No….they don't want to get rid of our guns…they just said so, as they put up legislation to do it...

His job requires it because he has a realistic expectation of needing it.

Everyone has a realistic expectation of needing to defend one's self or someone else.

Or can you guarantee that some random grandmother will never need to defend herself with a firearm?
His job requires it because he has a realistic expectation of needing it.

Everyone has a realistic expectation of needing to defend one's self or someone else.

Or can you guarantee that some random grandmother may never need to defend herself with a firearm?

Just because I can't guarantee that something won't ever happen doesn't mean it's reasonable to expect it every day.
Just because I can't guarantee that something won't ever happen doesn't mean it's reasonable to expect it every day.

So you can't guarantee that my mother will never be attacked and need to defend herself with a gun. And, despite the fact that you can't guarantee this will never happen, you consider her a coward for being prepared to defend her life.

What a creep.
It's coming. You'd better believe it. The number of hunters and other outdoor types is on the downturn. This new generation doesn't even venture outdoors much at all. They are a fat bunch of couch and entitlement potatoes. Most are terribly obese and out of shape. They walk around taking selfies and texting. They have little interest in sports at all. Most have been spoon-fed a bunch of junk by their Liberal teachers and are incapable of independent thought.

Being a hunter or outdoors man doesn't make you a gun nut. Being a coward who thinks he need to hide behind a gun all the time makes you a gun nut

Well, I'm hardly qualified to be a gun nut. Having lost my right arm, I can't handle a rifle or shotgun and I can't hit the side of a barn with a pistol in my left hand. I do however realize that it is the hunters who actually support most of the wildlife preservation efforts with the money they spend on license fees, tags, etc., and keep the wildlife population healthy. I have absolutely no problem with gun owners. Let them spend their money any way they wish to spend it.

I'm on of those gun owners. The large majority of us believe reasonable restrictions are the best safest way to deal with guns. Gun nuts who prance around town with a gun strapped to their leg are an entirely different group.
Define reasonable?

Because it seems to me the gun grabbers are anything but reasonable

I'm not going down that road with you. You have made it clear that you think ANY efforts are unreasonable. Perhaps you might tell what, if anything, you think would be reasonable, or are you one of those that just say nothing should ever be done to reduce the problem of unnecessary gun deaths..

that is know you can't rationally justify any of the gun control measures pushed by you and your ilk because they have been repeatedly shown to be useless at actually stopping criminals and mass shooters and geared solely to make it harder and more legally risky for normal gun owners......nice try though.....
Just because I can't guarantee that something won't ever happen doesn't mean it's reasonable to expect it every day.

So you can't guarantee that my mother will never be attacked and need to defend herself with a gun. And, despite the fact that you can't guarantee this will never happen, you consider her a coward for being prepared to defend her life.

What a creep.

Doesn't matter who or how old. If you are so afraid of the world till you feel the need to hide behind a gun all the time you are a coward.
The fact is folks that rifles of any kind are used in very few murders

More people are killed by fists and feet than by any type of rifle so this call to restrict or ban any semiautomatic is nothing but knee jerk reactionary fear
Not fear. Most shootings are done with handguns, which have no purpose except to kill people. However, if a nutcase wants to go shoot up a Starbucks or a movie theater, let him or her do it one slow bullet at a time. Less damage that way. I have no idea what O'Malley is doing in the race, but I like what he said, "No self-respecting hunter I've ever met needs an AR-15 to take down a deer."

handguns are the majority weapon Americans use 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives...according to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama........

and the primary purpose of a gun is to save lives...the lives of the owner and those they protect........
Doesn't matter who or how old. If you are so afraid of the world till you feel the need to hide behind a gun all the time you are a coward.

I'll convey your sentiment to all the security guards, police officers, secret service, and soldiers I encounter.
Being a hunter or outdoors man doesn't make you a gun nut. Being a coward who thinks he need to hide behind a gun all the time makes you a gun nut

Well, I'm hardly qualified to be a gun nut. Having lost my right arm, I can't handle a rifle or shotgun and I can't hit the side of a barn with a pistol in my left hand. I do however realize that it is the hunters who actually support most of the wildlife preservation efforts with the money they spend on license fees, tags, etc., and keep the wildlife population healthy. I have absolutely no problem with gun owners. Let them spend their money any way they wish to spend it.

I'm on of those gun owners. The large majority of us believe reasonable restrictions are the best safest way to deal with guns. Gun nuts who prance around town with a gun strapped to their leg are an entirely different group.
Define reasonable?

Because it seems to me the gun grabbers are anything but reasonable

I'm not going down that road with you. You have made it clear that you think ANY efforts are unreasonable. Perhaps you might tell what, if anything, you think would be reasonable, or are you one of those that just say nothing should ever be done to reduce the problem of unnecessary gun deaths..

that is know you can't rationally justify any of the gun control measures pushed by you and your ilk because they have been repeatedly shown to be useless at actually stopping criminals and mass shooters and geared solely to make it harder and more legally risky for normal gun owners......nice try though.....

As expected you are opposed to anything that might save the unnecessary loss of life. Typical gun nut.
I have no idea what O'Malley is doing in the race, but I like what he said, "No self-respecting hunter I've ever met needs an AR-15 to take down a deer."

No, they'll use a 270 or 30-06 which has 5 times the muzzle energy of an AR-15.

