No US War for Israel. Remember the USS Liberty

The only strategic result of supporting Israel is that everyone is disgusted with us and we end up running up huge deficits to support them.
The existence of Israel harms us because Israel is in violation of the inherent right of local autonomy.
By supporting Israel, we declare ourselves to be illegal colonial imperialists still.
Israel is an illegal foreign puppet government we artificially created.
We created the UN in order to create Israel, but now Israel is so in violation of the UN rules, that Israel has caused the UN to become useless.
So Israel is likely to cause WWIII, if we have not already caused it in the Ukraine.
Total tripe.
STFU you moron.

Why do you keep supporting a Zionist agenda which is so clearly illegal and immoral?
I am Jewish, and it is the responsibility of all Jews to end criminal abuses like what Netanyahu and those like Menachim Begin are guilty of.
There is no reason for Israel to exist.
Jews would be much better off letting majority rule.
If Israel had simply followed the 1948 UN rulings, I would still not like Israel for the crimes they committed before then.
But all the tens of thousands of innocent civilians Israel has murdered since then, and well of the thousands of homes they have illegally confiscated, make Israel the biggest war criminals in all of history.
Like invading Jerusalem, when clearly Jerusalem is on the Arab side of the UN partition.
Any Israeli occupation of Jerusalem is totally criminal.
I am starting to think that you are an unhinged anti-Semite. It is amazing how many of you disgusting blood-thirsty pigs slither out of the woodwork and there is an attack on the Jewish state.
The facts are against you.
Zionist have a long history of massacring Arabs, like the King David Hotel, Dier Yassin, etc.
The 1967 war clearly was an illegal offense.
Ras Sedr massacre was a mass murder of dozens of Egyptian prisoners of war that took place immediately after a paratrooper unit of the Israel Defense Forces conquered Ras Sedr (also known as Ras Sudr) on 8 June 1967 during the Six-Day War.[1]

In June 2000, Egypt's Al-Wafd newspaper reported that a mass grave was discovered in Ras Sedr, containing remains of 52 prisoners killed by Israeli paratroopers during the war, who had killed the surrendered unit. The report said that some skulls had bullet holes in them, indicating execution.[2][3] Initial reports in Israeli newspaper Haaretz[4] were censored.

In April 2009, Haaretz reported that Israeli television director Ram Loevy had heard about the massacre shortly after the war, from fellow paratroopers in his unit. After testifying in Metzah, he was removed from the unit.[5] Another claim detailed two cases of killings at the location, which happened in 1956 and 1967, respectively.[6] A report has detailed confessions of Israeli officers who witnessed the act and this included an admission that the Red Sedr massacre was one of the three collective massacres perpetrated under the direction of Brigadier-General in reserve, Arieh Biroh (also Arye Biro), during the 1956 War and the Six-Day War of 1967.[7] The other two included the killings at the quarry near the Mitla Pass in Sinai and the killing of escaping Egyptian officers by the 890 regiment at Sharm El-Sheikh.[7]

After his retirement, Biroh admitted to killing 49 Egyptian prisoners of war in the Sinai in interviews.[8]

USS Liberty incident​

James Bamford, an author that has extensively chronicled the history and operations of the National Security Agency, posits that the massacre may have served as a casus belli for the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Bamford theorizes that the Israeli Defense Forces were concerned that the USS Liberty, a signals intelligence collection ship, may have collected evidence of the massacre and was thus attacked in an effort to suppress the evidence.[9][10][11][12][13][14]

The mass murder of surrendered Egyptian soldiers has been admitted to.
It could be a hunderd years old and the truth will finally get out.

- perfectly clear day, Liberty had two huge American flags flying unfurled you could see for miles.

- Israeli recon planes flew over it all morning, pilots and sailors even waved at each other

- Israel attacked for 2 hours with rockets, cannon, napalm and then even a torpedo boat

- One Israeli pilot refused orders, arrested on landing

- The plan was to sink the ship with all witnesses and blame it on Egypt, which Israel was at war with. This would have dragged US directly into the war

The only reason the ship did not sink was the incredible heroism of the American sailors, fighting fires and ship damages while wounded and tending to worse wounded, tying up veins and applying torniquets while handling fire extinguishers. The decks were slippey with blood.

Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

"I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have flown over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of hours, searching for ships and identifying all types of ships at sea."

