No Swift-Boating Here: How the media transformed the Bergdahl saga


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Just trying to cut through the left wing BS over this issue without getting lost in a long thread.

“A former POW under treatment at a military hospital is being Swift-boated by the reflexive anti-Obama machine.”

First, a Swift Boat assault is shorthand for a series of unfair smears. What most of the MSM have reported about Bergdahl and the circumstances surrounding his release are facts.

Second, to cast the critical reporting as pure partisanship by Fox and others is to live in a hermetically sealed bubble. CNN and the New York Times were aggressive in interviewing soldiers who served with Bergdahl and are angry about what they see as a desertion from his Afghan post that put other lives at risk. The AP says the Pentagon concluded he walked off base back in 2010. The White House hasn’t denied it, saying that’s a subject for later consideration and the important thing was to leave no American in captivity. But this reporting knocked down the ludicrous claim by Susan Rice, on yet another round of Sunday shows, that Bergdahl had served with “honor and distinction.”

Third, I guess Melber, a writer for the Nation, is sensitive about Swift-boating because he worked for John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign. But let's not rob the term of its real meaning.

What’s more, the Bergdahl “ashamed to be American” email to his parents was reported in 2012 by Rolling Stone and the late Michael Hastings, neither part of the vast right-wing conspiracy

No Swift-Boating Here: How the media transformed the Bergdahl saga | Fox News
I'm a Vietnam Era Veteran, which means I served during Vietnam but didn't serve in the designated
Combat Zone.

I knew and worked with a Navy Veteran who served under John Kerry's Command and he verified the stories told by other Swift Boaters about John Kerry. There were no lies or "false facts" told by the Vets who served with John Kerry.

The same thing is happening now. The Soldiers who served with this Bergdahl deserter guy are being demonized as liars for telling the truth about it.

just as with Kerry, Democrats have no honor, therefore no honesty, no patriotism, no integrity, like someone else on this board says, Democrats are scum, liars, shit eaters, traitors, and really, there's no word that goes far enough to accurately describe how despicable Democrats really are.
I'm a Vietnam Era Veteran, which means I served during Vietnam but didn't serve in the designated
Combat Zone.

I knew and worked with a Navy Veteran who served under John Kerry's Command and he verified the stories told by other Swift Boaters about John Kerry. There were no lies or "false facts" told by the Vets who served with John Kerry.

The same thing is happening now. The Soldiers who served with this Bergdahl deserter guy are being demonized as liars for telling the truth about it.

just as with Kerry, Democrats have no honor, therefore no honesty, no patriotism, no integrity, like someone else on this board says, Democrats are scum, liars, shit eaters, traitors, and really, there's no word that goes far enough to accurately describe how despicable Democrats really are.

The guy who told you the story is a liar or using "under John Kerry's Command" in a misleading way. All who served on his swift boat and the Special Forces soldier who credited Kerry for saving him vouched for Kerry. Every one of the swift boaters were found to be liars or simply repeating stories they were given. None of them served directly with Kerry or his crew in combat.
Kerry may have become a POS when he returned home, but that has nothing to do with swift boating or his performance in combat.
I'm a Vietnam Era Veteran, which means I served during Vietnam but didn't serve in the designated
Combat Zone.

I knew and worked with a Navy Veteran who served under John Kerry's Command and he verified the stories told by other Swift Boaters about John Kerry. There were no lies or "false facts" told by the Vets who served with John Kerry.

The same thing is happening now. The Soldiers who served with this Bergdahl deserter guy are being demonized as liars for telling the truth about it.

just as with Kerry, Democrats have no honor, therefore no honesty, no patriotism, no integrity, like someone else on this board says, Democrats are scum, liars, shit eaters, traitors, and really, there's no word that goes far enough to accurately describe how despicable Democrats really are.

As I said before, I think this kid was a adventure seeker that wanted to be Jason Borne. I question the resports that men died SPECIFICALLY because they were out looking for him. I question second hand reports from those who "served" with him. Obama has been in negotiation for 2 years and a prisoner change was always on the table. So how Obama can say he had to act quickly is questionable and how Congress can say they didn't have advanced knowledge also seems suspect.

