No thank you, Obama will help them.

If he's spending close to $250,000 to turn a profit that is welfare she says...he's probably doing something wrong.

ROFLMNAO... Well there ya go kids... yet another LEFTIST, who produces NOTHING... What a PRODUCER is doing WRONG.


Grossing 250K on a construction trade will not net one much... the cost of equipment, manpower and other necessary infrastructure can take YEARS of production to equalize...

Government mandated regulations are another continuous drag on the bottom line and of course, the Left's drive to cut the means of the Business to deduct costs is ever-present...

Shove more money in advertising than the formula says such a business should expend and watch the audit unfold... and on it goes... the never ending dance where business tries to balance what is acceptable' with that which was actually spent... OKA: COSTS
Well, Pubic, you actually made a semi-decent point. If it his first year and he isn't earning a return on his investment, that doesn't mean he won't next year. But it also means that he isn't so stupid that he thinks he has to pay taxes on his gross receipts.

I can easily spend a million and only make $250,000 off of it...but that isn't welfare wages, and I'm not paying taxes on the million.

I'm still waiting for you to prove either of your assertions: that leftists or Obama think taxes should be on gross revenue and not net.

Until you can you look like an idiot.
Well, Pubic, you actually made a semi-decent point. If it his first year and he isn't earning a return on his investment, that doesn't mean he won't next year. But it also means that he isn't so stupid that he thinks he has to pay taxes on his gross receipts.

I can easily spend a million and only make $250,000 off of it...but that isn't welfare wages, and I'm not paying taxes on the million.

I'm still waiting for you to prove either of your assertions: that leftists or Obama think taxes should be on gross revenue and not net.

Until you can you look like an idiot.
except for the fact that there is talk that some things that are deductable now wont be in the future
under the plans they are releasing
Chicky, you are high off your ass if you think this is limited to liberals.

That would be Ms. Chicky to you.

OK, since you are not denying the frequently low level of language and response in a number of board posters, please continue down this road and agree that cursing or casting aspersions is the first thing a Liberal does, and this level of discourse, is in the majority, a left wing hallmark. Every onceinawhile, one of us slips.

I have to agree with article on this one! For one cons around here are quick to curse also, it isn't limited to one side or the other. And if cursing doesn't work for a con they simply say liberals have no moral values(there is a whole thread about this) and that we are un american.
I really want to know the point in time when one political view became more american than the other????????

First, just let me state as an indisputable fact:


And that is without exception... Neo-Liberalism is little more than Marxism and Marxism is the pure antithesis of that which rests on the bed-rock principles of America.

The ideological left advocates for hedonism, debauchery and demands that every cultural threshold which strives to stand above such be torn asunder... so as to allow the debaucherous hedonist the means to cross what the threshold would otherwise prohibit... So there is no means by which the ideology in which the NATIONAL MAN-BOY LOVE ASSOCIATION RESTS... can come to the table and demand themselves the moral perspective of those who reject such on the immutable principle which proves it untenable.... AND PUHLEASE... don't return here and demand that you reject pedophilia and demand that there is some distinction between you and those that do, while you advocate for and within the SAME ideology which sustains such AS A "RIGHT."

It's gets very tiring and you idiots never last long enough to justify the meager effort.
I also love the elitist opinion that if you're in a small business and not making a PROFIT of $250,000 you're an idiot and deserve to starve.
Well, Pubic, you actually made a semi-decent point.
Nothing new there...

If it his first year and he isn't earning a return on his investment, that doesn't mean he won't next year.

Oh! Just the first year? I know people who have spent MANY years operating without a profit on contracts that would make you VOMIT, if you were subjected to the value of risk they put on the table... People who borrowed from everyone who would lend to them... putting their homes, their parent homes, their siblings homes and every dime they could scrounge, in hopes of hanging out long enough to make it happen... Some of whom have made unspeakable fortunes and others who have lost it all...

