no tax return, no place on ballot

It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.

Really? Because my insurance never did. I just led my life the way I always wanted.

That's great. If I smoke (I don't) more money. If I don't get a physical and turn in the numbers, more money.

And you need government to do this for you? Tell me, who wipes your ass after you get off the toilet? You obviously can't do it for yourself.

People try to bust in this country by the millions every year. Why? Because of our freedom. Then there are people like you that would surrender all our freedom for a dollar bill and a can of Coke.

If another politician comes up with another plan to see that people can afford health care, I'm all ears.

Eat healthy, walk don't drive a car, work out, don't take that good enough for you?
Except for the fact nobody ever paid 90%. Why would you earn a million dollars if you had to give it all to the government? If the tax rate was 70%, and your local taxes are another 20%, it makes no sense to create income. Only Communists and Socialists would approve something that stupid.
The effective rate would still apply today. Nobody would pay up to 70%. Hell right now 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal taxes effectively.

If they aren't going to pay 70%, then his plan can't get funded now can it?

Currently Medicare costs us about 750 billion dollars per year, and only 15% of our population is on it. That means it would cost us over six times that amount every year for everybody to be covered. And as Congressman Delaney pointed out, many of the hospitals would close and many doctors would leave the industry.

What you don't understand is that the government only pays for part of the cost for care of their patients. My experience is about 80%. They make up the loss through private pay and insurance payments. This is why when you see facilities close up, it's usually in poorer neighborhoods where most of the patients are government clients. There is no way for them to recoup those government losses.

So with Bernie's plan for starters, it would cost us 4.5 trillion a year which is more than what we spend on everything now, and we're adding to the debt because of it. To keep those hospitals and doctors we currently have, it would cost us an extra 20%. That puts us well over 5 trillion a year, and we still need to fund all our other social programs and defense of this country.

Now tell me that's going to work.
It can get funded because he would close loopholes and deductions to make it work. Either way, the effective tax rate is the 50’s was higher and the world didn’t collapse did it?

Why would the doctors quit? Why would the hospitals close? Based on what? You also forget that we pay per capita more than any nation in the world on earth on healthcare. A socialized system would save us money.
Look, I know you're a socialist, and therefore completely disconnected from reality -- the only people further afield are Communists and anarcho-Communists -- but do you really want the government deciding whose healthcare is too expensive to pay for?

Proponents of socialized medicine claim it's only doctors who make those decisions. That, of course, is utter nonsense. The bean counters rule. And if the deem your treatment is too expensive, you will die. If you're lucky, maybe they'll give you painkillers to make your death less agonizing.

Agreed. So let's say they are able to give us government healthcare. Now there are no longer any private insurance companies to compete against them. The government will have you by the balls.

We all know there are good doctors and bad ones. We all know there are good hospitals and clinics and not so good ones. So if we all end up on government healthcare, we would all want the best doctors and surgeons, would't we?

So who and how do we decide who gets what? After all, the good doctors and facilities can't take care of the entire country!

As usual, Democrats would make politics out of it. For the most part, the people in lower income areas might be getting our doctors we working people have. The middle-class and upper middle-class where most of the Republicans are would end up with the metro places and crappy doctors.

If there is anything Democrats have made obvious, it's that they make politics out of anything, and they can't be trusted with anything yet alone our healthcare.
Hey, liberals -- remember the VA healthcare disaster?

Imagine that on a nationwide scale.

If socialized medicine still appeals to you, you're a moron.
My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.

Really? Because my insurance never did. I just led my life the way I always wanted.

That's great. If I smoke (I don't) more money. If I don't get a physical and turn in the numbers, more money.

And you need government to do this for you? Tell me, who wipes your ass after you get off the toilet? You obviously can't do it for yourself.

People try to bust in this country by the millions every year. Why? Because of our freedom. Then there are people like you that would surrender all our freedom for a dollar bill and a can of Coke.

If another politician comes up with another plan to see that people can afford health care, I'm all ears.

Eat healthy, walk don't drive a car, work out, don't take that good enough for you?

The effective rate would still apply today. Nobody would pay up to 70%. Hell right now 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal taxes effectively.

If they aren't going to pay 70%, then his plan can't get funded now can it?

Currently Medicare costs us about 750 billion dollars per year, and only 15% of our population is on it. That means it would cost us over six times that amount every year for everybody to be covered. And as Congressman Delaney pointed out, many of the hospitals would close and many doctors would leave the industry.

