NO to all mail in ballots for this election

voter id mail.jpg
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh
But it works.
Yes but to vote in America you need to show up prove it’s you and make your mark.
We all know that there are going to be some Democrats cheating in this election. After what we've witnessed in the last 3 years, nothing they do will surprise me.

It looks like theGOP cheats quite a bit
If you can stand in line to buy liquor and food, you can stand in line to vote.

You can also have booze delivered. The same should be done for voting
Not a single person can explain how voting in person is dangerous, not one. Those who think otherwise are short-sighted and couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag.

Let's be honest, even you PROGS should try it, for a change. The ONLY reason they & Democrats support electronic voting is because it suits the laziest & least responsible among us, and invites fraud. And they know both instances support the Demonicrats.
We all know that there are going to be some Democrats cheating in this election. After what we've witnessed in the last 3 years, nothing they do will surprise me.

It looks like theGOP cheats quite a bit
If you can stand in line to buy liquor and food, you can stand in line to vote.

You can also have booze delivered. The same should be done for voting
Nope. Show up and prove you're a citizen.
I am a conservative and would like to explore mail-in or remote voting in the Federal Elections. We already do it with absentee ballots and military voting. However, I am concerned about opening up remote voting due to lack of visibility and controls in the process. With the majority of votes taking place in-person, we already struggle with vulnerabilities that threaten the integrity of a vote and open the doors to oppression. Take the 2000 Elections for example. The military vote from Florida was oppressed due to a minute technicality on votes needing to be postmarked vs. arriving on time. Has that provision been updated or, has it even been enforced; that is, have votes not postmarked been disqualified in subsequent elections?

Democrats are pushing this real hard; to the point they are willing to hold back money and aid to suffering Americans who have lost their livelihood.

I’m open to remote voting and would like the convenience of voting from my home; but not at the price of opening up new risks and vulnerabilities that could compromise my vote or any other vote of an eligible US Citizen.
We all know that there are going to be some Democrats cheating in this election. After what we've witnessed in the last 3 years, nothing they do will surprise me.

It looks like theGOP cheats quite a bit
If you can stand in line to buy liquor and food, you can stand in line to vote.

You can also have booze delivered. The same should be done for voting
Nope. Show up and prove you're a citizen.
Good enough for the military; good enough for everyone else
well i know the kind of carrier you speak of.....every station has at least one.....i hated going on vacation knowing this type of carrier would be on my route....

And, of course, they can't be fired for years (if at all), because they work for the government! Incompetence uber alles!
i have seen 15 to 20 fired in my time much for that myth....
whats the matter jar.....cant except the truth?....or do you have more experience in the PO than i do?....lets hear it....
just as i thought....nothing.....pussy....
Here is why the Republicans have decided to come out against voting by mail.

Only something like 35% of Republicans think the virus is a threat and 65% of Democrats think the virus is a threat.

The GOP is wanting voting only at the polls because more Democrats are likely not to risk the trip than Republicans. i.e. the GOP is saying they don't care if the kill a few Americans if they think they gain at the polls.

Plus the Republicans have aleways been for making voting more difficult. Democrats have been for making it more convenient.

You have to wonder why Republiucans don't want more people voting.
This is the fucking dumbest excuse ever.
And yet it works on stupid fucks like you. Trump has you having a fit about mail in voting. How Gods damn stupid are you people?
You are one of the dumbest most brainwashed person on this board I doubt very much that your IQ is higher than you age

You are far too kind to RealDumb.
I see you dumbasses stick together

It appears you have a low-class definition of education. have proven what I wrote.
If only we could compare educations.......

"If only we could compare educations....... "

Happy to.

In fact, you might sing along with me to my alma mater fight song:

Now....did clown college have a fight song????

This is the internet. You can claim anything you want
First of all they don't do mail in ballots the way that some democrats are wanting to do.
Are there different methods?


