No 'pause' in global warming confirmed

Oh looky there. In Alaska no less.
View attachment 115302
God, you are really pushing the limits for idiocy there, WM. What formation, and of what age? Note that much of Alaska is made of terranes., many of which were near the equator at one time. So your picture of that leaf means nothing at all without the information of it's origin, formation, ect., and what time period that leaf is from.
You anti-science lefties really do love making up things to fit your agenda.
Narrative fail.
The fact you need to lie to push your agenda says it all.

"There were crocodiles above the Arctic Circle and palm trees in Alaska," said Linda Ivany, co-author of a new study and associate professor of earth sciences at Syracuse University, in a statement.

Ancient Earth Not as Hot as Previously Thought
Oh looky there. In Alaska no less.
View attachment 115302
God, you are really pushing the limits for idiocy there, WM. What formation, and of what age? Note that much of Alaska is made of terranes., many of which were near the equator at one time. So your picture of that leaf means nothing at all without the information of it's origin, formation, ect., and what time period that leaf is from.
Where is Alaska? Oh, closer to the pole than it is today.

And there go two global warming denier cultists who are so clueless about this subject that they imagine that global warming means that every place on Earth will get hotter at the same time and by the same amount and that there will no longer be any seasonal variations between summer and winter. Laughably wrong and typically ignorant.

Meanwhile, in their attempts to distract and deflect, they utterly ignore the information in the OP - THERE WAS NO PAUSE in global warming in this century.
One of the hottest periods was during the Cambrian period.
What are they referring to when they talk about the "Cambrian Explosion"?
They are talking about a time hundreds of millions of years before human civilization.
One of the favorite propaganda memes of the denier cultists, the so-called 'pause' in the rate of global warming, was demolished by the scientists at NOAA a couple of years ago.....but the deniers still stupidly cling to their debunked cultic myths like grim death.

A new study has confirmed those results....

Global warming data that riled doubters is confirmed

By Jim Spencer
January 4, 2017
WASHINGTON (AP) — A new independent study shows no pause in global warming, confirming a set of temperature readings adjusted by U.S. government scientists that some who reject mainstream climate science have questioned.


The adjustments , made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in 2015 to take into account changes in how ocean temperatures have been measured over the decades, riled a House committee and others who claimed the changes were made to show rising temperatures. The House Science Committee subpoenaed the agency’s scientists and then complained that NOAA wasn’t answering its requests quickly enough.

The new international study looked at satellite data, readings from buoys and other marine floats for ocean temperatures. Each measurement system independently showed the same 20 years of increase in temperatures that NOAA found: about two-tenths of a degree Fahrenheit per decade since 2000, said the study’s lead author, Zeke Hausfather of the University of California, Berkeley.

Our research confirms that NOAA scientists were right,” Hausfather said. “They were not in any way cooking the books.

NOAA adjusted past data to take into account old measurements by ships that often recorded temperatures from their engine rooms, where heat from the engines skewed the data. Buoys and satellite data don’t have such artificial warming, Hausfather said.

In 1990, about 90 percent of the ocean temperature readings were done by ships, now it is about 85 percent by the more accurate buoys, Hausfather said.

Scientists Andrew Dessler of Texas A&M University and Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, who weren’t part the original study or the more recent one that confirmed its conclusions, called both accurate.

This paper further allays any qualms that there may have been scientific errors or any non-scientific agendas,” Trenberth said in an email.

Officials at the House Science Committee did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

Hausfather’s study was published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances .
They didn't need to do much to refute the 'pause'. The graphs that showed a pause started in a warm month and ended in a cool month. They could have showed it was going down if they'd have taken it to the extreme.
And there go two global warming denier cultists who are so clueless about this subject that they imagine that global warming means that every place on Earth will get hotter at the same time and by the same amount and that there will no longer be any seasonal variations between summer and winter. Laughably wrong and typically ignorant.

Meanwhile, in their attempts to distract and deflect, they utterly ignore the information in the OP - THERE WAS NO PAUSE in global warming in this century.
One of the hottest periods was during the Cambrian period.
What are they referring to when they talk about the "Cambrian Explosion"?
They are talking about a time hundreds of millions of years before human civilization.
And there go two global warming denier cultists who are so clueless about this subject that they imagine that global warming means that every place on Earth will get hotter at the same time and by the same amount and that there will no longer be any seasonal variations between summer and winter. Laughably wrong and typically ignorant.

