No one is going to take your guns

Coming from someone who wants to exterminate a whole breed of dogs...................

I'll take that under advisement..................NOT..............

Breeds of dogs are eliminated all the time...

Frankly, the concept of breeding dogs is part of the problem. It's why you have so many puppy mills selling the dog equivlent to a red state inbred, and then wondering why they don't do well in homes.

The Good Old, All-American MUTT!

Should I call you a Racist for that statement...................Mixed breed Mutt...................

As you the WANT TO KILL the Good Ole, All-American MUTT..............

Do you think the dog owners who love their dogs will allow you KILL THEM and OBEY YOU JOE..............

You state your BS, and expect ALL TO OBEY..............Because the ALMIGHTY JOE has DECREED IT..............Whether or not you agree with him or not..........It's for your own good.

Maybe we should make a FRUIT CAKE MOVE CALLED...........JOE KNOWS BEST............

Perhaps 10 libs would actually watch it.

Actually, a whole lot of ways to get the Pit Bull owners to put down their own dogs.

Just require them to carry $100,000 of insurance against the injuries their dogs are going to potentially cause.
You wear Depends, don't you?

Nope, but I've noticed this thread has made you absolutely nuts.

I mean, you are kind of nuts most of the time, but just talk about regulating a gun, and wow, you get nuts.
Really? I haven't noticed that at all.

I HAVE noticed that if anybody talks about owning a gun, you piss your pants in rage and fear.

You haven't?

Frankly, guy, you gun nuts live in terror that some of us don't want you to have guns, and we might be in the majority.

How about this. Let's take every gun proposal, put it on a national ballot, and both sides agree for ten years to abide by the decision of a national referendum.

yes joe, 20,000,000 new request for pistol permits last year indicate gun ownership is shrinking. :lol: but you know what was great? watching democrats break ranks on Obama's gun agenda to protect their own political asses.

Joe, let me ask you this. In this extremely partisan administration, what was the only thing democrats have broken ranks on and gone against the party line? you guessed it. gun control. brother, you are the angry one. Game over, and you lost it. Guns are here to stay. and the funny thing is, the more you anti gun nuts push, the stronger our position grows.

Guy, here's the problem.

Yeah, a few Democrats went against the party...

But at the end of the day, households with guns in them are shrinking as a precentage of the country. those 20 million new permits are the same nuts applying for new guns because they realized how tiny their penises truly were.

But next school shooting, people are going to ask, "How was this crazy person able to get a gun and murder these sweet angels?" and then some of those guys are going to have some very hard questions to answer.

wrong joe, those were first time owners applying for permits. not renewals, not additions to existing permits. 20,000,000 NEW applications for permit. first time approvals. see joe, that's your problem, you believe your own bullshit and are clueless to reality. you are a typical gun grabber. how many guns have you idiots actually grabbed lately? lots of gum flapping and no action.

She doesn't live alone..................Her son is living there with her..............He's a Vet.................Army................He went to get his car worked on and was only gone a few hours...........

They didn't know she was home.............

But that's the point.

Most home break ins happen when people aren't home. (Usually meaning that gun ends up on the black market when it is stolen).

And most of the time when they miscalculate and someone IS home, they immediately retreat before they get into real trouble.

But you nutters live for the day when you can pull a "Zimmerman" and shoot some kid you thought looked suspicious.

And you really don't care about all the people who get killed in the crossfire, or in accidents when guns are left lying about the house.


And when it isn't most cases you would deny my mother N law the right to defend herself with a gun..................

Again, young men strong enough to kick in the back door.............Exactly how would she fend them off...............We are trying to talk her into moving in with us............that neighborhood isn't that great anymore.............She refuses to leave........She states it's her home, and will not be chased off from her home.........She has lived there a long time..............

As far as your fantasy post BS, it only holds water in your fantasy Liberal World.


Um ... I gots a question.

How come in the first version of this story she was your stepmom, and now she's morphed into your mother-in-law?


wrong joe, those were first time owners applying for permits. not renewals, not additions to existing permits. 20,000,000 NEW applications for permit. first time approvals. see joe, that's your problem, you believe your own bullshit and are clueless to reality. you are a typical gun grabber. how many guns have you idiots actually grabbed lately? lots of gum flapping and no action.

you can pretend they are whatever you want to pretend they are...

but you gun nuts are becoming more and more passe every year.

It's kind of sad, because unfortunately, you are all caught in the Gun Industry's death spiral to make as much money as they can before the bottom falls out.
Nope, but I've noticed this thread has made you absolutely nuts.

I mean, you are kind of nuts most of the time, but just talk about regulating a gun, and wow, you get nuts.
Really? I haven't noticed that at all.

