No Special Master As DOJ Drops Bombshell 40 Page Ruling Obstruction By Trump Team

The point you’re bringing up is entirely irrelevant.

It makes no difference whatsoever if Trump had secret service or not. Trump had no authorization to possess those documents.
That will be determined by the court system. It might end up in the Supreme Court as the case will be very important to the citizen of our nation.

Trump has the ultimate authority over classified information. He won that battle back in 2017. Now of course a number of Republicans and all Democrats do not want to see Trump run in 2024 so it it hard to say what will happen.

I will present both sides of the argument for a change. …

President Trump tweeted Tuesday morning that he had the "absolute right" to share information about national security with Russian officials in the White House last week, after The Washington Post reported that the information was highly sensitive and classified.

The White House called the report "false" and denied that he revealed specific information about sources, methods and military operations to Russia.

Despite the massive blowback from the intelligence community and Democratic and Republican members of Congress, Trump is right.

Executive Order 13526​

As president, Trump has the legal power to declassify information. He also has the authority to share information with whomever he wants, including foreign adversaries.

Former DNI Ratcliffe: Trump Had ‘Ultimate Declassification Authority’ and Standing Order To Declassify Documents at Mar-a-Lago

Posted on August 17, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody
John Ratcliffe, former Director of National Intelligence (DNI), said on Friday that it is “virtually impossible” to prosecute someone for mishandling classified documents, and claimed that former President Donald Trump had the “ultimate declassification authority” in terms of classified documents.

“The president does have ultimate declassification authority. He can literally declassify—and President Trump had that authority, and could declassify anything you want while he was president,” Ratcliffe, who was a Republican member of Congress before Trump brought him on as DNI.

Documents that were unsealed last Friday, revealed that Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home was raided by FBI on August 8 because of several law violations including the Espionage Act of which a sitting president can not be held liable under, and Trump was president when he declassified the documents in question.

Ratcliffe told Fox News that prior to the search warrant materials being made public, he didn’t think the raid was about classified documents.

“It has to be more than that because the Department of Justice and the FBI have already set a standard that makes it virtually impossible to prosecute a case like that,” he said, citing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s possession of classified documents on her illegal private email server was handled by the FBI, and how then-FBI Director James Comey let her skate.

“As people talk about Espionage Act and classified documents and all of that, the standard was set in 2016. Remember the Department of Justice and the FBI took the official position that Hillary Clinton, who was in possession of classified documents … that [being] in possession of that, that wasn’t enough, and that being grossly negligent and being careless, Jim Comey told us, that’s not enough under the Espionage Act. You have to know you’re violating the law,” Ratcliffe explained.

“Even if you assume the worst case scenario for President Trump, that there were classified documents in his possession at Mar-a-Lago, that only puts him where Crooked Hillary Clinton was. And what the FBI and the Department of Justice would have to show is that he knew the documents were there and he didn’t think they were declassified,” he added.

To be fair I will present the other side of this debate.

A legal analyst has weighed in on Trump's claim about having declassified the Mar-a-Lago documents.
  • She posited that Trump didn't formally declassify them so as to retain their value as secret files.
  • Trump's claim amounts to an "incredibly damning admission," wrote former FBI agent Asha Rangappa.
For weeks, former President Donald Trump has defended himself by saying that he had broadly declassified the documents seized from his Mar-a-Lago home.

That claim amounts to an "incredibly damning admission," wrote Asha Rangappa, a former FBI special agent who is now a legal analyst and editor at Just Security, in a tweet on Wednesday.

By not adhering to the official declassification process — and there is no evidence that Trump had done so — the former president showed that he wanted to keep the secrets in these documents valuable, suggested Rangappa, who is an assistant dean and a senior lecturer at Yale University's Jackson School of Global Affairs.

"Why would you do that? Only if you wanted the secrets to have value to someone," she wrote.[/i]


The problem with this alternate defense is that it is both legally inaccurate (because the relevant statutes apply, whether or not information is formally “classified”) and it actually is foreclosed by a Supreme Court case involving former president Richard Nixon,whom Trump has now eclipsed as a scofflaw.

Too many commentators have blithely accepted the underlying but false proposition that a president may declassify anything he wants simply by handing it to someone or taking it home. Even the New York Times erroneously stated that there is “no Supreme Court precedent” that would limit a president’s power to declassify any documents he chooses to release. The Times notes that, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the president is the ultimate “classifying authority” and, it is inferred, he may declassify anything, anytime. These commentators merely take issue with Trump’s contention that he did so with the files that he spirited off to Mar-a-Lago.