Meanwhile, in their attempts to distract and deflect, they utterly ignore the information in the OP - THERE WAS NO PAUSE in global warming in this century.
One of the hottest periods was during the Cambrian period.
What are they referring to when they talk about the "Cambrian Explosion"?
They are talking about a time hundreds of millions of years before human civilization.
View attachment 115787
Non sequitur? You think human civilization will react positively to Cambrian level warmth?
And there go two global warming denier cultists who are so clueless about this subject that they imagine that global warming means that every place on Earth will get hotter at the same time and by the same amount and that there will no longer be any seasonal variations between summer and winter. Laughably wrong and typically ignorant.

Meanwhile, in their attempts to distract and deflect, they utterly ignore the information in the OP - THERE WAS NO PAUSE in global warming in this century.
One of the hottest periods was during the Cambrian period.
What are they referring to when they talk about the "Cambrian Explosion"?
They are talking about a time hundreds of millions of years before human civilization.
View attachment 115787
Non sequitur? You think human civilization will react positively to Cambrian level warmth?
Dufus doesn't know humans are carbon based life forms.
And there go two global warming denier cultists who are so clueless about this subject that they imagine that global warming means that every place on Earth will get hotter at the same time and by the same amount and that there will no longer be any seasonal variations between summer and winter. Laughably wrong and typically ignorant.

Meanwhile, in their attempts to distract and deflect, they utterly ignore the information in the OP - THERE WAS NO PAUSE in global warming in this century.
One of the hottest periods was during the Cambrian period.
What are they referring to when they talk about the "Cambrian Explosion"?
They are talking about a time hundreds of millions of years before human civilization.
View attachment 115787
Non sequitur? You think human civilization will react positively to Cambrian level warmth?
Dufus doesn't know humans are carbon based life forms.
Go live in the Amazon rainforest for a while and then get back to me.
One of the hottest periods was during the Cambrian period.
What are they referring to when they talk about the "Cambrian Explosion"?
They are talking about a time hundreds of millions of years before human civilization.
View attachment 115787
Non sequitur? You think human civilization will react positively to Cambrian level warmth?
Dufus doesn't know humans are carbon based life forms.
Go live in the Amazon rainforest for a while and then get back to me.
Dufus doesn't know half the worlds population lives in the equatorial region.
They are talking about a time hundreds of millions of years before human civilization.
View attachment 115787
Non sequitur? You think human civilization will react positively to Cambrian level warmth?
Dufus doesn't know humans are carbon based life forms.
Go live in the Amazon rainforest for a while and then get back to me.
Dufus doesn't know half the worlds population lives in the equatorial region.
That'll be the most pleasant place on earth and it's not exactly known for stunning advances in modern civilization.
Non sequitur? You think human civilization will react positively to Cambrian level warmth?
Dufus doesn't know humans are carbon based life forms.
Go live in the Amazon rainforest for a while and then get back to me.
Dufus doesn't know half the worlds population lives in the equatorial region.
That'll be the most pleasant place on earth and it's not exactly known for stunning advances in modern civilization.
So now dufus projects his racist attitudes in a science thread.
Non sequitur? You think human civilization will react positively to Cambrian level warmth?
Dufus doesn't know humans are carbon based life forms.
Go live in the Amazon rainforest for a while and then get back to me.
Dufus doesn't know half the worlds population lives in the equatorial region.
That'll be the most pleasant place on earth and it's not exactly known for stunning advances in modern civilization.
So now dufus projects his racist attitudes in a science thread.
I didn't mention anything regarding race. That's on you and your tiny mind.
Dufus doesn't know humans are carbon based life forms.
Go live in the Amazon rainforest for a while and then get back to me.
Dufus doesn't know half the worlds population lives in the equatorial region.
That'll be the most pleasant place on earth and it's not exactly known for stunning advances in modern civilization.
So now dufus projects his racist attitudes in a science thread.
I didn't mention anything regarding race. That's on you and your tiny mind.
Backing off his racist comments dufus runs and hides because he can't address the OP.
Backing off his racist comments dufus runs and hides because he can't address the OP.
I'll reproduce post 85 here because you're probably too lazy to go back and find it.

They didn't need to do much to refute the 'pause'. The graphs that showed a pause started in a warm month and ended in a cool month. They could have showed it was going down if they'd have taken it to the extreme.
We're heading into a little ice age. Buy a good used fur coat now before they become incredibly expensive.

For thousands of years, parts of northwest Europe have enjoyed a climate about 5C warmer than many other regions on the same latitude. But new scientific analysis suggests that that could change much sooner and much faster than thought possible.

Climatologists who have looked again at the possibility of major climate change in and around the Atlantic Ocean, a persistent puzzle to researchers, now say there is an almost 50% chance that a key area of the North Atlantic could cool suddenly and rapidly, within the space of a decade, before the end of this century....

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn

You poor demented retard! The oceans around Greenland are getting colder because of all the ice melt water running off of the Greenland ice sheets because of human caused global warming.
We're heading into a little ice age. Buy a good used fur coat now before they become incredibly expensive.

