No Reservations


Annoying Customer
Sep 7, 2008
I love this show.

[ame=]YouTube - No Reservations - Maine Part 3 of 5[/ame]
Maine, at least my neighborhoods in Maine, have the worst damned food I have every had.

Good seafood, of course.

My advise is take it home fresh and cook it yourself.

Seriously, go to pot luck dinner here in Maine and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Anyplace else you go for potluck, the food is wonderful homecooked food that each woman or man is really proud of.

Here, you go to a potluck dinner and people open a can of beans or make a box of Kraft macaroni and cheese and call it home cooking.

I have never seem anyplace where people care less about eating good food than Maine.
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Oh yeah, one more thing?


Got to be one of the ugliest towns in Maine.

I spend a week there one afternoon.
Editec my friend, you need to move toward the sun.

Come down under, we have tons of sun even if we are running short of water.

Still, there is always enough water for 5.9% beer.

Cheer for everyone.

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