No-one’s trying to indoctrinate kids into LGBTQ? Watch this…

The Protestants and every other group that has tried to destroy queer children didn't succeed either. I have unfortunate news for you, children are autonomous beings that experience life and it's journey through the ages as well with their own identity. Your propaganda will fail as it did in the 90s.
Why do Democrats want to abuse people's children?
It would be... not sexual?
How can you talk about sex and gender and have it be NOT sexual?

By your way of thinking, if a child said, “I really don’t like my right arm, I’d rather be an amputee”, we should say “you know what, you’re right, let’s chop it off”. Because to you it damages the kids to tell them reality. We should say, “no that’s not the route to take. Reality says you’ll need both arms. Just being an amputee won’t make your life complete.”

Care to explain the massive detransitioning movement?
Oh, for goodness' sake.

There is no "grooming."

But such information should be kept for middle school at the very least.

The video just wanted children to understand that just because one is born with a penis does not mean that he necessarily considers himself to be a male. For some reason, maybe a few consider themselves to be a female. And that is fine. Such people should be treated with respect and not verbally or physically abused.
They need to leave people's children alone.
They are crossing a bright line.
Grooming is when gays and trans encourage gender confusion in other people's children.
This could lead to a lifetime of unhappiness.
Damn teachers teaching, next they'll be teaching about evolution or history or global warming or how America isn't the only place on a spherical Earth. We used to be a country, a real country.

By chance are you sock-related to Biffy The Reality Slayer?
How can you talk about sex and gender and have it be NOT sexual?

By your way of thinking, if a child said, “I really don’t like my right arm, I’d rather be an amputee”, we should say “you know what, you’re right, let’s chop it off”. Because to you it damages the kids to tell them reality. We should say, “no that’s not the route to take. Reality says you’ll need both arms. Just being an amputee won’t make your life complete.”

Care to explain the massive detransitioning movement?
That's not how that works and the detransitioning movement is a few people platformed by bigots among detransitioners that aren't transphobic. Give it a rest.
How is someone saying that sometimes people are a different gender from their assigned gender at birth sexual?
How often is “sometimes”. How would a man feel like a woman when he is a man and has no idea what an actual woman feels like? Rolled a 1 that time, didn’t you, loser?
Grooming is when gays and trans encourage gender confusion in other people's children.
I respectfully disagree that gays and transgenders are "encouraging" gender confusion.

I believe that they just want people to understand that there is hope for any children who may be confused about their sexual identities.

Have a nice day!
How often is “sometimes”. How would a man feel like a woman when he is a man and has no idea what an actual woman feels like? Rolled a 1 that time, didn’t you, loser?
Can you tell me what women feel like? And stop looking behind the dm screen, that's rude.
It's those damn vaccines I tell you, they gave me a case of the gay and trans too.
Not vaccines. . . environmental pollution.

Let me recommend a book for you. And then you can decide if, maybe, it is environmental pollution that your genetics are responding too, or if you really think, "you are something."

Maybe instead of being a tool of big corporations, and a victim, you can take control of your own health? :dunno:

Shanna Swan: 'Most couples may have to use assisted reproduction by 2045'​

".. . You’ve spent more than
20 years examining the effects of hormone disrupting chemicals on reproductive health. Are you now sounding the alarm?
I am directly speaking to this hidden problem people don’t like to talk about, which is their sub-fertility or reproductive problems, and how that is tied to the environment. People are recognising we have a reproductive health crisis, but they say it’s because of delayed childbearing, choice or lifestyle – it can’t be chemical. I want people to recognise it can. I am not saying other factors aren’t involved. But I am saying chemicals play a major causal role. It is difficult to use that word, “cause”, but it’s a body of evidence. We have mechanisms, animal studies, and multiple human studies.

Female fertility declines rapidly after about 35. Isn’t that why so many people are turning to IVF?
It’s not that simple. When a colleague and I looked at the change in impaired fecundity [the ability to have children] we were surprised to see younger women had experienced a bigger increase than older age groups. This suggests that something besides ageing and delayed childbearing is affecting fertility.
Moreover, there’s compelling evidence that the risk of miscarriage has been rising among women of all ages.
Which chemicals are the most worrying for reproductive health and how do they work?
Those that can interfere with or mimic the body’s sex hormones – such as testosterone and oestrogen – because these make reproduction possible. They can make the body think it has enough of a particular hormone and it doesn’t need to make any more, so production goes down.

