No one is going to take your guns

Really? That picture to you is "responsible gun education"...

I repeat, I have no issue with the picture


Dude, you could see a photo of a gun nutter getting ready to kill himself with his very special .45 caliber pistol and you wouldn't see anything wrong with that photo either. Unless the guy getting ready to commit suicide was doing it wrong. You know, had the gun to his head instead of in his mouth. Or under his chin.

Only comment I expect you would make is; what a nice pistol that guy used to kill himself.
Wonder if the family wants to sell it.

Meh, I would hope he didn't flinch and got it right the first time. Under ACA, he might not have an insurance policy or a hospital that could return him to shape to try again.

Guy, I didn't shoot off 25,000 rounds in 11 years in the Army.

HOnestly, you have to be suffering some kind of OCD...

And once again, a gun discussion devolves into the gun nuts masturbating over their guns.

11 years as a latrine attendant ! and never fired a rifle.., nothing strange about that :up:
us dedicated gun owners and reloaders probably shoot 25,000 rnds. in 2 - 4 years, personally i shoot 12,000 - 15,000 round in ONE (1) year

if anyone is masturbating it is you libercunts when you are informed of another anti gun law or when some gang banging kid gets his fucking head blown off so you can run amok demanding another law that protects this kind of scum. :up: ... :lmao:

Unlike you, I served. (PS< never heard of a MOS for "Latrine Orderly").

I should point out that most gun massacres are not gang-bangers. They are usually white males under 30 with serious social interaction problems.

11 years ? that proves you couldn't handle a "regulated" life style.., i could and did for 25 years in the U.S. Navy, now i am retired and you are paying my retirement, i think about your contribution towards my enriched life style every first of the month when that check is deposited in my bank acct., AND that SS check every third day of every month.., which i really don't need (i use it to buy GOLD and SILVER) but i take it because i love hearing liberfools like you whine when they have to contribute towards this ultra conservative patriotic citizens lifestyle. :up:

oooooooooh !! BTW, thank you for your financial contribution. :up: .... :lmao:
Well first, I don't see how self-urination or vomiting can be described as "leftist",

Then you are deliberately ignorant, since gun grabbers claim that this is what women should do if attacked. (furthering the conclusion that leftists are about as smart as a pile of bricks.)

but I will be glad to take the question to my doctor just in case you're right...

And second, I have this gnawing suspicion that the two methods you've listed here are not the only two there are. But I know which one I find more destructive, because the answer to guns is always... more guns. :thup:


Guns are the great equalizer. Prior to guns, the Aristocracy had a lock on martial power - and no coincidentally, feudalism flourished. Come along firearms, and a pampered nobility to "protect" the peasantry is no longer needed, any many with a couple of days practice is proficient, not only does feudalism fail, but the peasants get all uppity.

The goal of leftism is a return to a social dynamic where a tiny elite rule with unlimited power over the masses. An armed and effective populace is not conducive to the goals of the left.

It happens, it's a message board. I don't drink Pepsi (or Coke) and yet I find myself trapped in this thing.

Message board aside, the left is desperate to disarm the public.


I got no problem with that picture or arming our teachers


Exactly the problem.

You gun nuts have no problem with that kind of a picture.

They are showing proper trigger disipline, no finger on the trigger, and the muzzles are pointed away from any other person.

I guess the parents are teaching them basic gun safety.
I got no problem with that picture or arming our teachers


Exactly the problem.

You gun nuts have no problem with that kind of a picture.

They are showing proper trigger disipline, no finger on the trigger, and the muzzles are pointed away from any other person.

I guess the parents are teaching them basic gun safety.

they did a much better job displaying gun safety then feinstein did when she was waving a gun around congress
That won't matter. We need to arm up more law abiding citizens like our teachers so we can start blowing the thugs foreheads off.

More of us, less of them


Only until people get sick of watching kiddies being taken out of schools in body bags...

Yeah, because clearly, having a gun in the classroom is going to make it much safer.

Hey, let's not stop there, let's start arming the kiddies!


good point joe. instead of teaching our kids to fear guns, and that guns are evil, they should be taught to understand how to use them and risks. the number of gun owners is growing rapidly. and the majority of new gun owners are women and young adults who have come to the legal age of owning firearms. those statistics fly in the face of the demographic democrats claim to be their sweet spot. keep attacking their rights and you will lose their votes. Gun grabbers tactics have failed and now they have reached the point where they are and will continue to lose you seats in congress.
Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights - Business Insider

Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights - CBS News

So what is it with right wingers? Tardation or inbreeding that makes them hate Obama for no reason? The GOP being 90% white can't have anything to do with it. They claim they aren't "racist".

