NO to all mail in ballots for this election

well i know the kind of carrier you speak of.....every station has at least one.....i hated going on vacation knowing this type of carrier would be on my route....

And, of course, they can't be fired for years (if at all), because they work for the government! Incompetence uber alles!
i have seen 15 to 20 fired in my time much for that myth....
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.
That means they were not cast. You destroyed your own argument
These ballots are in many cases automatically mailed out to the last known address until they are told to stop.

Some people are not interested in the election, may have moved, may have died.

They count as a ballot that was not cast.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.
That means they were not cast. You destroyed your own argument
These ballots are in many cases automatically mailed out to the last known address until they are told to stop.

Some people are not interested in the election, may have moved, may have died.

They count as a ballot that was not cast.
Correct. Hence no fraud committed.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

The right’s unwarranted opposition to voting by mail has nothing to with baseless fears of ‘corruption,’ and everything to do with Republicans losing when citizens exercise their right to vote.
Why don't they exercise it now?

I'll accept voting rights by mail on the day I can order a gun by mail. Until can exercise your rights in person just like I have to.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.
That means they were not cast. You destroyed your own argument
These ballots are in many cases automatically mailed out to the last known address until they are told to stop.

Some people are not interested in the election, may have moved, may have died.

They count as a ballot that was not cast.
the only way it stops is if the registrar of voters get current info about the person they mailed it too and correct many cases the carrier on that route will catch it and return it to the registrar with the reason it aint deliverable.....if someone at the registrar does not do their job and correct may get sent out again.....
We all know that there are going to be some Democrats cheating in this election. After what we've witnessed in the last 3 years, nothing they do will surprise me.
Very few illegal votes cast, of those illegal both Republican & Democrat. dishonest people are not dishonest by political party, they are just dishonest people who do what ever fits their agenda.
Here is why the Republicans have decided to come out against voting by mail.

Only something like 35% of Republicans think the virus is a threat and 65% of Democrats think the virus is a threat.

The GOP is wanting voting only at the polls because more Democrats are likely not to risk the trip than Republicans. i.e. the GOP is saying they don't care if the kill a few Americans if they think they gain at the polls.

Plus the Republicans have aleways been for making voting more difficult. Democrats have been for making it more convenient.

You have to wonder why Republiucans don't want more people voting.
This is the fucking dumbest excuse ever.
And yet it works on stupid fucks like you. Trump has you having a fit about mail in voting. How Gods damn stupid are you people?
Here is why the Republicans have decided to come out against voting by mail.

Only something like 35% of Republicans think the virus is a threat and 65% of Democrats think the virus is a threat.

The GOP is wanting voting only at the polls because more Democrats are likely not to risk the trip than Republicans. i.e. the GOP is saying they don't care if the kill a few Americans if they think they gain at the polls.

Plus the Republicans have aleways been for making voting more difficult. Democrats have been for making it more convenient.

You have to wonder why Republiucans don't want more people voting.
This is the fucking dumbest excuse ever.
And yet it works on stupid fucks like you. Trump has you having a fit about mail in voting. How Gods damn stupid are you people?
You are one of the dumbest most brainwashed person on this board I doubt very much that your IQ is higher than you age
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
They did in 2000.
No, they did not. Trump tried to disregard military ballots in 2018 though.

28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
They did in 2000.
No, they did not. Trump tried to disregard military ballots in 2018 though.

Yes they did. Gore had them disqualified.
We all know that there are going to be some Democrats cheating in this election. After what we've witnessed in the last 3 years, nothing they do will surprise me.
Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud
Apparently you missed that.
I guess you didnt realize that for the past 3 years President Trump has been accused of Russian Collusion, didnt work, Stormy Daniels, didnt work, Brett Kavanaugh, didnt work, Ukraine meddling didnt work. I know there was voter fraud, for i live in the state the fucking ugly bitch did it in.

Election Fraud in Broward County: Officials Caught Ballot Stuffing, Destroying Ballots | People's Pundit Daily
According to multiple sources and witnesses, Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes and employees are engaging in mass voter fraud in multiple forms.
The election fraud scheme is mutli-pronged and includes destroying ballots selectively and what is traditionally known as ballot-stuffing, or filling in absentee ballots.

“There is no authentic surge,” a source at the Broward County Supervisor of Elections told People’s Pundit Daily. “They’ve been at this [filling out absentee ballots] for days, working 4 to 5 employees some 16 hours a day each. There’s no telling how many ballots we are talking about. As many as they can each write in 16 hours a piece.”

Fucking worthless liberals, have no honor, no morals and no integrity. The way this shit keeps up soon liberals wont have a life.
Civil War Part Two. This time we wont take prisoners.....
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
They did in 2000.
No, they did not. Trump tried to disregard military ballots in 2018 though.

Yes they did. Gore had them disqualified.
Your memory is flawed. 2000 United States presidential election recount in Florida - Wikipedia

  • On November 8, Florida Division of Elections staff prepared a press release for Secretary of State Katherine Harris that said overseas ballots must be "postmarked or signed and dated" by Election Day. It was never released.[4]:16 Harris did send out a letter saying that absentee ballots without postmarks must be discarded, but Florida's Attorney General subsequently said they should not be.[27] On November 13, Harris issued her first statement on overseas ballots, saying that they had to be "executed" on or before Election Day, not "postmarked on or prior to" Election Day.[4]:18 Over Thanksgiving, 14 county boards decided to include 288 overseas ballots that had been rejected days earlier, an act that was dubbed the Thanksgiving stuffing.[28]

  • On November 14, Democratic lawyer Mark Herron authored a memo on how to challenge flawed ballots, including overseas ballots cast by members of the military. The Herron memo gave postmark and "point of origin" criteria that Herron maintained could be used to challenge overseas ballots. It was in line with a letter sent out by Harris stating that if a postmark was not present on an overseas ballot, it had to be thrown out. Meanwhile, Republicans relied on their own 52-page manual for the same purpose.[13][28] But on November 19, Democratic vice-presidential candidate Senator Joseph I. Lieberman appeared on Meet the Press and said that election officials should give the "benefit of the doubt" to military voters rather than disqualifying any overseas ballots that lacked required postmarks or witness signatures. Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth, a Gore supporter, later told the counties to reconsider those ballots without a postmark.[29] Before that, the Democrats had pursued a strategy of persuading counties to strictly enforce postmark requirements by disqualifying illegal ballots from overseas, which were predominantly for Bush.[30] In contrast, Republicans pursued a strategy of disqualifying overseas ballots in counties that favored Gore and pressuring elections officials to include flawed overseas ballots in Bush counties.[28]

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