No….they don't want to get rid of our guns…they just said so, as they put up legislation to do it...

that individual posting is truly mentally ill...and I am being serious...there is something that did not develop in their brain..and the brains of all liberal/ lefties.........they are what I call reality dyslexic and you can see it in their posts..they call us cowards for carrying a tool..........

I wonder if such people consider those who wear seatbelts to be cowards, or those who own fire extinguishers to be cowards, or those who have life insurance to be cowards.

Probably not. They only hate guns.
Are you confused? I already told you those people have a rational expectation of the need for a gun.

My elderly mother also has a rational expectation of the need for a gun. Why do you consider her to be a coward when you give a free pass to a security guard?
Yes…they want to get rid of our guns and only lack the ability to do it… they had the power those guns would be gone in a flash….

CPRC at National Review: "A Semi-Automatic Handgun Ban Wouldn’t Stop Mass Shooters" - Crime Prevention Research Center

From Georgia to California, Democratic legislators have introduced bills to ban all semi-automatic rifles or even all semi-automatics, period. In the New York Times this month, Thomas Friedman called for “bans on the manufacture and sale of all semi-automatic and other military-style guns.” The city council of Lexington, Mass., is seeking to “ban the ownership of semi-automatic or fully automatic weapons able to hold ammunition clips containing more than ten rounds.”
Well over half of the guns sold in the U.S. are semi-automatic. And, if a gun can accept a magazine, that magazine can be of pretty much any size. So the “ten round” rule is meaningless. So, with the exception of a few specialty guns, these rules would in effect ban all semi-automatic guns.
This Democrat goal is nothing new, of course — in 1998, Illinois state senator Barack Obama supported a “ban on the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons” — but for years, gun-control advocates wanted to ban guns based on appearances. Now, instead of arbitrarily going after guns because of how they look, Democrats are at least being logically consistent and talking about banning guns based on how they function.

But no…they really don't want to ban our guns…….right?

Only a coward thinks he needs to be armed to face the world, You should seek counseling for your debilitating fear.
Only fearful people want to ban guns

Only people in your imagination want to ban guns. Can you name one legitimate effort to take your guns?
So trying to ban ALL semi automatic weapons is not trying to ban firearms? What are you stupid?
Only a coward think's he needs a fire extinguisher when making Banana's Foster.....

were you attacked by a banana?

It's not the banana, its the fire. by your logic people who take the precaution of having a fire extinguisher with them when they flambe' something are "cowards"

I've said many times. I don't have a problem if you want to strap a fire extinguisher to your leg and prance around town.

Yet you have an issue with your fellow citizens wanting to defend themselves with a simple handgun.....

Who's afraid of what or who?

No reason to believe someone carrying a gun knows how to use it or has the reasoning ability to know when to use it. Not many innocent bystanders killed by someone misusing a fire extinguisher.
Go ahead provide for us a list and a link to all the innocent bystanders accidentally killed by legal firearms owners I remind you ACCIDENTALLY.
The fact is folks that rifles of any kind are used in very few murders

More people are killed by fists and feet than by any type of rifle so this call to restrict or ban any semiautomatic is nothing but knee jerk reactionary fear
Not fear. Most shootings are done with handguns, which have no purpose except to kill people. However, if a nutcase wants to go shoot up a Starbucks or a movie theater, let him or her do it one slow bullet at a time. Less damage that way. I have no idea what O'Malley is doing in the race, but I like what he said, "No self-respecting hunter I've ever met needs an AR-15 to take down a deer."

You don't even know what an AR 15 is

Here let me educate you

This AR15

Is functionally no different than this rifle


And people use the latter for hunting all the time

Are they both semi-automatics? Great! Ban them both. One bullet at a time, nice and slow, to take down your animal. Those magazines with super #'s of bullets aren't necessary, either. Thanks for the pictures, though.

Who are you to tell anyone what's necessary or not?

FYI did you know that rifles of any kind are used in less murders than fists and feet or knives or baseball bats?

No you didn't did you?
Only a coward thinks he needs to be armed to face the world, You should seek counseling for your debilitating fear.

Gun-Toting Grandma Stops Would-Be Assailant

An elderly woman is a coward because she wants a gun for self defense? Really?

So that incident proves everybody should be armed all the time? That's nuts.

No one ever said everyone should be armed at all times but the fact is that legally armed citizens are not the threat you pose them to be
His job requires it because he has a realistic expectation of needing it.

Everyone has a realistic expectation of needing to defend one's self or someone else.

Or can you guarantee that some random grandmother may never need to defend herself with a firearm?

Just because I can't guarantee that something won't ever happen doesn't mean it's reasonable to expect it every day.

So tell me do you have insurance you know disability , homeowners, flood , life etc

You have all those yet you don't expect to use them every day

Being armed is self defense insurance you know you won't need it every day but you're sure as fuck glad you have it when it is needed

I keep collision and fire insurance on all my vehicles even though I have never used it and legally don't have to have it I guess I live in fear of my car getting hit or catching fire
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Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.

Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

It is not a loophole….private individuals selling private property do not have to do a background check. If I am a private seller I can sell my gun at my home, at your home or at a gun show unless their rules don't allow it…..there is no loophole, it is called freedom to sell my own property. Any licensed gun dealer at a gun show has to do a federal background check….what is it about that fact that you twits don't get.
Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.

Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

It is not a loophole….private individuals selling private property do not have to do a background check. If I am a private seller I can sell my gun at my home, at your home or at a gun show unless their rules don't allow it…..there is no loophole, it is called freedom to sell my own property. Any licensed gun dealer at a gun show has to do a federal background check….what is it about that fact that you twits don't get.

Funny how people who do things according to the law but in a manner others don't like is considered a loophole. I call it following the law.
Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.

Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

The only reason you anti gun twits want background checks is to get gun registration, and then confiscation. We have shown countless times that background checks do nothing at all to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.
Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.

Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

The only reason you anti gun twits want background checks is to get gun registration, and then confiscation. We have shown countless times that background checks do nothing at all to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.

No. You have said it countless times. You haven't shown shit.
Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.

Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

The only reason you anti gun twits want background checks is to get gun registration, and then confiscation. We have shown countless times that background checks do nothing at all to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.

No. You have said it countless times. You haven't shown shit.

Yes we have……we have shown that current federally mandated background checks and any future, Universal Background checks are easily bypassed by criminals…they either steal the gun, by it from those who have already gotten it illegally, or send in a straw buyer to get the gun…making the background check meaningless…..

Mass shooters….they all passed background checks except for one or two who bought their guns illegally (columbine) or stole the guns (Sandy Hook)…..again, making background checks meaningless……

the only one who faces a problem…the normal, law abiding gun owner, who may fill out the paperwork wrong, or have a name similar to someone who can't pass a background check…

There…I showed you again…..
Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.

Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

The only reason you anti gun twits want background checks is to get gun registration, and then confiscation. We have shown countless times that background checks do nothing at all to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.

No. You have said it countless times. You haven't shown shit.

Yes we have……we have shown that current federally mandated background checks and any future, Universal Background checks are easily bypassed by criminals…they either steal the gun, by it from those who have already gotten it illegally, or send in a straw buyer to get the gun…making the background check meaningless…..

Mass shooters….they all passed background checks except for one or two who bought their guns illegally (columbine) or stole the guns (Sandy Hook)…..again, making background checks meaningless……

the only one who faces a problem…the normal, law abiding gun owner, who may fill out the paperwork wrong, or have a name similar to someone who can't pass a background check…

There…I showed you again…..

I'm sure every gun nut here is right with you. The majority of NRA members, Republicans, Democrats, the entire country disagrees with you.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.

Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

The only reason you anti gun twits want background checks is to get gun registration, and then confiscation. We have shown countless times that background checks do nothing at all to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.

No. You have said it countless times. You haven't shown shit.

Yes we have……we have shown that current federally mandated background checks and any future, Universal Background checks are easily bypassed by criminals…they either steal the gun, by it from those who have already gotten it illegally, or send in a straw buyer to get the gun…making the background check meaningless…..

Mass shooters….they all passed background checks except for one or two who bought their guns illegally (columbine) or stole the guns (Sandy Hook)…..again, making background checks meaningless……

the only one who faces a problem…the normal, law abiding gun owner, who may fill out the paperwork wrong, or have a name similar to someone who can't pass a background check…

There…I showed you again…..

I'm sure every gun nut here is right with you. The majority of NRA members, Republicans, Democrats, the entire country disagrees with you.

Wrong….those who say they agree with background checks don't have the slightest clue what the real issue is because the anti gun twits doing the poll aren't telling them the truth. They lie in the poll to get that result, because if they told the truth no one would agree with the poll…..
Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

The only reason you anti gun twits want background checks is to get gun registration, and then confiscation. We have shown countless times that background checks do nothing at all to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.

No. You have said it countless times. You haven't shown shit.

Yes we have……we have shown that current federally mandated background checks and any future, Universal Background checks are easily bypassed by criminals…they either steal the gun, by it from those who have already gotten it illegally, or send in a straw buyer to get the gun…making the background check meaningless…..

Mass shooters….they all passed background checks except for one or two who bought their guns illegally (columbine) or stole the guns (Sandy Hook)…..again, making background checks meaningless……

the only one who faces a problem…the normal, law abiding gun owner, who may fill out the paperwork wrong, or have a name similar to someone who can't pass a background check…

There…I showed you again…..

I'm sure every gun nut here is right with you. The majority of NRA members, Republicans, Democrats, the entire country disagrees with you.

Wrong….those who say they agree with background checks don't have the slightest clue what the real issue is because the anti gun twits doing the poll aren't telling them the truth. They lie in the poll to get that result, because if they told the truth no one would agree with the poll…..

So it's another conspiracy. Got it.
Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.
Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Nothing here changes the fact that -you- lied.
The proof is in the links, provided below.
Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.

Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

It is not a loophole
He knows this, just as he knows he's lying about it.

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