No Russian Collusion? What now?

The "Collusion Narrative" as you wrote, was developed by Trump as the foundation of his claim that the Mueller Investigation is a Witch Hunt.

Why? Don't know for sure, but it walks like, looks like and smells like a consciousness of guilt.

The evidence so far is that Russia engaged in cyber war against our democracy. Trump is not named as a co-conspirator; yet as President his interest in this attack on our election isn't even lukewarm.

Ya gotta love someone who spins so fast that he thinks Russian collusion accusations were Trump's idea.

I don't usually respond to straw man posts, but you being a new member, I'll make an exception.

As a retired member of the LE community and a former officer of the court I'm well aware the Penal Code in CA, and the Code of Federal Regulations do not use the term "Collusion". Conspiracy, aid and abet, and accessory are the terms used, but never denied by Trump, who used collusion knowingly, and to mislead the public.

I've interviewed and interrogated a large number of criminals, and there are tells which allow investigators to make inferences as to culpability. Trump's tweets, speeches and body language are very telling, and the consciousness of guilt is a recognized here***

***Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Only in your pointy little head.
Seriously, what do you need, a diagram?There is reason to investigate and we are investigating, when the findings come out we'll know. You people are idiots.

No, you folks are emotionally stunted and myopic. No matter what he's got to be guilty, sad really.
I don't usually respond to straw man posts, but you being a new member, I'll make an exception.

As a retired member of the LE community and a former officer of the court I'm well aware the Penal Code in CA, and the Code of Federal Regulations do not use the term "Collusion". Conspiracy, aid and abet, and accessory are the terms used, but never denied by Trump, who used collusion knowingly, and to mislead the public.

I've interviewed and interrogated a large number of criminals, and there are tells which allow investigators to make inferences as to culpability. Trump's tweets, speeches and body language are very telling, and the consciousness of guilt is a recognized here***

***Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
I knew you were a bigoted Leftist, but I never figured you for the Stolen Valor type.
Are you sure you want to go down this road?
The "Collusion Narrative" as you wrote, was developed by Trump as the foundation of his claim that the Mueller Investigation is a Witch Hunt.

Why? Don't know for sure, but it walks like, looks like and smells like a consciousness of guilt.

The evidence so far is that Russia engaged in cyber war against our democracy. Trump is not named as a co-conspirator; yet as President his interest in this attack on our election isn't even lukewarm.

Ya gotta love someone who spins so fast that he thinks Russian collusion accusations were Trump's idea.

I don't usually respond to straw man posts, but you being a new member, I'll make an exception.

As a retired member of the LE community and a former officer of the court I'm well aware the Penal Code in CA, and the Code of Federal Regulations do not use the term "Collusion". Conspiracy, aid and abet, and accessory are the terms used, but never denied by Trump, who used collusion knowingly, and to mislead the public.

I've interviewed and interrogated a large number of criminals, and there are tells which allow investigators to make inferences as to culpability. Trump's tweets, speeches and body language are very telling, and the consciousness of guilt is a recognized here***

***Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Only in your pointy little head.
Seriously, what do you need, a diagram?There is reason to investigate and we are investigating, when the findings come out we'll know. You people are idiots.

No, you folks are emotionally stunted and myopic. No matter what he's got to be guilty, sad really.
Finding him innocent already is the stupid... Wait for the findings d u h.
Ya gotta love someone who spins so fast that he thinks Russian collusion accusations were Trump's idea.

I don't usually respond to straw man posts, but you being a new member, I'll make an exception.

As a retired member of the LE community and a former officer of the court I'm well aware the Penal Code in CA, and the Code of Federal Regulations do not use the term "Collusion". Conspiracy, aid and abet, and accessory are the terms used, but never denied by Trump, who used collusion knowingly, and to mislead the public.

I've interviewed and interrogated a large number of criminals, and there are tells which allow investigators to make inferences as to culpability. Trump's tweets, speeches and body language are very telling, and the consciousness of guilt is a recognized here***

***Consciousness of Guilt Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Only in your pointy little head.
Seriously, what do you need, a diagram?There is reason to investigate and we are investigating, when the findings come out we'll know. You people are idiots.