Sperms' swimming and navigational skills disrupted by common chemicals
Read more
Phthalates, used to make plastic soft and flexible, are of paramount concern. They are in everybody and we are probably primarily exposed through food as we use soft plastic in food manufacture, processing and packaging. They lower testosterone and so have the strongest influences on the male side, for example diminishing sperm count, though they are bad for women, too, shown to decrease libido and increase risk of early puberty, premature ovarian failure, miscarriage and premature birth.
Bisphenol A (BPA), used to harden plastic and found in cash-register receipts and the lining of some canned-food containers, is another. It is oestrogen mimicking and so is a particularly bad actor on the female side, increasing risks of fertility challenges, but likewise it can affect men. Men occupationally exposed to BPA have shown decreased sperm quality, reduced libido and higher rates of erectile dysfunction. Other chemicals of concern include flame retardants and certain pesticides such as atrazine.. . . "

Not vaccines. . . environmental pollution.

Let me recommend a book for you. And then you can decide if, maybe, it is environmental pollution that your genetics are responding too, or if you really think, "you are something."

Maybe instead of being a tool of big corporations, and a victim, you can take control of your own health? :dunno:

Shanna Swan: 'Most couples may have to use assisted reproduction by 2045'​

".. . You’ve spent more than
20 years examining the effects of hormone disrupting chemicals on reproductive health. Are you now sounding the alarm?
I am directly speaking to this hidden problem people don’t like to talk about, which is their sub-fertility or reproductive problems, and how that is tied to the environment. People are recognising we have a reproductive health crisis, but they say it’s because of delayed childbearing, choice or lifestyle – it can’t be chemical. I want people to recognise it can. I am not saying other factors aren’t involved. But I am saying chemicals play a major causal role. It is difficult to use that word, “cause”, but it’s a body of evidence. We have mechanisms, animal studies, and multiple human studies.

Female fertility declines rapidly after about 35. Isn’t that why so many people are turning to IVF?
It’s not that simple. When a colleague and I looked at the change in impaired fecundity [the ability to have children] we were surprised to see younger women had experienced a bigger increase than older age groups. This suggests that something besides ageing and delayed childbearing is affecting fertility.
Moreover, there’s compelling evidence that the risk of miscarriage has been rising among women of all ages.
Which chemicals are the most worrying for reproductive health and how do they work?
Those that can interfere with or mimic the body’s sex hormones – such as testosterone and oestrogen – because these make reproduction possible. They can make the body think it has enough of a particular hormone and it doesn’t need to make any more, so production goes down.

Sperms' swimming and navigational skills disrupted by common chemicals
Read more
Phthalates, used to make plastic soft and flexible, are of paramount concern. They are in everybody and we are probably primarily exposed through food as we use soft plastic in food manufacture, processing and packaging. They lower testosterone and so have the strongest influences on the male side, for example diminishing sperm count, though they are bad for women, too, shown to decrease libido and increase risk of early puberty, premature ovarian failure, miscarriage and premature birth.
Bisphenol A (BPA), used to harden plastic and found in cash-register receipts and the lining of some canned-food containers, is another. It is oestrogen mimicking and so is a particularly bad actor on the female side, increasing risks of fertility challenges, but likewise it can affect men. Men occupationally exposed to BPA have shown decreased sperm quality, reduced libido and higher rates of erectile dysfunction. Other chemicals of concern include flame retardants and certain pesticides such as atrazine.. . . "


The microplastics are turning people gay now? What's next, toilet paper?
Catholic priest TEACHERS.
The pedos try to infiltrate all the schools. They don’t get far when the parents have absolute control.
That's the whole deal The parents will take control if they're paying attention. The trick is to get them to pay attention.
The microplastics are turning people gay now? What's next, toilet paper?
It's a bit more complicated that just micro-plastics. It comes down to ALL endocrine-disrupters.

". . . One does not have to look very far to realize that there has been a global increase in gender dysphoria in children. In recent years, parents have been caught publicly parading their child’s “transformation” from one gender to another. Last year, the UK published statistics that noted a more than ten-fold increase in children being referred for treatment for gender identity issues. This month, the National Geographic high-lighted the story of a 9-year boy who has been living as a girl.

Undoubtedly, there are many causes for the increase. It’s been a generation or two since parents believed they could teach their girls to be girls and their boys to be boys. Today, pediatricians and parents are taught to be hypersensitive about toddlers’ changing ideas on gender. Schools across the western world are teaching children that gender is a choice. Universities and colleges have asked students to choose a pronoun to match their identity. Some cities are punishing people who refuse to participate in this gender confusion mania. With this normalization and glorification of gender dysphoria, there is no wonder children are confused. But has anyone asked about environmental factors?


Chemicals from plastics, household products, pesticides, herbicides and birth control abound in the environment. All of them are known endocrine disruptors.

The endocrine system in humans and animals consists of hormones and glands that regulate every bodily function. It plays a role in all phases of development, metabolism, and behavior.

Plastics decompose and contaminate soil and water. Birth control contaminates water supplies. Pesticides are regularly sprayed in and around homes, businesses, and schools. Pesticides and herbicides are sprayed on every commercial crop. All of them contaminate food, water, and soil.. . . .

Clearly you didn't have time to consume all that media I gave you. . . so I doubt you want to come to terms with the truth. . .

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