The crucial flaw in that analysis is that — like every other presidential power — the law may regulate the circumstances in which that power may be exercised, especially when the presidency itself has accepted those constraints. That is the situation with the process for declassifying state secrets, even by the president.
Baby tantrums are all you have.
Another false statement from the retarded Farty. That’s all he has.
I understand, your orange lard and master is in some trouble. I don't take it personally.
He isn’t my lord and master. He is our former President. I don’t believe he is in any true trouble, although that won’t stop our politicized DOJ from meekly bending the knee to Brandon (your demented master) and seeking to charge Trump.

Nobody cares what you take personally; and yet it’s clear that you’re a full blown liar. Now, get back down and toss Brandon’s salad some more, Farty.
If Trump shot someone on 5th avenue and told you that she died of a heart attack before the bullet got to her you’d believe it.
maybe but if that was the hypo it still wouldn’t clear him of murder

so doesn’t really matter

In reality, from which you're divorced, Rod Rosenstein recommended Trump fire Comey for that reason. In a sentence put out by Trump's press secretary citing Rosenstein's recommendation as the reason Trump fired Comey. However, shortly after that, Trump himself said he was going to fire Comey anyway.
As we see from their actions in the Carter Page warrant, misuse of government phones for personal expressions of hatred, Comey’s FBI was a disgusting cesspool of corruption. Comey’s treatment of Hillary was more than reason enough to fire him. That fact is not cancelled by the obvious truth that there were many, many other reasons that he was unfit to lead the FBI.
Of course he is. Look at the lies you tell and the laughably stupid things you say to protect him. Look at your behavior. You are a grown ass man. Just freakish...
Your a stupid little troll. You lie. Not me. The most laughably stupid words offered here come from you and some of your kindred spirit libtards.

And my behavior? What are you, a pre-teen Girl Scout?

Get back to sucking random bags of cock, you imbecile troll. And try to at least make a comment ON topic. Here, I’ll show you how.

The thread headline is misleading. And, DOJ dropped no bombshell. And DOJ doesn’t issue rulings in courts. Judges do that and didn’t do so in this matter at the time of the dishonest misleading fake thread headline.

See? Despite your tragic mental retardation, can you post on topic? Well. Can ya, punk?
I love how many on the right were all it an utter disgrace for Hillary to have classified documents and wipe over 30,000 of unknown off an unsecured server. But suddenly they are it is an perfectly fine for Trump to have classified documents.
The hypocrisy is just completely astonishing
How do you feel about Hillary wiping over 30,000 documents after rejecting a subpoena?

Actually, asked and answered. My bad.

How angry are you that the FBI did not raid her home and take the server, plus Bill’s underpants?

You are welcome to say again how bad what Hillary did was. You seem to never tire of bashing Trump.

Remember, the reason Comey gave for not prosecuting Hillary was that no one had been prosecuted under similar circumstances. Senator John Kennedy (R) LA, said “and post-Hillary, still nobody has been.

Trying to prosecute Trump after having given Hillary a pass cannot be interpreted as anything other than the two-tiered justice system.

It’s actually multi-tiered with justice meted out according to various factors, such as political affiliations, importance to the Party, level of danger to the establishment and levels of donations to establishment politicians.
Last edited:
Your a stupid little troll. You lie. Not me. The most laughably stupid words offered here come from you and some of your kindred spirit libtards.

And my behavior? What are you, a pre-teen Girl Scout?

Get back to sucking random bags of cock, you imbecile troll. And try to at least make a comment ON topic. Here, I’ll show you how.

The thread headline is misleading. And, DOJ dropped no bombshell. And DOJ doesn’t issue rulings in courts. Judges do that and didn’t do so in this matter at the time of the dishonest misleading fake thread headline.

See? Despite your tragic mental retardation, can you post on topic? Well. Can ya, punk?
Haha... see?

This is a grown man, folks. And cultism has turned him into a screeching toddler.

Now go regurgitate another lie from your orange lard and master. The best is when the orange pile has already shown the world it is a lie, but you keep repeating it anyway.

"I declassified all of them!"

Citizen Trump has zero authority over any classified information anywhere.
Hey, retard. Yeah, you Farty. It wasn’t “citizen” Trump who declassified anything, you sub-imbecile. It was then President Trump who did so.
Hey, retard. Yeah, you Farty. It wasn’t “citizen” Trump who declassified anything, you sub-imbecile. It was then President Trump who did so.
Go whine like a little bitch to the poster that is having trouble conjugating verbs, then.

