NO "Popular Vote" if states choose to have the Legislature Vote for Federal Offices

Do you support state legislatures taking Federal elections instead of popular vote?

  • Yes, Federal elections would be honest, fair and transparent.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No, the popular vote is better, I'll explain why.

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
Those disinterested in politics, my wife for one. I'm sure many women don't follow politics. many young people don't either if you can believe Jesse Waters' "man on the street" questions.
A lot more women than you realize, care about abortion rights
1. Now we have a popular vote "by state" for presidents. Each state certifies who won the election in their state and those EC votes get tallied up and a president declared.

2. Instead of people voting directly for a president, the state legislators can vote for that state's Electoral College votes. It eliminates mail-in ballots, voter fraud, lawsuits, suspicion, 3am ballot dumps, annoying commercials, annoying phone calls, and $billion of "Zuckerbucks" being wasted on elections by pols selling their offices for campaign donations.
The state legislators get paid to vote. Let them earn their pay.

Not true in Maine and Nebraska.

Most state legislatures are only in session for a few months put of the year, with some only meeting every two years. How will you resolve that issue?
There are recorded votes and they are read by the Vice President at a joint session of the House and Senate on January 3rd. Every so often, you get a faithless elector who votes for someone other than their candidate.
How do you not know this already?
I do know that.

I was referring to the state legislators' voice votes for president and VP to see who gets that state's Electoral College votes. No fraud. No bullshit. Just a finite number of votes to count.
A lot more women than you realize, care about abortion rights
I'm sure that they do. However, since abortion is NOT a Federal responsibility in the Constitution it needs to be made a Federal Law, good luck with that. Or addressed by state laws. Abortion rights mean that women may need to travel to a neighboring state.
I prefer the EU laws that have limits like 15-weeks, as Oz mentioned last night.
1. That's unconstitutional.
2. To make it constitutional an amendment would require 38 state legislatures to approve. Never happen.
It is not unconstitutional. Maine and Nebraska are not winner -take-all. Do some research. You would have flunked my class in government that I taught in high schools.
State elections would be impossible to steal. There are hundreds of local elections managed by local officials. Zuckerbucks wouldn't matter. No dark money, no migrant voters, no mass mail-ins, no 3am ballot dumps, no biased MSM commercials, no unauditable voting machines(backup paper ballots), no foreign money, and no foreign interference.

p.s. whining about gerrymandering after Biden let in 5,000,000 new migrant voters is laughable.
Let's just have the Democrat Party appoint the President. That will be as easy as your system!
We disagree. 150 local legislator elections x 50 states is about 7,500 legislators that would need to be coordinated to be competitive. Even if half were non-competitive that's still a lot of work. Local folks are tougher at polls than you apparently think.
LOL!! You think that there is money in local elections? There isn't now. I never see commercials for state legislators.
Its all about the turnout and your voting record. We know them, they have local offices.

Presidential elections are a joke. Zuckerbucks bought WI.

Migrants will vote. Its called "amnesty". Its also called rigging elections. So don't whine if/when we get legislators to take back voting for the president and VP.

What freaking planet do you live on? None of that is true nationwide.

Most people cannot even name their state legislators or know which party they are from.
We disagree. 150 local legislator elections x 50 states is about 7,500 legislators that would need to be coordinated to be competitive. Even if half were non-competitive that's still a lot of work. Local folks are tougher at polls than you apparently think.
LOL!! You think that there is money in local elections? There isn't now. I never see commercials for state legislators. Its all about the turnout and your voting record. We know them, they have local offices.

Presidential elections are a joke. Zuckerbucks bought WI.

Migrants will vote. Its called "amnesty". Its also called rigging elections. So don't whine if/when we get legislators to take back voting for the president and VP.
Congress has to pass amnesty, dumbass! That is NOT happening because it is political suicide.
I'm sure that they do. However, since abortion is NOT a Federal responsibility in the Constitution it needs to be made a Federal Law, good luck with that. Or addressed by state laws. Abortion rights mean that women may need to travel to a neighboring state.
I prefer the EU laws that have limits like 15-weeks, as Oz mentioned last night.
And making it a federal Law STARTS with a Congress that will DO THAT
I do know that.

I was referring to the state legislators' voice votes for president and VP to see who gets that state's Electoral College votes. No fraud. No bullshit. Just a finite number of votes to count.
How many times do you have to be told, voice votes are useless unless you are naming a fucking post office? How many voice votes did they have in the House or Senate this year on legislation?

You have slipped your grip on reality once again!

Take the state of Virginia for example. They have a Republican House, Democrat Senate and a Republican governor. How would your plan work?

The margins in each house of the legislature has a difference in party of 2 and 4 seats.

Voice vote? Your are crazy as a loon!
In practice there is a good reason the states lost that right via the 17th...corruption
Yep! Precisely!

And it is less corrupt or corruptible, in our hands!

(The legislators still may be corrupt or corruptible though) :(

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