No Russian Collusion? What now?

well you should know that when he made that statement, hitlery's server confiscated years before.
Not the same server. This was already explained earlier in the thread. Go waste someone else's time.
well the 30k emails were from her server that was confiscated and bleach bit. so sir you are fking wrong. sorry. facts do spoil your fun eh?
michael cohen said he had no direct knowledge. that does not mean that there is no collusion. actually there is no 'collusion'.... it's 'conspiracy to defraud the united states'.

nice try, but it doesn't fly & your spin just won't be cutting it today.
I love how you leftists move goal posts. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

that was verbatim.
why wasn't it in quotes? and where is the link?

you want quotes?


there. i watched the entire thing - i heard every word... you want a link? find the transcript & read it for yourself. i understand it's over 200 pages. you'll need a few cans of spinach for that one. good luck

you can go get
michael cohen said he had no direct knowledge. that does not mean that there is no collusion. actually there is no 'collusion'.... it's 'conspiracy to defraud the united states'.

nice try, but it doesn't fly & your spin just won't be cutting it today.
I love how you leftists move goal posts. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

that was verbatim.
why wasn't it in quotes? and where is the link?

you want quotes?


there. i watched the entire thing - i heard every word... you want a link? find the transcript & read it for yourself. i understand it's over 200 pages. you'll need a few cans of spinach for that one. good luck

you can go get
so you made it up. way to admit it. I believe the forum has rules on that.
michael cohen said he had no direct knowledge. that does not mean that there is no collusion. actually there is no 'collusion'.... it's 'conspiracy to defraud the united states'.

nice try, but it doesn't fly & your spin just won't be cutting it today.
I love how you leftists move goal posts. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

that was verbatim.
why wasn't it in quotes? and where is the link?

you want quotes?


there. i watched the entire thing - i heard every word... you want a link? find the transcript & read it for yourself. i understand it's over 200 pages. you'll need a few cans of spinach for that one. good luck

you can go get
so you made it up. way to admit it. I believe the forum has rules on that.

i don't need to make things up. did YOU watch the whole thing? did YOU hear every question & every reply? i did. he was asked if he had 'direct knowledge' & he said 'no'. then he was asked if he thought trump was capable of conspiring with the russians, & cohen answered 'yes'.
I love how you leftists move goal posts. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

that was verbatim.
why wasn't it in quotes? and where is the link?

you want quotes?


there. i watched the entire thing - i heard every word... you want a link? find the transcript & read it for yourself. i understand it's over 200 pages. you'll need a few cans of spinach for that one. good luck

you can go get
so you made it up. way to admit it. I believe the forum has rules on that.

i don't need to make things up. did YOU watch the whole thing? did YOU hear every question & every reply? i did. he was asked if he had 'direct knowledge' & he said 'no'. then he was asked if he thought trump was capable of conspiring with the russians, & cohen answered 'yes'.
I could give two shits what you think you heard. you're posting hearsay and not quotes, so factually, that is a quote without evidence. so feel free to locate the copy of the testimony and quote the statement you're trying quote. then we'll be good.
And that is what bothers me the MOST about him, his lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies.... just unadulterated DECEITFULNESS.

I just can't take the lying, it breaks every rule I was ever taught by my parents, by my church, by my employers etc etc etc

...he makes my skin crawl.... :eek:

I agree with all that, but he was also elected, so also deserves better treatment than I see from most.
It is like they always want him to fail at everything, forgetting that if he fails, that harms the country.

He was NOT elected by the people, and he does NOT deserve better treatment solely on that basis. Respect is earned and Trump has done NOTHING to earn that respect. He lies, he treats others badly, he demands loyalty but gives none. He says he only hires the "best people" but 30 of them were refused security clearances after being investigated by the FBI and the CIA, and many more lied on their application forms.

Today, we have leaks about behaviour by the President wherein he has tried to fire Mueller, has tried to subvert investigations by the SDNY, and Whittaker LIED to Congress about all of this. I'm really looking forward to that smug asshole being charged with "Lying to Congress".

