No one to perform at Trumps Inauguration, Rockettes get Scrooged and forced to dance.

Good move on them. So many were honored after the fact that they had to send a letter saying "you must perform or else" before hand lol!
Actually, their Union made them....
The Union made HER. There was only one dancers that wanted to opt out.

She thought she was still in college where one offended person can empty the auditorium.
cant they get justin beaver to perform?
The Canadian? That would be perfect.
Some of the stars who declined
Andrea Bocelli

Ice T
Motley Crue
Garth Brooks
Elton John

But KKK song will be performed instead..:laugh:

Rockettes get Scrooged as they're told to dance for Trump

And guess what? When you wake up on January 21st it will be President Donald Trump :)

Ah you are pulling my leg..

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You know what's going to happen?,Trump will become President...that's all that matters.....but maybe Hollywood needs more regulation..........

Right, because I know you want less government...:afro:

I do, but Hollywood may need more, they want it so bad.
Ah you are pulling my leg..

View attachment 103473

Just stating a fact. But I do wonder how much longer the left's butthurt is going to continue. It was cute and funny in the beginning but now it's becoming obsessive
What's adorable is that you people can't admit how terrible of a choice Trump has been lol

Trump goes so far beyond terrible that I think he got to the point where some people think he's okay because they just can't fathom the idea that he could really be as terrible as he appears. People are hallucinating some hidden merit in the man because their minds can't cope with the reality.
Yes.....yes.....he's soooooooo terrible.....the big poopy-pants Trumpy.
Your world is about to come to a terrible end now.
What will you do?

I know....move to some other country that has loads of folks that think like you.....maybe Syria,Pakistan, Indonesia,....or Afghanistan.
Hey muddy There are AT LEAST 3 million more of us that think trump is a chump than there are of you alt right

Oh an alt right burn......still better than a dick sucker.....slurp on my friend!
Give me one reason why I would think Trump is a bad pick?
How about his goal for a new nuclear arms race?
He announced that AFTER Putin announced he wanted his generals to get better weapons up and running etc. You want the world to have nukes that are new and we have old shitty ones? I don't. In a perfect world sure would be no nuclear weapons but while our enemies are expanding their nuclear arsenal Obama has decimated ours.

Are you willing to have your taxes raised to pay for another level in the arms race?
Most of them like trump don't pay taxes

They want a big tax cut AND a trillion dollars worth of unnecessary weapons.

They are the ultimate free lunchers.

Democrats are never concerned about the budget when democrats are in office......hmmmm
So the entertainment big shots who were all in for Hillary don't want to perform at Trumps inauguration are we supposed to be shocked or care?

Based on how much your RW pals are pissing and moaning about it, yes, apparently, you are.

Who, I don't give a fuck. Trump will be the President, which celebrity does blow and fucks DC hookers does not concern me.
Evidently the elite A listers are all upset that they aren't getting tickets.

They are entitled and insufferable.
This level of partisanship, disrespect, lack of civility, and level of bitter, sore-loser, venomous, hate-driven butt-hurt has never been seen in our history.

The refusal to accept an outcome and to rally behind a President due to partisan intolerance and hatred is off the chart - unprecedented, historic, record-setting - despite liberal claims to the contrary.

This reaction from entertainers on the left is not only political prejudice / discrmination but is also an ugly deminstration of how they have put 'party' above country. It is completely despicable.

This is the new 'Liberal' / Democratic Party, a club for undisciplined, disrespectful, selfish, intolerant, spoiled, bratty children who have no idea how to handle defeat with humility and civility, who lash out in violence against others and who throw tantrums when they can't / don't get their way.

This whole situation with the Inauguration is completely embarassing - not for Trump but for liberals, the DNC, and for this country.
Think the Bolsheviks will stage an attack?
Bolsheviks? Maybe. Trump has made so many enemies, from all parts of the country and the world, that I'd be surprised if some group didn't stage an attack.

