NO "Popular Vote" if states choose to have the Legislature Vote for Federal Offices

Do you support state legislatures taking Federal elections instead of popular vote?

  • Yes, Federal elections would be honest, fair and transparent.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No, the popular vote is better, I'll explain why.

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
We disagree. 150 local legislator elections x 50 states is about 7,500 legislators that would need to be coordinated to be competitive. Even if half were non-competitive that's still a lot of work. Local folks are tougher at polls than you apparently think.
LOL!! You think that there is money in local elections? There isn't now. I never see commercials for state legislators. Its all about the turnout and your voting record. We know them, they have local offices.

Presidential elections are a joke. Zuckerbucks bought WI.

Migrants will vote. Its called "amnesty". Its also called rigging elections. So don't whine if/when we get legislators to take back voting for the president and VP.
There is no amnesty and if there were, migrants would also vote in local elections. There is no difference.

Zuckerberg didn’t buy Wisconsin unless you have evidence of him paying people to vote for Biden. You’re just angry that people actually voted, hence your desire to take that ability away from them.
You still have yet to explain why the state legislature vote would be "beyond Reproach". Nothing is beyond reproach.
If you have ~150 legislators who do a recorded voice vote, like in the US Senate, the vote integrity and vote count are ironclad. If you have a faithless/turncoat "elector/legislator" that would be obvious, and voters would deal with it.
Very true that bribery would be possible, but since votes are public, who would take that chance?
What freaking planet do you live on? None of that is true nationwide.
Most people cannot even name their state legislators or know which party they are from.
Not the case here in the hinterlands. If the legislators voted for president, you know that people would pay more attention to who they vote for.
There are recorded votes and they are read by the Vice President at a joint session of the House and Senate on January 3rd. Every so often, you get a faithless elector who votes for someone other than their candidate.
Five Democrats rebelled in Washington and Hawaii, while two Republicans rebelled in Texas.[609] Two Democratic electors, one in Minnesota and one in Colorado, were replaced after voting for Bernie Sanders and John Kasich, respectively.[610][611] Electors in Maine conducted a second vote after one of its members voted for Sanders; the elector then voted for Clinton.[612] Likewise, for the first time since 1896,[c] multiple faithless electors voted against the pledged qualified vice presidential candidate.
How many times do you have to be told, voice votes are useless unless you are naming a fucking post office? How many voice votes did they have in the House or Senate this year on legislation?
You have slipped your grip on reality once again!
Take the state of Virginia for example. They have a Republican House, Democrat Senate and a Republican governor. How would your plan work?
The margins in each house of the legislature has a difference in party of 2 and 4 seats.
Voice vote? Your are crazy as a loon!
1. I started this thread after seeing a clip of Hillary whining about the "RW plan" to have EC voted decided in the state houses. (not my fucking idea)

2. Voice votes are legal, they do in the Senate all the time. Its called a roll-call vote.

3. State senators and House members each get one vote to decide who gets the state's EC votes. For arguments sake, say the governor breaks ties.

4. Democracies work on the premise that a 1-vote win is as good as a 1,000,000 vote win.

5. As an FYI, if EC votes were assigned proportionally in all states Biden would have won by 2 EC votes instead of 36.
There is no amnesty and if there were, migrants would also vote in local elections. There is no difference.
Zuckerberg didn’t buy Wisconsin unless you have evidence of him paying people to vote for Biden. You’re just angry that people actually voted, hence your desire to take that ability away from them.
We'll see if/when "amnesty" happens. "dreamers" can't vote yet in Federal elections, (like they have "green cards") but they can vote in many local elections, so I'm certain that many municipalities let them vote in every election.
The alternative is when the GOP takes the WH mass deportations happen to deport democrat voters?!
Then when democrats take the WH, more open borders, etc.
If you have ~150 legislators who do a recorded voice vote, like in the US Senate, the vote integrity and vote count are ironclad. If you have a faithless/turncoat "elector/legislator" that would be obvious, and voters would deal with it.
Very true that bribery would be possible, but since votes are public, who would take that chance?
Ballots for all elected offices are supposed to be secret.

What if some nut job didn't like the way his state legislator voted, and decides to assassinate him?

What the fuck is a "recorded voice vote"? If it is recorded vote, you know who is voting for whom. If it is a voice vote, you will not be able to determine a winner in an evenly divided legislative house and what happens if the legislative houses disagree?

