No Russian Collusion? What now?

Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!

I guess I watched a different public hearing than you did, but I distinctly heard Cohen say that he heard Donald Trump take a phone call from Roger Stone coordinating with him over the WikiLeaks releases of damaging info on Clinton, AND Trump taking a call from Junior about the Trump Tower meeting with Russians BEFORE the meeting.

Just in case you missed it - everything about the Trump Tower meeting is the very definition of "collusion".

The ONLY thing Cohen couldn't testify to was whether Trump was actually issuing the instructions to Stone and Junior to do these things, and while it would appear highly unlikely that Trump wasn't directing these illegal acts, he definitely knew about them, did nothing to stop them, and was openly and publically benefitting from them.
Hahaha... You Leftists grasping at straws to feed your hatred is just 2 funny.

There was never a single shred of evidence of Trump Russian collusion to effect the election. Never. None.

Speaking to a Russian and putting Russian dressing on your salad while watching a Russian ballet is ok.

Even wild eyed Shifft is looking for new lies to tell.

There is no hatred. There is just the cold hard facts. Your lying asshole of a President is an agent of Russia, unwittingly of course. He's not smart enough to have done it deliberately.

He's a blowhard, a bully and spending us into oblivion but he's no "Russian Agent". You are quite literally an idiot. How is Beta Boi Justin doing?
Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!
You dupes have concluded there is no collusion before the investigation is complete? LOL wonder how that happened LOL why would the Russians bother colluding with these chuckleheads anyway?
He's a blowhard, a bully and spending us into oblivion but he's no "Russian Agent". You are quite literally an idiot. How is Beta Boi Justin doing?
Agent? No. Asset? From his actions it sure looks like he is
No its not.
Something of value is NOT possible to regulate by law.
For example, a PAC can run commercials for you, which help the campaign, and are of value to the campaign, but they do NOT have to be declared, disclosed, or stay within the individual contribution limits.
There is absolutely no way any legislation attempting to prevent people from doing this to aid a campaign could ever be legal.
All you can do is to make sure there is full disclosure of funds that can be used to monopolize media.

A candidate has a right to be free of blackmail and their sexual privacy being violated.
So the blackmail pay off does NOT advance the campaign, but merely puts it back to where it is supposed to be, by law.

Again, Edwards was not convicted, even though he did exactly the same thing, and there was absolutely no doubt he did it.
Sure Cohen plead guilty, but that is because he is stupid and does not understand law.
Apparently you do not understand law either.
Sounds like you are a lawyer?
Your example of a PAC is ludicrous. A PAC didn't pay to silence a porn star -- trump's personal attorney did. And he paid her $130,000; for which he plead guilty to violating campaign finance laws.

It does not matter what PACs pay for. There is nothing at all illegal about paying blackmail, and there is nothing criminal about trying to prevent blackmail from succeeding. Something is only criminal when it harms someone. Who was harmed?
Cohen is a fool for pleading guilty when he would never have been convicted by any jury on the planet.
It has nothing to do with anyone being harmed or blackmail; and everything to do with trump failing to report money he spent on his campaign.
First it's a stupid law that no one cares about or at most has to pay a fine
Second of all it had nothing to do with the campaign......

Try'll get him next time!

I have no need to try again — it’s the law no matter how much that bothers you.
So is perjury, but you were cool with Clinton skating on I just blew up your argument in like 10 seconds
He's a blowhard, a bully and spending us into oblivion but he's no "Russian Agent". You are quite literally an idiot. How is Beta Boi Justin doing?
Agent? No. Asset? From his actions it sure looks like he is
What actions?
More sanctions?
Withdrawing from a treaty Putin was violating?
Making Germany buy gas from the US and not Russia.....

