NO to all mail in ballots for this election

28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
No one in the military is going to lose their voting rights. Come on.
First of all they don't do mail in ballots the way that some democrats are wanting to do.
ya, how do they do it then
You mean other then having ballots for those that are no longer in the military or those that died in battle?
I mead how do military persone vote in thier home state. you say it is not how democrat think then enighten us.
I want to point out that trump votes by mail in ballot.

If it's good enough for trump, it's good enough for everyone else.
avoiding the question? What democratic hellhole state do you live in?
At least with mail in voting we have a paper trail , which republicans do not want!!
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
No one in the military is going to lose their voting rights. Come on.
First of all they don't do mail in ballots the way that some democrats are wanting to do.
ya, how do they do it then
You mean other then having ballots for those that are no longer in the military or those that died in battle?
I mead how do military persone vote in thier home state. you say it is not how democrat think then enighten us.
Took awhile to decode your terrible use of the English language.
And in answer to your question read my last post to you. If it was too much then have someone explain it to you.
If you don't think that ballots will be mailed to people that are dead, have moved to another state or are not eligible to vote you obviously don't understand the inefficiency of government. If you don't think that there are people that will not take advantage of a ballot that is not filled out to fill it out they way they want then you have not spent time on any political forum and do not even understand human nature
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
No one in the military is going to lose their voting rights. Come on.
First of all they don't do mail in ballots the way that some democrats are wanting to do.
ya, how do they do it then
You mean other then having ballots for those that are no longer in the military or those that died in battle?
I mead how do military persone vote in thier home state. you say it is not how democrat think then enighten us.
Took awhile to decode your terrible use of the English language.
And in answer to your question read my last post to you. If it was too much then have someone explain it to you.
If you don't think that ballots will be mailed to people that are dead, have moved to another state or are not eligible to vote you obviously don't understand the inefficiency of government. If you don't think that there are people that will not take advantage of a ballot that is not filled out to fill it out they way they want then you have not spent time on any political forum and do not even understand human nature
now your fucking snitch ass states it aint how democrats think so how is it done then dumb fuck. ya i know you snitched on me the last time we argued. So you stated it is not how we think. then how is it done you dumb fuck snitch. Do not want to answer because it is done by absentee ballot. So tell me you claim to be a gunnery sargent and you want to rid the military of thier voting rights. Seems to me you are as full of shit as you are stupid. you fucking snitch.;
At least with mail in voting we have a paper trail , which republicans do not want!!
Why is there no paper trail with voting in person? When I vote I take the paper ballot and after I have made my choices I drop it in the ballot box. So no paper trail is just another Democratic lie
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If you can go to the grocery store, you can go to the polling station.
This is the fucking dumbest excuse ever.
So explain to me why it is more dangerous to go to a polling station than to a grocery store? Are you that afraid to come out of your house?
Wow not this "fear" bullshit like you are some sort of tough guy for not staying home. I have news,. it makes you dumber than shit.

I stay home to do my part to protect the American people from a deadly virus. I guess you are one of those assholes running around without a mask.

It is a risk to go to the grocery store. I do most by pick up. I have that option.

So why not have the option to vote by mail?

