No self-respecting democrat would ever hang out with Trump

Trump is a very liberal guy. I don't know what he's getting out of running for President :dunno:

Not necessarily. But he is a big businessman, and big businessmen do tend to hang with many different people. I don't get why people don't seem to understand this.

I would think that if Hillary really believed Donald was as big as a racist as her and her supporters want to make him out to be then she would not have ever ever hung out with him let alone invite him to her daughter's wedding. It kind of shows that people who are orchestrating this Trump is a racist campaign against Trump are a bunch of liars.

It's mostly all coming from, (Soro's) etc. I wish I had a dime for every time someone called another racist in the last 10 years.
The truth doesn't pay that well...

Not sure how you would know.
Make America Great must really piss you guys off.
Great Again? Oh right, White America = Right America.

Darkies know their place and...

So do women and children...

Hillary sure thought that..

Give a rest, true bullshit and entirely unrelated.

It is impossible to denounce a candidate as an evil vile racist when your own has attended the funeral of a kkk member and also invited the same candidate to their daughter's wedding. He can't be that bad if he is invited to your daughter's wedding.

Trump isn't nearly as racist as those "we hate the darkies" Hitler Youth, like you, who support him.

America ain't gonna be white again, Whitey. You didn't make the babies and they beat you one little brown baby at a time...

I didn't know America was white? Most of my friends are not white and I hang out with very few white people in my life.
You ever see a "self respecting" mexican eat at Taco Bell?

You sure do see them work there though.

Great Again? Oh right, White America = Right America.

Darkies know their place and...

So do women and children...

Hillary sure thought that..

Give a rest, true bullshit and entirely unrelated.

It is impossible to denounce a candidate as an evil vile racist when your own has attended the funeral of a kkk member and also invited the same candidate to their daughter's wedding. He can't be that bad if he is invited to your daughter's wedding.

Trump isn't nearly as racist as those "we hate the darkies" Hitler Youth, like you, who support him.

America ain't gonna be white again, Whitey. You didn't make the babies and they beat you one little brown baby at a time...

I didn't know America was white? Most of my friends are not white and I hang out with very few white people in my life.

Sure thing little Hitler Youth, sure thing.
Hillary sure thought that..

Give a rest, true bullshit and entirely unrelated.

It is impossible to denounce a candidate as an evil vile racist when your own has attended the funeral of a kkk member and also invited the same candidate to their daughter's wedding. He can't be that bad if he is invited to your daughter's wedding.

Trump isn't nearly as racist as those "we hate the darkies" Hitler Youth, like you, who support him.

America ain't gonna be white again, Whitey. You didn't make the babies and they beat you one little brown baby at a time...

I didn't know America was white? Most of my friends are not white and I hang out with very few white people in my life.

Sure thing little Hitler Youth, sure thing.

I use to get upset when I was called something like that but then I realized that national SOCIALISM might be a literal term.

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