Do you even have a clue?
Trump can do what every other pol has done, pay a fine..
Not when it's a felony.
What makes it a felony?
The intent, I believe.
Wait what? He paid off a golddigger like most celebrities....even if you can link it to the campaign (which I doubt will happen), I would figure maybe the amount, but even then it's just an amount and not impeachable.
Most celebrities aren’t running for public office where they’re compelled by law to report donations.
Many do, Congress was using taxpayer funds to pay off people....I don't see you crying about that.
It does not matter what PACs pay for. There is nothing at all illegal about paying blackmail, and there is nothing criminal about trying to prevent blackmail from succeeding. Something is only criminal when it harms someone. Who was harmed?
Cohen is a fool for pleading guilty when he would never have been convicted by any jury on the planet.
It has nothing to do with anyone being harmed or blackmail; and everything to do with trump failing to report money he spent on his campaign.

Failing to report something when no one is being harmed by it, is like a parking ticket. It is not a crime.
Again, that is why the jury deadlocked on any time this sort of prosecution has been tried.
It will never work because the prosecutor then becomes an accomplice in blackmail.
You’re making shit up again. Here, watch this.... cite the section of the FEC law which relieves a candidate of criminal intent of failing to report campaign expenses if no one is harmed by such payments.......
Prove it was a campaign expense
and if you do....Trump can do what every other pol has done, pay a fine....
There was no other purpose for the campaign donation. That’s corroborated by the man who made the donation. It’s also been reported that if wasn’t reported. And yes, if charged with that crime, Trump will have to pay a fine like most others have had to do.

No other purpose? so these payments are only made by politicians during elections? Is that a serious position of yours?
Your example of a PAC is ludicrous. A PAC didn't pay to silence a porn star -- trump's personal attorney did. And he paid her $130,000; for which he plead guilty to violating campaign finance laws.

It does not matter what PACs pay for. There is nothing at all illegal about paying blackmail, and there is nothing criminal about trying to prevent blackmail from succeeding. Something is only criminal when it harms someone. Who was harmed?
Cohen is a fool for pleading guilty when he would never have been convicted by any jury on the planet.
It has nothing to do with anyone being harmed or blackmail; and everything to do with trump failing to report money he spent on his campaign.
First it's a stupid law that no one cares about or at most has to pay a fine
Second of all it had nothing to do with the campaign......

Try'll get him next time!

I have no need to try again — it’s the law no matter how much that bothers you.
So is perjury, but you were cool with Clinton skating on I just blew up your argument in like 10 seconds
Clinton didn’t “skate.” You fail like always because you’re s failure.
Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!

Your sarcasm lacks thought, and is not thought provoking or clever.

The "Collusion Narrative" as you wrote, was developed by Trump as the foundation of his claim that the Mueller Investigation is a Witch Hunt.

Why? Don't know for sure, but it walks like, looks like and smells like a consciousness of guilt.

The evidence so far is that Russia engaged in cyber war against our democracy. Trump is not named as a co-conspirator; yet as President his interest in this attack on our election isn't even lukewarm.

Why? I don't know. Do you?
even if you can link it to the campaign (which I doubt will happen)
Um...that has already happened. In a federal court. Someone is going to prison for it. Are you serious right now....?
What was the link?
a known liar to get reduced time does not count as a "link"
we'll need more than Michael Cohen's word (Which he used to say it DID NOT have anything to do with the campaign)
nobody is operating on Michael Cohen's word. The court convicted him of a felony for the very actions you are claiming are not a crime.
Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!
You dupes have concluded there is no collusion before the investigation is complete? LOL wonder how that happened LOL why would the Russians bother colluding with these chuckleheads anyway?

You dumbasses concluded Trump was guilty before the investigation started. You look stupid here.
The "Collusion Narrative" as you wrote, was developed by Trump as the foundation of his claim that the Mueller Investigation is a Witch Hunt.

Why? Don't know for sure, but it walks like, looks like and smells like a consciousness of guilt.

The evidence so far is that Russia engaged in cyber war against our democracy. Trump is not named as a co-conspirator; yet as President his interest in this attack on our election isn't even lukewarm.
Ya gotta love someone who spins so fast that he thinks Russian collusion accusations were Trump's idea.
Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!
You dupes have concluded there is no collusion before the investigation is complete? LOL wonder how that happened LOL why would the Russians bother colluding with these chuckleheads anyway?