What you don't understand is that the government only pays for part of the cost for care of their patients. My experience is about 80%. They make up the loss through private pay and insurance payments. This is why when you see facilities close up, it's usually in poorer neighborhoods where most of the patients are government clients. There is no way for them to recoup those government losses.

So with Bernie's plan for starters, it would cost us 4.5 trillion a year which is more than what we spend on everything now, and we're adding to the debt because of it. To keep those hospitals and doctors we currently have, it would cost us an extra 20%. That puts us well over 5 trillion a year, and we still need to fund all our other social programs and defense of this country.

Now tell me that's going to work.
It can get funded because he would close loopholes and deductions to make it work. Either way, the effective tax rate is the 50’s was higher and the world didn’t collapse did it?

Why would the doctors quit? Why would the hospitals close? Based on what? You also forget that we pay per capita more than any nation in the world on earth on healthcare. A socialized system would save us money.
Look, I know you're a socialist, and therefore completely disconnected from reality -- the only people further afield are Communists and anarcho-Communists -- but do you really want the government deciding whose healthcare is too expensive to pay for?

Proponents of socialized medicine claim it's only doctors who make those decisions. That, of course, is utter nonsense. The bean counters rule. And if the deem your treatment is too expensive, you will die. If you're lucky, maybe they'll give you painkillers to make your death less agonizing.

Agreed. So let's say they are able to give us government healthcare. Now there are no longer any private insurance companies to compete against them. The government will have you by the balls.

We all know there are good doctors and bad ones. We all know there are good hospitals and clinics and not so good ones. So if we all end up on government healthcare, we would all want the best doctors and surgeons, would't we?

So who and how do we decide who gets what? After all, the good doctors and facilities can't take care of the entire country!

As usual, Democrats would make politics out of it. For the most part, the people in lower income areas might be getting our doctors we working people have. The middle-class and upper middle-class where most of the Republicans are would end up with the metro places and crappy doctors.

If there is anything Democrats have made obvious, it's that they make politics out of anything, and they can't be trusted with anything yet alone our healthcare.
Hey, liberals -- remember the VA healthcare disaster?

Imagine that on a nationwide scale.

If socialized medicine still appeals to you, you're a moron.

Try and take Medicare away.
who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.
Bernie ain't paying for shit. He has a program to force other people to pay for everything he proposed.

As far as I know he pays taxes also.
Do you think he pays trillions in taxes? No?

Then he's forcing other people to pay for his promises. At least try not to be stupid.
That isn’t possible!
SEE ALSO: "successful socialism".
Really? Because my insurance never did. I just led my life the way I always wanted.

That's great. If I smoke (I don't) more money. If I don't get a physical and turn in the numbers, more money.

And you need government to do this for you? Tell me, who wipes your ass after you get off the toilet? You obviously can't do it for yourself.

People try to bust in this country by the millions every year. Why? Because of our freedom. Then there are people like you that would surrender all our freedom for a dollar bill and a can of Coke.

If another politician comes up with another plan to see that people can afford health care, I'm all ears.

Eat healthy, walk don't drive a car, work out, don't take that good enough for you?


This is why I never get insurance, I am not paying for lazy fat asses who take risks like you.

who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.
Bernie ain't paying for shit. He has a program to force other people to pay for everything he proposed.

As far as I know he pays taxes also.
Do you think he pays trillions in taxes? No?

Then he's forcing other people to pay for his promises. At least try not to be stupid.

He is paying for his promises unlike Trump. Yes, that is true.
He hasn't paid for shit. He's never had to meet a payroll. He's been living on taxpayer money all his life. He's completely disconnected from the working class...yet thinks he can tell us how to live.

And you want to let him.

Most people can live their lives without being told what to do, without being taken care of.

Liberals project their own fear of freedom and responsibility on everyone else and insist the government should take care of everyone.

Liberals have no self-respect.
That's great. If I smoke (I don't) more money. If I don't get a physical and turn in the numbers, more money.

And you need government to do this for you? Tell me, who wipes your ass after you get off the toilet? You obviously can't do it for yourself.

People try to bust in this country by the millions every year. Why? Because of our freedom. Then there are people like you that would surrender all our freedom for a dollar bill and a can of Coke.

If another politician comes up with another plan to see that people can afford health care, I'm all ears.

Eat healthy, walk don't drive a car, work out, don't take that good enough for you?


