No service for cities with No Police


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
SO say the Long Hauler Truckers. Cause and effect. Cries of racism will avail you nothing.

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SO say the Long Hauler Truckers. Cause and effect. Cries of racism will avail you nothing.

Seems a little extreme. Truckers should really just add a surcharge for liberal towns so they can provide their own security forces for the deliveries.
Yeah, right ... truck driver wages have been at best stagnant ... but mostly dropping ...

So funny watching "smaller government" conservatives freak out at the thought of smaller government ... God forbid they should have to settle their own disputes, we need triple the police force so we don't have to be good neighbors ...

Here's the breakdown by state of the Police per Capita ... Oregon, Washington, Maine are the three lowest ... please, stay away, we don't want you to come to these states ... nothing but dirt, trees and wildlife ... you'd hate it, no nannies to hold your hand crossing the street ...
Yeah, right ... truck driver wages have been at best stagnant ... but mostly dropping ...

So funny watching "smaller government" conservatives freak out at the thought of smaller government ... God forbid they should have to settle their own disputes, we need triple the police force so we don't have to be good neighbors ...

Here's the breakdown by state of the Police per Capita ... Oregon, Washington, Maine are the three lowest ... please, stay away, we don't want you to come to these states ... nothing but dirt, trees and wildlife ... you'd hate it, no nannies to hold your hand crossing the street ...
Even the local drivers have been given green light to avoid MPLS if they dont like what they see. ........
The new Fed Ex trucks will be appearing soon... hqdefault.jpg
Yeah, right ... truck driver wages have been at best stagnant ... but mostly dropping ...

So funny watching "smaller government" conservatives freak out at the thought of smaller government ... God forbid they should have to settle their own disputes, we need triple the police force so we don't have to be good neighbors ...

Here's the breakdown by state of the Police per Capita ... Oregon, Washington, Maine are the three lowest ... please, stay away, we don't want you to come to these states ... nothing but dirt, trees and wildlife ... you'd hate it, no nannies to hold your hand crossing the street ...

Cute blog from 2012 showing 2009 stats

Maine doesn't want truckers to stay away, so don't speak for that state.

If I were a trucker, I'd def stay away from Washington State.

Oregon; meh...
Maine doesn't want truckers to stay away, so don't speak for that state.

So, if you can speak for Maine ... why do they have so few police ... that's the per capita rate and there ain't that many people in Maine ...

Oregon voters don't allow the legislature to raise taxes ... as punishment, the legislature cuts police and schools first during budget crises ... and that's been going on since the early 1990's ... civilization has completely collapsed here ... I'm sure you've read all the reports of truckers getting machine gunned to death here ... you'll definitely want to take a hard right at Salt Lake City and follow the I-15 up to Twin Falls to the I-90 ...

Lots of guns ... few police ... and we're bluer than you are ... ha ha ha ...

Just love "smaller government" conservatives freak-out at the thought of smaller government ... does your nanny-state need to change your diapers? ...
SO say the Long Hauler Truckers. Cause and effect. Cries of racism will avail you nothing.

Some truck drivers say that.

Soon they will realize that every city of any size is run by Democrats and will change their minds so they can continue to collect paychecks.
SO say the Long Hauler Truckers. Cause and effect. Cries of racism will avail you nothing.

Some truck drivers say that.

Soon they will realize that every city of any size is run by Democrats and will change their minds so they can continue to collect paychecks.
They can claim worker’s compensation,, and you won’t get anything
SO say the Long Hauler Truckers. Cause and effect. Cries of racism will avail you nothing.

Some truck drivers say that.

Soon they will realize that every city of any size is run by Democrats and will change their minds so they can continue to collect paychecks.
They can claim worker’s compensation,, and you won’t get anything
They can't claim work comp for refusing to work.
Maine doesn't want truckers to stay away, so don't speak for that state.

So, if you can speak for Maine ... why do they have so few police ... that's the per capita rate and there ain't that many people in Maine ...

Oregon voters don't allow the legislature to raise taxes ... as punishment, the legislature cuts police and schools first during budget crises ... and that's been going on since the early 1990's ... civilization has completely collapsed here ... I'm sure you've read all the reports of truckers getting machine gunned to death here ... you'll definitely want to take a hard right at Salt Lake City and follow the I-15 up to Twin Falls to the I-90 ...

Lots of guns ... few police ... and we're bluer than you are ... ha ha ha ...

Just love "smaller government" conservatives freak-out at the thought of smaller government ... does your nanny-state need to change your diapers? ...
I really liked that last line of your post "Just love "smaller government" conservatives freak-out at the thought of smaller government ... does your nanny-state need to change your diapers? ..." I will try to remember the line of thought when small government republican applaud removing regulations and oversite, just to be removing regulations and oversite as it is always a good thing.
A lot of people on here still do not realize, the de-funders and dis-banders are really talking about replacing, not doing away with it to live in 24/7/365 lawlessness. Logic goes out the window at the extremes.
SO say the Long Hauler Truckers. Cause and effect. Cries of racism will avail you nothing.

Some truck drivers say that.

Soon they will realize that every city of any size is run by Democrats and will change their minds so they can continue to collect paychecks.
They can claim worker’s compensation,, and you won’t get anything
They can't claim work comp for refusing to work.
If there life is in danger absolutely can. Claim many stress related injuries
Todays drivers are a shadow of the guys I started with 30 yrs ago. Especially the newest.....little bit of snow sidelines em

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