NO "Popular Vote" if states choose to have the Legislature Vote for Federal Offices

Do you support state legislatures taking Federal elections instead of popular vote?

  • Yes, Federal elections would be honest, fair and transparent.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No, the popular vote is better, I'll explain why.

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
The mind-control ruling class has channeled us into a multiple choice where all choices serve its self-interest and "None of the Above" is not allowed. The problem with the popular vote is that it's winner-take-all. All states should proportion their electoral votes by the percentages won by each candidate.
For the electorcal college? States can do this any time they want.
States like CA and NY and IL -won't- do this because it means Republicans will get some of their electoral votes.
Third-party candidates, because they would cause most elections to get thrown into the House, would be eliminated in an automatic runoff procedure.
This requires a change in the constitution. Good luck.
I've answered this bullshit comment many times before. So stop lying. Put up where courts have stopped it.
Here it is again. Illegals can vote in NYC, and soon in DC, plus 14 other municipalities. Democrats like migrant votes, that's why they have open borders and let in 5,000,000 of them.

New York City councilmembers voted this past Thursday to allow legal noncitizens to vote in local elections, but it is not the first municipality in the U.S. to enact similar measures.
While New York City is the largest city to do so — with nearly 800,000 additional city residents now eligible to vote — 14 smaller U.S. jurisdictions have similar laws allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections.

Read the thread. Another poster provided a link.

Here is one just in case searching would be too hard for such a low IQ.

New York City’s Noncitizen Voting Law Is Struck Down​

A State Supreme Court judge from Staten Island said the measure, which would have allowed more than 800,000 noncitizens to vote, violated the State Constitution.
My bad, it is constitutional, Nebraska does it.
I misread his post the 1st time.
Stomping Us With Their Trained Donkephant

Your masters' Constitution allows proportional voting, but it has to be made mandatory or a state would be foolish to lessen its electoral power by splitting its vote. Therefore, the ruling class doesn't want it or it wouldn't have put this fake freedom in its Constitution.
So if migrants can vote in local elections, why would you want the representatives of those local elections to vote for president? Then you're taking a hypothetical problem and making it a real problem.
Migrants only vote in democrat strongholds.
1. Ballots for the people running for office are always secret, dumbass!
2. How would they kill someone for voting for the wrong person if they didn't know who they voted for. dumbass?
3. Let me say this one more time for possible penetration into that thick skull of yours, secret ballots are the foundation of a republic, dumbass!
4. You still did not resolve your apparent confusion between a voice vote and a recorded (roll call) vote., dumbass!
5. That post #237 was my post, so how could you have answered it, dumbass?
That's 5 dumbasses for you. You are really outdoing yourself at making yourself look stupid!
1. LOL! Back in the day when your party boss gave you a ballot and you give him yours after voting, ballots were secret. But if state legislatures decide EC votes the votes would be public, dumbass. They represent their constituents, and their constituents are entitled to know who the fuck their paid reps voted for.

2. Bullshit hypothetical. Stop grasping at straws.

3. You can't grasp the difference between the public voting and the legislators voting. No one shot Manchin or Sinema for voting against the dem agenda. Public voting is just too corrupt.

4. Okay, so let's say a roll call vote, not a voice vote.

5. My typo, #257 #3

LOL!! Keep thinking that elections are fair and honest, dumbass!!
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Read the thread. Another poster provided a link.

Here is one just in case searching would be too hard for such a low IQ.

New York City’s Noncitizen Voting Law Is Struck Down​

A State Supreme Court judge from Staten Island said the measure, which would have allowed more than 800,000 noncitizens to vote, violated the State Constitution.
That's good, now what about all the other municipalities, especially states where migrants can get driver's licenses.
Its a matter of time until the migrants, or their kids vote.
In theory direct appointment by state legislatures is a practical mechanism for retaining the voice of the Several States at the federal level.

In practice there is a good reason the states lost that right via the 17th...corruption.
If Someone Thinks Democracy Is a Mob Rule, He Will Betray America If He Thinks Its Majority is a Mindless and Greedy Mob

These crypto-fascists want to repeal the 17th, too. The slimy and slurpy argument of these spittling blowhards is the fantasy that Senatorial candidates represent the national party, while their precious statehouse lightweights would only elect the candidate who best represents the state's particular issues.

Contrary to their gibberish, most Senators and Representatives go against their national party if it doesn't support those issues, such as a pro-oil Congressman from Texas and a pro-farm Congressman from Iowa. These fanatics preach their lies as if they were undeniable truths.
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1. LOL! Back in the day when your party boss gave you a ballot and you give him yours after voting, ballots were secret. But if state legislatures decide EC votes the votes would be public, dumbass. They represent their constituents, and their constituents are entitled to know who the fuck their paid reps voted for.