Which doesn't mean that releasing 5 terrorist for this one guy who by whatever means allowed himself to be captured, if all of the reports are true, seems to be a high price to pay. The good news, one of ours is returned. Let us pray it does not lead to bad stuff happening.
Bergdahl wasn't in captivity. He was exactly where he wanted to be. From the video released by the Taliban, Bergdahl wasn't overjoyed to be leaving either. If the video hadn't been released by the Taliban, we would never know that Bergdahl wasn't sick, or ill, or at the death's door the obama regime said he was.
This is Kerry-redux.

A Republican strategist interviewed soldiers until they found those willing to bend facts for a political agenda.

Also, none of the people criticizing Obama would ever criticize Reagan for illegally selling weapons to Iran or providing massive support to Hussein. Reagan removed Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that he could fund Hussein's ascendancy and help him consolidate his power. Granted, this may have been a part of Reagan's chess game in the region, one the backfired, but this doesn't change the essential facts. Point is: the people on the Right who are making this a big deal would never - and I mean never - criticize their own party for doing similar things. This is why we can't take them seriously. They are merely attacking Obama because they think he is bad for the country.
For the left to whine, moan and nash their teeth and scream to high heaven that everybody should shut up and not report stories in the media until all accusations are proven to be true in a court martial is the fucking height of hypocrisy given what they did to George Zimmerman.

Pardon my bloody french this early in the morning but the left have some mother fucking nerve to bitch about the reaction over the issue of this prisoner transfer for a young man who at the very least was AWOL and at worst a deserter being touted as a hero by Susan Rice and this administration.

Pisses me clean off. Sorry about my language but I'm spitting bullets at the hypocrisy.
Bergdahl wasn't in captivity. He was exactly where he wanted to be. From the video released by the Taliban, Bergdahl wasn't overjoyed to be leaving either. If the video hadn't been released by the Taliban, we would never know that Bergdahl wasn't sick, or ill, or at the death's door the obama regime said he was.

See, this is how swift boating works. There is no possible way for the poster to actually know with any kind of certainty that any of what is in the post, but is making a comment as if her knowledge is factual and proven. The swift boaters have made comments that have encouraged and influenced bearing false witness because of the posters need to reinforce deeply held political beliefs and an agenda. Committing the sin of bearing false witness is justified to the poster for some delusional excuse.
This is Kerry-redux.

A Republican strategist interviewed soldiers until they found those willing to bend facts for a political agenda.

Also, none of the people criticizing Obama would ever criticize Reagan for illegally selling weapons to Iran or providing massive support to Hussein. Reagan removed Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that he could fund Hussein's ascendancy and help him consolidate his power. Granted, this may have been a part of Reagan's chess game in the region, one the backfired, but this doesn't change the essential facts. Point is: the people on the Right who are making this a big deal would never - and I mean never - criticize their own party for doing similar things. This is why we can't take them seriously. They are merely attacking Obama because they think he is bad for the country.


Before the soldiers hired Grenwell's communications firm his superior had already put up a facebook page that said that BOWE was no hero and as well he started the petition at the White House website to have Bowe face a court martial.

So go run somewhere else with your lying talking point that this was a Republican set up you asshole.

Oh and btw when it comes to effeciant communication many left wingers like Cindy Sheehan and Trayvon Martins parents utilize the services of media communications firms.
Bergdahl wasn't in captivity. He was exactly where he wanted to be. From the video released by the Taliban, Bergdahl wasn't overjoyed to be leaving either. If the video hadn't been released by the Taliban, we would never know that Bergdahl wasn't sick, or ill, or at the death's door the obama regime said he was.

See, this is how swift boating works. There is no possible way for the poster to actually know with any kind of certainty that any of what is in the post, but is making a comment as if her knowledge is factual and proven. The swift boaters have made comments that have encouraged and influenced bearing false witness because of the posters need to reinforce deeply held political beliefs and an agenda. Committing the sin of bearing false witness is justified to the poster for some delusional excuse.