No, you folks are emotionally stunted and myopic. No matter what he's got to be guilty, sad really.
Finding him innocent already is the stupid... Wait for the findings d u h.
Really I think Trump will be found not guilty and innocent of any brain power at all LOL....
They haven’t been investigated for Russian Collusion yet, and for trying to rig the 2016 Election and then launch a KGB style Bureaucratic COUP.

Mueller has been in The way of letting The American People get to The Truth.

Can’t wait for Clinton Obama Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Page’s Treason Trials.
they've already been investigated and nothing was found but pure BS GOP propaganda, super duper. And conspiracy nut job now....
No idea what you mean nor care lol

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... while you grab your ankles..............

Why would I grab my ankles BEHIND Trump? .......oh because you’re behind me kissing my ass beta boy?[emoji182]

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lol... you don't follow posts very well i see.

'beta boy'? ... you couldn't be more mistaken.......................

Excuse me man hating feminist

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i'm married.... 34 years... to a Marine, dippity do duh.

you have struck out yet again.

No I haven’t .....not to mention poor Marine and judge from the comments on you about you’re get your ass handed to you. Lmao

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If Mueller can't find anything in 2+ years, there's simply nothing to be found. If he looked for Democrat crimes, that would be a different story. It would probably take 4 years just to compile them.

I agree, however, it's not about looking for evidence and never was, it's about getting rid of Trump by whatever means possible and, if that means giving him, his family, his life, his businesses going back to the year of his birth an 'anal exam' then, by God, they will find something because they and the traditional MSM have already declared him guilty. Now it's just a matter of cobbling together something, anything to get him.
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They haven’t been investigated for Russian Collusion yet, and for trying to rig the 2016 Election and then launch a KGB style Bureaucratic COUP.

Mueller has been in The way of letting The American People get to The Truth.

Can’t wait for Clinton Obama Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Page’s Treason Trials.
they've already been investigated and nothing was found but pure BS GOP propaganda, super duper. And conspiracy nut job now....
Our straight arrow Republican law enforcement machine thinks you are crazy...
even if you can link it to the campaign (which I doubt will happen)
Um...that has already happened. In a federal court. Someone is going to prison for it. Are you serious right now....?
What was the link?
a known liar to get reduced time does not count as a "link"
we'll need more than Michael Cohen's word (Which he used to say it DID NOT have anything to do with the campaign)

Cohen has to provide more proof than just his say-so. When a co-operating witness is giving evidence, it's not just his saying he committed crimes. The prosecution has to have evidence of the crimes.
Can’t wait for Clinton Obama Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Page’s Treason Trials.
they've already been investigated and nothing was found but pure BS GOP propaganda, super duper. And conspiracy nut job now....

They don't need another 'investigation' they need an independent, mostly Republican, Special Counsel to give them an 'anal exam' they same way they are doing with Trump right now. Hey, it's only fair. We can make up a fake dossier supposedly accusing them of say........trafficking in child prostitutes from Cuba. Then get a court order....yadda yadda
Can’t wait for Clinton Obama Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Page’s Treason Trials.
they've already been investigated and nothing was found but pure BS GOP propaganda, super duper. And conspiracy nut job now....

They don't need another 'investigation' they need an independent, mostly Republican, Special Counsel to give them an 'anal exam' they same way they are doing with Trump right now. Hey, it's only fair. We can make up a fake dossier supposedly accusing them of say........trafficking in child prostitutes from Cuba. Then get a court order....yadda yadda
You did that already with four years of Clinton investigations that netted

Can’t wait for Clinton Obama Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Page’s Treason Trials.
they've already been investigated and nothing was found but pure BS GOP propaganda, super duper. And conspiracy nut job now....