When Trump stops using "insult diplomacy"; when he stops declaring friendly nations as "security threats" to over reach his authority to slap tariffs on your trading partners, and a "national emergency" as an end around to Congressional Authority to build a wall, and when he stops LYING every time he opens his mouth, he might earn some modicum of respect, but as long as he calls Kim, Putin and Erdogan as his besties, you've got a big fat problem with him every getting respect from anyone.
he was elected by the same process that brought us obama, clinton and every other president before him.

your not liking it THIS TIME doesn't change how we do things.

get over yourself.
Actually, that is not quite true Iceberg. The first few elections in our Nation, the Electoral process, created by our founding Fathers, (Madison and Adams) was completely different than it is now...

It is quite interesting how it was done by them, and the History of how the States actually changed the Electoral Process for President and Vice-President. We, (or rather Male, White, landowners) in most states actually voted for Electors, by name, and did not vote for the President and Vice President, with their names on the ballot.... if we voted by popular vote, we voted for the Elector who best represented us. The Electors each had 2 votes, 1 for President, and 1 for vice President...

The whole History of it all, and all the changes made, is really interesting and the link at the bottom is worth going in to and reading, for everyone on this board!

As dictated by Article Two of the Constitution, presidents and vice presidents are elected by “electors,” a group of voters chosen by each state in a manner specified by that state’s legislature. The total number of electors from each state is equal to the number of senators and representatives that state is entitled to in Congress. In the first few presidential elections, these electors were chosen by popular vote, legislative appointment, or a combination of both (by the 1820s, almost all states adopted the practice of choosing electors by popular vote). Each elector voted for two people; at least one of who did not live in their state. The individual receiving the greatest number of votes would be elected president, and the next in line, vice president.

A majority of electors was needed to win election, thus ensuring consensus across states. Because each elector voted twice, it was possible for as many as three candidates to tie with a majority–in which case the House of Representatives was to vote a winner from among the tied candidates. If no majority was achieved in the initial electoral vote, the House was to decide the winner from the top five candidates. In both cases, representatives would not vote individually but by state groups. Each state, no matter what its number of representatives, would be entitled to just one vote, and a majority of these votes was needed to elect a candidate president.

George Washington was unanimously elected, and John Adams–his unofficial running mate–came in second in electoral votes, making him vice president. Both men were conservative and favored a strong federal government as established by the Constitution. To balance his Cabinet with a liberal, and thus maintain the widest possible support for the new American government, Washington chose Thomas Jefferson–the idealistic drafter of the Declaration of Independence–as secretary of state.

During Washington’s first administration, Jefferson often came into conflict with Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury. Jefferson objected to Hamilton’s efforts to strengthen the national government at the expense of the states, and the two men also differed significantly on foreign policy, with Hamilton advocating improved relations with conservative England and Jefferson calling for closer ties with Revolutionary France. Although Washington detested the factional fighting, the disagreements gave rise to the nation’s first political parties: Jefferson’s Democratic-Republicans (the forerunner of the Democratic Party) and Hamilton’s Federalists.
what the fuck ever.

keep digging for whatever you think you need that allows you to deal with such strong hate. hate can make people look stupid and it's got you playing the fool.

unless of course, you're not playing.
What is wrong with you?

Are you having a bad day? Get up on the wrong side of the bed? Why did you put this thin skinned 'snowflake' costume on?

What in the world caused you to go in to such an off the wall, vulgar, tirade from my post from HISTORY. com?

I agree with all that, but he was also elected, so also deserves better treatment than I see from most.
It is like they always want him to fail at everything, forgetting that if he fails, that harms the country.

He was NOT elected by the people, and he does NOT deserve better treatment solely on that basis. Respect is earned and Trump has done NOTHING to earn that respect. He lies, he treats others badly, he demands loyalty but gives none. He says he only hires the "best people" but 30 of them were refused security clearances after being investigated by the FBI and the CIA, and many more lied on their application forms.

Today, we have leaks about behaviour by the President wherein he has tried to fire Mueller, has tried to subvert investigations by the SDNY, and Whittaker LIED to Congress about all of this. I'm really looking forward to that smug asshole being charged with "Lying to Congress".

When Trump stops using "insult diplomacy"; when he stops declaring friendly nations as "security threats" to over reach his authority to slap tariffs on your trading partners, and a "national emergency" as an end around to Congressional Authority to build a wall, and when he stops LYING every time he opens his mouth, he might earn some modicum of respect, but as long as he calls Kim, Putin and Erdogan as his besties, you've got a big fat problem with him every getting respect from anyone.
he was elected by the same process that brought us obama, clinton and every other president before him.

your not liking it THIS TIME doesn't change how we do things.

get over yourself.
Actually, that is not quite true Iceberg. The first few elections in our Nation, the Electoral process, created by our founding Fathers, (Madison and Adams) was completely different than it is now...