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You've never heard of a ship flying a false flag? It's a common strategy in naval warfare, in both WWI and WWII German raiders flew false flags and used neutral identities to avoid interception. Graf Spee even had a false funnel built so they could masquerade as a neutral warship.
The Liberty was a WWII built Victory ship, along with the Liberty ships, the most common tramp freighter of the late 20th century. Any country could buy one and fly American flags.
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Why do you keep supporting a Zionist agenda which is so clearly illegal and immoral?
I am Jewish, and it is the responsibility of all Jews to end criminal abuses like what Netanyahu and those like Menachim Begin are guilty of.
There is no reason for Israel to exist.
Jews would be much better off letting majority rule.
Over 800, and rising, Jews have just been mass murdered on their own homeland. How dare you come here expressing that shit right now, you fucking degenerate pig!
friendly fire my ass..they knew they were bombing an american vessel but you opt to believe a foreign gov over the men of the uss liberty
Why don’t you believe it was an accident? Accidents like this happens frequently in war. What would Israel have to gain by sinking one of our ships?
Why do you keep supporting a Zionist agenda which is so clearly illegal and immoral?
I am Jewish, and it is the responsibility of all Jews to end criminal abuses like what Netanyahu and those like Menachim Begin are guilty of.
There is no reason for Israel to exist.
Jews would be much better off letting majority rule.
STFU you moron. What don’t you understand about that. There is no reason for you to exist yet you do. Such is life.
Why do you keep supporting a Zionist agenda which is so clearly illegal and immoral?
I am Jewish, and it is the responsibility of all Jews to end criminal abuses like what Netanyahu and those like Menachim Begin are guilty of.
There is no reason for Israel to exist.
Jews would be much better off letting majority rule.
Very well said, Rigby! :th_thgoodpost: The best is for Jews to rule Israel but if it's illegal Zionists ....... out!
Why do you keep supporting a Zionist agenda which is so clearly illegal and immoral?
I am Jewish, and it is the responsibility of all Jews to end criminal abuses like what Netanyahu and those like Menachim Begin are guilty of.
There is no reason for Israel to exist.
Jews would be much better off letting majority rule.
You’re a Nazi supporting prick

USS Liberty incident
James Bamford, an author that has extensively chronicled the history and operations of the National Security Agency, posits that the massacre may have served as a casus belli for the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Bamford theorizes that the Israeli Defense Forces were concerned that the USS Liberty, a signals intelligence collection ship, may have collected evidence of the massacre and was thus attacked in an effort to suppress the evidence.[9][10][11][12][13][14]

The mass murder of surrendered Egyptian soldiers has been admitted to.

Since I did in the Army what those guys aboard the Liberty did and was in the military at the same time I have always been interested in the incident. I have probably read everything that has ever been written about it, including Bamford's book.

I was also on duty the day the Israelis attacked the ship and was in the relay loop to DIRNSA. I saw the dispatches from the Liberty as they were happening. However, I don't have any special knowledge of anything that hasn't already been publicly reported.

At this time in history the US with the Cold War going on was trying to stay somewhat even handed in the Middle East lest the Arabs be driven into the Soviet camp. There was no strong alliance with the Israelis like we have today.

The Liberty's job was to provide intelligence on the war to relay to NSA and on to the Pentagon and President.

At the time of the attack the Israelis were making tremendous advances on the Egyptians. The Israelis did not want the US to know how bad the rout was lest we put pressure on them to let the Egyptians save face. The Israelis wanted to totally defeat the Arab forces and the US could hinder that goal.

The attack was deliberate and the Israelis lied about it.

However, the real traitorous act was LBJ allowing the Israelis to get away with it. He covered up for them. The reason he did it was because the pro Israel lobby in the US was a powerful force and a big contributor to the Democrat Party. He wasn't going to upset that gravy train.

From that time on both political parties have supported kissing the ass of the Israelis even when it was against the interest of the US. God only knows how much money we have given the sonofabitches over the decades.

They had a real nice scam going on. They Israelis would offer to buy American military weapon systems like the F-16s or whatever. Then Congress would guarantee the loan to buy the weapons. Later, the AIPAC would throw money to members of Congress and magically an appropriation bill that would have an amendment that the loan be forgiven so the bastards got the weapons for free.
Since I did in the Army what those guys aboard the Liberty did and was in the military at the same time I have always been interested in the incident. I have probably read everything that has ever been written about it, including Bamford's book.

I was also on duty the day the Israelis attacked the ship ...
I was in the Central Highlands at the time.
I spent 1967 in Germany with the 17th ASA Field Station on the Fulda Gap but 1968 and 1969 with the 509th RRG in Vietnam.
When the news hit I was getting short in the Nam (Army) and I didn't know if I was going home or to the Middle East.

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