I HAVE noticed that if anybody talks about owning a gun, you piss your pants in rage and fear.

You haven't?

Frankly, guy, you gun nuts live in terror that some of us don't want you to have guns, and we might be in the majority.

How about this. Let's take every gun proposal, put it on a national ballot, and both sides agree for ten years to abide by the decision of a national referendum.

How about you stop pissing on the Constitution.
But that's the point.

Most home break ins happen when people aren't home. (Usually meaning that gun ends up on the black market when it is stolen).

And most of the time when they miscalculate and someone IS home, they immediately retreat before they get into real trouble.

But you nutters live for the day when you can pull a "Zimmerman" and shoot some kid you thought looked suspicious.

And you really don't care about all the people who get killed in the crossfire, or in accidents when guns are left lying about the house.


And when it isn't most cases you would deny my mother N law the right to defend herself with a gun..................

Again, young men strong enough to kick in the back door.............Exactly how would she fend them off...............We are trying to talk her into moving in with us............that neighborhood isn't that great anymore.............She refuses to leave........She states it's her home, and will not be chased off from her home.........She has lived there a long time..............

As far as your fantasy post BS, it only holds water in your fantasy Liberal World.


Um ... I gots a question.

How come in the first version of this story she was your stepmom, and now she's morphed into your mother-in-law?


I screwed up. Still pissed about it...........So sue me...........mother in law is the correct term...................

And this isn't BS.......
Nope, but I've noticed this thread has made you absolutely nuts.

I mean, you are kind of nuts most of the time, but just talk about regulating a gun, and wow, you get nuts.
Really? I haven't noticed that at all.

I HAVE noticed that if anybody talks about owning a gun, you piss your pants in rage and fear.

You haven't?

Frankly, guy, you gun nuts live in terror that some of us don't want you to have guns, and we might be in the majority.

How about this. Let's take every gun proposal, put it on a national ballot, and both sides agree for ten years to abide by the decision of a national referendum.
Still displaying your raging ignorance of and contempt for the Constitution, I see.

How about this. You shut the fuck up about your Commie fantasy, and we do...nothing. We don't HAVE to do anything. Our rights are secure, and your liberty-loathing prog wet dream has no affect on them whatsoever.

Accept it. Accept it and move on.

But you won't, will you? You've already demonstrated tonight that you're worthless and weak.

Run along, Cupcake. :lol:
Still displaying your raging ignorance of and contempt for the Constitution, I see.

How about this. You shut the fuck up about your Commie fantasy, and we do...nothing. We don't HAVE to do anything. Our rights are secure, and your liberty-loathing prog wet dream has no affect on them whatsoever.

Accept it. Accept it and move on.

But you won't, will you? You've already demonstrated tonight that you're worthless and weak.

Run along, Cupcake. :lol:

Guy, the only thing demonstrated tonight is that you are a black hole of emotional need that you want anyone to pay attention to you...

But the reality. Most people in this country are tired of sharing their streets with gun-weilding maniacs, wondering if their kid's school is going to be next.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on...............This isn't BS....................

This is real. Unlike you I don't have to LIE all the time. I believe in the truth...........

She is here at my home now...................If you don't believe me, I quite frankly don't give a shit.............She could have died today had they not run off....................

In your liberal utopia this shit doesn't happen. Problem is we live in the real Fucking world.............

Now go report me to the moderator or something, because I don't give a Fuck.

Umm... didn't you just recount how she turned them away without a firearm?

Yes..........And next time....................Will they leave next time....................What does your crystal ball say....................

What if they don't stop next time.......................if there is a next time and they don't leave as it went down today, what should she defend herself with Lib............

Maybe hold up a piece of paper and say, it's against the law to break in my house or something.................

You guys are LUNATICS.

Um, no.

You did just validate the argument that one can successfully defend himself absent a firearm.

Way to go, nitwit.

And yet again, we see how the stupidity of rightwing extremists pose a greater threat to our rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any ‘gun grabber.’

wrong joe, those were first time owners applying for permits. not renewals, not additions to existing permits. 20,000,000 NEW applications for permit. first time approvals. see joe, that's your problem, you believe your own bullshit and are clueless to reality. you are a typical gun grabber. how many guns have you idiots actually grabbed lately? lots of gum flapping and no action.

you can pretend they are whatever you want to pretend they are...

but you gun nuts are becoming more and more passe every year.

