No, the Future Is Not Female

It is time for men to take over once again. Why are men letting women emasculate them? Everything great that was made, was made by men. Every war ever won was won by men. Most of the great novels, written by men. That's not said to put down women but facts be the facts. It is time for men to stand up against the identity politics of those like Clinton. We did it last election, we need to do more.

Identity politics lost her the election and she is still hard at it. Kinda tells me the future is not lesbian.


In fact, it’s probably full of people who have had it with identity politics.
By Heather Wilhelm

On Tuesday, after a month of quasi-hibernation, Hillary Clinton emerged from the political wilderness to give her first video address since the inauguration of her always-colorful nemesis, Donald Trump. It was a golden opportunity to show grace, introspection, and clarity. But since Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton, she decided to go ahead and alienate half of the human race instead.
Addressing the 2017 MAKERS conference, where a bunch of mostly well-off, left-leaning ladies get together in California to celebrate the “trailblazing women of today and tomorrow,” Clinton delivered the usual hazy feminist boilerplate. But amid the vague calls for women to “dare greatly” and “lead boldly” and break glass ceilings, there was also this doozy of a line: “Despite all the challenges we face,” Clinton said, “I remain convinced that, yes, the future is female.”

I agree. We need to start teaching our young girls to take care of their children and our sons to start being men again!
OP- More female than today. We have the lowest female % of government of the modern world. And the highest percentage of stupid men- the New BS GOP. OK, not stupid, brainwashed, ignorant, and misinformed.
Feminism has run amok, and everyone is sick of it except the idiot progressives and their cuck beta male counterparts. Feminists like Hillary are all about promoting that more women need to be in high paying executive and management jobs, but never say anything about all the dirty, dangerous jobs that men do. Why isn't she promoting a female draft in order to staff the military with 50% females? Oh, because dumb feminist c*nts like her aren't really for equality when it comes to dangerous and low paying jobs.

No one has anything against a competent woman in the workplace making as much money as a man. This claim that women get paid less to do the same work as a man is horseshit. If women did the same work as a man, just as good as a man, for less money, then every company would hire nothing but women. They just can't accept the fact that many women are lousy at their jobs and are only there for affirmative action reasons.
Wow. Curious how republican women on the board will respond to this.
Here's one:
I think the vagina parade upset him. But sweet of him to think men were ever in control.
Behind every great man and all......
Aw very cute sweetheart. Why don't you go freshen up and let us boys get back to our conversation?

Threatened by the presence of a woman, are you, love? At any rate, I think I'll stay. Deal...
My wife and I have six daughters and two sons between us (blended family). The girls can more than hold their own in this world and are young ladies to boot. They are deeply caring people and definitely not to be crossed; especially the one who did Ag Science and can keep cattle and other stock in line with the best of them. The lads know not to mess with her.


The future belongs to our children and to us until we vacate.

Wow. Curious how republican women on the board will respond to this.
So am I. The OP was worded in a way that could be misunderstood. My hope is people in poor social economic conditions learn from generational mistakes and do better than their predecessors. Make better decisions, live up to their obligations (babies/kids), and live a more fulfilling life. Men need to start behaving as men, no matter the challenges they face. Figure it out.
Wow. Curious how republican women on the board will respond to this.
My prediction, they will see what I am doing and why I posted what I did. They will do so because they are smarter then the majority of women like Hillary.
If they are smarter, we'll never know. Because they chose to be docile, submissive republican women. Oh well.
I believe blackflag is all talk. I am curious about his role in the home. Do his parents get tired of taking meals down to the basement?
Wow. Curious how republican women on the board will respond to this.
My prediction, they will see what I am doing and why I posted what I did. They will do so because they are smarter then the majority of women like Hillary.
If they are smarter, we'll never know. Because they chose to be docile, submissive republican women. Oh well.
I believe blackflag is all talk. I am curious about his role in the home. Do his parents get tired of taking meals down to the basement?
Do yours?
Wow. Curious how republican women on the board will respond to this.
My prediction, they will see what I am doing and why I posted what I did. They will do so because they are smarter then the majority of women like Hillary.
If they are smarter, we'll never know. Because they chose to be docile, submissive republican women. Oh well.
I believe blackflag is all talk. I am curious about his role in the home. Do his parents get tired of taking meals down to the basement?
Do yours?
An ass says what?
Wow. Curious how republican women on the board will respond to this.
My prediction, they will see what I am doing and why I posted what I did. They will do so because they are smarter then the majority of women like Hillary.
If they are smarter, we'll never know. Because they chose to be docile, submissive republican women. Oh well.
I believe blackflag is all talk. I am curious about his role in the home. Do his parents get tired of taking meals down to the basement?
Do yours?
An ass says what?
Oops you just did

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