I personally have seen several fortunes come and go... I've flown private jets... private planes and I've been a regular passenger on Greyhound... So don't bother me with your insight sis... I've watched the tide come in rode the wave.... and I've been washed out to sea...

But it also means that he isn't so stupid that he thinks he has to pay taxes on his gross receipts.

And no one here has suggested he has... NO ONE! Yet that has been the basis of your red herring for two days...

I can easily spend a million and only make $250,000 off of it... but that isn't welfare wages, and I'm not paying taxes on the million.

ROFLMNAO... you've just proven your ignorance... NO ONE HAS SUGGESTED THAT ANYONE 'spent a million, realized a 25% net return and paid taxes on a million bucks... NO ONE... Yet you keep advancing this as a point of rebuttal.... KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF...


You may find that you're only able to deduct 750k... for simple math we'll add the gross margin to your ledger and you're where? -0- You'd claim that since ya didn't show a profit you won't be taxed... WHOO HOO! THROW A PARADE! No taxes due...


Subtract that from the period of investment or the time it took you to realize your loss and the time value of your principle is DEEP IN THE HOLE... YOU'RE A LOSER and you're goin' BROKE... FAST!

I'm still waiting for you to prove either of your assertions: that leftists or Obama think taxes should be on gross revenue and not net.

You're not waiting on me... All I'm waiting on is for the admin-Gunny to email me to inform me that he has $1000 on deposit from you, which is a 5:1 risk value which you place on the table to make it worth my while to refute your baseless assertion...

This is a text forum sis... it's not a miscommunication here... The terms are long since on record and you've NOW CONCEDED THAT YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT FOR THE THIRD TIME; BY RETURNING TO THE POINT ABSENT A DEPOSIT ON FILE WITH THE ADMIN!


And sure... I can do this as long as is necessary and YES you'll lose 100% of your risked principle as sure as you advance it; which is why you can't find the courage to advance it.

I know it; you know it and everyone that debated leftists on the issue of "Corporations don't pay their fair share" knows it...
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Well, Pubic, you actually made a semi-decent point. If it his first year and he isn't earning a return on his investment, that doesn't mean he won't next year. But it also means that he isn't so stupid that he thinks he has to pay taxes on his gross receipts.

I can easily spend a million and only make $250,000 off of it...but that isn't welfare wages, and I'm not paying taxes on the million.

I'm still waiting for you to prove either of your assertions: that leftists or Obama think taxes should be on gross revenue and not net.

Until you can you look like an idiot.
except for the fact that there is talk that some things that are deductable now wont be in the future
under the plans they are releasing
The talk I've heard isn't that some things won't be deductible, but they won't be as deductible. For instance, a charitable deduction will be worth 28cents to your bottom line instead of 35cents (upper bracket earners only, everyone else will still only get a 15cent). So basically, a roll back to what it was under Ronnie..which all red blooded Republicans should cheer, right?

It isn't spelled out anywhere that I've seen.
Pubic, until you can prove your point with one single post or quote from Obama I will continue to believe you are nothing more than a conspiracy theorist on par with those that think Bush was behind 9/11.

To borrow a phrase from're a moron.
You're not waiting on me... All I'm waiting on is for the admin-Gunny to email me to inform me that he has $1000 on deposit from you, which is a 5:1 risk value which you place on the table to make it worth my while to refute you baseless assertion...

This $1,000 "wager" thing is just pathetic.

You're a coward. Plain and simple.
You're not waiting on me... All I'm waiting on is for the admin-Gunny to email me to inform me that he has $1000 on deposit from you, which is a 5:1 risk value which you place on the table to make it worth my while to refute you baseless assertion...

This $1,000 "wager" thing is just pathetic.

You're a coward. Plain and simple.

Your SECOND concession on this issue, is duly noted and summarily accepted...