In a crazy world, the sane person is widely hated.
In a crazy person's head, he is the only sane one

Because deporting illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs, and not fucking with a nuclear power is crazy in your world?
Artificial controls on the free market never work and it won't bring manufacturing jobs back. Yesterday Trump tweeted an acceptance to an arms race with Putin and threatened China, another nuclear power but one that he's been viciously attacking in speeches, with a trade war.

1. Artificial controls can work just fine. The EU illegal subsidies for Airbus have successful stolen market share and jobs worth tens of billions. While we have sit back and watched it happen.

2.Stopping or at least countering shit like that will bring back jobs.

3. Trump knows that the Cold War is over. China has been waging a Trade War on US for decades.
You're lying, Chimp.

Just to be clear, are you saying the union is making the Rockettes perform?

So you're running away from your claim that the union is making the Rockettes perform.

Big surprise.
No, I am telling people you can't read....don't be embarrassed, you're a liberal....

The Rockettes participation is voluntary. You're an idiot.
So the entertainment big shots who were all in for Hillary don't want to perform at Trumps inauguration are we supposed to be shocked or care?

Based on how much your RW pals are pissing and moaning about it, yes, apparently, you are.

Who, I don't give a fuck. Trump will be the President, which celebrity does blow and fucks DC hookers does not concern me.
Since all the threads I have seen on this subject have been started by LW it seems they are the ones obsessed with it understandable when your candidate loses the election, recount, and electoral vote you look for anything you can call a win no matter how trivial.
My advice to Rockettes...
Change into outfits at Hotel...
Otherwise Trump will be popping Tic Tac and will
roam the dressing room while they are changing.

If Trump felt he could get away with shit while being rich and famous...
What the fuck do you think he will be doing as POTUS....

Why else will he have a private security force around him....
Plenty of big ass dudes loyal to Trump more then willing to restrain
the babes while Trumpy has at them...
So the entertainment big shots who were all in for Hillary don't want to perform at Trumps inauguration are we supposed to be shocked or care?

Based on how much your RW pals are pissing and moaning about it, yes, apparently, you are.

Who, I don't give a fuck. Trump will be the President, which celebrity does blow and fucks DC hookers does not concern me.
Since all the threads I have seen on this subject have been started by LW it seems they are the ones obsessed with it understandable when your candidate loses the election, recount, and electoral vote you look for anything you can call a win no matter how trivial.

How many threads on the same topic does it require to make it qualify as an obsession?
So the entertainment big shots who were all in for Hillary don't want to perform at Trumps inauguration are we supposed to be shocked or care?

Based on how much your RW pals are pissing and moaning about it, yes, apparently, you are.

Who, I don't give a fuck. Trump will be the President, which celebrity does blow and fucks DC hookers does not concern me.
Since all the threads I have seen on this subject have been started by LW it seems they are the ones obsessed with it understandable when your candidate loses the election, recount, and electoral vote you look for anything you can call a win no matter how trivial.

How many threads on the same topic does it require to make it qualify as an obsession?
Depends on individual perspective I have seen four or five so far I'm sure some if not all have been merged but I would call that obsessive especially given the trivial nature of the topic. If your next question is going to be what makes a topic trivial that also is individual perspective.
So the entertainment big shots who were all in for Hillary don't want to perform at Trumps inauguration are we supposed to be shocked or care?

Based on how much your RW pals are pissing and moaning about it, yes, apparently, you are.

Who, I don't give a fuck. Trump will be the President, which celebrity does blow and fucks DC hookers does not concern me.
Since all the threads I have seen on this subject have been started by LW it seems they are the ones obsessed with it understandable when your candidate loses the election, recount, and electoral vote you look for anything you can call a win no matter how trivial.

How many threads on the same topic does it require to make it qualify as an obsession?
Depends on individual perspective I have seen four or five so far I'm sure some if not all have been merged but I would call that obsessive especially given the trivial nature of the topic. If your next question is going to be what makes a topic trivial that also is individual perspective.

So the 800 threads on Benghazi?
Trump should get an act together of old Rockettes. Kind of like the Yankees Old Timers Game.

That's more in line with where conservatives are at.
Just a bunch of fake news about events that haven't happened. We'll know who is playing when Trump's people announce it.

And the left is nutting out because they don't know.

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