It's kind of sad, because unfortunately, you are all caught in the Gun Industry's death spiral to make as much money as they can before the bottom falls out.

sure thing troll. but you still fail. you do know this death spiral you speak of registered a $4,000,000,000 growth in sales. that's $4 billion joe and added over 26,000 jobs. and still, working full out double shifting, they still can't meet the public demand. nice death spiral. the gun industry alone has added more jobs than Obama. lol. the gun industry should be our president.

sure thing troll. but you still fail. you do know this death spiral you speak of registered a $4,000,000,000 growth in sales. that's $4 billion joe and added over 26,000 jobs. and still, working full out double shifting, they still can't meet the public demand. nice death spiral. the gun industry alone has added more jobs than Obama. lol. the gun industry should be our president.

Guy, you can pretend all you want, but the fact is, the only reason why the gun industry is selling more guns is because they are creating an artificial hysteria that you can't buy them next week.

I do sales in one of my jobs. Of course, you want to convince a customer to make the buy today! This is your last chance before Obama outlaws guns!!!! Buy now!!!!

The reality though, is that those guns will mostly sit in closets, until laws are passed to make them too expensive to own...

And they'll be turned in without a fight.
Umm... didn't you just recount how she turned them away without a firearm?

Yes..........And next time....................Will they leave next time....................What does your crystal ball say....................

What if they don't stop next time.......................if there is a next time and they don't leave as it went down today, what should she defend herself with Lib............

Maybe hold up a piece of paper and say, it's against the law to break in my house or something.................

You guys are LUNATICS.

Um, no.

You did just validate the argument that one can successfully defend himself absent a firearm.

Way to go, nitwit.

And yet again, we see how the stupidity of rightwing extremists pose a greater threat to our rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any ‘gun grabber.’


Unlike your side I post the truth............Irregardless of whether or it fits the PRAVDA............which your side spouts everyday.............

And again, NEXT TIME, will it go as well..............Hopefully, never again.

But should it happen, and they don't stop and leave, she will now have more than a fucking law to defend herself with.

The last time I heard, breaking into someone's home was against the law.

Did the Criminals OBEY.........

You FRUIT CAKES think ...........I'LL PASS LAW UG.........They will OBEY...........

World no longer has evil anymore...........

Umm... didn't you just recount how she turned them away without a firearm?

Yes..........And next time....................Will they leave next time....................What does your crystal ball say....................

What if they don't stop next time.......................if there is a next time and they don't leave as it went down today, what should she defend herself with Lib............

Maybe hold up a piece of paper and say, it's against the law to break in my house or something.................

You guys are LUNATICS.

Um, no.

You did just validate the argument that one can successfully defend himself absent a firearm.

Way to go, nitwit.

And yet again, we see how the stupidity of rightwing extremists pose a greater threat to our rights enshrined in the Second Amendment than any ‘gun grabber.’

He did exactly, and never explained why I'm a "lunatic". Now he's having an emotional meltdown, and he wants a gun to go with it.

There's a moral in there somewhere.
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sure thing troll. but you still fail. you do know this death spiral you speak of registered a $4,000,000,000 growth in sales. that's $4 billion joe and added over 26,000 jobs. and still, working full out double shifting, they still can't meet the public demand. nice death spiral. the gun industry alone has added more jobs than Obama. lol. the gun industry should be our president.

Guy, you can pretend all you want, but the fact is, the only reason why the gun industry is selling more guns is because they are creating an artificial hysteria that you can't buy them next week.

I do sales in one of my jobs. Of course, you want to convince a customer to make the buy today! This is your last chance before Obama outlaws guns!!!! Buy now!!!!

The reality though, is that those guns will mostly sit in closets, until laws are passed to make them too expensive to own...

And they'll be turned in without a fight.

joe, watching you fail and flounder has become a spectator sport. you just can't get anything right can you.

so once again you've done a 180 and completely reversed your position. a post ago, the gun industry was in a death spiral. now all of a sudden they are selling more guns. WTF?

Joe, if you are going to be a troll, learn to spin a consistent tale. you're all over the board. and for god sakes, post a believable spin at least. the crap you post can be dispelled with a simple google search. take it up a notch bro. you're embarrassing.
Still displaying your raging ignorance of and contempt for the Constitution, I see.

How about this. You shut the fuck up about your Commie fantasy, and we do...nothing. We don't HAVE to do anything. Our rights are secure, and your liberty-loathing prog wet dream has no affect on them whatsoever.

Accept it. Accept it and move on.

But you won't, will you? You've already demonstrated tonight that you're worthless and weak.

Run along, Cupcake. :lol:

Guy, the only thing demonstrated tonight is that you are a black hole of emotional need that you want anyone to pay attention to you...

But the reality. Most people in this country are tired of sharing their streets with gun-weilding maniacs, wondering if their kid's school is going to be next.
No, that's just a handful of totalitarian-wannabes like you, who hate the fact that Americans are allowed to own weapons, and you know that an armed populace cannot be subjugated.

You and your little Commie fantasies can eat shit.

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