no tax return, no place on ballot

who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.
Bernie ain't paying for shit. He has a program to force other people to pay for everything he proposed.

As far as I know he pays taxes also.
Do you think he pays trillions in taxes? No?

Then he's forcing other people to pay for his promises. At least try not to be stupid.

He is paying for his promises unlike Trump. Yes, that is true.
Huh, wtf do you know? :auiqs.jpg:

Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up the fastest. Federal law says tax returns are confidential and release without the taxpayers consent is a felony. Neither you or CA has the authority to force a taxpayer to release their returns.
But, here comes the nonsense argument that they can be on the ballot if they just give over those tax returns.

And, I say that states should also refuse to put any non-lawyer on any ballot. We need people to serve who actually understand the law. Not people like Maxine Waters.


People who wear sequined cowboy hats should not be on any ballot.
Why in the world would you have anything against this creature of perfect creation? All you Dashboard Sissy Cowboys love sequins.

Your Mantra calling you.
That was your mom

A ten year old article about Japan working to slim people down? That's a bad thing?

It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.
Is that your obammy care?
"Daily Caller". Do better.

And no comment on the NYT article. How partisan of you.

A ten year old article about Japan working to slim people down? That's a bad thing?

It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.

Really? Because my insurance never did. I just led my life the way I always wanted.

That's great. If I smoke (I don't) more money. If I don't get a physical and turn in the numbers, more money.
Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.
Bernie ain't paying for shit. He has a program to force other people to pay for everything he proposed.

As far as I know he pays taxes also.
Do you think he pays trillions in taxes? No?

Then he's forcing other people to pay for his promises. At least try not to be stupid.

He is paying for his promises unlike Trump. Yes, that is true.
Huh, wtf do you know? :auiqs.jpg:

It's what we have been discussing.
"Daily Caller". Do better.

And no comment on the NYT article. How partisan of you.

A ten year old article about Japan working to slim people down? That's a bad thing?

It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.
Is that your obammy care?

No. I do not support Obamacare. That was little more than a give away to the insurance and pharmacuetical companies
And no comment on the NYT article. How partisan of you.

A ten year old article about Japan working to slim people down? That's a bad thing?

It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.
Is that your obammy care?

No. I do not support Obamacare. That was little more than a give away to the insurance and pharmacuetical companies

No, Commie Care was designed to create as many new government dependents as possible. That's the main goal of any leftist.
And no comment on the NYT article. How partisan of you.

A ten year old article about Japan working to slim people down? That's a bad thing?

It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.

Really? Because my insurance never did. I just led my life the way I always wanted.

That's great. If I smoke (I don't) more money. If I don't get a physical and turn in the numbers, more money.

And you need government to do this for you? Tell me, who wipes your ass after you get off the toilet? You obviously can't do it for yourself.

People try to bust in this country by the millions every year. Why? Because of our freedom. Then there are people like you that would surrender all our freedom for a dollar bill and a can of Coke.
A ten year old article about Japan working to slim people down? That's a bad thing?

It is when government forces you to do it. Until the Democrats take over and Fup this country, at least now you have the freedom to be in any shape you desire.

But the story is just an example of what happens when government has that kind of control. They can dictate what you eat (Michelle Obama), what you can smoke (Al Gore), what you can drink and how much of it you can drink (Bloomberg), dictate your weight, how much exercise you must have, how fast your car is allowed to go, and maybe even outlaw motorcycles altogether.

Democrats are control freaks. We all know that, and they have been trying to gain more and more control over the people in this country. The two things stopping them from total control are healthcare and energy. Once they have total control over those two industries, they will be able to have total control over all of us.

My insurance requires things out of me now or charges me more.

Really? Because my insurance never did. I just led my life the way I always wanted.

That's great. If I smoke (I don't) more money. If I don't get a physical and turn in the numbers, more money.

And you need government to do this for you? Tell me, who wipes your ass after you get off the toilet? You obviously can't do it for yourself.

People try to bust in this country by the millions every year. Why? Because of our freedom. Then there are people like you that would surrender all our freedom for a dollar bill and a can of Coke.

If another politician comes up with another plan to see that people can afford health care, I'm all ears.
name one program! where is it funded? free college, who actually pays, it isn't free? that's like free shipping from Amazon, but you have to give them 100 bucks a year to get free shipping. That means it isn't free. fk dude, free public high schools are paid with property taxes in most states, that's my money paying for kids that aren't mine. that isn't free sucka

You are the one yelling "Free Free Free" but when I tell you that is your argument, you want me to prove your argument. I can not.

Sanders pays for his Education program.

Yeah, and that system has never worked in the history of the world.

If you could pay for all that stuff with the Robin Hood tax, then why hasn't anywhere else in the world done that?

