No….they don't want to get rid of our guns…they just said so, as they put up legislation to do it...

The only reason you anti gun twits want background checks is to get gun registration, and then confiscation. We have shown countless times that background checks do nothing at all to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.

No. You have said it countless times. You haven't shown shit.

Yes we have……we have shown that current federally mandated background checks and any future, Universal Background checks are easily bypassed by criminals…they either steal the gun, by it from those who have already gotten it illegally, or send in a straw buyer to get the gun…making the background check meaningless…..

Mass shooters….they all passed background checks except for one or two who bought their guns illegally (columbine) or stole the guns (Sandy Hook)…..again, making background checks meaningless……

the only one who faces a problem…the normal, law abiding gun owner, who may fill out the paperwork wrong, or have a name similar to someone who can't pass a background check…

There…I showed you again…..

I'm sure every gun nut here is right with you. The majority of NRA members, Republicans, Democrats, the entire country disagrees with you.

Wrong….those who say they agree with background checks don't have the slightest clue what the real issue is because the anti gun twits doing the poll aren't telling them the truth. They lie in the poll to get that result, because if they told the truth no one would agree with the poll…..

So it's another conspiracy. Got it.

No….the poll question does not cover the issue and people are responding to what most people think without a deep understanding of the issue…..most people, for example, see Universal Background Check and think it is for actual sales of guns…they don't realize that mayor bloomberg and everytown for gun safety means "Transfers"……that is I loan you my gun at the range….I ask you to keep my guns when I go on vacation….I take your gun safety class and you provide sample guns…..

They don't realize that the definition of "Transfer" means I can't sell a gun to my son without a background check…..or my wife…..

So it isn't a conspiracy…it is activist journalism and poll taking...
Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.
Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Nothing here changes the fact that -you- lied.
The proof is in the links, provided below.

Pointing out that you are an idiot is hardly a lie.
Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber.
Because you lie about current gun laws in order to convince others that stronger laws are needed.
Proof of your lie? See the links in my sig.
Just because you are dumb enough to believe fox when they say there is no gun show loophole doesn't mean the loophole doesn't exist.
Nothing here changes the fact that -you- lied.
The proof is in the links, provided below.
Pointing out that you are an idiot is hardly a lie.
Says the proven liar.

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