No one is going to take your guns

I wish every person on my street had a gun in the home. That would make us a safer street


Another ignoramus from the right channels Archie Bunker and succeeds in only making gun owners appear stupid and extreme.

If others would mind their own business then 'appearance' is moot

It's not how I appear, but it's about how the anti-gun loons appear. :cuckoo:

I wish every person on my street had a gun in the home. That would make us a safer street


Yeah, full of much more unsafe houses, as a gun i nthe house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

That's fine. And also x times more safe on my street. We have to assume risk in life. Price for freedom


Every other industrialized country limits or bans guns.

Every other industrialized country is just as free as we are and have much lower crime rates.

Guns give you a false sense of security as you watch the plutocrats turn us into a third world nation.
I wish every person on my street had a gun in the home. That would make us a safer street


Another ignoramus from the right channels Archie Bunker and succeeds in only making gun owners appear stupid and extreme.

Every home taking full benefit of their 2nd AM protections isn't stupid or extreme.

That you think it exactly why you can't pass any reforms.

Actualy, the notion that you need a gun so you can kill government agents doing their jobs is pretty fucking extreme.

So is the notion that you can shoot an unarmed child in the street and say you were "Standing your ground".
Actualy, the notion that you need a gun so you can kill government agents doing their jobs is pretty fucking extreme.

So is the notion that you can shoot an unarmed child in the street and say you were "Standing your ground".

Not really.

Both happen and are lawful.



Canada has registration, and there are 9 million privately owned guns in Canada.

Germany has registration, and there are 17 million privately owned guns in Germany.

What Germany and Canada don't have are any yahoo who wants a gun buying one and proceeding to shoot up schools and theatres and town hall meetings.
Yeah, full of much more unsafe houses, as a gun i nthe house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

That's fine. And also x times more safe on my street. We have to assume risk in life. Price for freedom


Every other industrialized country limits or bans guns.

Every other industrialized country is just as free as we are and have much lower crime rates.

Guns give you a false sense of security as you watch the plutocrats turn us into a third world nation.

Every other industrialized country limits or bans guns.

Screw other countries and the flag they fly

Every other industrialized country is just as free as we are and have much lower crime rates.

See answer #1

Guns give you a false sense of security as you watch the plutocrats turn us into a third world nation.

Nothing false about it. There are countless examples proving that. You need me to post of the young woman in Oklahoma again? She was indeed safer and living today to talk about it. I'm sure your statistics would give her a warm and fuzzy feeling of



Canada has registration, and there are 9 million privately owned guns in Canada.

Germany has registration, and there are 17 million privately owned guns in Germany.

What Germany and Canada don't have are any yahoo who wants a gun buying one and proceeding to shoot up schools and theatres and town hall meetings.

Canada has registration, and there are 9 million privately owned guns in Canada.

key word had long gun registration

they gave up on it

Canada Tried Registering Long Guns -- And Gave Up - Forbes



Canada has registration, and there are 9 million privately owned guns in Canada.

Germany has registration, and there are 17 million privately owned guns in Germany.

What Germany and Canada don't have are any yahoo who wants a gun buying one and proceeding to shoot up schools and theatres and town hall meetings.

So its not the guns problem then. It's a culture problem.





Canada has registration, and there are 9 million privately owned guns in Canada.

Germany has registration, and there are 17 million privately owned guns in Germany.

What Germany and Canada don't have are any yahoo who wants a gun buying one and proceeding to shoot up schools and theatres and town hall meetings.

So its not the guns problem then. It's a culture problem.



another great point



Canada has registration, and there are 9 million privately owned guns in Canada.

Germany has registration, and there are 17 million privately owned guns in Germany.

What Germany and Canada don't have are any yahoo who wants a gun buying one and proceeding to shoot up schools and theatres and town hall meetings.

Thank you for proving once and for all that it isnt about the guns, its about people, and we happen to have too many people who use guns criminally, most of whom already are banned from owning the weapons they use.

You really are an idiot.
joe, watching you fail and flounder has become a spectator sport. you just can't get anything right can you.

so once again you've done a 180 and completely reversed your position. a post ago, the gun industry was in a death spiral. now all of a sudden they are selling more guns. WTF?

Joe, if you are going to be a troll, learn to spin a consistent tale. you're all over the board. and for god sakes, post a believable spin at least. the crap you post can be dispelled with a simple google search. take it up a notch bro. you're embarrassing.