But your severe intellectual limitations have often been noted and given that... it's clear that you're doin' the best ya can... God bless ya.
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You're not waiting on me... All I'm waiting on is for the admin-Gunny to email me to inform me that he has $1000 on deposit from you, which is a 5:1 risk value which you place on the table to make it worth my while to refute you baseless assertion...

This $1,000 "wager" thing is just pathetic.

You're a coward. Plain and simple.

Your SECOND concession on this issue, is duly noted and summarily accepted...

I'll call your bluff but not for $1,000 ... a reasonable amount considering these are hard times. $20 will do.

I will set up a Pay Pal account later on tonight and set this up with Gunny tomorrow.

Show me a post that calls for businesses should be taxed on everything they take in and not just profit..

And it better be from before the original challenge.

Start searching.
Pubic, until you can prove your point with one single post or quote from Obama I will continue to believe you are nothing more than a conspiracy theorist on par with those that think Bush was behind 9/11.

To borrow a phrase from're a moron.

Obama is cutting the available deductions in his budget. Now if you'd like to show a distinction between his cutting deductions and the certainty that Leftists want to tax as close to the gross as is plausible, then do it...

And FTR: your FOURTH CONCESSION ON THIS ISSUE, wherein you admit, by default that you're full of LEFTIST CRAP... is duly noted and summarily ACCEPTED!
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This $1,000 "wager" thing is just pathetic.

You're a coward. Plain and simple.

Your SECOND concession on this issue, is duly noted and summarily accepted...

I'll call your bluff but not for $1,000 ... a reasonable amount considering these are hard times. $20 will do.

I will set up a Pay Pal account later on tonight and set this up with Gunny tomorrow.

Show me a post that calls for businesses should be taxed on everything they take in and not just profit..

And it better be from before the original challenge.

Start searching.


I'm waiting for you to accept, Pubalicious.
Pubalicious is clearly punking out and ignoring that his bluff has been called. He has even responded to posts made in this thread after I called so he can't say he hasn't read it.

What. A. Little. Bitch.
This $1,000 "wager" thing is just pathetic.

You're a coward. Plain and simple.

Your SECOND concession on this issue, is duly noted and summarily accepted...

I'll call your bluff but not for $1,000 ... a reasonable amount considering these are hard times. $20 will do.

I will set up a Pay Pal account later on tonight and set this up with Gunny tomorrow.

Show me a post that calls for businesses should be taxed on everything they take in and not just profit..

And it better be from before the original challenge.

Start searching.

20 WHOLE DOLLARS? The terms are set out above... they're not negotiable. What's more dummy... is it's NOT DISPUTABLE. Do you HONESTLY believe that LEFTISTS are not out there advocating that companies be taxed at their gross?

Now, Sis I know that you're not very bright, but this is taking it to the ABSURD!

What the hell do you think all the fuss about DEDUCTIONS ARE ABOUT? Hells bells, the entire accounting INDUSTRY makes hundreds of Billions of dollars JUST TO CERTIFY THE NET of a business... Now if you idiots ARE NOT working towards KILLING DEDUCTIONS... WHY DO WE HAVE TO HIRE A SPECIALIST JUST TO TELL YOU WHAT OUR NET IS?

So... c'mon jackass... it's a done freakin' deal... there is a leftist out there somehwere RIGHT NOW, demanding that "Corporations should be taxed on their gross sales!"....

BUT! If you just need to unload some coin, I'll be happy to help ya out... You stand to gain the CHANCE that I will not be able to produce a post by some jackass declaring that corporations should be taxed at their gross... The Site will earn $150 for holding your deposit, no matter what happens... and should I fail to produce the post, you'll have your $1000 returned whole... and the elusive braggin' rights that you took the bear down. You'd be the Davey Crocket of USMB...

Of course what WILL happen is I'll go find the necessary post, the site will get their $150 and I'll take the $790 for services rendered...

Now that's as fair as I can be... I've told you exactly why you shouldn't; I've told you exactly what ya need to do TO DO IT... if you must and I've told you what is going to happen if you do.

So knock yourself out.

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