You dumbasses concluded Trump was guilty before the investigation started. You look stupid here.
Trump actually told the Russians publicly to mess with Hillary, and right after they started to LOL. I will let the legal system handle it LOL.And the first thing is to get the findings of the Mueller investigation thank you very much. I am not for impeachment that is a garbage GOP stick....
The "Collusion Narrative" as you wrote, was developed by Trump as the foundation of his claim that the Mueller Investigation is a Witch Hunt.

Why? Don't know for sure, but it walks like, looks like and smells like a consciousness of guilt.

The evidence so far is that Russia engaged in cyber war against our democracy. Trump is not named as a co-conspirator; yet as President his interest in this attack on our election isn't even lukewarm.

Ya gotta love someone who spins so fast that he thinks Russian collusion accusations were Trump's idea.

I don't usually respond to straw man posts, but you being a new member, I'll make an exception.

As a retired member of the LE community and a former officer of the court I'm well aware the Penal Code in CA, and the Code of Federal Regulations do not use the term "Collusion". Conspiracy, aid and abet, and accessory are the terms used, but never denied by Trump, who used collusion knowingly, and to mislead the public.

I've interviewed and interrogated a large number of criminals, and there are tells which allow investigators to make inferences as to culpability. Trump's tweets, speeches and body language are very telling, and the consciousness of guilt is a recognized here***

***Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!
You dupes have concluded there is no collusion before the investigation is complete? LOL wonder how that happened LOL why would the Russians bother colluding with these chuckleheads anyway?

You dumbasses concluded Trump was guilty before the investigation started. You look stupid here.
Trump actually told the Russians publicly to mess with Hillary, and right after they started to LOL. I will let the legal system handle it LOL.And the first thing is to get the findings of the Mueller investigation thank you very much. I am not for impeachment that is a garbage GOP stick....

Like I said, you look stupid.
Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!
You dupes have concluded there is no collusion before the investigation is complete? LOL wonder how that happened LOL why would the Russians bother colluding with these chuckleheads anyway?

You dumbasses concluded Trump was guilty before the investigation started. You look stupid here.
Trump actually told the Russians publicly to mess with Hillary, and right after they started to LOL. I will let the legal system handle it LOL.And the first thing is to get the findings of the Mueller investigation thank you very much. I am not for impeachment that is a garbage GOP stick....

Like I said, you look stupid.
I admire and respect your opinion LOL. Wait for the damn report, brainwashed functional stupid. LOL. Life is so exciting in the GOP propaganda machine. Everything you know is wrong. Trump and all his lawyers were crooks face it. I know, tax cuts for the rich, cuts for everyone else yay. idiocy.
The "Collusion Narrative" as you wrote, was developed by Trump as the foundation of his claim that the Mueller Investigation is a Witch Hunt.

Why? Don't know for sure, but it walks like, looks like and smells like a consciousness of guilt.

The evidence so far is that Russia engaged in cyber war against our democracy. Trump is not named as a co-conspirator; yet as President his interest in this attack on our election isn't even lukewarm.

Ya gotta love someone who spins so fast that he thinks Russian collusion accusations were Trump's idea.

I don't usually respond to straw man posts, but you being a new member, I'll make an exception.

As a retired member of the LE community and a former officer of the court I'm well aware the Penal Code in CA, and the Code of Federal Regulations do not use the term "Collusion". Conspiracy, aid and abet, and accessory are the terms used, but never denied by Trump, who used collusion knowingly, and to mislead the public.

I've interviewed and interrogated a large number of criminals, and there are tells which allow investigators to make inferences as to culpability. Trump's tweets, speeches and body language are very telling, and the consciousness of guilt is a recognized here***

***Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Only in your pointy little head.
Seriously, what do you need, a diagram?There is reason to investigate and we are investigating, when the findings come out we'll know. You people are idiots.

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