Lets look at Germany.

Germany has enacted a tax. Bernie has proposed a tax. Every country has done that. None have not.

A tax on the poor and middle class.

Not this "rich will pay for it" nonsense that every left-winger has spewed.

If Bernie was actually honest enough to say he wants to double taxes on the lower and middle class, I'd have a little more respect for him, and his ignorant followers.

But you guys keep lying that you'll get the rich to pay for it. Bull crap.

I'm not "you guys". I have not argued anything. It's always this box people have to put others in to argue against because one can't argue the actual subject.

And if I did not argue the actual subject, you would have a point. But I did.

I have made the point dozens of times, with direct evidence supporting my position. The 'tax the rich' to pay for all the free stuff plan, has never worked in all human history, and throughout all countries of the Earth. Anyone who is not ignorant can see that.

Now you have a choice, you can accept the facts, or you can keep deflecting to "I'm not you guys".

Let me put this more clearly.....

Bernie... lied. He has a plan, that is a lie. His plan doesn't work, and he knows it doesn't work. But just like Obama care, which hasn't made anything at all more affordable, despite being called the affordable care act, Bernie knows that even if it his system doesn't work, once put in place, they won't repeal it. They'll just keep raising taxes on the poor and middle class, or they'll bankrupt the country, and that millionaire Bernie will be long dead before anyone can blame him.
Like "nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax increase of any kind; no new taxes?"

Show me a politician that hasn't lied, and I'll show you a waitress that refuses to accept tips.

I've noted this before......yes, just like that. Obama lied constantly and I will never make excuses for his lies. I will argue that it was Obama's lies that directly led to Trump getting elected.

I noted before, I do not know a lie Sanders has told. When I said this before I was presented with fringe websites that simply disagreed with him.
who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%. How many people would earn that kind of money if they were going to give most of it to the government? HIs plan would put us in a recession we could never get out of until the Democrats were out of leadership and the Republicans took over.

If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
And yet their tax rate was at 90% in the 50’s and as of now, they are wealthier than ever before. Of course they could afford it.

Yeah, and you keep forgetting that the rich paid a lower percentage of the income tax then, than they do now.

Why? Because they kept their income in tax havens more back then, than they do now.

Why? Because the tax rate is more reasonable today, than it was back then, and thus they are more willing to pay it.

Facts over opinion, dude. Your system doesn't work.
And yet their tax rate was at 90% in the 50’s and as of now, they are wealthier than ever before. Of course they could afford it.

Except for the fact nobody ever paid 90%. Why would you earn a million dollars if you had to give it all to the government? If the tax rate was 70%, and your local taxes are another 20%, it makes no sense to create income. Only Communists and Socialists would approve something that stupid.
The effective rate would still apply today. Nobody would pay up to 70%. Hell right now 2/3 of corporations don’t pay any federal taxes effectively.

If they aren't going to pay 70%, then his plan can't get funded now can it?

Currently Medicare costs us about 750 billion dollars per year, and only 15% of our population is on it. That means it would cost us over six times that amount every year for everybody to be covered. And as Congressman Delaney pointed out, many of the hospitals would close and many doctors would leave the industry.

What you don't understand is that the government only pays for part of the cost for care of their patients. My experience is about 80%. They make up the loss through private pay and insurance payments. This is why when you see facilities close up, it's usually in poorer neighborhoods where most of the patients are government clients. There is no way for them to recoup those government losses.

So with Bernie's plan for starters, it would cost us 4.5 trillion a year which is more than what we spend on everything now, and we're adding to the debt because of it. To keep those hospitals and doctors we currently have, it would cost us an extra 20%. That puts us well over 5 trillion a year, and we still need to fund all our other social programs and defense of this country.

Now tell me that's going to work.
It can get funded because he would close loopholes and deductions to make it work. Either way, the effective tax rate is the 50’s was higher and the world didn’t collapse did it?

Why would the doctors quit? Why would the hospitals close? Based on what? You also forget that we pay per capita more than any nation in the world on earth on healthcare. A socialized system would save us money.

I just explained why hospitals would close and doctors would quit. No business can operate at a loss or even break even for that matter. Do you think an American wants to spend 8 years of their life racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to become a physician only to work until 50 years old before it's paid off?

There is only one way to approach the healthcare problem, and that is analyze why it's so expensive in the first place. I guarantee you government is mostly responsible for that. After we greatly reduce the cost for healthcare, then let's figure out a way to pay for it. But this approach of paying for something that's out of control cost-wise is pure stupidity. That's why Commie Care is such a failure.

Now as to the tax rate. Yes, people paid higher taxes, but there were not many places left to go. Overseas travel was dangerous and expensive. Communications were antiquated and long distance was expensive, unreliable and the sound quality was miserable.

