NO "Popular Vote" if states choose to have the Legislature Vote for Federal Offices

Do you support state legislatures taking Federal elections instead of popular vote?

  • Yes, Federal elections would be honest, fair and transparent.

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No, the popular vote is better, I'll explain why.

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters
If their kids are born here, why shouldn't they vote?

I fully support citizenship for DACA children as it is not their fault they were brought here. The cost should be the parents being deported.
No Way, José

No one can receive a right through illegal means. If someone buys a car that he has no way of knowing was stolen, does he keep the car? Would we be punishing him for taking it away, because he wasn't the one who stole it?

These thieving apprentice gangstas are a threat to our own children. They have been brought up with their parents' contempt for our laws and our citizens. DACA caca.
As long as state legistlators are Republicans who appoint members of their own party, amirite?
Weewee on the People

Don't get partisan. This anti-democratic idea has been concocted by the anti-American clique that controls both parties. In fact, since the Senatorial part was in the Constitution until 1913, it's still more evidence of what an elitist fraud that document has always been.
The object is to elect presidents with no cheating, like:
Voter fraud, migrant voters, mass mail-ins, Zuckerbucks, 3am ballot dumps, dark money, biased MSM, unauditable voting machines, foreign money, foreign interference, and the fact that no one even trusts election results anymore, ask Hillary and Stacy.
No one trusts elections? You mean Trump's cult who believe the lies that motherfucker has been belching since he had his ass beat by Biden.

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