This is why I never get insurance, I am not paying for lazy fat asses who take risks like you.


Again, a juvenile response with a lame personal shot that makes no sense.

Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up the fastest. Federal law says tax returns are confidential and release without the taxpayers consent is a felony. Neither you or CA has the authority to force a taxpayer to release their returns.
But, here comes the nonsense argument that they can be on the ballot if they just give over those tax returns.

And, I say that states should also refuse to put any non-lawyer on any ballot. We need people to serve who actually understand the law. Not people like Maxine Waters.


People who wear sequined cowboy hats should not be on any ballot.
Why in the world would you have anything against this creature of perfect creation? All you Dashboard Sissy Cowboys love sequins.

Your Mantra calling you.
That's nice. Go play, kid.
Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.
Bernie ain't paying for shit. He has a program to force other people to pay for everything he proposed.

As far as I know he pays taxes also.
Do you think he pays trillions in taxes? No?

Then he's forcing other people to pay for his promises. At least try not to be stupid.

He is paying for his promises unlike Trump. Yes, that is true.
He hasn't paid for shit. He's never had to meet a payroll. He's been living on taxpayer money all his life. He's completely disconnected from the working class...yet thinks he can tell us how to live.

And you want to let him.

Most people can live their lives without being told what to do, without being taken care of.

Liberals project their own fear of freedom and responsibility on everyone else and insist the government should take care of everyone.

Liberals have no self-respect.

He isn't telling anyone how to live. He's trying to see that we catch up to the rest of the first world countries and see that everyone can afford health care.
Yet the Constitution grants states the authority to determine how their electors are chosen, and California is well within its constitutional right to include this requirement. California already requires candidates to make disclosures about themselves to better inform voters so they can make intelligent choices. How can adding a requirement that all candidates disclose their tax forms be illegally?

Because it puts another requirement above and beyond those listed in the Constitution. 35 years or older, Natural Born Citizen,

That's it.
A primary is a state election, not a federal election. There is no constitution violation. States can put whatever requirements they choose on candidates as long it applies to all candidates.

Do you have any precedent for that?

Most restrictions are based on making sure the ballots are not 500 pages long, with signature requirements.

None have ever been based on disclosure of information beyond the federal requirements.

You would lose in court.
The state of California is not altering requirements for the presidency. They are altering the requirements to appear on the ballot of a state primary. Political parties can nominate whoever they choose for president by whatever method they choose.

"The Supreme Court has said that states have broad latitude over who is going to be on the ballot so long as they aren’t discriminating based on wealth and ideology."

Since the law requires tax returns be filled by the end of the year and there will be multiple cases filled in federal court, it seems unlikely that this will be resolved in the courts before the end of the year. Some federal judge will issue an injunction against the state which will effectively save the royal ass of the president once again.

Where did you get your quote from? Afraid of letting us know the source you dime store hack?
Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California at Berkeley School of Law. He is an expert in constitutional law, federal practice, civil rights and civil liberties, and appellate litigation.
Op-Ed: California's new law requiring presidential candidates to disclose tax returns is constitutional
And no comment on the NYT article. How partisan of you.

A ten year old article about Japan working to slim people down? That's a bad thing?

It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.
Is that your obammy care?

No. I do not support Obamacare. That was little more than a give away to the insurance and pharmacuetical companies
Obama was intended to crash the system so the government would have no choice but to take over the healthcare industry.

Luckily, adults prevailed.
Because it puts another requirement above and beyond those listed in the Constitution. 35 years or older, Natural Born Citizen,

That's it.
A primary is a state election, not a federal election. There is no constitution violation. States can put whatever requirements they choose on candidates as long it applies to all candidates.

Do you have any precedent for that?

Most restrictions are based on making sure the ballots are not 500 pages long, with signature requirements.

None have ever been based on disclosure of information beyond the federal requirements.

You would lose in court.
The state of California is not altering requirements for the presidency. They are altering the requirements to appear on the ballot of a state primary. Political parties can nominate whoever they choose for president by whatever method they choose.

"The Supreme Court has said that states have broad latitude over who is going to be on the ballot so long as they aren’t discriminating based on wealth and ideology."

Since the law requires tax returns be filled by the end of the year and there will be multiple cases filled in federal court, it seems unlikely that this will be resolved in the courts before the end of the year. Some federal judge will issue an injunction against the state which will effectively save the royal ass of the president once again.

