No politician has EVER brought a tear to my eye. Santorum just did

Part of me thinks you found offense to my OP as a Christian. But then knowing the bible like I used to it doesn't fly when your responses are taken into account.

I think maybe you're just trolling. Had a few to drink maybe?

It's a pride thing. At this point he is more worried about convincing himself that he is right than to recognize that different people have different ideas and have learned different things.

Not really sure that it's worth it.

You are missing the point entirely.
Really? The "Dems" came barreling in?

I see only luddy. When did he become the spokesman for "the Dems"?

ive yet to really see any dems decry what he says, but whatever.

Unlike rw's, we're not made with a cookie cutter.

My opinion is - Santorum is shit.


But you can all go back to wringing your hands and pretending to give a damn about children.
You stuck the words "Santorum is" in there by mistake.
Part of me thinks you found offense to my OP as a Christian. But then knowing the bible like I used to it doesn't fly when your responses are taken into account.

I think maybe you're just trolling. Had a few to drink maybe?

It's a pride thing. At this point he is more worried about convincing himself that he is right than to recognize that different people have different ideas and have learned different things.

Not really sure that it's worth it.

You are missing the point entirely.

Im not so sure I am.
Very nice. So let's repeal Obamacare and get half the people with preexisting conditions thrown off again! Eh?
It's a pride thing. At this point he is more worried about convincing himself that he is right than to recognize that different people have different ideas and have learned different things.

Not really sure that it's worth it.

You are missing the point entirely.

Im not so sure I am.

Well, lets bring you in, if you would like.

The last question I posed was:

Life either has intrinsic meaning, or life has no intrinsic meaning. It is one or the other.

Depends how you define intrinsic meaning.

I tend to agree that it does. But I see no reason why being an athiest, which GMU never claimed to be, means you can't acknowledge the intrinsic value of life.
Depends how you define intrinsic meaning.

I tend to agree that it does. But I see no reason why being an athiest, which GMU never claimed to be, means you can't acknowledge the intrinsic value of life.

Intrinsic would mean self-evident, absolute and existing beyond any definition of man.

Intrinsic would mean innate and real, beyond any definition of man.

For someone who believes the universe is meaningless, can there be intrinsic meaning to existence of a particular pile of carbon atoms - beyond what someone's vivid imagination pretends it to be?

The answer is obviously, NO.

There is nothing good, bad or precious about a chunk of carbon in an otherwise meaningless world, beyond that which is pretended.
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My stepdaughter has severe CP and despite all the cynicism is one of the great joys of my life. My ex-wife told me about how all the naysayers wanted her to give her up saying her life would never be full.
Now despite her severe physical handicaps she is one of the top of her class. She has done and has more potential to succeed than my own children despite her disability.
Every life is precious and full of potential. I'm not a believer in god but if I were I would say god bless Rick for his belief in human life and god bless his little Bella.

I don't agree. I think the Santorums were incredibly selfish to bring such a sick child into the world. If you knew what Trisomy 18 was...

That poor child probably won't live to see her 10th birthday. Her life is one of pain and suffering, no matter how much her parents 'love' her. If they truly loved her, they wouldn't have allowed to her to be born.
What does my belief in a god have to do with a belief in life?

Seriously, I'm looking for an answer.

I don't consider myself an atheist but rather a person that allows each to believe their own. Is that not good enough for you? .

I agree with this. To each their own. I consider myself Agnostic which is basically the same thing. Believe what works for you-whatever it is.

Yup. Believe as you wish.

I'm not a big believer in God but I don't ridicule those that are.
[ame=]Hitler Informed Rick Santorum Is Not on Virginia Ballot - YouTube[/ame]
Hey, Gramps....

Sorry to pitch a downer your way, but look up (or recent addition to the list of liberal whores) Joan Walsh's wingnut article on Santorums speech.....calling it a racebait.

The left knows no bottom when it comes to slimeing things.

Without Medicaid, Anabelle Linzey, 2, wouldn't be able to live at home with her parents and sister, said her mother Katherine: "These are the programs that allow families to be families."

Millions more poor families face risks to their health, and financial devastation, under a plan backed by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to slash federal spending on Medicaid. A version of the proposal authored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Romney's running mate, would cut the Medicaid budget by $810 billion over a decade starting next year.

Tell me again how much the monstrous GObP/pubs/pots/rw's and Shit for a Heart Santorum 'care about sick children'.

I just wish that you holier than thou right wing voters cared as much about children as you SAY you care about fetuses.
My stepdaughter has severe CP and despite all the cynicism is one of the great joys of my life. My ex-wife told me about how all the naysayers wanted her to give her up saying her life would never be full.
Now despite her severe physical handicaps she is one of the top of her class. She has done and has more potential to succeed than my own children despite her disability.
Every life is precious and full of potential. I'm not a believer in god but if I were I would say god bless Rick for his belief in human life and god bless his little Bella.