Maybe you two freaks can exchange lies about stolen elections and decide he is still president, so his post doesn't look so dumb. Haha, kidding, that would be even dumber.

And thanks for regurgitating the lie again to make me laugh, like I told you to do.
Haha... see?
I see I’m right and that you’re retarded. But everyone sees that.
This is a grown man, folks. And cultism has turned him into a screeching toddler.
Only in the brain of a retard like you, Farty. And you’re still off topic, bitch.
Now go regurgitate another lie from your orange lard and master.
I don’t have any lord and masters. Suck Brandon’s colon some more, Farty. You don’t mind all of Brandon’s lies. Odd thing.
The best is when the orange pile has already shown the world it is a lie, but you keep repeating it anyway.
Mr. Trump, of course, hasn’t shown the world any such thing.
"I declassified all of them!"

And as always, you have no evidence to the contrary. You even suck ass as a troll, Farty! :laughing0301:
That will be determined by the court system. It might end up in the Supreme Court as the case will be very important to the citizen of our nation.

Trump has the ultimate authority over classified information. He won that battle back in 2017. Now of course a number of Republicans and all Democrats do not want to see Trump run in 2024 so it it hard to say what will happen.

I will present both sides of the argument for a change. …

President Trump tweeted Tuesday morning that he had the "absolute right" to share information about national security with Russian officials in the White House last week, after The Washington Post reported that the information was highly sensitive and classified.

The White House called the report "false" and denied that he revealed specific information about sources, methods and military operations to Russia.

Despite the massive blowback from the intelligence community and Democratic and Republican members of Congress, Trump is right.

Executive Order 13526

As president, Trump has the legal power to declassify information. He also has the authority to share information with whomever he wants, including foreign adversaries.

Former DNI Ratcliffe: Trump Had ‘Ultimate Declassification Authority’ and Standing Order To Declassify Documents at Mar-a-Lago

Posted on August 17, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody
John Ratcliffe, former Director of National Intelligence (DNI), said on Friday that it is “virtually impossible” to prosecute someone for mishandling classified documents, and claimed that former President Donald Trump had the “ultimate declassification authority” in terms of classified documents.

“The president does have ultimate declassification authority. He can literally declassify—and President Trump had that authority, and could declassify anything you want while he was president,” Ratcliffe, who was a Republican member of Congress before Trump brought him on as DNI.

Documents that were unsealed last Friday, revealed that Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home was raided by FBI on August 8 because of several law violations including the Espionage Act of which a sitting president can not be held liable under, and Trump was president when he declassified the documents in question.

Ratcliffe told Fox News that prior to the search warrant materials being made public, he didn’t think the raid was about classified documents.

“It has to be more than that because the Department of Justice and the FBI have already set a standard that makes it virtually impossible to prosecute a case like that,” he said, citing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s possession of classified documents on her illegal private email server was handled by the FBI, and how then-FBI Director James Comey let her skate.

“As people talk about Espionage Act and classified documents and all of that, the standard was set in 2016. Remember the Department of Justice and the FBI took the official position that Hillary Clinton, who was in possession of classified documents … that [being] in possession of that, that wasn’t enough, and that being grossly negligent and being careless, Jim Comey told us, that’s not enough under the Espionage Act. You have to know you’re violating the law,” Ratcliffe explained.

“Even if you assume the worst case scenario for President Trump, that there were classified documents in his possession at Mar-a-Lago, that only puts him where Crooked Hillary Clinton was. And what the FBI and the Department of Justice would have to show is that he knew the documents were there and he didn’t think they were declassified,” he added.

To be fair I will present the other side of this debate.

A legal analyst has weighed in on Trump's claim about having declassified the Mar-a-Lago documents.
  • She posited that Trump didn't formally declassify them so as to retain their value as secret files.
  • Trump's claim amounts to an "incredibly damning admission," wrote former FBI agent Asha Rangappa.
For weeks, former President Donald Trump has defended himself by saying that he had broadly declassified the documents seized from his Mar-a-Lago home.

That claim amounts to an "incredibly damning admission," wrote Asha Rangappa, a former FBI special agent who is now a legal analyst and editor at Just Security, in a tweet on Wednesday.

By not adhering to the official declassification process — and there is no evidence that Trump had done so — the former president showed that he wanted to keep the secrets in these documents valuable, suggested Rangappa, who is an assistant dean and a senior lecturer at Yale University's Jackson School of Global Affairs.