Stupid fucking liberals.
Doesn't matter who or how old. If you are so afraid of the world till you feel the need to hide behind a gun all the time you are a coward.

I'll convey your sentiment to all the security guards, police officers, secret service, and soldiers I encounter.

Are you confused? I already told you those people have a rational expectation of the need for a gun.
It's not the banana, its the fire. by your logic people who take the precaution of having a fire extinguisher with them when they flambe' something are "cowards"

I've said many times. I don't have a problem if you want to strap a fire extinguisher to your leg and prance around town.

Yet you have an issue with your fellow citizens wanting to defend themselves with a simple handgun.....

Who's afraid of what or who?

No reason to believe someone carrying a gun knows how to use it or has the reasoning ability to know when to use it. Not many innocent bystanders killed by someone misusing a fire extinguisher.

But the possibility exists. Also, how many legal CCW permit holders have killed innocent bystanders?

More often than you think. You hear about the woman who shot up the Home Depot parking lot trying to be John Wayne, or the Guy in Houston trying to stop a car theft who shot the owner of the car in the head?

accidental gun deaths in 2013 from the cdc...505.

guns in private hands in 2013... 320 million. any standards that is an incredible safety record.

how many people carried guns in2013... 11.1 million...

and 505 accidental gun any standards that is an amazing safety record.

how many times did Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives.....1.5 million according to Bill the plus column to gun ownership far outnumbers the negative column.......

gun murders by intentional, illegal use of a gun, the majority of which are criminals murdering other criminals.....

8,124 in 2014.... Vs. ..... 1.5 million violent criminal attacks stopped by A,ericans with guns...

In no universe do those statistics back up any claim made by anti gun extremists...or justify the legal actions they are taking to ban those guns from the hands of normal, gun owning Americans.
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The fact is folks that rifles of any kind are used in very few murders

More people are killed by fists and feet than by any type of rifle so this call to restrict or ban any semiautomatic is nothing but knee jerk reactionary fear
Not fear. Most shootings are done with handguns, which have no purpose except to kill people. However, if a nutcase wants to go shoot up a Starbucks or a movie theater, let him or her do it one slow bullet at a time. Less damage that way. I have no idea what O'Malley is doing in the race, but I like what he said, "No self-respecting hunter I've ever met needs an AR-15 to take down a deer."

You don't even know what an AR 15 is

Here let me educate you

This AR15

Is functionally no different than this rifle


And people use the latter for hunting all the time

Are they both semi-automatics? Great! Ban them both. One bullet at a time, nice and slow, to take down your animal. Those magazines with super #'s of bullets aren't necessary, either. Thanks for the pictures, though.

yes they are necessary because you do not know how many attackers you will have or wether you will be injured.....having enough ammo in a standard magazine means you don't have to attempt to change,the magazine when you are injured, when your small motor skills are compromised......
The fact is folks that rifles of any kind are used in very few murders

More people are killed by fists and feet than by any type of rifle so this call to restrict or ban any semiautomatic is nothing but knee jerk reactionary fear
Not fear. Most shootings are done with handguns, which have no purpose except to kill people. However, if a nutcase wants to go shoot up a Starbucks or a movie theater, let him or her do it one slow bullet at a time. Less damage that way. I have no idea what O'Malley is doing in the race, but I like what he said, "No self-respecting hunter I've ever met needs an AR-15 to take down a deer."

You don't even know what an AR 15 is

Here let me educate you

This AR15

Is functionally no different than this rifle


And people use the latter for hunting all the time

Are they both semi-automatics? Great! Ban them both. One bullet at a time, nice and slow, to take down your animal. Those magazines with super #'s of bullets aren't necessary, either. Thanks for the pictures, though.

and we know that you are exactly the gun grabber attitude of all of just admit it.....and even one shot guns won't be good enough for the likes of you...those too will one day be banned by you if you have a chance....
Are you confused? I already told you those people have a rational expectation of the need for a gun.

Person A has a rational expectation that there is a 50% chance he may need a gun today and without that gun he may be killed. Coward in your book?

Person B has a rational expectation that there is a 10% chance he may need a gun today and without that gun he may be killed. Coward in your book?

Person C has a rational expectation that there is a 1% chance he may need a gun today and without that gun he may be killed. Coward in your book?

Person D has a rational expectation that there is a 0.01% chance he may need a gun today and without that gun he may be killed. Coward in your book?
If she is expecting an attack every day, she must be a nervous wreck. I won't live like that.

It astounds me that a young healthy male would call an old woman a coward for prudently choosing to carry a self-defense tool that eventually turned out to save her life.

What a repulsive and anti-human position. No wonder nobody takes gun-grabbers seriously.

that individual posting is truly mentally ill...and I am being serious...there is something that did not develop in their brain..and the brains of all liberal/ lefties.........they are what I call reality dyslexic and you can see it in their posts..they call us cowards for carrying a tool..........
If she is expecting an attack every day, she must be a nervous wreck. I won't live like that.

It astounds me that a young healthy male would call an old woman a coward for prudently choosing to carry a self-defense tool that eventually turned out to save her life.

What a repulsive and anti-human position. No wonder nobody takes gun-grabbers seriously.

Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber. I have guns myself. I'm just not a gun nut.

almost all gun grabbers have guns for themselves...Bloomberg, Obama, the wealthy ones simply have other people carry the gun for them......the less wealthy ones have their own guns but want everyone else disarmed...

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