Both sides do the same thing. One thing I always found interesting about Kerry, he served on 4 month in theater.

Also he lied about throwing his medals over "the" wall. When people lie about the little things makes one wonder about the big things.
Bergdahl wasn't in captivity. He was exactly where he wanted to be. From the video released by the Taliban, Bergdahl wasn't overjoyed to be leaving either. If the video hadn't been released by the Taliban, we would never know that Bergdahl wasn't sick, or ill, or at the death's door the obama regime said he was.

See, this is how swift boating works. There is no possible way for the poster to actually know with any kind of certainty that any of what is in the post, but is making a comment as if her knowledge is factual and proven. The swift boaters have made comments that have encouraged and influenced bearing false witness because of the posters need to reinforce deeply held political beliefs and an agenda. Committing the sin of bearing false witness is justified to the poster for some delusional excuse.

Oh piss off. His fellow soldiers have commented in the media. We are on a message board commenting on the comments.

That's what a message board's purpose is for crying out loud. What now? We aren't allowed to comment on anything on the board unless it is written in stone and proved in a court of law?

Give me a break. Get off your sanctimonious high horse.
This is Kerry-redux.

A Republican strategist interviewed soldiers until they found those willing to bend facts for a political agenda.

Also, none of the people criticizing Obama would ever criticize Reagan for illegally selling weapons to Iran or providing massive support to Hussein. Reagan removed Iraq from the official list of terrorist nations so that he could fund Hussein's ascendancy and help him consolidate his power. Granted, this may have been a part of Reagan's chess game in the region, one the backfired, but this doesn't change the essential facts. Point is: the people on the Right who are making this a big deal would never - and I mean never - criticize their own party for doing similar things. This is why we can't take them seriously. They are merely attacking Obama because they think he is bad for the country.
you left out Rummy giving Saddam the solid gold spurs for being a good boy:eusa_angel:
Send War Criminals to Jail!
Swift Boat is a term created by Left Wing spin machine. They use this term because they don't have the guts to spit directly in the face of troops and vets speaking about events which are contrary to the Left's script. Given the Left's disdain for The Military, it is fitting that the one POW they get behind said he was ashamed to be an American.
Yes, Bergdahl is being swift boated.

The proof has been delivered.

All the screaming means nothing, the American people do not care for the far right mania.
Yes, Bergdahl is being swift boated.

The proof has been delivered.

All the screaming means nothing, the American people do not care for the far right mania.

He is being swift boated, BS. Every news outlet is reporting the same things hardly a swift boat. BTW neither was "I voted for the war before voting against it," Kerry.
"Left the post" =/= desertion.

Army investigators have said quite plainly they have no indication Bergdahl intended to leave permanently.
No Swift-Boating Here: How the media transformed the Bergdahl saga

The funniest thing about the "swift-boating" charge, is that it reveals that the leftist fanatics actually believe that the hundreds of John Kerry's fellow servicement who pointed out his misconduct, fibs, and general unfitness, were all liars themselves, and Kerry was the one honest man out of the whole saga.

And it gets sillier: The leftists actually believe that the general public agrees with them!

They bring up the "swift-boating" charge as though it represented one hero being defamed by hundreds of disinterested fellow servicement. Instead of the truth: That one mendacious con artist annoyed his fellow servicemen so badly that they came out of retirement by the hundreds to point out the sad truth about him.

This strange fantasyland the leftists live in is occasionally revelaed by their complete disconnection from reality - a disconnection they actually believe normal people share.
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Bergdahl wasn't in captivity. He was exactly where he wanted to be. From the video released by the Taliban, Bergdahl wasn't overjoyed to be leaving either. If the video hadn't been released by the Taliban, we would never know that Bergdahl wasn't sick, or ill, or at the death's door the obama regime said he was.