"Why would you do that? Only if you wanted the secrets to have value to someone," she wrote.[/i]


The problem with this alternate defense is that it is both legally inaccurate (because the relevant statutes apply, whether or not information is formally “classified”) and it actually is foreclosed by a Supreme Court case involving former president Richard Nixon,whom Trump has now eclipsed as a scofflaw.

Too many commentators have blithely accepted the underlying but false proposition that a president may declassify anything he wants simply by handing it to someone or taking it home. Even the New York Times erroneously stated that there is “no Supreme Court precedent” that would limit a president’s power to declassify any documents he chooses to release. The Times notes that, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the president is the ultimate “classifying authority” and, it is inferred, he may declassify anything, anytime. These commentators merely take issue with Trump’s contention that he did so with the files that he spirited off to Mar-a-Lago.

The crucial flaw in that analysis is that — like every other presidential power — the law may regulate the circumstances in which that power may be exercised, especially when the presidency itself has accepted those constraints. That is the situation with the process for declassifying state secrets, even by the president.
It’s a fine copy paste but ultimately it comes from Trump sycophants who have no problem ignoring relevant details.

For starters, two things offset Trump’s case from Clinton’s. One is that the hundreds of documents he took were clearly marked classified. Two is that he has evidence suggesting he obstructed justice in the DoJ’s attempt to get them back.

We can see the DoJ is crafting it’s case to avoid having to worry about whether Trump did or didn’t declassify them. The espionage act violation doesn’t say classified information, just national defense information. Add to that obstruction of justice in their failure to turn over subpoenaed documents and evidence that their actions intended to hide documents.

Last, whether Trump actually declassified anything may be an open question in the courts but to anyone with a lick of common sense, it fails miserably.

There is no evidence that he ever declassified any of them and to this day I have yet to see any claim from his lawyers that he did declassify those documents.
Go whine like a little bitch to the poster that is having trouble conjugating verbs, then.
Application denied. You’re just a sorry little dishonest bitch.
Maybe you two freaks can exchange lies about stolen elections and decide he is still president, so his post doesn't look so dumb. Haha, kidding, that would be even dumber.
As always, Farty I leave the lies to you. And your master Brandon. When he can remember it, he asks for you for salad tossing by name.
And thanks for regurgitating the lie again to make me laugh, like I told you to do.
And thanks for staying off topic as always, despite the rules. Do you always remain off topic because you realize that you’ve got nothing of value to say? Ever?

On topic: just because a retard like you labels something a “lie” doesn’t mean that it’s a lie. I mean shit, girl. It’s not like you are on speaking terms with truth.

Do you need a tampon at this point? 😂
I don’t have any lord and masters.
You clearly do. Look at your behavior. The lies and the hilariously idiotic things you say, all for dear Leader. So many just in this thread alone.

I especially liked it when trump submitted sworn statements to the court stating the docs were classified.
Once again, you, Fly Catcher, are the fool. Since the President is the Executive Branch, no congressional act can constrain his ability to unilaterally declassify a previously classified document.

That staged image also doesn’t demonstrate how President Trump “stored” documents, either, you doofus. It only shows how the FBI agents chose to arrange some documents to take a pretty picture.

Of course, you — of all people — should never invoke the term “common sense” since you don’t have any of that. 👍
Laugh out Loud. Your claim that Trump IS the Executive is absurd. No one but you made the claim that "no congressional act can constrain his ability"; all one needs is to read Impeachments in COTUS: The House Impeaches, and The Senate Tries and the Chief Justice will preside.

Are you not aware of the Separation of Powers?
Laugh out Loud. Your claim that Trump IS the Executive is absurd. No one but you made the claim that "no congressional act can constrain his ability"; all one needs is to read Impeachments in COTUS: The House Impeaches, and The Senate Tries and the Chief Justice will preside.

Are you not aware of the Separation of Powers?
Yes, Trump is the executive. I am embarrassed to be a public school teacher in a country where some people actually do not know that.

Yes, by all means, impeach Trump again. There is zero evidence of a crime, but impeachments are entirely political, so you might succeed this time. In getting a conviction I mean. You will succeed for sure in making yourselves laughing stocks.
Trying to prosecute Trump after having given Hillary a pass cannot be interpreted as anything other than the two-tiered justice system.
But these are not similar circumstances.

Comey said this:
In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

In Trump’s case, the mishandling is clearly intentional. Those documents are absolutely unambiguously labeled classified. The second is that we see efforts to obstruct justice.

These are critical factors that Comey clearly indicated could lead to charges that are absent for Clinton and present for Trump.

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