No sir

Splains a lot when Comey lied to Congress last week about those e mails..

Comey should have been honest


get over the Clinton bullshit Betsy .. we're talking about Russia's bitch, Don Cheeto

FBI Director James Comey's testimony that a top Hillary Clinton aide forwarded "hundreds and thousands" of emails involving her boss was wrong, according to a letter the bureau sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

Last week, Comey testified before a Senate committee that Huma Abedin made a "regular practice" of forwarding messages involving Clinton – some of which contained classified information – to her husband, former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner. As Comey explained, the top Clinton aide did this so Weiner could print them out.

But FBI officials told ProPublica, which first reported the story, that Comey misstated Abedin's actions.

After the news broke, the FBI sent a letter to the committee clarifying that about 49,000 emails potentially relevant to the investigation into Clinton's use of a private emails server were found on Weiner's laptop. A majority of them ended up on the computer because of backups from Abedin's personal electronic devices.

However, only a "small number" of the emails were forwarded by Abedin, the letter said, even though she "commonly forwarded emails to others who would print documents for her." Of those forwarded to Weiner, only two email chains contained classified information. Ten other email chains that had classified information were on the laptop because of backups.

What's more, all 12 email chains had been previously reviewed by investigators, the letter said.

About time you start following the news, see Comey lied like I said...

Trumpster wants honest people...
Oh yes, the senile old orange clown wants people like he is, people that never lie, people that have the same story, day in, day out. LOL Now Bear, you have branded yourself as a purposeful liar in your statements concerning the clown. Everyone has seen him lie and falsely accuse people that he regarded as enemies.

I do not believe that is is possible for the orange clown to finish his term. He will finally do something so egregious that the GOP will do the same for him as they did for Nixon, out of self defense.

What are you talking about I lied?

Did Comey tell the truth when he said 1000s of e mails were fwd to weiners computer?

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