Every time he opens his mouth he shows us he hates us.....or at least doesn't respect us. You don't respect somebody you constantly lie to.
Exactly the problem.

You gun nuts have no problem with that kind of a picture.

They are showing proper trigger disipline, no finger on the trigger, and the muzzles are pointed away from any other person.

I guess the parents are teaching them basic gun safety.

Yeah with two of them standing on chairs :eusa_shifty:

As long as they didnt climb up on the chairs with the guns, I dont see the issue.
They are showing proper trigger disipline, no finger on the trigger, and the muzzles are pointed away from any other person.

I guess the parents are teaching them basic gun safety.

Yeah with two of them standing on chairs :eusa_shifty:

As long as they didnt climb up on the chairs with the guns, I dont see the issue.

Sure why not, what could possibly go wrong with teaching kids to pose with guns while standing on chairs. :eusa_hand:
11 years as a latrine attendant ! and never fired a rifle.., nothing strange about that :up:
us dedicated gun owners and reloaders probably shoot 25,000 rnds. in 2 - 4 years, personally i shoot 12,000 - 15,000 round in ONE (1) year

if anyone is masturbating it is you libercunts when you are informed of another anti gun law or when some gang banging kid gets his fucking head blown off so you can run amok demanding another law that protects this kind of scum. :up: ... :lmao:

Unlike you, I served. (PS< never heard of a MOS for "Latrine Orderly").

I should point out that most gun massacres are not gang-bangers. They are usually white males under 30 with serious social interaction problems.

11 years ? that proves you couldn't handle a "regulated" life style.., i could and did for 25 years in the U.S. Navy, now i am retired and you are paying my retirement, i think about your contribution towards my enriched life style every first of the month when that check is deposited in my bank acct., AND that SS check every third day of every month.., which i really don't need (i use it to buy GOLD and SILVER) but i take it because i love hearing liberfools like you whine when they have to contribute towards this ultra conservative patriotic citizens lifestyle. :up:

oooooooooh !! BTW, thank you for your financial contribution. :up: .... :lmao:

POST OF THE YEAR award goes right here!!!!

Winning!!!:2up::rock::rock::rock::rock: And spiking the football!!!!!!!!

This guy JoeB is a phoney like all the other fake soldiers in here......stunts pulled only by far left assholes like this weenie JoeB. This forum wouldn't be half as much fun without him in here to publically humiliate.
Gee, if that's the case, why is it all the countries that ban guns don't have mass school shootings.

That's really an American thing.

Psychoes without guns can't do all that much.

All they have to worry about is bombs on buses and poison gas in subways.


Lot harder to kill people with those. Which is why it doesn't happen as often.

It is harder to kill people with bombs? Don't tell Obama, he thinks he is pretty good at it.

Obama Told Aides He's 'Really Good At Killing People,' New Book 'Double Down' Claims
Guy, I didn't shoot off 25,000 rounds in 11 years in the Army.

HOnestly, you have to be suffering some kind of OCD...

And once again, a gun discussion devolves into the gun nuts masturbating over their guns.

11 years as a latrine attendant ! and never fired a rifle.., nothing strange about that :up:
us dedicated gun owners and reloaders probably shoot 25,000 rnds. in 2 - 4 years, personally i shoot 12,000 - 15,000 round in ONE (1) year

if anyone is masturbating it is you libercunts when you are informed of another anti gun law or when some gang banging kid gets his fucking head blown off so you can run amok demanding another law that protects this kind of scum. :up: ... :lmao:

Unlike you, I served. (PS< never heard of a MOS for "Latrine Orderly").

I should point out that most gun massacres are not gang-bangers. They are usually white males under 30 with serious social interaction problems.

Of course Joe, you have to recognize what he means by "this kind of scum". Here's what he told me about Nelson Mandela:

Wildman said:
can't handle the truth about that fucking ****** commie, can you motherfucker,

So as usual, consider the source.

11 years ? that proves you couldn't handle a "regulated" life style.., i could and did for 25 years in the U.S. Navy, now i am retired and you are paying my retirement, i think about your contribution towards my enriched life style every first of the month when that check is deposited in my bank acct., AND that SS check every third day of every month.., which i really don't need (i use it to buy GOLD and SILVER) but i take it because i love hearing liberfools like you whine when they have to contribute towards this ultra conservative patriotic citizens lifestyle. :up:

oooooooooh !! BTW, thank you for your financial contribution. :up: .... :lmao:

Well, gee guy, I'm always happy to help out welfare queens like yourself...

even the ones who can't admit it to themselves.

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