It is quite interesting how it was done by them, and the History of how the States actually changed the Electoral Process for President and Vice-President. We, (or rather Male, White, landowners) in most states actually voted for Electors, by name, and did not vote for the President and Vice President, with their names on the ballot.... if we voted by popular vote, we voted for the Elector who best represented us. The Electors each had 2 votes, 1 for President, and 1 for vice President...

The whole History of it all, and all the changes made, is really interesting and the link at the bottom is worth going in to and reading, for everyone on this board!

As dictated by Article Two of the Constitution, presidents and vice presidents are elected by “electors,” a group of voters chosen by each state in a manner specified by that state’s legislature. The total number of electors from each state is equal to the number of senators and representatives that state is entitled to in Congress. In the first few presidential elections, these electors were chosen by popular vote, legislative appointment, or a combination of both (by the 1820s, almost all states adopted the practice of choosing electors by popular vote). Each elector voted for two people; at least one of who did not live in their state. The individual receiving the greatest number of votes would be elected president, and the next in line, vice president.

A majority of electors was needed to win election, thus ensuring consensus across states. Because each elector voted twice, it was possible for as many as three candidates to tie with a majority–in which case the House of Representatives was to vote a winner from among the tied candidates. If no majority was achieved in the initial electoral vote, the House was to decide the winner from the top five candidates. In both cases, representatives would not vote individually but by state groups. Each state, no matter what its number of representatives, would be entitled to just one vote, and a majority of these votes was needed to elect a candidate president.

George Washington was unanimously elected, and John Adams–his unofficial running mate–came in second in electoral votes, making him vice president. Both men were conservative and favored a strong federal government as established by the Constitution. To balance his Cabinet with a liberal, and thus maintain the widest possible support for the new American government, Washington chose Thomas Jefferson–the idealistic drafter of the Declaration of Independence–as secretary of state.

During Washington’s first administration, Jefferson often came into conflict with Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury. Jefferson objected to Hamilton’s efforts to strengthen the national government at the expense of the states, and the two men also differed significantly on foreign policy, with Hamilton advocating improved relations with conservative England and Jefferson calling for closer ties with Revolutionary France. Although Washington detested the factional fighting, the disagreements gave rise to the nation’s first political parties: Jefferson’s Democratic-Republicans (the forerunner of the Democratic Party) and Hamilton’s Federalists.
what the fuck ever.

keep digging for whatever you think you need that allows you to deal with such strong hate. hate can make people look stupid and it's got you playing the fool.

unless of course, you're not playing.
What is wrong with you?

Are you having a bad day? Get up on the wrong side of the bed? Why did you put this thin skinned 'snowflake' costume on?

What in the world caused you to go in to such an off the wall, vulgar, tirade from my post from HISTORY. com?

your act has worn thin.
Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!
Garbage, zero college rube humor.
Do you have an advanced copy of M?
Watergate 4 years
Iran contra 6 years
Patience darlin
This thread is amazing! TDS is a very real disorder, and many are afflicted. It's the only possible explanation why the Democrats would not only continue this charade, but double-down with Nadler.

If the situation was outlined with unknown players as a "logic and reason" problem, the solution would be obvious to anyone - with an ounce of logic and reason. Mueller has nothing, and never will.

you want quotes?


there. i watched the entire thing - i heard every word... you want a link? find the transcript & read it for yourself. i understand it's over 200 pages. you'll need a few cans of spinach for that one. good luck
you can go get

Translation: "I suffer from severe TDS"
I am not confused at all.
It was someone else who claimed Hillary's email server was hacked and I was the one trying to point out that was the DNC that was hacked, not Hillary.

And no, unless you use the exact same brand, size, and condition of drive, you can't really do a byte by byte copy and have it make any sense. You will be copying the file table as well as just raw data, so then will have extreme difficulty trying to even find files, much less read them.
But the point is it would be easy for people to avoid anything they wanted to delete when doing the copying.