Wny are you assholes so afraid of more people voting?
You can cower under your bed indefinitely, no one will miss you.
How many ballots will you be sending in?
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
No one in the military is going to lose their voting rights. Come on.
First of all they don't do mail in ballots the way that some democrats are wanting to do.
ya, how do they do it then
You mean other then having ballots for those that are no longer in the military or those that died in battle?
I mead how do military persone vote in thier home state. you say it is not how democrat think then enighten us.
Took awhile to decode your terrible use of the English language.
And in answer to your question read my last post to you. If it was too much then have someone explain it to you.
If you don't think that ballots will be mailed to people that are dead, have moved to another state or are not eligible to vote you obviously don't understand the inefficiency of government. If you don't think that there are people that will not take advantage of a ballot that is not filled out to fill it out they way they want then you have not spent time on any political forum and do not even understand human nature
now your fucking snitch ass states it aint how democrats think so how is it done then dumb fuck. ya i know you snitched on me the last time we argued. So you stated it is not how we think. then how is it done you dumb fuck snitch. Do not want to answer because it is done by absentee ballot. So tell me you claim to be a gunnery sargent and you want to rid the military of thier voting rights. Seems to me you are as full of shit as you are stupid. you fucking snitch.;
How was that post not directed at Golfing Gator?
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
No one in the military is going to lose their voting rights. Come on.
First of all they don't do mail in ballots the way that some democrats are wanting to do.
ya, how do they do it then
You mean other then having ballots for those that are no longer in the military or those that died in battle?
I mead how do military persone vote in thier home state. you say it is not how democrat think then enighten us.
Took awhile to decode your terrible use of the English language.
And in answer to your question read my last post to you. If it was too much then have someone explain it to you.
If you don't think that ballots will be mailed to people that are dead, have moved to another state or are not eligible to vote you obviously don't understand the inefficiency of government. If you don't think that there are people that will not take advantage of a ballot that is not filled out to fill it out they way they want then you have not spent time on any political forum and do not even understand human nature
now your fucking snitch ass states it aint how democrats think so how is it done then dumb fuck. ya i know you snitched on me the last time we argued. So you stated it is not how we think. then how is it done you dumb fuck snitch. Do not want to answer because it is done by absentee ballot. So tell me you claim to be a gunnery sargent and you want to rid the military of thier voting rights. Seems to me you are as full of shit as you are stupid. you fucking snitch.;
Damn you just get funnier and funnier. I have no idea who you are nor do I have any idea when or where we would have debated. Obviously it meant more to you then it did to me. I don't know what you mean but snitch. Do you mean that you were outside and you think that I told the police about you?
The rest is total bull. Wipe the spittle of and get a grip.
I have never claimed to be a gunnery Sargent so in what deranged mental condition you think that I have no idea.
I see that you have resorted to the normal left idea of debate call four letter words and act deranged.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

I haven't gone to a voting place to vote since the 90s when I voted for Clinton a second time.

I signed up for permanent mail in ballot in the 90s.

In 2005 my state went 100% mail in ballot so no one can vote in person in my state.

A very interesting thing happened when we went to 100% mail in voting. More people voted. The numbers of people voting jumped.

Another thing happened, republicans stopped wining just about every election here.

That is why republicans don't want mail in voting. More people vote and republicans lose.

If a person is worried that their ballot won't make it to be counted there are a couple things a person can do. Take it to the county auditor's office yourself for them to count. Or go one line to check out of your ballot has been counted.

This bullshit about mail in ballots not being safe and secure is just that bullshit.

Republicans can't deny a person a ballot because of ID with a mail in ballot, republicans can't put broken or outdated voting machines in for people to use with a mail in ballot, republicans can't force people to stand in line for hours on end with a mail in ballot, republicans can't close voting places with mail in ballots, republicans can't move a voting place to in the middle of nowhere with mail in ballots. Finally, republicans can't scare people away from voting because people are worried about getting the virus and dying.

Republicans can't pull all their BS of denying people the right to vote with a mail in ballot. Republicans can't cheat. Which means more people will vote and republicans will lose.

That is the only reason why you have been brainwashed to not like mail in voting.

Which means a rock has more intelligence than you.
TL : DR You're a commie turnip, too.