Ballots did not "go missing". They were requested and not used.
I take it you are unfamiliar wth the way our government has worked for more then 200 years. Checks get sent to dead people all the time. Checks and other materials are sent to old addresses.
Considering human nature it is not beyond the realm of possibility that someone or a number of people might use those ballots to do what they consider to get the right person elected.

If we did not have things like the hanging chad, the finding ballot boxes on loading docks, or people stuffing ballot boxes or any of the other things you hear about I would have no problem with everyone doing mail in or Internet voting.

To claim that a small portion of our eleigible population votes by mail in means it will be perfectly fine to do it wholesale.
Let put it in easy to understand form. Just because four of the people you know has never killed someone it does not mean that there is not nor ever will be someone murdered.

They know who votes. They can look & see if these dead or moved people voted. If this was rampant voter fraud, we would know it.
So, since all this fraud you claim happened while voting at the polls, we should quit going to the polls & vote by mail. Rigvht.
We all know that there are going to be some Democrats cheating in this election. After what we've witnessed in the last 3 years, nothing they do will surprise me.

It looks like theGOP cheats quite a bit
If you can stand in line to buy liquor and food, you can stand in line to vote.

You can also have booze delivered. The same should be done for voting
Nope. Show up and prove you're a citizen.
Good enough for the military; good enough for everyone else
Nope. The military is doing a job and has no choice. Get off your lazy ass and go vote like citizens have been doing for over 200 years.
We all know that there are going to be some Democrats cheating in this election. After what we've witnessed in the last 3 years, nothing they do will surprise me.

It looks like theGOP cheats quite a bit
If you can stand in line to buy liquor and food, you can stand in line to vote.

You can also have booze delivered. The same should be done for voting
Nope. Show up and prove you're a citizen.
Good enough for the military; good enough for everyone else
Nope. The military is doing a job and has no choice. Get off your lazy ass and go vote like citizens have been doing for over 200 years.
So, you get to the polling place & there is a gas leak, do you still go in to vote?
First of all they don't do mail in ballots the way that some democrats are wanting to do.
Are there different methods?


Ballots did not "go missing". They were requested and not used.
I take it you are unfamiliar wth the way our government has worked for more then 200 years. Checks get sent to dead people all the time. Checks and other materials are sent to old addresses.
Considering human nature it is not beyond the realm of possibility that someone or a number of people might use those ballots to do what they consider to get the right person elected.

If we did not have things like the hanging chad, the finding ballot boxes on loading docks, or people stuffing ballot boxes or any of the other things you hear about I would have no problem with everyone doing mail in or Internet voting.

To claim that a small portion of our eleigible population votes by mail in means it will be perfectly fine to do it wholesale.
Let put it in easy to understand form. Just because four of the people you know has never killed someone it does not mean that there is not nor ever will be someone murdered.

They know who votes. They can look & see if these dead or moved people voted. If this was rampant voter fraud, we would know it.
So, since all this fraud you claim happened while voting at the polls, we should quit going to the polls & vote by mail. Rigvht.
I agree that when you go to the polls they know who is voting. Very good.
Can you guarantee that it won't happen on mail in votes? You do realize that the government just sent out checks to people that are not even in this country? That they deposited thousands of dollars to one account?
I realize that the hanging chad in Florida might have been before your time.

If you can come up with a way to be sure that only those that are supposed to vote vote. That every vote is only counted once. And every vote that is cast gets counted then let's here it. Let everyone hear your ideas.
We all know that there are going to be some Democrats cheating in this election. After what we've witnessed in the last 3 years, nothing they do will surprise me.

It looks like theGOP cheats quite a bit
If you can stand in line to buy liquor and food, you can stand in line to vote.

You can also have booze delivered. The same should be done for voting
Nope. Show up and prove you're a citizen.
Good enough for the military; good enough for everyone else
Nope. The military is doing a job and has no choice. Get off your lazy ass and go vote like citizens have been doing for over 200 years.
So, you get to the polling place & there is a gas leak, do you still go in to vote?
Nope. I send you in with a torch to find it.
I am a conservative and would like to explore mail-in or remote voting in the Federal Elections. We already do it with absentee ballots and military voting. However, I am concerned about opening up remote voting due to lack of visibility and controls in the process. With the majority of votes taking place in-person, we already struggle with vulnerabilities that threaten the integrity of a vote and open the doors to oppression. Take the 2000 Elections for example. The military vote from Florida was oppressed due to a minute technicality on votes needing to be postmarked vs. arriving on time. Has that provision been updated or, has it even been enforced; that is, have votes not postmarked been disqualified in subsequent elections?