For thousands of years, parts of northwest Europe have enjoyed a climate about 5C warmer than many other regions on the same latitude. But new scientific analysis suggests that that could change much sooner and much faster than thought possible.

Climatologists who have looked again at the possibility of major climate change in and around the Atlantic Ocean, a persistent puzzle to researchers, now say there is an almost 50% chance that a key area of the North Atlantic could cool suddenly and rapidly, within the space of a decade, before the end of this century....

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn

You poor demented retard! The oceans around Greenland are getting colder because of all the ice melt water running off of the Greenland ice sheets because of human caused global warming.

You sad little knigget. Earth goes through periodic ice ages. The odds are much higher of us entering into one due to Solar and Volcanic activity than that the earth is heating up because people use air conditioning and drive cars.

None of those things will cause an ice age. Ice ages are caused by orbital variations reducing the amount of light hitting the planet.
We're heading into a little ice age. Buy a good used fur coat now before they become incredibly expensive.

For thousands of years, parts of northwest Europe have enjoyed a climate about 5C warmer than many other regions on the same latitude. But new scientific analysis suggests that that could change much sooner and much faster than thought possible.

Climatologists who have looked again at the possibility of major climate change in and around the Atlantic Ocean, a persistent puzzle to researchers, now say there is an almost 50% chance that a key area of the North Atlantic could cool suddenly and rapidly, within the space of a decade, before the end of this century....

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn

You poor demented retard! The oceans around Greenland are getting colder because of all the ice melt water running off of the Greenland ice sheets because of human caused global warming.

You sad little knigget.
You stupid little denier cult nutbagger!

Earth goes through periodic ice ages.
A factoid that is completely irrelevant to the scientifically confirmed, very un-natural, human caused, CO2 driven global warming the Earth is now experiencing, moron.

Scientists understand what natural factors caused the ice ages and what natural factors ended them....and those natural factors are not at all responsible for the current abrupt warming trend. Not everyone is as ignorant and dumbfounded as you are obviously are.

The odds are much higher of us entering into one due to Solar and Volcanic activity than that the earth is heating up because people use air conditioning and drive cars.
And again you demonstrate how little you know and how even less you understand.

There is absolutely no doubt about the human sources and human responsibility for the over 46% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels....which is what is primarily driving the current rapid global temperature increases.

We're heading into a little ice age.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......sooooo retarded!

Meanwhile, in the real world....

The global average temperature each month from January 1880 through January 2016, according to data from NASA; The red dot marks the most recent value, January 2016. [update - July and August 2016 were even hotter than January, winding up as the hottest months ever yet recorded.]


The first six months of 2016 were the warmest six-month period in NASA's modern temperature record, which dates to 1880.
Credits: NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies
We're heading into a little ice age. Buy a good used fur coat now before they become incredibly expensive.

For thousands of years, parts of northwest Europe have enjoyed a climate about 5C warmer than many other regions on the same latitude. But new scientific analysis suggests that that could change much sooner and much faster than thought possible.

Climatologists who have looked again at the possibility of major climate change in and around the Atlantic Ocean, a persistent puzzle to researchers, now say there is an almost 50% chance that a key area of the North Atlantic could cool suddenly and rapidly, within the space of a decade, before the end of this century....

Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn

You poor demented retard! The oceans around Greenland are getting colder because of all the ice melt water running off of the Greenland ice sheets because of human caused global warming.

You sad little knigget.
You stupid little denier cult nutbagger!

Earth goes through periodic ice ages.
A factoid that is completely irrelevant to the scientifically confirmed, very un-natural, human caused, CO2 driven global warming the Earth is now experiencing, moron.

Scientists understand what natural factors caused the ice ages and what natural factors ended them....and those natural factors are not at all responsible for the current abrupt warming trend. Not everyone is as ignorant and dumbfounded as you are obviously are.

The odds are much higher of us entering into one due to Solar and Volcanic activity than that the earth is heating up because people use air conditioning and drive cars.
And again you demonstrate how little you know and how even less you understand.

There is absolutely no doubt about the human sources and human responsibility for the over 46% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels....which is what is primarily driving the current rapid global temperature increases.

We're heading into a little ice age.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL......sooooo retarded!

Meanwhile, in the real world....

The global average temperature each month from January 1880 through January 2016, according to data from NASA; The red dot marks the most recent value, January 2016. [update - July and August 2016 were even hotter than January, winding up as the hottest months ever yet recorded.]


The first six months of 2016 were the warmest six-month period in NASA's modern temperature record, which dates to 1880.
Credits: NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Wow. You are far dumber than I originally suspected.


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