Today a business owner can pack up and move out of the country with no problem. He can keep track of his investments up to the minute on his or her cell phone. He can have corporate meetings on Skype or other means of virtual gatherings. With radar and satellites, overseas travel has never been safer.
See, what you don’t get is, 1st world countries in Europe have great socialist healthcare systems and there’s no critical shortage of doctors. You act as though our system is the best and when really it is the worst among developed nations. And I’ll tell you why it is worst and the most expensive: it’s a ridiculous for-profit system. People pay for prescription drugs at sky rocket rates. The same drugs in other countries cost a fraction of the same price. That shit is deliberate. Lobbyists made it illegal for Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices.

I don’t understand what point you’re making here. Regardless of the limitations at the time, rich people paid more in effective taxes and the middle class thrived.
You are the one yelling "Free Free Free" but when I tell you that is your argument, you want me to prove your argument. I can not.

Sanders pays for his Education program.

Yeah, and that system has never worked in the history of the world.

If you could pay for all that stuff with the Robin Hood tax, then why hasn't anywhere else in the world done that?

Lets look at Germany.

Germany has enacted a tax. Bernie has proposed a tax. Every country has done that. None have not.

A tax on the poor and middle class.

Not this "rich will pay for it" nonsense that every left-winger has spewed.

If Bernie was actually honest enough to say he wants to double taxes on the lower and middle class, I'd have a little more respect for him, and his ignorant followers.

But you guys keep lying that you'll get the rich to pay for it. Bull crap.

I'm not "you guys". I have not argued anything. It's always this box people have to put others in to argue against because one can't argue the actual subject.

And if I did not argue the actual subject, you would have a point. But I did.

I have made the point dozens of times, with direct evidence supporting my position. The 'tax the rich' to pay for all the free stuff plan, has never worked in all human history, and throughout all countries of the Earth. Anyone who is not ignorant can see that.

Now you have a choice, you can accept the facts, or you can keep deflecting to "I'm not you guys".

Let me put this more clearly.....

Bernie... lied. He has a plan, that is a lie. His plan doesn't work, and he knows it doesn't work. But just like Obama care, which hasn't made anything at all more affordable, despite being called the affordable care act, Bernie knows that even if it his system doesn't work, once put in place, they won't repeal it. They'll just keep raising taxes on the poor and middle class, or they'll bankrupt the country, and that millionaire Bernie will be long dead before anyone can blame him.

It is working in every first world country in the world.
I've noted this before......yes, just like that. Obama lied constantly and I will never make excuses for his lies. I will argue that it was Obama's lies that directly led to Trump getting elected.

I noted before, I do not know a lie Sanders has told. When I said this before I was presented with fringe websites that simply disagreed with him.
who pays for all of his freebies then? If someone is paying, then they're not free and that is all a lie.

Yes, the idea that they are "free" is a lie. Bernie has a program to pay for everything he proposed.

And do you know what that plan is? Tax the wealthy at 70%. How many people would earn that kind of money if they were going to give most of it to the government? HIs plan would put us in a recession we could never get out of until the Democrats were out of leadership and the Republicans took over.

If the tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?
And yet their tax rate was at 90% in the 50’s and as of now, they are wealthier than ever before. Of course they could afford it.

Yeah, and you keep forgetting that the rich paid a lower percentage of the income tax then, than they do now.

Why? Because they kept their income in tax havens more back then, than they do now.

Why? Because the tax rate is more reasonable today, than it was back then, and thus they are more willing to pay it.

Facts over opinion, dude. Your system doesn't work.
Facts over opinion dude: the both the official and the effective tax rates in the 50’s was higher and the overall economy was booming in comparison.

Because there's no way he won't simply choose to not enter the primary in California, given that he is already the guaranteed nominee. This was a bigger waste of time for Democrats than the Mueller hearing last week.
His fatass is probably too stupid to realize it is insignificant.

In other words, as stupid as you and the OP, who can't seem to get it through your heads that it's irrelevant.
This will be interesting. Obviously a state can pass such a law. I think it's fair to want a candidate to be transparent. I'm not sure the courts will allow it.
Democrats complain about rigging elections while they try to rig the election right out in front of everyone.


You're an idiot.

typical RW response after someone hands them their ass -

You didn't hand anyone their ass, idiot.

Because there's no way he won't simply choose to not enter the primary in California, given that he is already the guaranteed nominee. This was a bigger waste of time for Democrats than the Mueller hearing last week.
His fatass is probably too stupid to realize it is insignificant.

In other words, as stupid as you and the OP, who can't seem to get it through your heads that it's irrelevant.
I was agreeing with you about it you dumb broad. I just said Trump would be too stupid to know. I’m sure he’ll figure it out eventually but after everyone else.

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