No 'pause' in global warming confirmed

One of the favorite propaganda memes of the denier cultists, the so-called 'pause' in the rate of global warming, was demolished by the scientists at NOAA a couple of years ago.....but the deniers still stupidly cling to their debunked cultic myths like grim death.

A new study has confirmed those results....

Global warming data that riled doubters is confirmed

By Jim Spencer
January 4, 2017
WASHINGTON (AP) — A new independent study shows no pause in global warming, confirming a set of temperature readings adjusted by U.S. government scientists that some who reject mainstream climate science have questioned.


The adjustments , made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in 2015 to take into account changes in how ocean temperatures have been measured over the decades, riled a House committee and others who claimed the changes were made to show rising temperatures. The House Science Committee subpoenaed the agency’s scientists and then complained that NOAA wasn’t answering its requests quickly enough.

The new international study looked at satellite data, readings from buoys and other marine floats for ocean temperatures. Each measurement system independently showed the same 20 years of increase in temperatures that NOAA found: about two-tenths of a degree Fahrenheit per decade since 2000, said the study’s lead author, Zeke Hausfather of the University of California, Berkeley.

Our research confirms that NOAA scientists were right,” Hausfather said. “They were not in any way cooking the books.

NOAA adjusted past data to take into account old measurements by ships that often recorded temperatures from their engine rooms, where heat from the engines skewed the data. Buoys and satellite data don’t have such artificial warming, Hausfather said.

In 1990, about 90 percent of the ocean temperature readings were done by ships, now it is about 85 percent by the more accurate buoys, Hausfather said.

Scientists Andrew Dessler of Texas A&M University and Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, who weren’t part the original study or the more recent one that confirmed its conclusions, called both accurate.

This paper further allays any qualms that there may have been scientific errors or any non-scientific agendas,” Trenberth said in an email.

Officials at the House Science Committee did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

Hausfather’s study was published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances .
Translation: Obama didn't like the data so he had it altered
You've posted that line before and it is still as false as it was the first time. It also reveals a grasp of the science that one would normally keep to one's self.
Yes, attack the messenger when you get cornered. The fact is that there is no data from about 100 to 150 years ago. You have circumstantial evidence and a computer generated data set that are based on speculation. I know you will never admit it, but you do not know what the climate was like way back in the past. Nobody does.

The first post you directed at me stated "you couldn't possibly understand", so don't try getting on a moral high horse.

There is mountains of data going as far back as you want to go. Tell us, do you reject paleontology? Ever hear of a proxie? Paleoclimatology?

Thought not.
How many times have you and your brethren pointed out the times that science made mistakes? That science was wrong? This was one of those occasions. And the nice thing about science - that makes it SO much better than the pseudo-science you deniers adhere to - is that it is inherently self-correcting.

If mainstream climate science was as prone to falsifying data as you claim, why was there EVER talk of a pause? Why didn't they just lie their way through it from the start? What wasn't THAT temperature data falsified?

They are wrong in denying that the pause has been going on for a couple of decades now with no end in sight...
Right...climate science has proposed more than 50 reasons for the pause and now simply states that it never happened....fake news...all fake all the time with you guys, isn't it?

Here...have a look at some science rather than your usual diet of fake news...

Study reveals the atmospheric footprint of global warming hiatus
"As to why the surface latent heat flux, atmospheric dynamics and cloud-related processes showed such large differences between 1983-1998 and 1998-2013, LIU, first author of the paper, explained, "They are dominated by the Hadley Circulation and Walker Circulation changes associated with the phase transition of Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO).""

Read more at: Study reveals the atmospheric footprint of global warming hiatus

That is what these warmer fools deny! Ocean circulations! Natural Variation caused by cyclical behaviors of the earth.
They are wrong in denying that the pause has been going on for a couple of decades now with no end in sight...

SSoooooo wrong and SSOOOOOOO utterly delusional!

In the real world....

2016 Was the Hottest Year on Record
Both NASA and NOAA declare that our planet is experiencing record-breaking warming for the third year in a row
Scientific American

By Andrea Thompson
January 18, 2017
2016 was the hottest year in 137 years of record keeping and the third year in a row to take the number one slot, a mark of how much the world has warmed over the last century because of human activities, U.S. government scientists announced Wednesday.

In NASA’s records, 2016 was 1.8°F (0.99°C) above the 1951-1980 average.

The first eight months of the year were all record hot globally; in NOAA’s data, they were part of an unprecedented streak of 16 record hot months in a row.

Of the 17 hottest years on record, 16 have occurred in the 21st century (the exception being the strong El Niño year of 1998).

While El Niño played a role in bumping up global temperatures during 2015 and 2016, the bulk of the warmth was due to the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases emitted by humans over the past century, particularly carbon dioxide.

In 2016, CO2 concentrations also permanently passed the 400 parts per million mark for the first time in human history; during preindustrial times, that concentration was 280 ppm.

As example of how greenhouse gases have affected global temperatures, 2016 was almost 0.5°F (0.9°C) warmer than 1998, both years that experienced comparably strong El Niños. Even 2014, before the most recent El Niño emerged, was warmer than 1998.
2016 was the hottest year in 137 years of record keeping and the third year in a row to take the number one slot, a mark of how much the world has warmed over the last century because of human activities, U.S. government scientists announced Wednesday.

