NO "Popular Vote" if states choose to have the Legislature Vote for Federal Offices

Do you support state legislatures taking Federal elections instead of popular vote?

  • Yes, Federal elections would be honest, fair and transparent.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No, the popular vote is better, I'll explain why.

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
We disagree. Based on all of the crooked ways the popular vote gets rigged, the state legislature vote would be simple and beyond reproach.
State legislatures voting would be rigged by gerrymandering.

National popular votes would be impossible to rig. You cannot make millions of fake votes without people noticing.
This is a ploy to get power in fewer and fewer hands.

Yes, in the beginning it was done this way. Elections were difficult, at best, back then.
Republican presidential candidates have had trouble winning the popular vote.
We have the popular vote now, and the results are ALWAYS disputed.

If a state decides to decide their EC votes by the legislature, that would be a calming decision. I support it.
Calming to WHO?
The state legislatures have the authority to make and change the rules with regard to what they do. The way the constitution was originally written was that they sent people from the community to the convention to pick the president.

Unfortunately, the original intent of the framers didn't last very long.

I'd rather see the electoral college calculated by percentage. If twenty percent of the votes go to a third party, they should get twenty votes.
They can change the rules concerning voting.

But the 17th amendment to the US Constitution says:
"The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures."
In theory direct appointment by state legislatures is a practical mechanism for retaining the voice of the Several States at the federal level.

In practice there is a good reason the states lost that right via the 17th...corruption.
Local elections are easier to steal. Less scrutiny. Fewer fraudulent votes needed. It’s easy to inject small amounts of money to completely overwhelm local opponents who have basically no money.
Presidential elections are hundreds of local elections run by local officials. There’s no difference.
Migrants can’t vote. Not sure why you keep bringing it up.
We disagree. 150 local legislator elections x 50 states is about 7,500 legislators that would need to be coordinated to be competitive. Even if half were non-competitive that's still a lot of work. Local folks are tougher at polls than you apparently think.
LOL!! You think that there is money in local elections? There isn't now. I never see commercials for state legislators. Its all about the turnout and your voting record. We know them, they have local offices.

Presidential elections are a joke. Zuckerbucks bought WI.

Migrants will vote. Its called "amnesty". Its also called rigging elections. So don't whine if/when we get legislators to take back voting for the president and VP.
State legislatures voting would be rigged by gerrymandering.
National popular votes would be impossible to rig. You cannot make millions of fake votes without people noticing.
Gerrymandering is bipartisan. Its called "politics".
The national popular vote is rigged: Voter fraud, migrant voters, mass mail-ins, Zuckerbucks, 3am ballot dumps, dark money, biased MSM, unauditable voting machines, foreign money, foreign interference, and no one even trusts election results anymore, ask Hillary and Stacy.
In theory direct appointment by state legislatures is a practical mechanism for retaining the voice of the Several States at the federal level.
In practice there is a good reason the states lost that right via the 17th...corruption.
My reading of the 17th is that prohibiting eligible voters by state law means that their congressional representation gets reduced proportionally. It does NOT stipulate a popular vote for president.
As for "corruption", the national popular vote is rigged: Voter fraud, migrant voters, mass mail-ins, Zuckerbucks, 3am ballot dumps, dark money, biased MSM, unauditable voting machines, foreign money, foreign interference, and no one even trusts election results anymore, ask Hillary and Stacy.
The state legislatures have the authority to make and change the rules with regard to what they do. The way the constitution was originally written was that they sent people from the community to the convention to pick the president.
Unfortunately, the original intent of the framers didn't last very long.
I'd rather see the electoral college calculated by percentage. If twenty percent of the votes go to a third party, they should get twenty votes.
If states EC votes were allocated proportionally Biden's EC vote count would have gone from 306 to 272.
I just googled it. My problems with the national popular election are:
Voter fraud, migrant voters, mass mail-ins, Zuckerbucks, 3am ballot dumps, dark money, biased MSM, unauditable voting machines, foreign money, foreign interference, and no one even trusts election results anymore, ask Hillary and Stacy.
It means nothing. Illegals don’t vote other than an occasional confused person. They keep their heads down.
Yeah, okay, there won't be amnesty for those 5,000,000 migrants.
Calming to WHO?
Those disinterested in politics, my wife for one. I'm sure many women don't follow politics. many young people don't either if you can believe Jesse Waters' "man on the street" questions.
No. Certainly not with Gerrymandering. Our president chosen by politicians? F no.
Gerrymandering is bipartisan, both sides do it.
At least we will see that every vote is legal. Unlike the "popular vote":
Voter fraud, 5,000,000 new migrant voters, mass mail-ins, Zuckerbucks, 3am ballot dumps, dark money, biased MSM, unauditable voting machines, foreign money, foreign interference, and no one even trusts election results anymore, ask Hillary and Stacy.
Meh. You may be right, but I'd still like to see states test that.
I'd love to see a recorded vote for a state's Electoral College votes.
There are recorded votes and they are read by the Vice President at a joint session of the House and Senate on January 3rd. Every so often, you get a faithless elector who votes for someone other than their candidate.

How do you not know this already?
Giving power back to the people, and taking it away from the billionaire oligarchs.
State legislators are not "political elites".
It would make local elections crucial, and make electing a president bulletproof from voter fraud.
Why not just appoint a President, with no elections required?

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