If anyone at the FBI knew what was appropriate, they would be working for a computer company and not the FBI.
I said, ”Digital copies of the hard drives were provided to the FBI,” clearly speaking of the DNC’s servers, which had nothing at all to do with Hillary’s servers; to which you replied... ”yes, but those copies were missing over 30,000 emails, and were what Trump was suggesting the Russians might be able to find.”

Yes, you are completely confused as “those copies” were not “missing over 30,000 email.” Again, those were copies of the DNC servers; while the 33,000 missing email were deleted from Hillary’s servers, not the DNC’s. :eusa_doh:

As far as your knowledge on hard drives, it really wasn’t necessary for you to exhibit sheer ignorance on the technology. You did get the size correct though, I’ll give you that. The destination drive must have at least as much storage capacity as the source drive, and ideally in this case, would be the same size, but that’s all you got right. And I expect a professional company as CrowdStrike, who are in that industry, know enough to know that.

This is not a 2 person conversation. There are other people claiming it was Hillary's email server that was hacked. And it was Hillary that would not allow the FBI to check for the missing emails or evidence of hacking. Hillary did give the FBI a copy of the drives, but that did not at all help in supplying the missing 30,000 emails.
Of course I was unaware the DNC had also supplied copies of their drives because that makes no sense. If you actually want to find deleted files of evidence of hacking, you need the original drives in the machine they were in at the time. You don't want copies, and copies are not going to do any good.
You don't want RAW bytes because they you have to carefully find and interpret the file allocation tables, and then follow their entries to find the actual sectors. That is very difficult these days because all drives use a virtualization scheme for sectors, so that they can map out bad ones, and implement drive encryption. It is not as simple as just looking at RAW bytes. The interpretation is very difficult unless you perfectly shadow it onto the exact same media, in size, brand, embedded firmware, etc.
And yet, despite your ignorance on the subject, the FBI found the copies an “acceptable substitute.” You’ve not convinced me you know more than they do. And yes, access to raw data is also vital in performing forensics on a hard drive as that is how to view data that was deleted after being sent to the “recycle bin.” Also, if you do a copy like that to a similar sized drive with the same cluster size on both and you plug that into the same OS as the source, the undeleted files and files marked for deletion can be read.

That is the part that proves the FBI's ignorance or corruption. They should not have accepted copies, and instead insisted on the originals. That fact I know more about computers is obvious, since they are paid for law enforcement by a the federal government, and I am paid by Intel, HP, IBM, Sequent, Microsoft, Apple, etc., to work on computers.
Yes you might succeed if you use the same size drive, with same brand, version, embedded system, etc.
But likely hopeless if you use a different size drive, different brand, different version of firmware, etc.
The algorithm that locates actual physical sectors from the virtual requests is not going to be the same even if the different sectors have been mapped out as bad, the allocation table is set up differently, the drive uses a different RAID optimization mapping, etc.
But that does also depend on what is meant is meant by a RAW copy. If you use the firmware from the original drive, and follow the file allocation table routines for a virtual sector by sector copy, there is a chance that might work even though the destination drive was using different firmware, allocation table routines, etc. But the FBI should never have taken that risk. They should have used the original drives, taken them as evidence, and left the DNC to use the copies. They failed in their ability to ensure a credible line of evidence. They could have been given anything. They can't use anything they get from the copies because they could easily not be accurate or even deliberately manipulated.

Now you’re just making more shit up. You have not demonstrated you know more than folks working in the FBI. Nor do you demonstrate you know more than folks working for CrowdStrike, the cyber security firm who made the copies. You actually exhibit ignorance on how to copy hard drives and how useful a copy is.

And despite your meaningless protests, CrowdStrike delivered useful copies of the hard drives to to the FBI. We know this because the FBI found them to be an “adequate substitute,” and they would know since they’rr In the business of performing forensic tests on such equipment. They also know the quality of the copies, which you actually have zero knowledge of. And along with other corroborating evidence, they were able to use those copies to determine who the hackers were.

Now stop making shit up.

FBI does not make computers, and does not know nearly as much as those who do.
Copies are NOT legal evidence.
They are worthless.
And no, the FBI has said they suspect Russian hackers, but it could just have easily have been an inside job, since they went to Wikileaks.
There is no proof because there never can be any proof.
I can easily work through a bot embedded in a computer in Moscow, and it would not mean I was in Moscow.
It is the FBI saying a copy was an "adequate substitute" that proves their incompetence.
You should know that.

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