Where did you get your quote from? Afraid of letting us know the source you dime store hack?
Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California at Berkeley School of Law. He is an expert in constitutional law, federal practice, civil rights and civil liberties, and appellate litigation.
Op-Ed: California's new law requiring presidential candidates to disclose tax returns is constitutional

I understand it's not your argument but.....

First, is it important for voters to have access to a presidential candidate’s tax returns?

I don't understand why it's only important for presidential candidates.
A ten year old article about Japan working to slim people down? That's a bad thing?

It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.
Is that your obammy care?

No. I do not support Obamacare. That was little more than a give away to the insurance and pharmacuetical companies
Obama was intended to crash the system so the government would have no choice but to take over the healthcare industry.

Luckily, adults prevailed.

Kowtowing to Wall Street was a pretty lame way to do that.
If they aren't going to pay 70%, then his plan can't get funded now can it?

Currently Medicare costs us about 750 billion dollars per year, and only 15% of our population is on it. That means it would cost us over six times that amount every year for everybody to be covered. And as Congressman Delaney pointed out, many of the hospitals would close and many doctors would leave the industry.

What you don't understand is that the government only pays for part of the cost for care of their patients. My experience is about 80%. They make up the loss through private pay and insurance payments. This is why when you see facilities close up, it's usually in poorer neighborhoods where most of the patients are government clients. There is no way for them to recoup those government losses.

So with Bernie's plan for starters, it would cost us 4.5 trillion a year which is more than what we spend on everything now, and we're adding to the debt because of it. To keep those hospitals and doctors we currently have, it would cost us an extra 20%. That puts us well over 5 trillion a year, and we still need to fund all our other social programs and defense of this country.

Now tell me that's going to work.
It can get funded because he would close loopholes and deductions to make it work. Either way, the effective tax rate is the 50’s was higher and the world didn’t collapse did it?

Why would the doctors quit? Why would the hospitals close? Based on what? You also forget that we pay per capita more than any nation in the world on earth on healthcare. A socialized system would save us money.
Look, I know you're a socialist, and therefore completely disconnected from reality -- the only people further afield are Communists and anarcho-Communists -- but do you really want the government deciding whose healthcare is too expensive to pay for?

Proponents of socialized medicine claim it's only doctors who make those decisions. That, of course, is utter nonsense. The bean counters rule. And if the deem your treatment is too expensive, you will die. If you're lucky, maybe they'll give you painkillers to make your death less agonizing.

Agreed. So let's say they are able to give us government healthcare. Now there are no longer any private insurance companies to compete against them. The government will have you by the balls.

We all know there are good doctors and bad ones. We all know there are good hospitals and clinics and not so good ones. So if we all end up on government healthcare, we would all want the best doctors and surgeons, would't we?

So who and how do we decide who gets what? After all, the good doctors and facilities can't take care of the entire country!

As usual, Democrats would make politics out of it. For the most part, the people in lower income areas might be getting our doctors we working people have. The middle-class and upper middle-class where most of the Republicans are would end up with the metro places and crappy doctors.

If there is anything Democrats have made obvious, it's that they make politics out of anything, and they can't be trusted with anything yet alone our healthcare.
Hey, liberals -- remember the VA healthcare disaster?

Imagine that on a nationwide scale.

If socialized medicine still appeals to you, you're a moron.

Try and take Medicare away.
Oh, you mean the Medicare that people are forced to pay for?

Did you have a point?
It can get funded because he would close loopholes and deductions to make it work. Either way, the effective tax rate is the 50’s was higher and the world didn’t collapse did it?

Why would the doctors quit? Why would the hospitals close? Based on what? You also forget that we pay per capita more than any nation in the world on earth on healthcare. A socialized system would save us money.
Look, I know you're a socialist, and therefore completely disconnected from reality -- the only people further afield are Communists and anarcho-Communists -- but do you really want the government deciding whose healthcare is too expensive to pay for?

Proponents of socialized medicine claim it's only doctors who make those decisions. That, of course, is utter nonsense. The bean counters rule. And if the deem your treatment is too expensive, you will die. If you're lucky, maybe they'll give you painkillers to make your death less agonizing.

Agreed. So let's say they are able to give us government healthcare. Now there are no longer any private insurance companies to compete against them. The government will have you by the balls.

We all know there are good doctors and bad ones. We all know there are good hospitals and clinics and not so good ones. So if we all end up on government healthcare, we would all want the best doctors and surgeons, would't we?