What was the weather like in the 3,999,999,863 years before that?
Give it the fuck up. This really seems to be all you've got and no one is impressed.
Translation: Obama didn't like the data so he had it altered

Do you have the slightest shred of evidence to support that charge Frank?
They changed the data to account for the imaginary "excess heat" retrained by the deep ocean

Then where is the evidence Frank? Do you have any evidence? Does anyone have any evidence? Or is this simply your knee jerk reaction to any of the mountains of evidence that support AGW's validity?
What was the weather like in the 3,999,999,863 years before that?

Tell us something MikeTx: how much affect to you think the weather of four billion years ago has had on the Earth's present climate? I mean, there isn't even much of the Earth's surface from back then still sitting in the sunlight. It would be nearly two billion years before the Earth's atmosphere contained significant amounts of oxygen.
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Translation: Obama didn't like the data so he had it altered

Do you have the slightest shred of evidence to support that charge Frank?
They changed the data to account for the imaginary "excess heat" retrained by the deep ocean

Then where is the evidence Frank? Do you have any evidence? Does anyone have any evidence? Or is this simply your knee jerk reaction to any of the mountains of evidence that support AGW's validity?
Funny; I haven't seen any from you.. You keep posting up fantasy models but never empirical evidence of any kind..
They are wrong in denying that the pause has been going on for a couple of decades now with no end in sight...

SSoooooo wrong and SSOOOOOOO utterly delusional!

In the real world....

2016 Was the Hottest Year on Record
Both NASA and NOAA declare that our planet is experiencing record-breaking warming for the third year in a row
Scientific American

By Andrea Thompson
January 18, 2017
2016 was the hottest year in 137 years of record keeping and the third year in a row to take the number one slot, a mark of how much the world has warmed over the last century because of human activities, U.S. government scientists announced Wednesday.

In NASA’s records, 2016 was 1.8°F (0.99°C) above the 1951-1980 average.

The first eight months of the year were all record hot globally; in NOAA’s data, they were part of an unprecedented streak of 16 record hot months in a row.

Of the 17 hottest years on record, 16 have occurred in the 21st century (the exception being the strong El Niño year of 1998).

While El Niño played a role in bumping up global temperatures during 2015 and 2016, the bulk of the warmth was due to the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases emitted by humans over the past century, particularly carbon dioxide.

In 2016, CO2 concentrations also permanently passed the 400 parts per million mark for the first time in human history; during preindustrial times, that concentration was 280 ppm.

As example of how greenhouse gases have affected global temperatures, 2016 was almost 0.5°F (0.9°C) warmer than 1998, both years that experienced comparably strong El Niños. Even 2014, before the most recent El Niño emerged, was warmer than 1998.
Lots of Wild Ass Guess but no facts to prove your assumptions.. Fantasy models, that cant predict shit, are not proof of anything except the modelers having no clue how it works or why and are tail WAGing the dog...

Please provide empirical evidence, and the math/methods proving that all of the warming the last 75 years of 0.5 deg C, is all caused by man.. Then tell me how you stopped natural variation..

You seem to have cornered the market on being delusional..
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Im impressed.............with THIS >>

Kinda makes the whole discussion moot

Well, kookie, since you have always and only been in these debates for your crackpot, neo-fascist, purely political and ideological reasons, without any interest whatsoever in the reality of the rapid changes happening in the real physical world we all live in, that are reflected in modern climate science, while also completely ignoring and denying the mountains of actual solid evidence supporting those scientific conclusions about AGW in favor of your own idiotic lie filled rants about public option surveys, as if that had anything at all to so with the reality of the real world situation the people of the world find themselves, no one is surprised now when you hallucinate that Trump can change reality with an Executive Order.

Rolling on the floor laughing, of course, but not at all surprised.
What was the weather like in the 3,999,999,863 years before that?

Tell us something MikeTx: how much affect to you think the weather of four billion years ago has had on the Earth's present climate? I mean, there isn't even much of the Earth's surface from back then still sitting in the sunlight. It would be nearly two billion years before the Earth's atmosphere contained significant amounts of oxygen.
Nice deflection. Indeed! My point is that seeing how you DO NOT KNOW what the climate was like past 100 or so years, let alone 4 BILLION, you lying snake oil salesmen do not know if todays weather is a normal occurrence or not!
What was the weather like in the 3,999,999,863 years before that?

Tell us something MikeTx: how much affect to you think the weather of four billion years ago has had on the Earth's present climate? I mean, there isn't even much of the Earth's surface from back then still sitting in the sunlight. It would be nearly two billion years before the Earth's atmosphere contained significant amounts of oxygen.
Nice deflection. Indeed! My point is that seeing how you DO NOT KNOW what the climate was like past 100 or so years, let alone 4 BILLION, you lying snake oil salesmen do not know if todays weather is a normal occurrence or not!
Soon they will be posting up graphs that have temporal resolution of about 500 year plots and then they will post up a daily plot on the end showing the famous Hokey Schtick temp rise. (never mind that if we ploted the last five hundred years like the rest of the graph their hokey schtick would vanish.)

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