I don't agree. I think the Santorums were incredibly selfish to bring such a sick child into the world. If you knew what Trisomy 18 was...

That poor child probably won't live to see her 10th birthday. Her life is one of pain and suffering, no matter how much her parents 'love' her. If they truly loved her, they wouldn't have allowed to her to be born.

Good for you for standing up for the child. No one else has - including her own parents.
My stepdaughter has severe CP and despite all the cynicism is one of the great joys of my life. My ex-wife told me about how all the naysayers wanted her to give her up saying her life would never be full.
Now despite her severe physical handicaps she is one of the top of her class. She has done and has more potential to succeed than my own children despite her disability.
Every life is precious and full of potential. I'm not a believer in god but if I were I would say god bless Rick for his belief in human life and god bless his little Bella.

I don't agree. I think the Santorums were incredibly selfish to bring such a sick child into the world. If you knew what Trisomy 18 was...

That poor child probably won't live to see her 10th birthday. Her life is one of pain and suffering, no matter how much her parents 'love' her. If they truly loved her, they wouldn't have allowed to her to be born.

Good for you for standing up for the child. No one else has - including her own parents.

You are both sick individuals
I don't agree. I think the Santorums were incredibly selfish to bring such a sick child into the world. If you knew what Trisomy 18 was...

That poor child probably won't live to see her 10th birthday. Her life is one of pain and suffering, no matter how much her parents 'love' her. If they truly loved her, they wouldn't have allowed to her to be born.

Good for you for standing up for the child. No one else has - including her own parents.

You are both sick individuals

But using your sick child for political gain while turning your back on other sick children - that brought a tear to your eye.

Fact is, if you're gonna have a "special needs" child in the US, you had better arrange to be wealthy because the Rs are doing everything they can to make sure you cannot afford to give your sick child what she needs.

I believe all children should be equal in this country. All children, sick or healthy, should have full tummies and roof over their head.

What is sick is that santimonious bible thumper Santorum using that poor baby a political football.
My stepdaughter has severe CP and despite all the cynicism is one of the great joys of my life. My ex-wife told me about how all the naysayers wanted her to give her up saying her life would never be full.
Now despite her severe physical handicaps she is one of the top of her class. She has done and has more potential to succeed than my own children despite her disability.
Every life is precious and full of potential. I'm not a believer in god but if I were I would say god bless Rick for his belief in human life and god bless his little Bella.

I don't agree. I think the Santorums were incredibly selfish to bring such a sick child into the world. If you knew what Trisomy 18 was...

That poor child probably won't live to see her 10th birthday. Her life is one of pain and suffering, no matter how much her parents 'love' her. If they truly loved her, they wouldn't have allowed to her to be born.

Thank you Dr choice. :eusa_whistle:

This was and is the choice of the Santorums, none of your business. Besides some individuals with Trisomy 18, can live up into their 20's and even 30's. With medical technology, and the life of this little girl, could even help future studies on the disease.
I don't agree. I think the Santorums were incredibly selfish to bring such a sick child into the world. If you knew what Trisomy 18 was...

That poor child probably won't live to see her 10th birthday. Her life is one of pain and suffering, no matter how much her parents 'love' her. If they truly loved her, they wouldn't have allowed to her to be born.

Good for you for standing up for the child. No one else has - including her own parents.

You are both sick individuals

I could not agree more.
My stepdaughter has severe CP and despite all the cynicism is one of the great joys of my life. My ex-wife told me about how all the naysayers wanted her to give her up saying her life would never be full.
Now despite her severe physical handicaps she is one of the top of her class. She has done and has more potential to succeed than my own children despite her disability.
Every life is precious and full of potential. I'm not a believer in god but if I were I would say god bless Rick for his belief in human life and god bless his little Bella.

I don't agree. I think the Santorums were incredibly selfish to bring such a sick child into the world. If you knew what Trisomy 18 was...

That poor child probably won't live to see her 10th birthday. Her life is one of pain and suffering, no matter how much her parents 'love' her. If they truly loved her, they wouldn't have allowed to her to be born.

Good for you for standing up for the child. No one else has - including her own parents.

You are a pig, and apparently a non parent
Whatever. You said you were 'not a believer in god,' hence my remark.

Now you have changed your tune. But like you said, this thread isn't about that.

Dude, you don't have to believe in God in order to see potential in a life.
Atheists can still have morals.... they can still believe in good and bad, right and wrong, life and death... that is a human condition.

I just had to interject my .02 :cool:

ALL life is precious... even the little flower in my yard has something to offer the world... Its beauty.

But... if there is nothing beyond this existence, would you agree these are not absolutes and are in fact, just pretend?

So what, morals are just a common sense. Don't do unto others that you don't what others do unto you -- you don't need God's help to understand that simple rule. Well, may be you do, but not those with IQ above 50.
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