So who and how do we decide who gets what? After all, the good doctors and facilities can't take care of the entire country!

As usual, Democrats would make politics out of it. For the most part, the people in lower income areas might be getting our doctors we working people have. The middle-class and upper middle-class where most of the Republicans are would end up with the metro places and crappy doctors.

If there is anything Democrats have made obvious, it's that they make politics out of anything, and they can't be trusted with anything yet alone our healthcare.
Hey, liberals -- remember the VA healthcare disaster?

Imagine that on a nationwide scale.

If socialized medicine still appeals to you, you're a moron.

Try and take Medicare away.
Oh, you mean the Medicare that people are forced to pay for?

Did you have a point?

I made it. Bernie is simply expanding on that.
Bernie ain't paying for shit. He has a program to force other people to pay for everything he proposed.

As far as I know he pays taxes also.
Do you think he pays trillions in taxes? No?

Then he's forcing other people to pay for his promises. At least try not to be stupid.

He is paying for his promises unlike Trump. Yes, that is true.
He hasn't paid for shit. He's never had to meet a payroll. He's been living on taxpayer money all his life. He's completely disconnected from the working class...yet thinks he can tell us how to live.

And you want to let him.

Most people can live their lives without being told what to do, without being taken care of.

Liberals project their own fear of freedom and responsibility on everyone else and insist the government should take care of everyone.

Liberals have no self-respect.

He isn't telling anyone how to live. He's trying to see that we catch up to the rest of the first world countries and see that everyone can afford health care.
Oh, so saying "You have to pay to take care of other people" isn't telling anyone else how they have to live?
It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.
Is that your obammy care?

No. I do not support Obamacare. That was little more than a give away to the insurance and pharmacuetical companies
Obama was intended to crash the system so the government would have no choice but to take over the healthcare industry.

Luckily, adults prevailed.

Kowtowing to Wall Street was a pretty lame way to do that.
You should speak to the Democrats who let Wall Street write the law they voted for unanimously, then.
Look, I know you're a socialist, and therefore completely disconnected from reality -- the only people further afield are Communists and anarcho-Communists -- but do you really want the government deciding whose healthcare is too expensive to pay for?

Proponents of socialized medicine claim it's only doctors who make those decisions. That, of course, is utter nonsense. The bean counters rule. And if the deem your treatment is too expensive, you will die. If you're lucky, maybe they'll give you painkillers to make your death less agonizing.

Agreed. So let's say they are able to give us government healthcare. Now there are no longer any private insurance companies to compete against them. The government will have you by the balls.

We all know there are good doctors and bad ones. We all know there are good hospitals and clinics and not so good ones. So if we all end up on government healthcare, we would all want the best doctors and surgeons, would't we?

So who and how do we decide who gets what? After all, the good doctors and facilities can't take care of the entire country!

As usual, Democrats would make politics out of it. For the most part, the people in lower income areas might be getting our doctors we working people have. The middle-class and upper middle-class where most of the Republicans are would end up with the metro places and crappy doctors.

If there is anything Democrats have made obvious, it's that they make politics out of anything, and they can't be trusted with anything yet alone our healthcare.
Hey, liberals -- remember the VA healthcare disaster?

Imagine that on a nationwide scale.

If socialized medicine still appeals to you, you're a moron.

Try and take Medicare away.
Oh, you mean the Medicare that people are forced to pay for?

Did you have a point?

I made it. Bernie is simply expanding on that.
At gunpoint. Right, Comrade?
As far as I know he pays taxes also.
Do you think he pays trillions in taxes? No?

Then he's forcing other people to pay for his promises. At least try not to be stupid.

He is paying for his promises unlike Trump. Yes, that is true.
He hasn't paid for shit. He's never had to meet a payroll. He's been living on taxpayer money all his life. He's completely disconnected from the working class...yet thinks he can tell us how to live.

And you want to let him.

Most people can live their lives without being told what to do, without being taken care of.

Liberals project their own fear of freedom and responsibility on everyone else and insist the government should take care of everyone.

Liberals have no self-respect.

He isn't telling anyone how to live. He's trying to see that we catch up to the rest of the first world countries and see that everyone can afford health care.
Oh, so saying "You have to pay to take care of other people" isn't telling anyone else how they have to live?

It's going to happen. Just a matter of time. You can pretend it's still the 19th century if you wish.

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