NO to all mail in ballots for this election

I will vote in person, virus be damned.
The mail carrier always gives us the neighbors mail, why the hell would I trust the Postal Service with something important?
he always does? honest now.....
Ok. At least once a week. Feller is a little dyslexic. Two days ago the neighbor across the street. The week before several houses down. Many times the same house number a quarter mile away, but enough to set a trend and still make my point valid.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.
Yes to mail in voting – yes to internet voting.

No to rightwing voter suppression.
Only people who has voter suppression is the Democrats, who have illegals, pets and dead people voting, which then suppresses the real votes that count. No to mail in, no to internet. one ID card, one vote, vote more than once, no jail, off with their heads...
I will vote in person, virus be damned.
The mail carrier always gives us the neighbors mail, why the hell would I trust the Postal Service with something important?
he always does? honest now.....
Ok. At least once a week. Feller is a little dyslexic. Two days ago the neighbor across the street. The week before several houses down. Many times the same house number a quarter mile away, but enough to set a trend and still make my point valid.
well i know the kind of carrier you speak of.....every station has at least one.....i hated going on vacation knowing this type of carrier would be on my route....
I will vote in person, virus be damned.
The mail carrier always gives us the neighbors mail, why the hell would I trust the Postal Service with something important?

The USPS is not to be trusted.
I ordered some fish sauce to make Pho and they said it was delivered and in the lock box by the mail boxes.
Fuken liars,it showed up the next day.
Your neighbor stole it
It has been my experience that so far our state's present mail-in system has been more accurate than the ballot box in keeping track of my eligibility and counting my vote.

The right’s unwarranted opposition to voting by mail has nothing to with baseless fears of ‘corruption,’ and everything to do with Republicans losing when citizens exercise their right to vote.

Most of the American population is so stupid, immoral, disinterested or have no investment in the nation that they should not have the Right to vote.
The right’s unwarranted opposition to voting by mail has nothing to with baseless fears of ‘corruption,’ and everything to do with Republicans losing when citizens exercise their right to vote.

Most of the American population is so stupid, immoral, disinterested or have no investment in the nation that they should not have the Right to vote.
and of course you belong in the group that should vote....right?....
6 months before the election seems a little late for the voter fraud morons - they usually crank it up the day after the last election .
What is the only solution to imaginary voter fraud?

Don’t allow anyone to vote

Not quite.

Don't allow democrats to vote. They want republicans to vote. Just not democrats. That's why they've worked for so long to prevent democrats from voting.
At least with mail in voting we have a paper trail , which republicans do not want!!
Why is there no paper trail with voting in person? When I vote I take the paper ballot and after I have made my choices I drop it in the ballot box. So no paper trail is just another Democratic lie
The report said the number of Americans expected to cast votes through paperless machines is down from 20 percent in 2016, when 14 states used some form of paperless voting machines.
So its not a democratic lie.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.
Yes to mail in voting – yes to internet voting.

No to rightwing voter suppression.
Only people who has voter suppression is the Democrats, who have illegals, pets and dead people voting, which then suppresses the real votes that count. No to mail in, no to internet. one ID card, one vote, vote more than once, no jail, off with their heads...
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

The right’s unwarranted opposition to voting by mail has nothing to with baseless fears of ‘corruption,’ and everything to do with Republicans losing when citizens exercise their right to vote.
So are you saying that the left is too lazy to leave the house to vote or are you claiming that mail in would be easier for democrats to get more of the dead vote
The "lefty" recognizes the threat of COVID-19. Republicans Are too fucking stupid
If you can go to the grocery store, you can go to the polling station.
This is the fucking dumbest excuse ever.
So explain to me why it is more dangerous to go to a polling station than to a grocery store? Are you that afraid to come out of your house?

How about you assfucks shove this "afraid" bullshit up your ass.

Going to the grocery is a risk. Going to the poll likely a higher risk.

To lower my risk, I get most of my food through pick up services,. I already voted by mail.

If you stupid sssfucks want gto run around in public biktching about wearing a mask, go for it. Get the virus & spread it to your Trumpette friends. Maybe you can actually die of ignorance you stupid fuck.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics If people can stand in line at walmart, or lowes you can stand in line to vote mail order can be a being so corrupt. Look what happened in miami that lady shredded how many ballots because it wasnt for canidate.

The right’s unwarranted opposition to voting by mail has nothing to with baseless fears of ‘corruption,’ and everything to do with Republicans losing when citizens exercise their right to vote.
So are you saying that the left is too lazy to leave the house to vote or are you claiming that mail in would be easier for democrats to get more of the dead vote
The "lefty" recognizes the threat of COVID-19. Republicans Are too fucking stupid
And yet it does not affect the democrats dead vote. Why is that?
well i know the kind of carrier you speak of.....every station has at least one.....i hated going on vacation knowing this type of carrier would be on my route....

And, of course, they can't be fired for years (if at all), because they work for the government! Incompetence uber alles!

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