Why can't you answer a simple question about your idea?
1. I started this thread after seeing a clip of Hillary whining about the "RW plan" to have EC voted decided in the state houses. (not my fucking idea)

2. Voice votes are legal, they do in the Senate all the time. Its called a roll-call vote.

3. State senators and House members each get one vote to decide who gets the state's EC votes. For arguments sake, say the governor breaks ties.

4. Democracies work on the premise that a 1-vote win is as good as a 1,000,000 vote win.

5. As an FYI, if EC votes were assigned proportionally in all states Biden would have won by 2 EC votes instead of 36.

A voice vote and a roll call vote are NOT the same.

A voice vote goes "All those in favor, say "aye"., and "All those opposed say "no".

A roll call vote is by each Senator, called by name and asked for his or her vote.

Maybe that is why you don't know what the heck you are yammering about!

The House of Representatives use electronic voting almost exclusively.
We'll see if/when "amnesty" happens. "dreamers" can't vote yet in Federal elections, (like they have "green cards") but they can vote in many local elections, so I'm certain that many municipalities let them vote in every election.
The alternative is when the GOP takes the WH mass deportations happen to deport democrat voters?!
Then when democrats take the WH, more open borders, etc.

It has already been proven to you that you are completely wrong and this is a lie. Why do you persist in saying things which are not true?

The courts have ruled that non-citizens cannot vote in local elections because it violates the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
Ballots for all elected offices are supposed to be secret.
What if some nut job didn't like the way his state legislator voted, and decides to assassinate him?
What the fuck is a "recorded voice vote"? If it is recorded vote, you know who is voting for whom. If it is a voice vote, you will not be able to determine a winner in an evenly divided legislative house and what happens if the legislative houses disagree?
Why can't you answer a simple question about your idea?
1. Votes by elected officials are rarely secret.

2. Nut jobs do what nut jobs do

3. As long as the legislators votes are made public.......voice, or telepathy, or sign language, or ballots...

4. Its the total of the state houses, one man one vote.

5. See Post #237 Item #3, asked and answered.
It has already been proven to you that you are completely wrong and this is a lie. Why do you persist in saying things which are not true?
The courts have ruled that non-citizens cannot vote in local elections because it violates the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
I've answered this bullshit comment many times before. So stop lying. Put up where courts have stopped it.
Here it is again. Illegals can vote in NYC, and soon in DC, plus 14 other municipalities. Democrats like migrant votes, that's why they have open borders and let in 5,000,000 of them.

New York City councilmembers voted this past Thursday to allow legal noncitizens to vote in local elections, but it is not the first municipality in the U.S. to enact similar measures.
While New York City is the largest city to do so — with nearly 800,000 additional city residents now eligible to vote — 14 smaller U.S. jurisdictions have similar laws allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections.

I've answered this bullshit comment many times before. So stop lying. Put up where courts have stopped it.
Here it is again. Illegals can vote in NYC, and soon in DC, plus 14 other municipalities. Democrats like migrant votes, that's why they have open borders and let in 5,000,000 of them.

New York City councilmembers voted this past Thursday to allow legal noncitizens to vote in local elections, but it is not the first municipality in the U.S. to enact similar measures.
While New York City is the largest city to do so — with nearly 800,000 additional city residents now eligible to vote — 14 smaller U.S. jurisdictions have similar laws allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections.

So if migrants can vote in local elections, why would you want the representatives of those local elections to vote for president? Then you're taking a hypothetical problem and making it a real problem.
1. Votes by elected officials are rarely secret.

2. Nut jobs do what nut jobs do

3. As long as the legislators votes are made public.......voice, or telepathy, or sign language, or ballots...

4. Its the total of the state houses, one man one vote.

5. See Post #237 Item #3, asked and answered.
1. Ballots for the people running for office are always secret, dumbass!

2. How would they kill someone for voting for the wrong person if they didn't know who they voted for. dumbass?

3. Let me say this one more time for possible penetration into that thick skull of yours, secret ballots are the foundation of a republic, dumbass!

4. You still did not resolve your apparent confusion between a voice vote and a recorded (roll call) vote., dumbass!

5. That post #237 was my post, so how could you have answered it, dumbass?

That's 5 dumbasses for you. You are really outdoing yourself at making yourself look stupid!

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