False dichotomy with the either/or ridiculous comparison. You are derp. A leftist anti-American derp.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
No one in the military is going to lose their voting rights. Come on.
First of all they don't do mail in ballots the way that some democrats are wanting to do.
ya, how do they do it then
You mean other then having ballots for those that are no longer in the military or those that died in battle?
I mead how do military persone vote in thier home state. you say it is not how democrat think then enighten us.
Took awhile to decode your terrible use of the English language.
And in answer to your question read my last post to you. If it was too much then have someone explain it to you.
If you don't think that ballots will be mailed to people that are dead, have moved to another state or are not eligible to vote you obviously don't understand the inefficiency of government. If you don't think that there are people that will not take advantage of a ballot that is not filled out to fill it out they way they want then you have not spent time on any political forum and do not even understand human nature
now your fucking snitch ass states it aint how democrats think so how is it done then dumb fuck. ya i know you snitched on me the last time we argued. So you stated it is not how we think. then how is it done you dumb fuck snitch. Do not want to answer because it is done by absentee ballot. So tell me you claim to be a gunnery sargent and you want to rid the military of thier voting rights. Seems to me you are as full of shit as you are stupid. you fucking snitch.;
Damn you just get funnier and funnier. I have no idea who you are nor do I have any idea when or where we would have debated. Obviously it meant more to you then it did to me. I don't know what you mean but snitch. Do you mean that you were outside and you think that I told the police about you?
The rest is total bull. Wipe the spittle of and get a grip.
I have never claimed to be a gunnery Sargent so in what deranged mental condition you think that I have no idea.
I see that you have resorted to the normal left idea of debate call four letter words and act deranged.
so you will not put up and back your own words. not surprising. go fuck your self you fucking snithc. Now put on to stupid to pay attention to list.
At least with mail in voting we have a paper trail , which republicans do not want!!
Why is there no paper trail with voting in person? When I vote I take the paper ballot and after I have made my choices I drop it in the ballot box. So no paper trail is just another Democratic lie
I don't know if she is voting in any state. The ones that I have voted in ask for your name check it off on the copy of the voter rolls then either direct you to a voting booth for electronic voting or they hand you a ballot.
But it does make a good story for her to try and smear those not of her partisan liking.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.
Yes you republican twits know you do better in low turnout elections and you're willing to kill thousands of not tens of thousands to win elections so of course you're against anything that makes it easier and safer for folks to vote.

28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
No one in the military is going to lose their voting rights. Come on.
First of all they don't do mail in ballots the way that some democrats are wanting to do.
ya, how do they do it then
You mean other then having ballots for those that are no longer in the military or those that died in battle?
I mead how do military persone vote in thier home state. you say it is not how democrat think then enighten us.
Took awhile to decode your terrible use of the English language.
And in answer to your question read my last post to you. If it was too much then have someone explain it to you.
If you don't think that ballots will be mailed to people that are dead, have moved to another state or are not eligible to vote you obviously don't understand the inefficiency of government. If you don't think that there are people that will not take advantage of a ballot that is not filled out to fill it out they way they want then you have not spent time on any political forum and do not even understand human nature
now your fucking snitch ass states it aint how democrats think so how is it done then dumb fuck. ya i know you snitched on me the last time we argued. So you stated it is not how we think. then how is it done you dumb fuck snitch. Do not want to answer because it is done by absentee ballot. So tell me you claim to be a gunnery sargent and you want to rid the military of thier voting rights. Seems to me you are as full of shit as you are stupid. you fucking snitch.;
Damn you just get funnier and funnier. I have no idea who you are nor do I have any idea when or where we would have debated. Obviously it meant more to you then it did to me. I don't know what you mean but snitch. Do you mean that you were outside and you think that I told the police about you?
The rest is total bull. Wipe the spittle of and get a grip.
I have never claimed to be a gunnery Sargent so in what deranged mental condition you think that I have no idea.
I see that you have resorted to the normal left idea of debate call four letter words and act deranged.
so you will not put up and back your own words. not surprising. go fuck your self you fucking snithc. Now put on to stupid to pay attention to list.
If I decoded your last little rant correctly you are planning to ignore me? Thank god your bad manners, terrible use of the English language, and lack of common sense hurt my head.
There is no rational, objective, factual argument in opposition to voting by mail.

I will vote in person, virus be damned.
The mail carrier always gives us the neighbors mail, why the hell would I trust the Postal Service with something important?

The USPS is not to be trusted.
I ordered some fish sauce to make Pho and they said it was delivered and in the lock box by the mail boxes.
Fuken liars,it showed up the next day.

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