"No shame Huckabee" blames Kelly's look of CONTEMPT re Trump's German insult to breakfast choices

WOW!! This lying CHRISTIAN dumbass has NO SHAME. I saw this in real time this afternoon and saw KELLY'S expression when Trump went on a LYING RANT regarding Germany and buried my face in my own hands. I knew Trump was OFF to races of insane utterances. Kay Bailey Hutchinson tried valiantly not to change expression, she did NOT succeed. KELLY winced dropped his head and turned away.

So Huckabee chalks it up to KELLY being unhappy with a contintental breakfast instead of a full breakfast. Are you fucking kidding us?

Sarah Sanders says John Kelly was mad about breakfast pastries — not Trump saying Germany is ‘controlled by Russia’


11 JUL 2018 AT 16:26 ET

Sarah Huckabee Sanders addressed the tense situation at this morning's NATO breakfast meeting/Screenshot

Follow @rawstory

Donald Trump and some of his closest aides are in Brussels today to meet with America’s NATO allies.

The day began on a sour note as Donald Trump ranted about Germany being “controlled by Russia” over breakfast.

Chief of Staff John Kelly appeared quite perturbed as his boss ranted, looking as though he was considering getting up and walking out.

But the actual issue was simply the quality of the food, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders has now told the Washington Post.

“[Kelly] was displeased because he was expecting a full breakfast and there were only pastries and cheese,” she said....


Perhaps she no longer calls herself Christian? I don't see how they can?

All you do is post bullshit with no support.

It's your M.O..

Why don't you leave the board as nobody sees you as credible or anything but a fucking liar.
Russia asks Germany if they want the lights on. That's control.
Whereas the US wants to be able to sell gas to Germany and ask the same question. The Capo doesn't like rival mobs moving into his territory.
can you explain why we The American tax payer is paying through the nose to station defenses in Germany to protect them from the USSR
To contain Russia and to ensure Germany doesn't feel the need to nuke up.

You just know the Germans would design the best nukes.
To contain Russia and to ensure Germany doesn't feel the need to nuke up.

You just know the Germans would design the best nukes
Physical location of land based nukes are no longer an issue...but that does not answer the question why Germany is signing an agreement for a pipeline cutting out the rest of Europe in the process with Russia....the very nation we are there to defend them from....I think any clear thinking person can find a good argument for modifying the European defense treaty we have set in place 70 years ago...can't we? isn't it time?
WOW!! This lying CHRISTIAN dumbass has NO SHAME. I saw this in real time this afternoon and saw KELLY'S expression when Trump went on a LYING RANT regarding Germany and buried my face in my own hands. I knew Trump was OFF to races of insane utterances. Kay Bailey Hutchinson tried valiantly not to change expression, she did NOT succeed. KELLY winced dropped his head and turned away.

So Huckabee chalks it up to KELLY being unhappy with a contintental breakfast instead of a full breakfast. Are you fucking kidding us?

Sarah Sanders says John Kelly was mad about breakfast pastries — not Trump saying Germany is ‘controlled by Russia’


11 JUL 2018 AT 16:26 ET

Sarah Huckabee Sanders addressed the tense situation at this morning's NATO breakfast meeting/Screenshot

Follow @rawstory

Donald Trump and some of his closest aides are in Brussels today to meet with America’s NATO allies.

The day began on a sour note as Donald Trump ranted about Germany being “controlled by Russia” over breakfast.

Chief of Staff John Kelly appeared quite perturbed as his boss ranted, looking as though he was considering getting up and walking out.

But the actual issue was simply the quality of the food, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders has now told the Washington Post.

“[Kelly] was displeased because he was expecting a full breakfast and there were only pastries and cheese,” she said....


Perhaps she no longer calls herself Christian? I don't see how they can?

She does!
Physical location of land based nukes are no longer an issue...but that does not answer the question why Germany is signing an agreement for a pipeline cutting out the rest of Europe in the process with Russia
Where did you ask that question? I think I missed it. But anyway, do you think Germany should pay protection money to the US?
Sure, honey....explain why there was nothing there at the table yet. Just trump whining and throwing a childish temper tantrum....
Trump was fighting for you dummy...can you explain why we The American tax payer is paying through the nose to station defenses in Germany to protect them from the USSR errrrrrr....Russia while Germany has entered a lucrative pipe line deal with RUSSIA??????? instead of buying it from us??????
wake up.....

President Trump isn’t fighting for the likes of Bode, he fights for Americans, not un-Americans.

Like most lefties I doubt Bode pays any taxes.
You think Trump pays taxes?

You think the IRS lets him not pay taxes?
Russia asks Germany if they want the lights on. That's control.
Cutting their 20% energy supply from Russia would render Germany powerless? Really?