They don't need another 'investigation' they need an independent, mostly Republican, Special Counsel to give them an 'anal exam' they same way they are doing with Trump right now. Hey, it's only fair. We can make up a fake dossier supposedly accusing them of say........trafficking in child prostitutes from Cuba. Then get a court order....yadda yadda
You live on an imaginary planetof BS propaganda that no real journalist or any law enforcement is interested in. Total garbage capiche?
What a beautiful picture of our President and gorgeous First Lady.

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Now that Cohen has been revealed as a total nothing-burger, what shall we do next?

Should we pretend Cohen never happened and continue the collusion narrative, promising an impending Mueller "bombshell"? Or shall we take a different, wiser tangent? One thing is certain, Trump is GUILTY and UNFIT, and something must be done. Even a Republican like me knows that!

So in true bipartisan spirit, I've compiled some possibilities that should be considered. I've run these through the same computer used to predict global warming, so the actual probabilities are included. They're 100% accurate, you can trust me:
  • Trump is an alien from the planet Flaflooga, sent to take over the Earth with his mind-ray: 87%
  • Trump is literally Hitler, thawed from cryogenic suspension and here to establish the New Reich: 92%
  • A Genuine Birth Certificate will be found proving that Trump is a Russian national (how ironic!): 41%
  • Cancelled checks from Trump to Putin with the memo "Thanks for the boost" will surface: 78%
  • Trump and Pence will both get "an offer they can't refuse" from Kim: 18%
  • Pelosi and Schumer will prove that Trump is actually their 17 year old love child: 29%
  • AOC will tweet a clapback so stunning that Trump will resign in shame: 65%
As you can see, there is at least a 410% chance that Trump should not be President. I'm sure there are more possibilities, but the computer overheated. This should take us well past 2020.

You're welcome, Democrats!
The Dimocrats can look into his childhood.
1. Perhaps his nanny was a Russian.
2. Perhaps his allowance was of such a significant amount, that he should have reported it to the IRS.
3. Perhaps as a toddler, he exposed himself to the opposite sex.
4. Perhaps he was a bully in school.
As an adult, he may have Russians working for his hotels.
If the Dimocrats can go back far enough in his ancestry....MAYBE....there's a Russian ancestor.
Does his hotel staff neglect to change the sheets when customers check out. If not that's health endangerment.
Of course it’s not worth it you idiot it never was.

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After Michael Cohen's testimony, New York's new Atty. General is taking a fresh look at Trump's mafia style business empire.


Trump said he was worth 4.3 billion in 2011 so he could pay less taxes. Two years later, he said he was worth double that amount when he was trying to get loans.

So what was the real amount. If it was 8.7 billion, then he committed tax evasion. If it was 4.3 billion then he committed bank fraud.

Either one is a felony.

And they are only getting started.

Don't forget, Democrats have only been in charge of the house for less than 100 days.

So how do we know this?

Michael Cohen had the documents and gave them to law enforcement.

Trump has to be sh!tting his man diaper.


After Michael Cohen's testimony, New York's new Atty. General is taking a fresh look at Trump's mafia style business empire.


Trump said he was worth 4.3 billion in 2011 so he could pay less taxes. Two years later, he said he was worth double that amount when he was trying to get loans.

So what was the real amount. If it was 8.7 billion, then he committed tax evasion. If it was 4.3 billion then he committed bank fraud.

Either one is a felony.

And they are only getting started.

Don't forget, Democrats have only been in charge of the house for less than 100 days.

So how do we know this?

Michael Cohen had the documents and gave them to law enforcement.

Trump has to be sh!tting his man diaper.

He’s no snowflake trust me

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You live on an imaginary planetof BS propaganda that no real journalist or any law enforcement is interested in. Total garbage capiche?

You live in a Neo-Marxist hall of parrots and mirrors where everyone agrees with you. You are a TDSer which is a hate-cult. You don't listen to 'real journalists' and probably have never watched Fox News, Listened to Rush, Hannity, etc. I listen and watch CNN, NPR, MSNBC, MediaIte, and many more. The traditional mainstream media is anti-Trump..."that I can tell you."

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