Guy, trying to explain this to you is kind of difficult, because you are even more retarded than Daveman... who probably ate paint-chips as a child.

Okay. The Gun Industry used to be about selling guns to hunters. Except people realize that today, only psycho hillbillies are still hunting. Most sane people don't need to kill animals for sport.

So then they got their new racket, which is scaring you about the scary negro who wants to break into your house. Except that gun they sold you is more likely to kill one of your family members. But can't talk about that. Just try to sell as many as you can before people start limiting it...
You're a tremendously stupid, stupid little man, driven solely by emotion -- and the two major ones are rage and fear.

You need therapy.
I'm just curious why rational human beings would not want an elderly woman to be able to defend herself.

Because in her state of elderly dementia, she's more likely to shoot the paperboy.
What dementia?

Oh -- you made that up. Because you're a dishonest piece of shit.

Could you stop being a dishonest piece of shit, please? Even two minutes would be a vast improvement.
Yeah, full of much more unsafe houses, as a gun i nthe house is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the house than a bad guy.

That's fine. And also x times more safe on my street. We have to assume risk in life. Price for freedom


Every other industrialized country limits or bans guns.

Every other industrialized country is just as free as we are and have much lower crime rates.
Guns give you a false sense of security as you watch the plutocrats turn us into a third world nation.

Considering most of them do not have a form of the 1st amendment, and often have national churches, i doubt that, or do we not see people in places like belgium and canada being prosecuted for speech crimes?

Nothing false about it. There are countless examples proving that. You need me to post of the young woman in Oklahoma again? She was indeed safer and living today to talk about it. I'm sure your statistics would give her a warm and fuzzy feeling of

There are also countless examples of people who are dead now because they had a gun in the home, and they or someone else had really bad judgement about it.

194 children under the age of 12 were killed with guns owned by family members in accidents in the last year.

sorry, that doesn't make me feel "Free" at all.
He did exactly, and never explained why I'm a "lunatic". Now he's having an emotional meltdown, and he wants a gun to go with it.

There's a moral in there somewhere.

I'm just curious why rational human beings would not want an elderly woman to be able to defend herself.

We already did this. With rape.
We did? What was the conclusion? "Let her get raped!"?
I'm just curious what happens when an irrational human being having a meltdown expresses it with a firearm.
Indeed. PinkoJoe is a likely candidate. He's not stable.
Because in her state of elderly dementia, she's more likely to shoot the paperboy.

That too. Or god forbid, herself.
What dementia? You know Joe made that up, right?

Considering most of them do not have a form of the 1st amendment, and often have national churches, i doubt that, or do we not see people in places like belgium and canada being prosecuted for speech crimes?

Oh, Marty, you are ignorant, aren't you?

Hey, you know what, those "national churches". Membership is optional. (And I only think England has a "National" Church that only about a third of the population belongs to.)

And it's not like this country hasn't had its own history of religious oppression despite a first amendment.

Just ask the Mormons. Or for that matter, the Catholics.

Nothing false about it. There are countless examples proving that. You need me to post of the young woman in Oklahoma again? She was indeed safer and living today to talk about it. I'm sure your statistics would give her a warm and fuzzy feeling of

sorry, that doesn't make me feel "Free" at all.

Many things don't work for you Joe, that's why you're a communist. :lol:


i find it hard to believe there is one human alive that is as stupid as yourself :up: before i joined the Navy, i worked and paid into SS, during my 25 years in the Navy i paid into SS, when i retired and joined the civilian work force, i paid into SS, those 25 years i put my life on the line 24-7-365/366, i EARNED my retirement and every retired military man/woman done the same thing.., WE earned what we are getting in return for our service to this once great country,* even that paltry SS 1.5% raise in remuneration.

* (before BHO)

Quite changing the subject. You were talking about your military pension because somehow, the Navy doesn't realize it has a crazy racist in its ranks for 25 years.

The point is, those things aren't "earned". You were paid a salary. That the government- which is to say the people- have decided, "Yeah, it would be nice if those guys get a pension after 25 years because most of them can't do anything else"... then that's welfare, dude.

An even Rush has called Social Security Welfare.

The problem with you nutbags on the right is you want to distinguish between "good" entitlements (Social Security, MEdicare, Unemployment, military retirements) given to people who've "earned" them (ie White People) and bad entitlements (SNAP, WIC, Welfare, Medicaid) given to those shiftless welfare people (you know, not white people.)
There are more whites on government assistance than blacks, you racist son of a bitch.

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