Not even that. In 2016, 12% of Germany's energy production was from natural gas. Of that "a majority" is from Russia. So less than 12% is from Rusia. Not "most" like The Orange One claimed. No wonder Kelly looked embarrassed.
WOW!! This lying CHRISTIAN dumbass has NO SHAME. I saw this in real time this afternoon and saw KELLY'S expression when Trump went on a LYING RANT regarding Germany and buried my face in my own hands. I knew Trump was OFF to races of insane utterances. Kay Bailey Hutchinson tried valiantly not to change expression, she did NOT succeed. KELLY winced dropped his head and turned away.

So Huckabee chalks it up to KELLY being unhappy with a contintental breakfast instead of a full breakfast. Are you fucking kidding us?

Sarah Sanders says John Kelly was mad about breakfast pastries — not Trump saying Germany is ‘controlled by Russia’


11 JUL 2018 AT 16:26 ET

Sarah Huckabee Sanders addressed the tense situation at this morning's NATO breakfast meeting/Screenshot

Follow @rawstory

Donald Trump and some of his closest aides are in Brussels today to meet with America’s NATO allies.

The day began on a sour note as Donald Trump ranted about Germany being “controlled by Russia” over breakfast.

Chief of Staff John Kelly appeared quite perturbed as his boss ranted, looking as though he was considering getting up and walking out.

But the actual issue was simply the quality of the food, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders has now told the Washington Post.

“[Kelly] was displeased because he was expecting a full breakfast and there were only pastries and cheese,” she said....

You are the biggest fucking crybaby on this forum. You take pointless who gives a fuck stories and turn them into something that seems like an international incident....jesus...grow a set and stop whining like a bitch about every little thing!
Russia asks Germany if they want the lights on. That's control.
Cutting their 20% energy supply from Russia would render Germany powerless? Really?

Not even that. In 2016, 12% of Germany's energy production was from natural gas. Of that "a majority" is from Russia. So less than 12% is from Rusia. Not "most" like The Orange One claimed. No wonder Kelly looked embarrassed.

---------------------The TRUTH FREE ZONE (where facts go to die)-----------
If Angela had any sense she would follow The Don's advice.

It would cripple Russia's economy, and be the end of Putin. Besides adding billions of dollars + jobs to the US economy.
Putin probably wrote Trump's little rant.

Yeah, that makes sense only to a libtard!

Trump wants Germany independent of Russia's control over their energy. Putin won't need to invade Germany as he can just occupy it when everyone dies from exposure in the winter. All he has to do is turn the valves to cut off the pipeline until Germany surrenders or freezes to death.
Russia asks Germany if they want the lights on. That's control.
Cutting their 20% energy supply from Russia would render Germany powerless? Really?

Not even that. In 2016, 12% of Germany's energy production was from natural gas. Of that "a majority" is from Russia. So less than 12% is from Rusia. Not "most" like The Orange One claimed. No wonder Kelly looked embarrassed.

Germany gets most of it's power from coal and nuclear. They are getting rid of nuclear power, so what will replace it? More coal? Probably not. I would say Russian natural gas.
If Angela had any sense she would follow The Don's advice.

It would cripple Russia's economy, and be the end of Putin. Besides adding billions of dollars + jobs to the US economy.
Putin probably wrote Trump's little rant.

Yeah, that makes sense only to a libtard!

Trump wants Germany independent of Russia's control over their energy. Putin won't need to invade Germany as he can just occupy it when everyone dies from exposure in the winter. All he has to do is turn the valves to cut off the pipeline until Germany surrenders or freezes to death.

Don't be an ass! PUTIN needs the money. You do realize genius that GERMANY is the largest economy in Europe don't you? 4 or 5 in the world. RUSSIA, what 11 or 12? Big WHOOP! Let me reiterate, RUSSIA NEEDS THE MONEY!!
WOW!! This lying CHRISTIAN dumbass has NO SHAME. I saw this in real time this afternoon and saw KELLY'S expression when Trump went on a LYING RANT regarding Germany and buried my face in my own hands. I knew Trump was OFF to races of insane utterances. Kay Bailey Hutchinson tried valiantly not to change expression, she did NOT succeed. KELLY winced dropped his head and turned away.

So Huckabee chalks it up to KELLY being unhappy with a contintental breakfast instead of a full breakfast. Are you fucking kidding us?

Sarah Sanders says John Kelly was mad about breakfast pastries — not Trump saying Germany is ‘controlled by Russia’


11 JUL 2018 AT 16:26 ET

Sarah Huckabee Sanders addressed the tense situation at this morning's NATO breakfast meeting/Screenshot

Follow @rawstory

Donald Trump and some of his closest aides are in Brussels today to meet with America’s NATO allies.

The day began on a sour note as Donald Trump ranted about Germany being “controlled by Russia” over breakfast.

Chief of Staff John Kelly appeared quite perturbed as his boss ranted, looking as though he was considering getting up and walking out.

But the actual issue was simply the quality of the food, White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders has now told the Washington Post.

“[Kelly] was displeased because he was expecting a full breakfast and there were only pastries and cheese,” she said....

Sure, honey....explain why there was nothing there at the table yet. Just trump whining and throwing a childish temper tantrum....
It was Trump putting America first, jackass.

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