2. Bullshit hypothetical. Stop grasping at straws.

3. You can't grasp the difference between the public voting and the legislators voting. No one shot Manchin or Sinema for voting against the dem agenda. Public voting is just too corrupt.

4. Okay, so let's say a roll call vote, not a voice vote.

5. My typo, #257 #3

LOL!! Keep thinking that elections are fair and honest, dumbass!!

1. The past is the past. That's not how we do things any more!

2. The fact you see it as a hypothetical is a tribute to your ignorance.

3. The secret ballot will not be overthrown because of your ignorance.

4. About time you figured it out!

5. There you go with roll call votes again! Not possible!

Your state is responsible for your state's election laws. Fix your state and leave me and everyone else alone!
That's good, now what about all the other municipalities, especially states where migrants can get driver's licenses.
Its a matter of time until the migrants, or their kids vote.
If their kids are born here, why shouldn't they vote?

A driver's license is a safety measure and has nothing to do with voting except as an ID and illegal's driver's licenses are made so they cannot be used as a voter ID,

If their kids are born here, why shouldn't they vote?

I fully support citizenship for DACA children as it is not their fault they were brought here. The cost should be the parent's being deported.
State LEGISLATURES decide how their state elections are held.

Popular voting is unpopular, no matter who wins. The other side always cheated.

So how about a formal voice vote by state legislators to decide Federal Elections?

There would be no cheating because the votes would be public voice votes.

The vote counting would be simple, beyond reproach, and immediate.

I like the idea. No commercials. No phone calls.

No big money "Zuckerbucks" buying elections, just our elected state officials doing their jobs.
You've lost your mind.
You vote for your state legislators.
There is no need for a popular Federal election vote, IF the state legislators take that responsibility to avoid the voter fraud issues.
People would take more of an interest in state elections.

If your state legislators take that responsibility, you can immigrate.
As long as state legistlators are Republicans who appoint members of their own party, amirite?
Clinton 92: 43.0%
Clinton 96: 49.2%
Clinton 16: 48.2%

2088: BHO was the first Democrat win a majority vote in over 30 years
1. The past is the past. That's not how we do things any more!
2. The fact you see it as a hypothetical is a tribute to your ignorance.
3. The secret ballot will not be overthrown because of your ignorance.
4. About time you figured it out!
5. There you go with roll call votes again! Not possible!
Your state is responsible for your state's election laws. Fix your state and leave me and everyone else alone!
We could have saved a lot of typing if we just started with your last line!

Blue states will have migrants voting
Red states will have legislators voting
Purple states have what they have.

Stay healthy!
If their kids are born here, why shouldn't they vote?
A driver's license is a safety measure and has nothing to do with voting except as an ID and illegal's driver's licenses are made so they cannot be used as a voter ID,
I fully support citizenship for DACA children as it is not their fault they were brought here. The cost should be the parent's being deported.
1. Can two illegals make a US citizen? yep. Dumb Amendment.

2. Motor-Voter Laws let migrants vote
In January 2016, Oregon became the first state to implement AVR. In what is sometimes referred to as the “Oregon model,” an eligible voter who interacts with the DMV is not asked whether they would like to register to vote, but instead is automatically opted into registering. The voter is soon sent a notification informing them they were registered and that they can opt out by returning the notification.

3. Put up the fence, and let them wait in Mexico for their hearing, like under Trump.
As long as state legislators are Republicans who appoint members of their own party, amirite?
The object is to elect presidents with no cheating, like:
Voter fraud, migrant voters, mass mail-ins, Zuckerbucks, 3am ballot dumps, dark money, biased MSM, unauditable voting machines, foreign money, foreign interference, and the fact that no one even trusts election results anymore, ask Hillary and Stacy.
Thank you for demonstrating the "popular vote" is irrelevant.
Nothing here changes the fact....
Clinton 92: 43.0%
Clinton 96: 49.2%
Clinton 16: 48.2%
2088: BHO was the first Democrat win a majority vote in over 30 years
1. Can two illegals make a US citizen? yep. Dumb Amendment.

2. Motor-Voter Laws let migrants vote
In January 2016, Oregon became the first state to implement AVR. In what is sometimes referred to as the “Oregon model,” an eligible voter who interacts with the DMV is not asked whether they would like to register to vote, but instead is automatically opted into registering. The voter is soon sent a notification informing them they were registered and that they can opt out by returning the notification.

3. Put up the fence, and let them wait in Mexico for their hearing, like under Trump.
2. Maybe in Oregon, but not in my state. I had to provide a birth certificate to get my driver's license in the state where I moved.

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