See, this is how swift boating works. There is no possible way for the poster to actually know with any kind of certainty that any of what is in the post, but is making a comment as if her knowledge is factual and proven. The swift boaters have made comments that have encouraged and influenced bearing false witness because of the posters need to reinforce deeply held political beliefs and an agenda. Committing the sin of bearing false witness is justified to the poster for some delusional excuse.

Both sides do the same thing. One thing I always found interesting about Kerry, he served on 4 month in theater.

Also he lied about throwing his medals over "the" wall. When people lie about the little things makes one wonder about the big things.

You know you have to change to course of the conversation. You have to deflect and steer it towards Kerry and retreat from the swift boat allegations.
Sanders is now in jail on child pornography charges. But he's best known as the man who introduced John Kerry at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and, ironically, vouched for the authenticity of Kerry's service.

Mabus revokes imprisoned veteran's Silver Star | Navy Times |

SAN DIEGO — In a highly unusual move, the Navy secretary has stripped a Silver Star awarded to a retired captain and Vietnam swift boat veteran who is serving a federal prison sentence after admitting to possessing child pornography.Navy Secretary Ray Mabus revoked the Silver Star, the nation's third-highest valor award, which was awarded nearly 20 years ago to retired Capt. Wade Sanders of San Diego.A spokeswoman for Mabus confirmed the secretary's decision, which he made in August 2010 following a review and recommendation by the Navy Department Board of Medals and Decorations. Mabus "signed a memorandum in which he revoked the previously awarded Silver Star," said Capt. Pamela Kunze."Had the subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself been known to the secretary of the Navy in 1992, those facts would have prevented the award of the Silver Star," Kunze said.Sanders, a former deputy assistant Navy secretary, rose to prominence seven years ago as a swift boat veteran who supported the 2004 presidential candidacy of Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.Sanders in 2008 pleaded guilty to one count of possessing child pornography after an FBI investigation led to his San Diego home and the discovery of pornographic videos on his computers. He received a 37-month sentence as part of a plea deal; he has maintained he isn't a pedophile and was researching the subject for a book he planned to write.

I'm a Vietnam Era Veteran, which means I served during Vietnam but didn't serve in the designated
Combat Zone.

I knew and worked with a Navy Veteran who served under John Kerry's Command and he verified the stories told by other Swift Boaters about John Kerry. There were no lies or "false facts" told by the Vets who served with John Kerry.

The same thing is happening now. The Soldiers who served with this Bergdahl deserter guy are being demonized as liars for telling the truth about it.

just as with Kerry, Democrats have no honor, therefore no honesty, no patriotism, no integrity, like someone else on this board says, Democrats are scum, liars, shit eaters, traitors, and really, there's no word that goes far enough to accurately describe how despicable Democrats really are.

The guy who told you the story is a liar or using "under John Kerry's Command" in a misleading way. All who served on his swift boat and the Special Forces soldier who credited Kerry for saving him vouched for Kerry. Every one of the swift boaters were found to be liars or simply repeating stories they were given. None of them served directly with Kerry or his crew in combat.
Kerry may have become a POS when he returned home, but that has nothing to do with swift boating or his performance in combat.
No Swift-Boating Here: How the media transformed the Bergdahl saga

The funniest thing about the "swift-boating" charge, is that it reveals that the leftist fanatics actually believe that the hundreds of John Kerry's fellow servicement who pointed out his misconduct, fibs, and general unfitness, were all liars themselves, and Kerry was the one honest man out of the whole saga.

And it gets sillier: The leftists actually believe that the general public agrees with them!

They bring up the "swift-boating" charge as though it represented one hero being defamed by hundreds of disinterested fellow servicement. Instead of the truth: That one mendacious con artist annoyed his fellow servicemen so badly that they came out of retirement by the hundreds to point out the sad truth about him.

This strange fantasyland the leftists live in is occasionally revelaed by their complete disconnection from reality - a disconnection they actually believe normal people share.

Show a link of one single swift boater who actually served with Kerry and his crew during combat operations. One link, one sailor.

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