suicide. thats why its all talk, no action. now obamacare is further undermining them. they have much bigger issues to worry about than guns.

Guy, the Republicans have put their heads into the noose with Sandy Hook.

The next school shooting, they TOTALLY OWN.

And, no, sorry, gun ownership is shrinking in this country. You are an increasingly angry, stupid minority.

yes joe, 20,000,000 new request for pistol permits last year indicate gun ownership is shrinking. :lol: but you know what was great? watching democrats break ranks on Obama's gun agenda to protect their own political asses.

Joe, let me ask you this. In this extremely partisan administration, what was the only thing democrats have broken ranks on and gone against the party line? you guessed it. gun control. brother, you are the angry one. Game over, and you lost it. Guns are here to stay. and the funny thing is, the more you anti gun nuts push, the stronger our position grows.

She doesn't live alone..................Her son is living there with her..............He's a Vet.................Army................He went to get his car worked on and was only gone a few hours...........

They didn't know she was home.............

But that's the point.

Most home break ins happen when people aren't home. (Usually meaning that gun ends up on the black market when it is stolen).

And most of the time when they miscalculate and someone IS home, they immediately retreat before they get into real trouble.

But you nutters live for the day when you can pull a "Zimmerman" and shoot some kid you thought looked suspicious.

And you really don't care about all the people who get killed in the crossfire, or in accidents when guns are left lying about the house.


And when it isn't most cases you would deny my mother N law the right to defend herself with a gun..................

Again, young men strong enough to kick in the back door.............Exactly how would she fend them off...............We are trying to talk her into moving in with us............that neighborhood isn't that great anymore.............She refuses to leave........She states it's her home, and will not be chased off from her home.........She has lived there a long time..............

As far as your fantasy post BS, it only holds water in your fantasy Liberal World.

She doesn't live alone..................Her son is living there with her..............He's a Vet.................Army................He went to get his car worked on and was only gone a few hours...........

They didn't know she was home.............

But that's the point.

Most home break ins happen when people aren't home. (Usually meaning that gun ends up on the black market when it is stolen).

And most of the time when they miscalculate and someone IS home, they immediately retreat before they get into real trouble.

But you nutters live for the day when you can pull a "Zimmerman" and shoot some kid you thought looked suspicious.

And you really don't care about all the people who get killed in the crossfire, or in accidents when guns are left lying about the house.

you know, you are right. which is exactly why people should be allowed to carry their guns with them. see, restricting carry is another thing you gun grabbers have fucked up on. every stolen gun is all your fault.

yes joe, 20,000,000 new request for pistol permits last year indicate gun ownership is shrinking. :lol: but you know what was great? watching democrats break ranks on Obama's gun agenda to protect their own political asses.

Joe, let me ask you this. In this extremely partisan administration, what was the only thing democrats have broken ranks on and gone against the party line? you guessed it. gun control. brother, you are the angry one. Game over, and you lost it. Guns are here to stay. and the funny thing is, the more you anti gun nuts push, the stronger our position grows.

Guy, here's the problem.

Yeah, a few Democrats went against the party...

But at the end of the day, households with guns in them are shrinking as a precentage of the country. those 20 million new permits are the same nuts applying for new guns because they realized how tiny their penises truly were.

But next school shooting, people are going to ask, "How was this crazy person able to get a gun and murder these sweet angels?" and then some of those guys are going to have some very hard questions to answer.


And when it isn't most cases you would deny my mother N law the right to defend herself with a gun..................

Again, young men strong enough to kick in the back door.............Exactly how would she fend them off...............We are trying to talk her into moving in with us............that neighborhood isn't that great anymore.............She refuses to leave........She states it's her home, and will not be chased off from her home.........She has lived there a long time..............

As far as your fantasy post BS, it only holds water in your fantasy Liberal World.

Guy, I know I don't live in a "fantasy liberal world".

Which actually accurately describes Japan and most of western Europe, but never mind. To be a conservatard, you ahve to pretend those places don't exist.


And when it isn't most cases you would deny my mother N law the right to defend herself with a gun..................

Again, young men strong enough to kick in the back door.............Exactly how would she fend them off...............We are trying to talk her into moving in with us............that neighborhood isn't that great anymore.............She refuses to leave........She states it's her home, and will not be chased off from her home.........She has lived there a long time..............

As far as your fantasy post BS, it only holds water in your fantasy Liberal World.

Guy, I know I don't live in a "fantasy liberal world".

Which actually accurately describes Japan and most of western Europe, but never mind. To be a conservatard, you ahve to pretend those places don't exist.

Fantasy is thinking that criminals will not have guns if you ban them..............

Your a criminals best friend...........Can I charge you with aiding and Abetting them..................
What's this "we" shit?

You'll be hiding in your basement, sissy boi. Then, when it's all over, you'll get on the internet and brag about how you helped bring it about.


Guy, you are the one who goes hysterical whenever someone even talks about regulating a gun...

You wear Depends, don't you?

Nope, but I've noticed this thread has made you absolutely nuts.

I mean, you are kind of nuts most of the time, but just talk about regulating a gun, and wow, you get nuts.
Guy, you are the one who goes hysterical whenever someone even talks about regulating a gun...

You wear Depends, don't you?

Nope, but I've noticed this thread has made you absolutely nuts.

I mean, you are kind of nuts most of the time, but just talk about regulating a gun, and wow, you get nuts.

Coming from someone who wants to exterminate a whole breed of dogs...................

I'll take that under advisement..................NOT..............
You wear Depends, don't you?

Nope, but I've noticed this thread has made you absolutely nuts.

I mean, you are kind of nuts most of the time, but just talk about regulating a gun, and wow, you get nuts.

Coming from someone who wants to exterminate a whole breed of dogs...................

I'll take that under advisement..................NOT..............

Breeds of dogs are eliminated all the time...

Frankly, the concept of breeding dogs is part of the problem. It's why you have so many puppy mills selling the dog equivlent to a red state inbred, and then wondering why they don't do well in homes.

The Good Old, All-American MUTT!
Nope, but I've noticed this thread has made you absolutely nuts.

I mean, you are kind of nuts most of the time, but just talk about regulating a gun, and wow, you get nuts.

Coming from someone who wants to exterminate a whole breed of dogs...................

I'll take that under advisement..................NOT..............

Breeds of dogs are eliminated all the time...

Frankly, the concept of breeding dogs is part of the problem. It's why you have so many puppy mills selling the dog equivlent to a red state inbred, and then wondering why they don't do well in homes.

The Good Old, All-American MUTT!

Should I call you a Racist for that statement...................Mixed breed Mutt...................

As you the WANT TO KILL the Good Ole, All-American MUTT..............

Do you think the dog owners who love their dogs will allow you KILL THEM and OBEY YOU JOE..............

You state your BS, and expect ALL TO OBEY..............Because the ALMIGHTY JOE has DECREED IT..............Whether or not you agree with him or not..........It's for your own good.

Maybe we should make a FRUIT CAKE MOVE CALLED...........JOE KNOWS BEST............

Perhaps 10 libs would actually watch it.
Guy, you are the one who goes hysterical whenever someone even talks about regulating a gun...

You wear Depends, don't you?

Nope, but I've noticed this thread has made you absolutely nuts.

I mean, you are kind of nuts most of the time, but just talk about regulating a gun, and wow, you get nuts.
Really? I haven't noticed that at all.

I HAVE noticed that if anybody talks about owning a gun, you piss your pants in rage and fear.

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