No….they don't want to get rid of our guns…they just said so, as they put up legislation to do it...

So that incident proves everybody should be armed all the time? That's nuts.

It calls into question your statement that, "Only a coward thinks he needs to be armed to face the world, You should seek counseling for your debilitating fear." If only a coward thinks she needs to be armed, are you saying that this lady is a coward?
Only a coward thinks he needs to be armed to face the world, You should seek counseling for your debilitating fear.

Gun-Toting Grandma Stops Would-Be Assailant

An elderly woman is a coward because she wants a gun for self defense? Really?

My neighbor's hog dog got out and was running at me. I was doing some yard work so I had a garden hose in my hand. When I squirted him, he ran away. Does that mean I shouldn't go outside without having that hose in my hand? No. It means things worked out good that time.
So that incident proves everybody should be armed all the time? That's nuts.

It calls into question your statement that, "Only a coward thinks he needs to be armed to face the world, You should seek counseling for your debilitating fear." If only a coward thinks she needs to be armed, are you saying that this lady is a coward?

You're reading a lot more into it than there is.
My neighbor's hog dog got out and was running at me. I was doing some yard work so I had a garden hose in my hand. When I squirted him, he ran away. Does that mean I shouldn't go outside without having that hose in my hand? No. It means things worked out good that time.

Whether you go out with a hose in your hand or not is your own business. I don't care.

So is the lady a coward or not?
My neighbor's hog dog got out and was running at me. I was doing some yard work so I had a garden hose in my hand. When I squirted him, he ran away. Does that mean I shouldn't go outside without having that hose in my hand? No. It means things worked out good that time.

Whether you go out with a hose in your hand or not is your own business. I don't care.

So is the lady a coward or not?

If she feels the need to have a gun with her at all times, yes. Why else would you need to have a gun at all times?
If she feels the need to have a gun with her at all times, yes.

Are you serious? Really? This old woman is a coward because she realizes that she is weaker than a potential attacker and carries a self-defense tool to protect her life.

Well at least I know how seriously to take your opinion on such matters.

Why else would you need to have a gun at all times?

Maybe she wants to defend herself from attackers. You know, like the one who held a knife to her throat.

So do you consider police officers, secret service agents, security guards, and soldiers to be cowards too?
If she feels the need to have a gun with her at all times, yes.

Are you serious? Really? This old woman is a coward because she realizes that she is weaker than a potential attacker and carries a self-defense tool to protect her life.

Why else would you need to have a gun at all times?

Maybe she wants to defend herself from attackers. You know, like the one who held a knife to her throat.

If she is expecting an attack every day, she must be a nervous wreck. I won't live like that.
If she is expecting an attack every day, she must be a nervous wreck. I won't live like that.

It astounds me that a young healthy male would call an old woman a coward for prudently choosing to carry a self-defense tool that eventually turned out to save her life.

What a repulsive and anti-human position. No wonder nobody takes gun-grabbers seriously.
If she feels the need to have a gun with her at all times, yes.

Are you serious? Really? This old woman is a coward because she realizes that she is weaker than a potential attacker and carries a self-defense tool to protect her life.

Well at least I know how seriously to take your opinion on such matters.

Why else would you need to have a gun at all times?

Maybe she wants to defend herself from attackers. You know, like the one who held a knife to her throat.

So do you consider police officers, secret service agents, security guards, and soldiers to be cowards too?

The ones you listed have a legitimate reason to be armed.
If she is expecting an attack every day, she must be a nervous wreck. I won't live like that.

It astounds me that a young healthy male would call an old woman a coward for prudently choosing to carry a self-defense tool that eventually turned out to save her life.

What a repulsive and anti-human position. No wonder nobody takes gun-grabbers seriously.

Not sure why you think I'm a gun grabber. I have guns myself. I'm just not a gun nut.
The ones you listed have a legitimate reason to be armed.

Ah, you don't consider a security guard to be a coward? Why not? His fear drives him to feel the need to be armed, does it not? How is that not cowardice?

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