Democrats are pushing this real hard; to the point they are willing to hold back money and aid to suffering Americans who have lost their livelihood.

I’m open to remote voting and would like the convenience of voting from my home; but not at the price of opening up new risks and vulnerabilities that could compromise my vote or any other vote of an eligible US Citizen.
Don't know if you rember the hanging chad nonsense in Florida.
Just recently the government sent thousands of dollars to one account, it migh have been a million I don't remember the amount. They also just sent checks to people that don't even live in the country.
There was a story during the last election, I think, in Florida of ballots being found on a loading dock where they should not have been. The head of the voting commission had to resign or be fired.

If we can not get even these simple things right I don't feel comfortable that we can get mail in or Internet voting right.
Here is why the Republicans have decided to come out against voting by mail.

Only something like 35% of Republicans think the virus is a threat and 65% of Democrats think the virus is a threat.

The GOP is wanting voting only at the polls because more Democrats are likely not to risk the trip than Republicans. i.e. the GOP is saying they don't care if the kill a few Americans if they think they gain at the polls.

Plus the Republicans have aleways been for making voting more difficult. Democrats have been for making it more convenient.

You have to wonder why Republiucans don't want more people voting.
This is the fucking dumbest excuse ever.
And yet it works on stupid fucks like you. Trump has you having a fit about mail in voting. How Gods damn stupid are you people?
You are one of the dumbest most brainwashed person on this board I doubt very much that your IQ is higher than you age

You are far too kind to RealDumb.
I see you dumbasses stick together

It appears you have a low-class definition of education. have proven what I wrote.
If only we could compare educations.......

"If only we could compare educations....... "

Happy to.

In fact, you might sing along with me to my alma mater fight song:

Now....did clown college have a fight song????

This is the internet. You can claim anything you want

And you do all the time. no matter how off the wall it is
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

So the military personnel stationed overseas or on ships at sea lose their right to vote?
You don’t make sense. Are you comparing military personnel overseas to people that live next to a voting booth? Huh

Once again, you try to invent what I say. Sad.

But if voting by mail is eliminated the military and anyone working away from home loses their ability to vote.

And given the continuing expectation of social distancing, voting by mail wouldn't be a bad way to go.
Omg your slow

Do you mean slow as in stupid? Or slow as in you had to wait too long for my reply?
The president get special privilege, he gets Secret Service protection do you think every American should get Secret Service protection? Asking for a friend
Not a single person can explain how voting in person is dangerous, not one. Those who think otherwise are short-sighted and couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag.

Let's be honest, even you PROGS should try it, for a change. The ONLY reason they & Democrats support electronic voting is because it suits the laziest & least responsible among us, and invites fraud. And they know both instances support the Demonicrats.

Oh I'm sorry, I must have missed the time that the new requirement for making voting more accessible is "Well doing it in person is dangerous". Look here my man, Voting is something that should always be made easier to do, on the contrary it should be that voting by mail is actually more dangerous that would make it not a thing.

But it's not more dangerous to vote by mail, Fraud isn't a real thing, people keep posting it over and over so many damned links and yet here we still sit with I'm assuming illiterate gasbags harping on it over and over. As if normal folks are just waiting for that one ballot to show up unwarranted at their door to commit voter fraud....or that it won't be caught. Anyway...

Lazy, Least responsible does not matter you elitist prick, It;s their right to vote. Last time I checked there isn't some threshold for productivity that qualifies you to vote. Voting Should ALWAYS be made easier for everyone, especially when the only counter argument you can muster is some outright disproven voter fraud horseshit.

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